
Pork soda

2 posters
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

Ruìsāng was the reigning champion of making a statement on a shoestring budget. A testament that charisma knew no price tag. Today, he sported snug black jeans paired with a button-up shirt in deep burgundy, sleeves casually rolled just below the elbows. Over this, he wore a black leather jacket, sleeves pushed up to reveal one bare arm and another wrapped in bandages. His platinum-blond hair was haphazardly bundled into a messy ponytail, clearly done just minutes ago.

But today, he hadn’t dressed up for his friend. No, dear Arceus, not at all. Ending his boring date early had left him with a free afternoon, so he decided to grace his friend’s doorstep instead, bearing a peace offering in the form of a vodka bottle. It was Friday, after all, a night meant for… well, fun.

With a bit of effort, juggling his phone with his lone free hand, he fired off a quick message before raising the vodka bottle theatrically, capturing the moment in a snapshot. He sent the image Alastor’s way.

Come drink, cunt
[ picture of bottle of vodka held in front of Alastor’s door ]

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Alastor Linden
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 109
Alastor LindenBlessed by ????
He was just on his way back from school. Having gotten another history paper due next week about the history of the rock genre he had sighed loudly. So much work still had to be done and he constantly found himself with less time to work on his own projects. A shame, but he knew that he somewhat needed this degree... Right? Even if he was already established, or somewhat, in the industry.

Being dressed in skinny jeans which was ripped in some places for aesthetic reasons and a black, tight crop top he had decided to put on a long black coat to keep himself somewhat warm. The top in question was sleeveless, which would normally mean that his skinny arms were bare. However, all thanks to the coat he was properly covered up. He wore a silver belly chain and a heavy black leather belt so that his waist was properly put on display. A plain outfit for him as he had simply finished it off with some silver accessories to finish up the look.

His phone vibrated and he looked up at it. Swiping away some notifications about school and Insta. He opened the message and rolled his eyes, simply sending a thumbs up emoji back to his friend before picking up the pace. Really now... At this hour?

He turned the corner and as expected, he spotted Sang just a bit away from his house. He adjusted his shoulder bag a bit and approached his friend, clearing his throat when he was close enough. "Were you just bored or did something happen?" he asked as he walked past him to unlock the door and keep it open for him to enter. "I think I still have like half a bottle left from last time," he said, closing the door as soon as he friend was inside. He took his coat off and threw it to the side together with his bag before kicking off his shoes.

"Do you want something to eat?" he asked as he walked through to the kitchen and opened the cabinet where they usually kept the beverages. Ah- They still had a few bottles left. A lot of different things actually. Hm. "Yea there's plenty, just take what you want," he said before moving on to the fridge and pulling it open. He wasn't sure what he wanted for himself, so he was just going to have a look first.

Character sheet
Nickname: Alas
Age: 23
Birthday: 06/09/2000
Occupation: Second year music student - Music producer
Sexuality: Homosexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

Ruìsāng chuckled at his friend's eloquent response, then pocketed his phone and absent-mindedly picked at the bandages around his right hand while pressing the bottle between his arm and ribs. Those bandages had been bothering him for a while, but he couldn’t risk showing up at work with a bruised knuckle and teeth marks on his wrist. So, he would have to endure it a little longer.

His gaze lifted slowly when Alastor arrived. Ah, he hadn’t been home. Of course not. When asked if he had been bored or if something happened, Ruìsāng let out a sigh. “Bad date. So definitely bored,” he nodded. It was easy to spend time with his friend. At least that way he had a solid reason not to go home.

Alastor unlocked the door, and Ruìsāng followed him inside, as if he lived there too. When the man mentioned having half a bottle left, Ruìsāng shrugged nonchalantly. “Never too many bottles,” he nodded, his eyes glancing over the label of the bottle in his hand. It was some dark rum he hadn’t yet had the chance to try.

Following Alastor’s lead, he kicked off his shoes and shed his jacket before making his way to the kitchen. Ruìsāng placed the bottle he had been carrying on the kitchen counter.

I’m good, thanks,” he declined when offered something to eat, his tone polite but uninterested. Despite the earlier unfortunate ending, the only highlight of his date had been the food. His focus shifted back to his friend. “So, what have you been up to lately? Fill me in on all the horny details,” he said, half-jokingly, a mischievous grin playing on his lips. One day, he was convinced, his friend would have some interesting stories to share. But today might not be that day.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Alastor Linden
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 109
Alastor LindenBlessed by ????
He looked at his friend for a moment when he spoke of a bad date. So he had been bored. Alastor couldn't help but roll his eyes slightly. Of course. "Can't all be winners," he said softly. Yea. If you were out on the dating scene most of them were either like Ruìsāng or genuine nice guys that wanted a genuine connections. Sadly enough the last types fit into the category of 'nice guy' that held the definition the internet had presented for them. He wanted to ask what it was, but decided that it wasn't the time for that, nor did it really matter to him.

He walked further into the house and his friend did as if it was his home, which in a way, it was. He was always welcome, had even given him a key to his place a few years ago. His parents didn't really care if he was here or not. His mother loved having friends over, as Alastor wasn't the type to have any, beside from Sāng. He heard the blonde announce his love for alcohol and the dark haired man hummed. Good for you buddy.

When standing at the fridge he eventually grabbed an energy drink and kicked the thing shut before walking to another cabinet and pulling out a packet of instant ramen. He really was the pinacle of nutritional food. He put on the kettle to heat up some water and opened the can of monster before he started drinking from it. His first meal of the day, yay.

He looked at his friend when he asked about what he had been doing lately. He turned around and shrugged. "Writing a new song, been on a few dates but it wasn't really anything huge, got almost eaten by a spider, had this one guy approach me about a collab, have a history exam next week," he shrugged. "So the usual," he turned back and poured the water over his noodles, adding the packet of flavour over it and putting something over it so the magic of instant noodles could do it's thing.

