
[Journey] Candle in the wind

2 posters
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????
journey card

This is my first attempt in the search for an affinity or pokemon. This is his wishlist:
— Traited Espeon pls geen shiny
— Traited Hattrem
— Psychic Affinity
— Ghost Afffinity
— Or something else~~

Right now he's chilling with his Inteleon at the beach cuz that mon loves water for some reason. But oh noes, there goes his blanky.

Halloween had finally arrived. The city was filled with people dressed up in scary outfits, waiting to go trick-or-treating. For some people it was their favorite time of the year. And yet here Míngzé was, at the beach feeling like he was freezing to death. Maybe tonight he could dress up as a ghost if he stayed here too long.

While Qiān was doing Arceus knows what in the sea, Míngzé sat on the blanket he brought with him, another blanket covering his shoulders. He was rubbing his hands against each other in an attempt to keep them warm. “A few more minutes and then we’re leaving,” he yelled, hoping his pokémon would hear him. Out of his bag he grabbed his thermos, filling a cup with hot coffee. To think that it would get colder still. In a few weeks he wouldn’t want to leave his apartment anymore.

He liked the beach, it was an open space so he did not have to pay too much attention to his surroundings. But the wind was horrible. And it just so happened there was a very strong one. The blanket over his shoulder got pulled away with it. “Shit,” he muttered under his breath as he jumped to his feet. Vaguely he saw the bright red against the sand a bit farther away. Taking careful steps, he made his way to retrieve the blanket.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468

The beach in late autumn exudes tranquility, its once-crowded shores now abandoned by most visitors in the late autumn cold. A lone figure walks in the distance, leading a pack of Houndour. Over the waters, kite surfers catch the last winds of the season, their colorful sails contrasting against the colors of the sky. The beach seems to belong to the Pokémon now, a myriad of creatures going about their business in the deep waters. A small Buneary hops playfully into the hills further up, its fluffy tail disappearing into the shadows. Wingull glide gracefully above the water, their keen eyes scanning for food beneath the surface, while the vast ocean below teems with life, unseen yet deeply felt.

Amidst the scene, you notice a vivid splash of red, a stark contrast against the muted tones of the beach, thinking it to be your blanket. You reach out to pick it up. With a roll of 5, you're momentarily oblivious to the cause for concern, until you grasp it fully, realizing it's nothing like your familiar blanket. The texture is foreign. Before your eyes, a Palossand emerges from the ground, seemingly materializing out of thin air. Its eerie rise is slow and deliberate, reaching its full, towering height.

Good luck.

Character sheet
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Luckily his blanket hadn’t been carried away too far. The wind also calmed down which gave him the chance to get close enough. However this was his cue that they should pack their things and leave soon after. He had enough beach for one day.

With one hand leaning on his leg, Míngzé bent forward and reached for the blanket. He expected the soft warm texture he was used to, but what he felt was something else. It was cold to the touch, like sand drenched in sea water. Had it landed in the water? A deep frown formed itself on his forehead as grabs it. Immediately his eyes widened at the realization. This was not his blanket.

Míngzé let go as fast as he could, staggering back as the thing in front of him moved. No, it not only moved but became bigger. A pokémon, of course he had to encounter a pokémon. He held his hands out in front of him, while making himselfs slightly smaller. “I didn’t realize this spot was taken,” Míngzé said while he kept backing away. He wanted to be nowhere near this thing. Whatever it was.

Casting a swift gaze over his shoulder, he hoped to see Qian. By now the pokémon should’ve left the water, and he had. “Qiān, a little help,” he hissed sharply but not too loud. At least Míngzé thought the blue thing he saw was the pokémon. He would be able to help with his little problem over here. “I’ll be going now,” he said to the little — more like big — problem. He kept taking steps backwards, afraid to turn his back to some unknown pokémon.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468

Your heart races as you sense a sudden shift in the air, a palpable surge of energy that grips the very atmosphere. Just as your gaze darts towards the corner of your eye, expecting to see a familiar sight, you are met with something far more ominous. Instead of the comforting hue of your Inteleon, there is a stark, midnight black—a Shiny Palossand.

