
Heart of Glass

2 posters
Viola Harper
Messages : 125
IC Posts : 50
Viola Harper
Without death there was no a life. A lesson Vi had learned a long time ago. Probably too early and in too harsh-a-way for such a young girl. Frankly it had been traumatic and it had left her closed off. Afraid to become vunerable to such pain again. Her encounters with death had a little different edge to them after that and then, for a long time, there was no death in her life at all. But she knew, oh she had known how, sooner or later she would be faced with a loss again. She had senced it. It was ineffitable and that time had come. Pilar had been … well her pillar of strenght. Her only family and companion. For years.The only thing she had left of her mother. The only thing that connected her to a time before pain. A time of happiness. How was she supposed to go on now?

Stepping out of the building where Sanctum city kept the remains of deceased Pokémon, her eyes were surprisingly dry. Her face a stark emotionless canvas. Only her vivid eyes exposed the pain within. She wasn't sure what to do now. Not just in life, but literally right now. It felt wrong to just... continue. It felt almost impossible for the world to keep on turning. For the people on the street to just go on with their life. Go about their business, to their jobs or school. Her fingers, cold and stiff, as if her body wanted to match the energy inside the building she had just left, struggled to rummage through her bag. Her hand shaky when she put a cigerette to her lips to light it. Her gaze was aimlessly darting over the ground as she walked to the busstop. Raindrops started to fall as she took another puff of her cigarette. She bumped into someone and didn't even apologies. And suddenly it all felt too heavy on her shoulders. Sinking to the ground, she crouched on the pavement of the busstop, folding her arms around her knees and burying her face into them. What was she supposed to do now?  
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Character sheet
Nickname: Vi, Harper
Age: 26
Birthday: 9-6-98
Occupation: Tattoo artist/piercer - Hacker
Sexuality: Nonya
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

Fuck you,” Ruìsāng hissed to the man in front of him, fury burning hotter than the sun. He would have hit him. He almost did it, almost smashed his teeth out of his stupid skull. He’d have left him there to die. It wouldn’t have mattered. But then, the echo of his mother's fear pierced through his rage, shattering his anger like fragile glass. His fists, clenched so tightly, loosened their grip, and the fight left him. He turned away, leaving the battleground of words and that man behind.

He didn’t know how long he had been walking outside. The rain fell, merging with his own internal tempest as he walked, aimless and lost, beneath the weeping sky. His Mawile walked by his side, offering silent support.

A careless collision jolted him and he took a step back, nearly losing his balance. “Watch where you’re going,” he hissed, too sharp, harsh words dripped with irritation, but in the next breath, a sudden awareness overtook him. He blinked, once, twice, three times, before looking at a woman who was crouching down on the pavement.


Sorry, that—” he stammered. Fuck. “That was unnecessary. Are you—” The words hung in the air, a feeble attempt to bridge the gap between his anger and the world beyond. Gods, he wasn’t the right person for this. “Are you okay?” he managed, his voice softer, an olive branch extended. She probably didn’t deserve this either.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay