
Drop-off [Sang]

2 posters
Fellin Thisell
Messages : 40
IC Posts : 39
Fellin Thisell
The street lanterns buzzed slightly, flickering from time to time as she passed through the alleyway. It wasn't the most savoury of neighbourhoods, she was acutely aware of this. But a job was a job and requests had to be filled. The Pokeball of her Noivern rested against her chest, hung from a necklace underneath her coat. While it wouldn't be apparent to passerby's, Coda was close. Just how she liked it when she was in these neighbourhood. Cerynia Authorities would probably disapprove, but they could add that to the long list of wrongdoings that they would sign off when they would find her here.

Giving a few sharp raps on a door, she waited until it would open. As it creakily did, a wheezy voice came from the man appearing in the doorway. "No one follow you, lass?" He asked. "Of course not. Here, just like you asked," she said plainly to the man, holding out a small box. He immediately grabbed it from her hands, stowing it away behind him. "Thank you, lass, your kindness will be returned," he said with a toothy grin, "Now best go home before someone else catches you on these streets." With an annoyed quirk of the corner of her mouth, Fellin nodded. She always distrusted it when a reward wasn't forthcoming immediately, but also knew that this crowd often honoured their promises. Thus, she nodded her goodbye and left, leaving the alleyway to a scarcely lit square.
For Sang

Character sheet
Nickname: Fellin
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: 2nd of February
Occupation: Adventurer (Underground battler)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

Ruìsāng seldom brought Lìeyàn with him on the streets, but today, anxiety gnawed at his insides. It was impossible to maintain composure when he felt his mother’s situation worsening. She had invited people he despised into their home, and coming back to find an actual dealer sprawled in his living room, beer belly exposed and insolent, had pushed him over the edge. A walk was needed.

His nerves resonated with Lìeyàn, their emotional states intertwined. The beak on her head snapped, attempting to grasp the intangible dread lingering in the air.

He almost collided with a passerby, narrowly sidestepping her. A slight annoyance crept onto his face, until he realised this wasn't a safe environment for someone like her. He came to a halt.

You might want to get out of here before someone robs you of your pretty wallet.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Fellin Thisell
Messages : 40
IC Posts : 39
Fellin Thisell
She had put her hands into the pocket of her jacket and put her hood over her head, trying to appear unassuming. She didn't like these kinds of neighborhoods and knew that you shouldn't linger here too long if you valued your safety, or at least your possessions. Luckily, the streets seemed blissfully quiet and empty. So she'd be able to make a quick exit.

When she picked up her pace though, with her hood slightly over her eyes, she hadn't noticed a guy clearing a corner. She stumbled slightly, sidestepping inelegantly away from him, her hand immediately jerking towards her chest in case she needed to release Coda. Her eyes locked with the reddish eyes of the man next to her of her. "I know, onto that," she responded calmly, nodding at him. She still felt quite wary, not certain of whether this stranger would like to alleviate her of her wallet. Her gaze flitted to the Mawile accompanying him. The Pokemon looked healthy and strong. She wouldn't want to tangle with that one. Even though she had Coda available on the backburner, she would still be at a disadvantage. "You better watch out for your wallet too though."
For Sang

Character sheet
Nickname: Fellin
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: 2nd of February
Occupation: Adventurer (Underground battler)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

Lìeyàn, his feisty Mawile, was far from being the obedient type, a trait that often kept her concealed within her Pokéball. Due to the opinion surrounding Pokéball usage, she remained hidden, emerging only in select situations. In places like this, however, her fierce presence was invaluable. Ruìsāng wanted her to intimidate strangers, urging them to leave or engage in a brawl - he was always up for a good fight.

As Ruìsāng ordered a stranger to leave, Lìeyàn stared at the newcomer with unwavering determination. The stranger warned him. Ruìsāng let out a laugh, a mix of amusement and confidence, dismissing the cautionary words with a wave of his bandaged hand.

Oh, please. I’d love to see them try,” he scoffed, the glint of challenge in his eyes matching his audacious words.

I’m not kidding, though. A girl like you shouldn’t be wandering alone in a place like this. Where are you headed?” he inquired, raising an eyebrow knowingly. Aware of how men eyed pretty things like her.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Fellin Thisell
Messages : 40
IC Posts : 39
Fellin Thisell
Conversations in these parts of the city rarely ended very pleasantly and thus, Fellin kept a natural wariness about her. While the man in front of her didn’t seem like a threat at this point, she knew that people could change their face in the blink of an eye.