Two of these spectral creatures now stand before you, their forms casting eerie shadows on the sand. With an eerie glow in its hollow eyes, the Shiny Palossand weaves an incantation. The very air seems to thicken as it employs the sinister power of Hypnosis, its sand-like particles dancing in a hypnotic pattern.

!! This Palossand is far above your strength and cannot be added to your party; it will remain wild despite the course of your journey.

Character sheet
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

When running into a wild pokémon by accident, try to stay calm and don’t make any harsh movements.

That is what Míngzé was taught. In the past it has helped him a few times, but that was with small city pokémon. This — whatever it was — was not small. His heart was beating hard enough that it felt like it could break out of his chest at any second. Cold sweat ran down his spine, but he stayed calm, moved slowly even when his body told him to run. Qiān was right there. Everything was going to be fi—

His first thought was that the sun had disappeared behind the clouds and that he saw a large black mist because of it. Wishful thinking. Where his heart first tried to bust out of his chest, it almost felt like it was skipping beats. “Fuck. Qiān!“ he yelled, not caring about his lessons. Míngzé looked over his shoulders, trying to find a way out of this, but with these two creatures blocking his path and the sea at the other side, he couldn’t go far.

Desperately he looked around, but his attention got caught by the wrong thing. Míngzé was always attracted by lights. They were pleasant to the eye, often appearing very pretty. But this time it was different and the realization came too late. He could feel his limbs getting tired as it became difficult to keep his eyes open. Forcing his legs to keep moving, he managed to turn around at last turning his back to the two pokémon.

He had— to get—

The fight was lost before it even started. His legs failed him and he fell face first in the sand.

Luckily for him, Qiān had heard his last distress call. He stood there, quickly analyzing the situation before shooting strong blasts of water straight at the two pokémon, aiming for a couple of their weak spots. This way he hoped to create a distraction that would hopefully be enough. While he knew how to fight, he was by no means trained extremely well and had to rely on his own intelligence. Using acrobatics he tried to quickly get to Míngzé before it was too late.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468

Try as you might to resist, the mesmerizing rhythm of the Shiny Palossand's power lulls your senses into a drowsy submission. Your eyelids grow heavy, your movements sluggish, and you find yourself succumbing to the hypnotic trance, slipping into a deep slumber.

In your dreams, the world twists and contorts, mirroring the bizarre reality you face. Shadows dance, and the Palossand's haunting whispers echo in the recesses of your mind. With an 8, you struggle to regain control of your senses, your mind clouded by the Hypnosis. The dream world spins around you, and your limbs feel heavy as if weighed down by invisible chains. You fail to wake up.

Meanwhile, as the powerful jets of water collide with the Palossand, they emit ghastly cries, momentarily disrupted from their sinister incantation. The distraction provides a brief window of opportunity. With a burst of speed, Qiān, your loyal Inteleon, darts towards you.

But it's too late.

With a 19, the shock of the Psychic attack jolts you awake, the world transitioning abruptly from the surreal dreamscape to the cold reality of the ocean.

Disoriented and gasping for air, you realize you've been hurled into the water, far from the reach of the menacing Palossand. You attempt to swim back to the surface. However, a powerful current grips you like a vice, pulling you downwards with relentless force. The salty water engulfs you, and your limbs flail against the invisible hands that drag you deeper into the ocean's depths.

Character sheet
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

What he noticed first was the cold air brushing against his skin. It felt like ice. While his eyelids felt heavy still, he managed to force his eyes open. Something was wrong, but his mind was still foggy and he did not realize the ground underneath him had disappeared. Wait. The ground was gone. And was he fl—

Míngzé hit the water before he could even finish his thought. The impact caused him to immediately get submerged. His eyes flew open, the salty water immediately burning them. Water surrounded him from everywhere and his lungs desperately told him to grasp for air, but he couldn’t. He couldn’t. What was up, what was down? He had no idea. Panic had taken hold of him, which made it impossible to think clearly.

His legs were kicking the water and his hands clawing, desperately trying to swim to the surface. But it was no use. No matter how hard he kicked, he only got pulled deeper. And deeper. Again he opened his eyes automatically, but there was nothing. Only an endless darkness.