He turned back and walked closer to Ruìsāng, he let his hand go to his hair and before he knew it a little spider dude crawled on it. His little spiderdude. He brought his hand up and showed the dark coloured thing to his friend. The little Pokémon started looking up at the other, before happily waving it's little legs. So cute. "Also found this little guy. He's cute right?" he said nodding to him. "I'm calling him Little Buddy, because like, he's little and stuff," original 1000.

Character sheet
Nickname: Alas
Age: 23
Birthday: 06/09/2000
Occupation: Second year music student - Music producer
Sexuality: Homosexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

Considering the numerous dates Ruìsāng had been on, most would be surprised to hear that he had never been in a relationship. It wasn't a conscious choice he made; it was just the way it had to be. He could only imagine trying to hide everything from someone who stuck their nose up his business, or trying to come up with excuses as to why he didn’t want someone else to visit his home. The very idea made him anxious, and he knew he'd run a mile if anyone ever dared to get that close.

As a result, his dates remained shallow, and at the first hint of a potential emotional connection, he'd vanish without a trace. It was a simple solution, even if it meant he often found himself stuck in terrible, boring encounters.

You do know— Never mind,” Ruìsāng sighed in exasperation as Alastor started his infamous Meal á la Alas. Convincing the other to enjoy a proper meal was an impossible task, despite Ruìsāng losing a bit of his soul every time he witnessed Alastor devouring those concoctions. How anyone could call that food was beyond him.

Curiosity piqued, Ruìsāng asked about Alastor's recent activities. Writing a new song, a few dates, almost getting eaten by a spider, and a collaboration—wait— “What?” Ruìsāng's eyes widened in disbelief. Why had Alastor simply walked away like he hadn't just dropped a bombshell? Ruìsāng hurried after his friend, clutching his bottle like a lifeline.

When Alastor showed him the creature, Ruìsāng's expression twisted into one of sheer horror. He instinctively took a step back, nearly losing his balance along with his precious bottle. “Why—” hhe started, holding one hand protectively in front of himself, keeping a safe distance from the spider. Disgusting.  “Did you— Did you steal this from its mother?” Ruìsāng asked, desperately, hoping that wasn’t the case. He had a feeling mother spiders wouldn’t forgive him for that. Didn’t they even eat the male spiders??? What if it’d truly eat Alastor? What would he do then?

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Alastor Linden
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 109
Alastor LindenBlessed by ????
His eyes went over the pot of the water, which started to boil. Nice. He opened the packet and threw it in the water, grabbing a fork and stirring it a bit, even if it wouldn't do anything as it had just been thrown into the pot. He lifted his gaze when Sāng spoke. His eyes going back and forth as he sipped on his monster energy drink. Well yea, he wasn't going to drink on an empty stomach. He had done that once, couldn't remember if it was with his friend or not... Regardless, it hadn't ended very well for him. It had been the first time that had happened and he had always told himself it would be the last too.

Alastor was a master at simply being uncaring about most things happening to him. Having the survival skills of a newborn foal who had quickly learned how to walk but had yet to see and experience what a danger the world truly was. Was he sheltered? Maybe. In his own personal opinion it wasn't really 'sheltered' but more as he was disintrested in everything crazy and brutal, like Pokémon and Pokémon battles. Alastor had one main thing he clung on, and it was music. Everything outside of that wasn't really part of the bigger picture.

So when his friend questioned him, he hadn't even lifted his gaze. Simply stiring the pot again. AFter which he showed him his Pokémon friend, to which Sāng responded quite intensely. He frowned as he looked from his friend to the black spider and back. He asked if he had stolen it from it's mother and Alastor slowly shook his head. "I don't think so," he said calmly. "They looked very different. Buddy is clearly black while the other spider was yellow. They also looked completely different. Buddy is small and the other spider was well... Big," In that very moment Alastor gave away a crucial thing he didn't know; basic Pokémon knowledge. He was estranged to the whole idea and how it worked. But being raised in Cerynia and having parents who never really wanted him to head that way... How else would he know anything about the little critters.

He shrugged and lifted his hand so Buddy could climb on his shoulder. She happily moved around before nestling against his neck. "Buddy is nice though, he loves music and vibes to it as much as I do. There's no need to be scared of him," he assured his friend. Being scared of bug Pokémon was a very common thing that he never really got. They were usually the smaller variant... So... What harm could they really do?

Character sheet
Nickname: Alas
Age: 23
Birthday: 06/09/2000
Occupation: Second year music student - Music producer
Sexuality: Homosexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

Many would wonder why Ruìsāng and Alastor got along so well. Surface-level observations painted them as complete opposites, a fact Ruìsāng was reminded of only when he shot a look at the can of monster energy—his face contorted in disdain. He preferred real food and quality beverages, not the chemical waste fueling Alastor's existence.

Ruìsāng expressed his opinion about the spider and Alastor seemed unbothered, as per usual. Alastor, nonchalant as ever, explained that the larger spider looked nothing like his smaller “buddy”. When he described the arachnid as yellow and big, Ruìsāng couldn’t help but wonder how Alastor had survived with such a lack of basic survival instincts.

You’re serious?” Ruìsāng asked, incredulous yet amused as Alastor continued to talk about his fucking little buddy. “Keep it away from me and we’re good,” he added with a dramatic eye roll. Pulling out his phone, Ruìsāng swiftly googled ‘yellow spider evolution’ (he might know Pokémon, but he wasn’t a walking Pokédex, thank you) and presented the image to Alastor with a furrowed brow. “Was this the spider? Because, seriously, Alastor, if you get eaten and die before me, I’ll throw a fit at your funeral.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
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