So, she kept her hand close to the Pokeball as her gaze flitted to the Mawile, assessing the situation, as the Pokemon stared back at her. While Coda would be at a disadvantage against the snapping jaws of the Fairy Type, it would at least level the playing field slightly if need be. It seemed strong too, and she wondered if it had been trained.

The man responded to her with a big show of arrogance, leading to her cocking one eyebrow upwards. Could also very well be for show, she mused, puffing up with hot air and having nothing to back it up. ”Sanctum metro station,” she calmly responded to him, not entertaining his challenging arrogance. ”But don’t worry too much for me, I’d love to see them try as well.” Perhaps it seemed like an empty warning to him. After all, it wasn’t common for people in Sanctum to keep their Pokemon enclosed in their Pokeballs. Her glance flitted towards the Mawile again, "Although I certainly believe that your Mawile is able to intimidate plenty of scum."
For Sang

Character sheet
Nickname: Fellin
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: 2nd of February
Occupation: Adventurer (Underground battler)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

The girl mentioned she had to head to the metro station, prompting a soft hum from Ruìsāng. He presumed it was the closest one. Clicking his tongue thoughtfully against the roof of his mouth, he considered her words. She claimed she'd love to see others try, but Ruìsāng had grown accustomed to people overestimating their own abilities. Regardless of her confidence, the situation could still turn dangerous. He had witnessed too many individuals being taken advantage of in his lifetime.

The other commented on his Mawile's ability to intimidate scum, and Ruìsāng huffed in response. “She doesn’t just intimidate,” he assured her. His Mawile was meticulously trained, and while plenty of opponents might still outmatch him in strength, your average Joe would be knocked down in seconds.

Let me at least walk you to the station. You might not need it, but if I hear on the news that a pretty girl vanished today, I won’t forgive myself,” he said, his tone serious. He raised a questioning eyebrow, determined to ensure her safety. He couldn't bear the thought of more people getting hurt, especially if he could prevent it.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Fellin Thisell
Messages : 40
IC Posts : 39
Fellin Thisell
She didn’t just intimidate. A soft yet amused huff escaped from her lips as she just took a moment to look at those gigantic jaws. ”Wouldn’t be surprised by that,” she hummed. She would want to prevent a fight with that Mawile if she could help it as well. It looked healthy and strong.

Perhaps that was also why she chose to regard him a second time when he mentioned walking her to the station. While it was a kind offer, it didn’t relieve the man in front of her from the suspicion she had for him. Especially kindness of strangers made her wary, as it could allow you to let her guard down. Nevertheless, she appreciated the offer, knowing that if it was truly meant as he said it, it was a rare kindness in these parts.

”If you insist,” she responded, shrugging her shoulders slightly, not wanting to accept too eagerly. Her pride wouldn’t allow that. ”But thank you. Luckily the station isn’t too far. If you could lead the way? I’m not too familiar in these parts” Truth to be told, she probably find the way on her own, but it immediately allowed her to assess whether he was familiar with this place. Furthermore, implicating that she came around her more often wasn’t on her bucketlist.  
For Sang

Character sheet
Nickname: Fellin
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: 2nd of February
Occupation: Adventurer (Underground battler)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

The girl didn’t appear overly concerned about the prospect of danger, but Ruìsāng couldn’t shake off his unease about letting her navigate the area alone. She clearly wasn’t a local. Having spent his entire life here, Ruìsāng felt a sense of responsibility. Still, she seemed grateful and asked if he could lead the way as she wasn’t familiar with the area.

Of course. Follow me,” he said with a reassuring smile, confidently steering in the right direction. His Mawile observed their surroundings with a furrowed brow, walking ahead of them. Her watchful eyes scanned the area, especially when passing alleys notorious for shady dealings or populated by the homeless. It was clear that this was second nature to her.

This place wasn’t always this bad, but things are getting worse. You might know how to protect yourself, but those people now have affinities and there’s little even I would be able to do,” he explained his worries. “It’s why I have her,” he continued, gesturing toward the Mawile. The Pokémon flashed a grin before fixating her gaze on a man in the distance, her eyes narrowing in caution.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Fellin Thisell
Messages : 40
IC Posts : 39
Fellin Thisell
At least the man was willing to lead the way. This allowed Fellin to tag along slightly behind him and take in her surroundings once more. Preferably, she stayed away from these areas of town, but sometimes she had to go to these shadier parts. And she always had a backup, but that, of course, her new companion didn’t know. ”Thank you,” she simply replied in a friendly tone.

While safety was in numbers, she still kept her gaze darting around, eyes narrowed for movement. ”It seems so, this place has seen better days,” she mused, ”perhaps you will get an affinity eventually. It happens with folks right, suddenly waking up and feeling all icy.” She shrugged slightly and cast a look at the Mawile. ”Wouldn’t want to mess with her jaws indeed,” she said, only half joking. ”Seems like you’ve raised her well.”