This couldn’t be it. It couldn’t be. He had to swim. He needed air.

Qiān didn’t waste any time when he saw Míngzé flying through the air straight for the sea. Those two Palossand could wait. He did not have the strength to fight both of them at the same time and be fast enough to save Míngzé. Qiān went through his knees before jumping high in the air and spread his arms. That way he could quickly glide towards the sea and hopefully find him just as fast.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468

As you struggle against the relentless pull of the current, your senses are heightened, and you become acutely aware of the haunting lights flickering in the water around you. The ethereal glow dances before your eyes, casting an eerie, mesmerizing ambiance. At first, they seem like distant stars, beckoning you towards an otherworldly realm.

The lights, however, draw nearer, revealing themselves as ghostly, translucent figures. Their forms are both captivating and unsettling, their tendrils resembling flowing robes as they sway in the underwater current. A sense of both dread and fascination washes over you as you realize these haunting lights are not stars but living entities.

Your lungs ache for air, the saltwater stinging your throat, and the pressure in your chest intensifies with each passing moment. The water affinity seeps into your very being, mingling with your essence. It's a strange sensation, the fluidity of the ocean becoming a part of you, merging with your consciousness. You can feel it in your fingertips, in the rhythm of your heartbeat, and in the rise and fall of your chest.

The decision looms before you, a pivotal moment in the midst of your struggle. Do you allow the water affinity to permeate every fiber of your being, accepting its embrace and becoming one with the ocean? Yet, with this acceptance comes a stark warning: once you embrace the water affinity, you can never gain another elemental connection. The decision would mark you for life, binding your essence to the ocean's depths, forever forsaking the possibility of another affinity.

The lights flicker with a hypnotic allure, and the world around you seems to blur. The choice is yours, a defining moment in the depths of the ocean. Do you allow the water's essence to become a part of you, embracing the affinity that calls to you, or do you resist, clinging to the surface world and the potential for other connections that lie beyond? The haunting lights pulse, awaiting your decision, as you teeter on the precipice of transformation.

Character sheet
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

In this endless ocean of darkness, it was almost calming to see light emerging. Míngzé had no idea what they were. Maybe a rescuer? No, more like stars. Or no— as they came closer, it became clearer they were no stars but some kind of pokémon. Although there was no time to get a good look at them.

The feeling of drowning ebbed away, making room for something different. Something he has never experienced before. It was as if he did not have to fear the ocean anymore, because this was him. For a moment his body wanted to lean into this feeling, to accept this. His burning lungs yearning for this pain to end. In that moment it even felt right. It would be so easy to embrace it.

But the mind had a will of its own and the temptation was quickly overruled. Míngzé did not want this. He wanted to scream as he fought back against this strange sensation that wanted to change him. Opening his mouth had been a mistake as he could taste the salty seawater immediately. He wanted to spit it out, only for more water to fill his mouth. The looming threat made him more aware of what was happening.

Those lights were still there when he opened his eyes against better judgment, tempting him. Without exactly knowing how far away they were, he flailed his arms at them, trying to make them disappear. Or was it simply the panic that had now full control over his body? His arms and legs were going everywhere in a desperate attempt to get him away from here. The pressure on his chest made it feel as if it was ready to burst. Every second his arms and legs would feel more heavy.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468

In the suffocating embrace of the ocean's depths, your senses drown in a chilling cocktail of cold, pressure, and overwhelming despair. The world around you dissolves into a nightmarish haze. Your feeble attempts to resist the encroaching void result in convulsions, your weakening body echoing with the morbid drumbeat of your fading existence. The ghostly figures linger just beyond your grasp. They seem to anticipate your surrender, waiting for your final moment of capitulation.

As hope slips away, a sudden jolt courses through your being. The ghost affinity, an elusive and ominous force, caresses your essence like a phantom breeze. Initially, it feels like a shiver, a fleeting touch that electrifies your senses before enveloping you in a cocoon of peculiar warmth and bone-chilling cold, life and death merging in a haunting embrace.

