
Fire on fire

Hayden Fòlais
Messages : 65
IC Posts : 32
Hayden Fòlais
He didn't know how long he had been holed up in the lab this time. He had lost track of time, but now that he was helping with one of the legal experiments it was quite boring. It just didn't give him the same excitement as his own experiments did, however sometimes it was needed, it was meant to keep up the image that this was a legit lab after all. It was different from what he did in Sinnoh, there he had had his own place with his brother where they did all kinds of things that was definitely not legal. But since the experiments hadn't been working out he had lost interest.
Finally done with this part of the experiment he looked to one of the assistants. "Clean this up, will you?" No he wasn't one for niceties, never been. Only when he really needed something and even then it was hard for him to act that way. It was just easier to threaten them. He wasn't above threatening pokemon either if they didn't want to listen to him. Though he did find out that it was a little less effective to use a knife on a ghost type compared to other pokemon types. He looked over at the assistant wondering if he was doing what he had asked.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Hay
Age: 28 years
Birthday: 16/12
Occupation: Mad scientist/Lead Researcher
Sexuality: Asexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

This job was anything but interesting. Every day seemed like it kept going for ages. Sometimes there was nothing to do and Míngzé used those moments to do something for school. Juggling between work and school was anything but easy, but he needed the money desperately. His paycheck at the end of the day was not too bad and enough to pay for his apartment. Which was all he really needed.

A voice pulled him out of his thoughts. Míngzé had mindlessly been cleaning some surface. Apparently someone needed something cleaned up. Right. He looked over at the man, carefully making his way towards him. While the light in here was enough for him to know where the man was standing, he could not make out much else. EVerything was too light, with not enough coloration for him to see much.

He crossed his arms over his shoulders. “You’ll have to be more precise I’m afraid,” Míngzé said a bit awkwardly. Pretending he knew what to do would get him nowhere. Admitting that fact however was a frustrating one too.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Hayden Fòlais
Messages : 65
IC Posts : 32
Hayden Fòlais
He frowned once he got the answer from the assistant. He had to be more precise? Couldn't they do anything on their own? He looked at the assistant and sighed. Right, this was the one that couldn't see well. Great, just his luck today. "Here on the table," He said, being more specific. "Just clean the instruments on the table." If that wasn't enough of an explanation, he would have to see if there were any other assistants or he would actually have to do it himself for once.
That would be such a hassle though. He already had to do that for his own experiments, since most people didn't know of them and there was no one to clean up after him. This however was something he did just to keep up the act. To make sure the people working here knew he was doing legal experiments. It was to make sure that the distinction between the two kept in balance. He was tapping the table with his finger, waiting for the answer. Clearly impatient, he wasn't going to hide that fact.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Hay
Age: 28 years
Birthday: 16/12
Occupation: Mad scientist/Lead Researcher
Sexuality: Asexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Míngzé raised an eyebrow at the man who was clearly not happy with this turn of events. There was no please, or any sign of appreciation. Only two clear instructions that sounded more like orders, like he was some kind of dog. Míngzé looked at the table and thanks to the bright lights in the lab, he could vaguely distinguish the tools the other talked about.

“Sure thing.”

As he approached the table, he made sure to bump into it first. The impact caused something on the table to fall over, making a lot of noise. “Oops.” If the guy was so annoyed just because he had to clarify something, this might just make it worse.

Míngzé felt around the table, pretending he saw absolutely nothing. There was something metal, a plate or something. He did not know what it was, but it would not break. His hand was moving over the surface and he made sure to tap the metal thing hard enough that it fell onto the ground. He quickly took a step back, as if the noise had scared him. A deep sigh rolled over his lips as he turned toward the man. “You know— this might take a while, but if you help me, it will go faster.”  


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Hayden Fòlais
Messages : 65
IC Posts : 32
Hayden Fòlais
He got the feeling like the man didn't want to help him, especially when he first bumped into the table. Yes, he knew the man couldn't see everything probably, but this still felt like he did it on purpose. He wasn't going to hide the fact that he was displeased. "What did they even hire you for if you can't do this properly?" He wasn't one to mince his words.
It didn't help that more stuff fell, the more the man 'tried'  to clean up. He already disliked working with people who didn't get what he wanted from them immediately, but this really topped it all. When the man stepped back like he got scared from the metal plate falling he just rolled his eyes. "You're useless, leave it for someone else to clean up." He wasn't going to do it himself, that was for sure and if someone came to complain to him about it, he would tell them what happened. "So what can you even do?" He said, not even hiding his irritation. He could at least expect something from one the assistants here right?
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Hay
Age: 28 years
Birthday: 16/12
Occupation: Mad scientist/Lead Researcher
Sexuality: Asexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Míngzé was here to help. They probably only let him work here because it would make them look good, because all he could do were the shit jobs. Everyone could clean a cage or give some food. A majority of the tasks he had to undertake were far from fulfilling. If people tried to order him around like a pokémon, Mingze would not accept it.

No matter that it made him look stupid, he was proud of his little act. If anything, he was at least wasting this man’s time, which felt like a win. “Probably my charming personality, which can hardly—”Míngzé gritted his jaw and swallowed his words back. He was still at work and he did not want to get fired because of something this stupid.

When the other called him useless, Míngzé raised an eyebrow as he turned around and leaned against the table. He was impressed. This man seemed to believe he was too superior even to pick up a plate. “Let’s see,” he said and hummed. “I can walk, sleep, talk, eat,” he started summing up while counting with his fingers. “Do you want me to continue?” The other sounded clearly irritated, like he had a reason to feel that way.   


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Hayden Fòlais
Messages : 65
IC Posts : 32
Hayden Fòlais
Of course he would get a rebuttal. Somehow people never knew when to shut up. Little did he know that he was one of them. "Charming? Haven't seen anything of it yet." He knew it was most likely sarcasm, however he was not going to leave it just like this, especially not when the next words followed.
He sighed audibly and looked the man up and down for a moment. Those were all things useful for himself, not for others. "So you can help yourself a little, that still makes you useless for this kind of work." He wouldn't be surprised if this guy had been a charity case, one to give SARA a good reputation. That they could give work to anyone. "So if you're not able to do your job, why are you still here?" And he didn't just mean right now. Why was he even still working here at all? Why had he not been fired yet?
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Hay
Age: 28 years
Birthday: 16/12
Occupation: Mad scientist/Lead Researcher
Sexuality: Asexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Míngzé was not in the mood for some like this guy to ruin his day. It was with a lot of effort that he made it here in the first place. His plan was that it would provide more distractions than he would find at home. And he was not wrong. “It’s alright, no one can blame you, after all you need at least a little charm yourself if you want to notice it in someone else,” Míngzé said matter of fact while raising his shoulders.

It became obvious while this man worked in a lab, he would not be able to function in a store. Míngzé looked at the other, unimpressed by his attempt to hurt him. “Wow, you almost managed to hurt my feelings,” he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm as he placed a hand against his heart. Someone like this would not be able to get under his skin.

Calmly he walked towards the plate on the ground. Thanks to the light reflecting off it, he knew exactly where it was and he picked it up. Another few steps and he pushed the plate against the other man’s chest. “Because some people like to pretend they are too important to do the dirty work.” He did not care one bit who this man was and what function he had in this company. Míngzé was not a growlithe you could simply order around, expecting him to do it no matter what.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Hayden Fòlais
Messages : 65
IC Posts : 32
Hayden Fòlais
Somehow this man knew how to push all his wrong buttons and that just made him more annoyed. "I never said I was charming, unlike someone." Wasn't even able to be charming most likely. His personality wasn't something that people could easily like after all.
There were people where this tactic worked, where they would do what he asked of them, but he just had to have the one that didn't listen to him. He had never learned how to be nice to people, his brother accepted him the way he was and that was enough. He didn't need people to understand him, he did need them to respect him. He grabbed the plate that was pushed against his chest tightly, his knuckles turning white. "You mean like yourself? I haven't seen you succesfully doing the dirty work yet." And up to now it seemed like he had done it all on purpose. Did he even have bad eyesight? He was almost starting to believe like that wasn't the case. "Do you even have bad eyesight?" It was very tempting to throw the plate back at the man, but for now he held it tight, first waiting for his answer.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Hay
Age: 28 years
Birthday: 16/12
Occupation: Mad scientist/Lead Researcher
Sexuality: Asexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

After pushing the plate in the other’s arms, Míngzé backed away again and leaned against the counter. He should’ve kept his mouth shut a long time ago, but this man made him angry. While he did not expect everyone to like him, he at least expected a bit of respect. A word totally unknown to this man.