But then, following the gaze of the Mawile, she went slightly more rigid. And when another man stepped out behind them from a narrow alleyway, she knew they, or at least she, were in trouble. Whipping around with tensed muscles, she saw the beard, the hollow cheeks and sunken in eyes. The smell of alcohol wafted from him in waves as well. This wasn’t for a pleasant chat. Especially when she saw a knife gleaming in his hand. Oh shi-

For Sang

Character sheet
Nickname: Fellin
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: 2nd of February
Occupation: Adventurer (Underground battler)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

 The girl remarked on the state of the place, noting its decline. Ruìsāng wrinkled his nose in distaste as she continued about affinities. Those elemental powers had been no stranger to him, often encountering them in the ring. The reigning champion in various underground fighting arenas possessed a formidable fighting affinity, making him a challenging opponent. “I doubt ice would suit me,” he scoffed. He’d always been a blazing fire.

When she praised the upbringing of his Mawile, Ruìsāng quipped, “Or she raised me well,” prompting a sharp look from the Mawile herself. Training her had been a challenge, with memories of her jaws snapping at him etched in his mind. Despite the initial struggles, they had found a mutual understanding.

Of course, their walk couldn’t be calm. Ruìsāng let go of a sigh. “And this is why,” he mumbled. TThis was why little girls shouldn’t walk these streets alone. Glancing over his shoulder, he spotted a knife-wielding man approaching. Nonchalantly, he raised his hands, seemingly surrendering to their whims.

If it is money you want, I have none. If it is a fight, try someone else,” he calmly declared. The Mawile, on the other hand, eagerly anticipated the prospect of a brawl, her pink eyes shifting between the men, jaws snapping in anticipation.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Fellin Thisell
Messages : 40
IC Posts : 39
Fellin Thisell
When the man scoffed, she grinned slightly in return. He doubted ice would suit him. She hadn’t known him for that long, but from the glimpses she got from him, she was inclined to agree. There seemed to be a determination burning in his eyes that didn’t seem icy or indifferent at all. ”Perhaps you’ll change with the affinity, not the other way around,” she mused, shrugging. She was in no mood to find out.

The Mawile was a sharp-minded thing, clearly listening in to the conversation and having an opinion as well. She liked that and couldn’t help but smirk slightly at the scene. ”I’m sure she did, My Pokemon also taught me a lot.” But she couldn’t follow that train of thought any longer when men appeared around them. She narrowed her eyes, following her companion with her gaze as well. For a split second, she was alarmed that he might have led them into a trap, but it didn’t seem so. Fine.

Ripping the Pokeball that she had connected to her necklace loose, she clicked it open. In a burst of shimmering light and with a screech, her Noivern joined the scene as well. He had to keep his wings slightly folded, a bit cramped by the street around him, but still narrowed his eyes with interest. ”I would highly suggest listening to him.” Fellin added calmly to the words of Sang. Reading the mood, Coda now started to growl softly.

She could see the knife in the hand of the man starting to tremble. His mouth fell open, and closed again, his eyes darting from both the Mawile to the Noivern. He then turned tail and started running, knife clattering on the ground behind him. ”Disgusting rat,” Fellin muttered, before turning around to see what his buddy had decided to do.

For Sang

Character sheet
Nickname: Fellin
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: 2nd of February
Occupation: Adventurer (Underground battler)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

Maybe one could adapt to an affinity rather than having an affinity that perfectly aligns with one's personality. Ruìsāng hummed, contemplating the idea. “Are you planning to find out?” he wondered, though he pondered over the words for a moment. If that were true, then perhaps he’d like an affinity that would cool down the rage burning inside his chest.

Suddenly, a Noivern entered the fray, catching Ruìsāng by surprise. Ah, that clarified a few things. She had mentioned learning from her Pokémon just before everything escalated, but the presence of a dragon-type was unexpected. Then again, he assumed most wouldn't anticipate him having a fairy-type by his side.

A dragon. Impressive,” Ruìsāng smiled, his gaze sweeping over the dragon for a moment, recognizing its strength. Perfect. She emphasised the wisdom of listening to him, and Ruìsāng noted the visible regret on the faces of the men. A wise move would be to let them go, but Ruìsāng never fared well with those who tried to intimidate him. That had happened one too many times in his life.

Crunch,” he hissed, his nails digging into his palm as his Mawile approached one of the men. If they didn't flee now, he would ensure they never ran again.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
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