Then, it reaches deeper, attempting to settle into your very soul, offering a chance at survival. It presents itself as an enigmatic entity, shrouded in mystery, both terrifying and alluring. The question looms in the waterlogged air, a haunting refrain that reverberates in your mind: Will you allow this eerie force to seep into your fingertips, merging with your essence and dragging you from the ocean's suffocating depths?

The ghost affinity promises escape, the flicker of life amidst impending demise. Yet, its bargain is clear and ominous—once embraced, it forever seals the possibility of another elemental connection. It's your sole tether to the world, but at what cost? It is not a benevolent savior; it's a sinister essence thriving in shadows, weaving illusions that blur the line between reality and nightmare.

Your fingertips tingle, brushing the fringes of the ghostly figures. Their energy seeps into your very being, your body a vessel teetering on the precipice of fate.

Do you surrender, allowing this enigmatic force to claim you, granting a second chance at life amidst its darkness? Or do you resist, clinging to the tatters of your former existence, and brave the unknown fate awaiting you in the unfathomable depths?

Character sheet
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

More and more water filled his lungs and he could no longer do anything to prevent it. His body was trying everything to get air, but down here in the vast ocean there was none to be found. Everything hurt, but at the same time, the worst of it seemed to be over. His uncontrollable movements slowed down as his consciousness quickly started to drift off.

This was it. He would die here.

As his eyelids felt too heavy, Míngzé couldn’t keep them open any longer. Never had he imagined dying so young. And still this is where it would end. Sinking to the bottom of an endless abyss. During that moment, his body had completely gone still.

Until something pulsated through him feeling like a flicker of life, tempting him to keep going. Telling him this was not the end. There was still a life left for him.

Like a Venomoth drawn to light, he too was drawn to the promise of life. Before Míngzé would’ve welcomed the calmness that came with giving up, but now he could almost feel the chance of survival. He should deny it, pay it no mind and let go. But he couldn’t. No matter what, he desperately wanted to live.

Where before he was resisting and clinging to the hope he could escape from this hell, he now gave in. He allowed whatever this was to consume him, all for another chance at life.

He so desperately wanted to live.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468
affinity gained

As your body succumbs to the ocean's crushing weight, water invades your lungs, blurring reality into a nightmarish tableau of agony and despair. Amidst the pain, an eerie calm descends, a prelude to surrendering to the abyss. Your consciousness slips away, and in that void, a pulse of life surges through you, teasing with whispers of survival—a lifeline thrown amidst the darkness.

In that moment of vulnerability, you make a choice. You reach out.

As the ghost affinity settles into your soul, it's as if icy tendrils slither through your very being, coiling around your essence with a grip that's both chilling and constricting. The sensation is beyond excruciating—a pain that claws beyond the physical realm, ripping through your core. The darkness of the affinity engulfs you, swallowing your thoughts, your memories, your very identity.

Imagine standing on the precipice of an endless abyss, teetering between the familiar shores of your old existence and the murky depths of the unknown. The pain intensifies, each moment dragging you further into the abyss, ripping away the boundaries between what was once you and the force that now courses through your veins.

The ghost affinity seeps into every crevice of your soul, etching its mark upon your very essence. It's a transformation, but it's wrought in agony—a metamorphosis that carves and tears at you from the inside out.

And eventually, everything succumbs to a suffocating, unending darkness.

Character sheet
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

When he thought about living, this was not what he expected. Before when water was filling his lungs he’d been in pain. But that was nothing compared to what was waiting for him. Compared to this, the ocean was a warm blanket. This coldness was one that settled in his bones. Nothing could compare with what he was feeling.

All he wanted was to scream. His hands were clawing at his clothes, skin and hair, trying to escape from this endless nightmare. Was he wrong? Was there no promise? Maybe this is what dying felt like. If so, it was the worst thing ever imaginable. Almost as if he was being undone and at the same moment being rebuilt. It was something he feared he would never be able to forget.