Míngzé rolled his eyes. “Of course not, you’ll have to pay attention to someone other than yourself if you want to see what they’re doing.” It would even surprise him if this man had been aware of his presence before he needed him for something. At this point someone else was needed if they ever wanted this mess cleaned up, because Míngzé was not going to do it.

A sarcastic laugh echoed when the man questioned his eyesight. “I don’t know, try holding up eight fingers and I’ll see if I can count them,” Míngzé said dead serious with a challenging look in his eyes. He even held up eight fingers himself to show the man what he asked him to do. Who knows, maybe this person had magically cured him.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Hayden Fòlais
Messages : 65
IC Posts : 32
Hayden Fòlais
If his grip had been strong enough he would probably have bent the plate with the next comment from the man. He had been paying attention to what he was doing right now after all and that had just been throwing things on the ground and not being productive at least. "I'm judging you based on what you're doing now, which is nothing." He had seen enough if he was honest and if this was how he normally worked, he wondered why they hadn't fired him yet.
He raised a brow at the next answer he got. Of course if he put up eight fingers he would be able to get the right answer. That wouldn't be a test. "If I put up eight, you already know how many you need to count." He said. "But we could test it another way, see if you can dodge this." He said while holding up the plate that was still in his hands. "Seems like a better way to test it, no?" And it would be more fun for him that way.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Hay
Age: 28 years
Birthday: 16/12
Occupation: Mad scientist/Lead Researcher
Sexuality: Asexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

A sarcastic smile came to his lips and he had to hold back the urge to slowly clap. Years ago someone would’ve told him to ignore this man, pretend he was not even there and don’t mind what he said. That person was long gone now and those words had died with him.

“Well, aren’t you smart, now I understand why they hired you.” Míngzé should know better than to mock this person even further. The wise choice was to walk away and let it be. But his legs wouldn’t move. He always had this terrible drive to win, even when something was not a challenge.

The smile dropped from his face however as the other upped his game. Míngzé had his hands already slightly raised, ready to protect his face as he was also slightly hunched over. But the impact never came. One corner of his mouth twitched in frustration and maybe a flicker of shame. “Is this really worth losing your job over?” he asked with a cocked eyebrow. ”They might not appreciate hearing that you used violence against your colleague.  Míngzé tried to keep his breath steady and not let the slight panic take over.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Hayden Fòlais
Messages : 65
IC Posts : 32

Hayden Fòlais
He had almost thrown the plate when he saw the smile on the man's face, wanting to take it off. But clearly was just threatening him enough to let the smile disappear and he saw even something that looked like panic in the man's eyes. His own grin grew wider, not really affected by the words that followed.
Even if he lost his job, he would find another lab to work at, though his lab here was definitely something he hadn't had before. It had a lot more than he could ask for, but others would want him too. Still it was a question of who they were going to believe, especially if he told them it had just been an accident. "It depends, who would they believe if I told them it had been an accident? Just a slip of the hands?" They wouldn't let him lose his job that easily, especially with what he knew about this lab. They would most likely make sure he never got outside again before firing him, but the other didn't know that.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Hay
Age: 28 years
Birthday: 16/12
Occupation: Mad scientist/Lead Researcher
Sexuality: Asexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

After the man threatened to throw the metal plate at him, Míngzé could no longer trust him. Even when he never felt the impact, he stayed on edge. The other was still holding it. How were people like this allowed to work here? No, that was not right. How was someone like him allowed to work anyway?

Míngzé glared at the other and huffed before shaking his head. “Are you serious?” he asked, his tone clearly irritated. A slip of the hand. The worst part was that people might even believe him, given how everyone who worked here behaved. As if there were no cameras around here to monitor the things happening in the lab.

“You know, whatever,” Míngzé then said as he threw his hands in the air. By now he was done with this insufferable man. “Have fun cleaning up your stuff.” He pushed himself off the counter he was leaning on and made his way to leave. It was about time for a break anyway.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Hayden Fòlais
Messages : 65
IC Posts : 32

Hayden Fòlais
For a moment he contemplated still throwing the plate, but he already found it a small victory that he had gotten the other to back off from this. Though it was a bit too bad that his things still hadn't been cleaned up now. He would just need to find another victim for that.

So he just let the other walk away, though keeping his eyes on him. If the other were to try anything, he would be ready, though he doubted he would try something. So he put the plate down and started to look around for someone else who might be able to clean this up, someone more capable preferably.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Hay
Age: 28 years
Birthday: 16/12
Occupation: Mad scientist/Lead Researcher
Sexuality: Asexual
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