After what felt like hours, everything stopped. The excruciating pain left his body and everything went black. But it was not peaceful in the slightest.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468
affinity gained

When you awaken, it's not in the depths of the ocean but on the familiar solidity of the shore. The memories of the ghost affinity, the drowning, and the haunting figures feel like fragments of a disjointed dream, fading rapidly like mist in the morning sun. Your body feels different, as if something fundamental has shifted within you.

There's an inexplicable emptiness, a void where your former self used to reside. There are no remnants of the pain, the icy grip of the ghost affinity, at least, nothing tangible. It's as if the experience has been erased from your physical being, leaving only a haunting echo in your subconscious.

The world around you is no longer the same. The sun hangs high in the sky, and the gentle lapping of the waves against the shore seems oddly distant, as though echoing from a far-off realm. Morning has arrived, but the passage of time feels warped and disjointed. How did you end up here? Where has the previous day gone?

A sense of loss gnaws at the edges of your consciousness, but the specifics elude you. What have you sacrificed? What part of yourself is now missing, buried in the depths alongside the ghostly forces? The answers slip through your fingers like sand, leaving you with an unsettling awareness of something irrevocably changed within you.

With a perception roll of 11, a sense of unease grips you as subtle distortions in your surroundings flicker at the edge of your perception. When you try to check it out, you notice nothing out of the ordinary, apart from a nagging suspicion that something is playing with your mind.

What will you do? Has your Pokémon waited for your return?

Character sheet
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Slowly Míngzé felt himself waking up. Everything around him was still hazy as his senses tried to catch up. Where he expected to find the softness of his bed, he could only feel sand underneath his hands. Sand? How did—

With a grunt he tried to sit up, but it felt weird. No, that was not the right word. There was no way he could describe how he felt besides being confused. It was different, somehow. Which was only more confusing. “Shit,” Míngzé muttered as he brought a hand through his eyes in an attempt to rub the sleep away. It felt as if some nightmare had haunted him during his sleep, but he couldn’t remember what the dream was about.

How did he even— right he went to the beach for Qiān. That is why he was at the beach but it had been late midday. Did he fall asleep? It did not sound like him, but there was no other explanation. Míngzé looked around, his surroundings bright thanks to the sun high in the sky.

Taking his time, he raised to his feet and brushed the sand off his pants. Something felt wrong, he felt wrong but he did not know why. It was a strange and unsettling feeling, one Míngzé tried to push away. A bad dream could have that effect, although this was different from all his other bad dreams. As if he’d left something behind.

It didn't matter. What did matter was his Inteleon. Míngzé looked around trying his best to make sense of whatever he could see. When he thought he’d seen something, he quickly turned around. “Qiān?” he called out, but there was nothing. Just what was going on.

A feeling of unease flooded over him as he started walking. “Qiān, come here,” Míngzé tried again, looking around for any sign of his pokémon. In a way to comfort himself, he crossed his arms but he kept walking. “We’re leaving!” Something felt off and all he wanted was to have his pokémon at his side again. He just didn't want to be alone.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468
end of

The world appears strangely vibrant yet unfamiliar, as though colors have taken on new shades, and sounds are slightly distorted. Every passerby, every wave of ocean water, seems to whisper secrets you can no longer decipher. A subtle hollowness remains, a void echoing with the absence of something vital.

The confusion deepens as you attempt to recall the events leading to your awakening on the shore. It's like grasping at smoke; the memories slip through your fingers, leaving you with fragmented images and emotions. The ghost affinity, the drowning, the haunting figures—all blend together in a disorienting amalgamation, leaving you with a lingering sense of loss.

As you continue to walk, a chilling realization takes root within you. You have left a part of yourself behind, submerged in the ocean's depths. Each step you take away from the shore feels like leaving behind a piece of yourself, an intangible essence forever bound to the depths you emerged from. It's a sacrifice you can't quite comprehend, a nagging feeling that lingers like a ghost in the recesses of your mind.

Though you move forward, the specter of your former self remains tethered to the depths, a silent guardian of the secrets buried within the ocean's embrace. As you navigate the world, you can't shake the feeling that you are now a mere echo of your former existence. The world may see you as whole, but deep within, you know that something irreplaceable has been left behind.

Your journey ends here.

Character sheet
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