
Sky full of nothing

Amélie Sioux
Messages : 7
IC Posts : 6
Amélie Sioux

Stepping into the building felt oddly surreal. How long had it been? A year? Perhaps a little less. Ever since the accident, she had been forcibly removed from her research, forced to redirect her focus toward different aspects of her goals. Her mother, relentless and unyielding, refused to acknowledge any sign of weakness. While her father urged her to stay away from the laboratories, her mother insisted she return. Show her face. Demonstrate the enduring significance of the Sioux name.

As if Damien could ever forget.

Yet, Amélie couldn't dismiss her mother's plea. Few individuals could instill the fear of Reshiram into someone as her mother could. So, just before the sun dipped below the horizon and people began to leave the building, she entered.

Her eyes remained shut, a shield against the harsh brightness of the place. Navigating the familiar hallways unimpeded, she pressed on. No one dared to stop her; the memory of the last person who had attempted such a feat served as a stark warning. Her high heels echoed against the floor as she followed the guiding path of her Ceruledge, leading her through the Level 2 laboratories.

Amélie didn’t utter a word. She anticipated a silent acknowledgment of her presence, an unspoken recognition. Even if they didn’t notice her, they would undoubtedly notice Xenon.

Character sheet
Nickname: Am
Age: 26
Birthday: 08 / 08
Occupation: politician
Sexuality: ??
Damien Ives
Messages : 14
IC Posts : 12
Damien Ives
Careful hands were twisting and turning the knobs on the microscope. His eye carefully searching for something that would indicate that his experiment was an succes. But alas, again he would have to throw it all out as this batch also didn't show any promising results. Usually he would let one of his interns handle a simple task like this, but this was one of the off limits projects.

Damien had cleared an entire lab out to work in absolute peace. He did not like to be disturbed with stupid questions while he worked. The only sound that cut through the silence was the sound of classical music which played over the speaker in the lab. As he threw the glass with the tissue on it in the trash, he went to grab another vial. He was concentrated; in the zone if you will. He didn't even notice the door opening behind him.

"Mr. Ives, there's someone who-" with a crack Damien snapped the vial in his hand, spilling its contents on the floor. His head whipped around to see who dared to disrupt him. The shock expression looking at his reaction belonged to one of his interns. "Miss Sioux." he squeaked. Damien looked at his hand, bleeding slightly from the shards that cut him. He sighed. His intern looked like he wanted to clean the mess that was made, but Damien stopped him with a hand gesture. "Leave it." After getting the shards out from his hand Damien grabbed a paper tissue and clenched it in his fist, hoping it would be enough.

"My, what a surprise. We have been graced with a visit from the queen herself." he grinned as he walked towards the girl. "Please don't give the personnel with your quiet stare, it spooks the poor souls." like ticking on the glass of a zoo exhibit. Scientists were easily spooked.

Character sheet
Nickname: Dam, Dee
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: 4/12
Occupation: Lab owner, scientist
Sexuality: Bisexual
Amélie Sioux
Messages : 7
IC Posts : 6
Amélie Sioux

The world had been enshrouded in darkness for what felt like an eternity, prompting Amélie to occasionally question if Reshiram disagreed with her chosen path. But he didn't. She held onto that certainty. He guided her through the obsidian void in the best way he could, and all she could do was maintain her composure, her head held high, until the light would grace her vision once more.

Her mother’s teachings echoed in her mind, a reminder not to rely solely on sight. To perceive the world without the need for eyesight, to understand the nuances of human interaction without direct visual cues. It allowed her to keep her eyes closed, tuning her senses to the subtlest sounds and movements around her. Every footfall carried a distinctive rhythm, a signature that identified each person's approach.

Damien’s words barely registered, eliciting only a soft, thoughtful hum from her, her expression thoroughly unimpressed. When he continued to comment on her stare, she lifted her chin and raised a single brow. “I'll be sure not to fixate my gaze for too long,” she retorted dryly. The world, she mused, was painfully oblivious.

If there is a queen, it’s my mother. Now, could we perhaps find a place with less... light?” she inquired, her voice infused with a patience that seemed to have been bestowed upon her by Reshiram himself.

Character sheet
Nickname: Am
Age: 26
Birthday: 08 / 08
Occupation: politician
Sexuality: ??
Damien Ives
Messages : 14
IC Posts : 12
Damien Ives
He snicked at her dry retort. He expected no less from her. Where other people in the room were terrified by the sight of Amélie, he was at ease. He had nothing to hide. And if the other people on the floor knew what was really going on in the facility, right under their noses, they would be less scared about their work as well.

"You know what I mean by that, your very presence intimidates them." he lets his gaze wander over the employees. Sure, they all act like they are working but he knows that every spoken word is currently heard by them. As if they were talking through a megaphone. Am suggested a place with less lights. "Sure, I can dim the lights in my lab. I still have a mess there that needs cleaning up." Assuming she followed, he walked back to the lab. He dimmed the lights for Amélie before grabbing the cleaning supplies and wiping the liquid from the floor. "Is there a specific reason for your visit? Or did you just miss me that much?" he loved being a snarky little asshole sometimes.

Character sheet
Nickname: Dam, Dee
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: 4/12
Occupation: Lab owner, scientist
Sexuality: Bisexual
Amélie Sioux
Messages : 7
IC Posts : 6
Amélie Sioux
Amélie wasn't the type to instill immediate fear in others. She seldom showcased her mother's cunning or her father's wrath, preferring the subtlety of calculated patience. Crossing her meant living with the perpetual awareness that she might seize the opportune moment even years down the line.

Yet, it took considerable audacity to cross paths with her. Most individuals didn't warrant her attention, and Amélie dismissed things that weren't deemed worthy of her time. However, an intimidating presence seemed to linger around her, a quality she sometimes speculated was bestowed by her deity, signalling to others that they should bow in acknowledgment as she entered a room.

I don’t know why anyone would fear me,” she responded dryly, though she wordlessly followed when he suggested dimming the lights in his lab. With the Mareanie cradled in her arms and the Ceruledge trailing behind, she entered the room.

Only in the softened glow of dimmed lights did she raise her head-piece and unveil her magenta eyes. “My mother sent me to check up on you. It appears UNOX is poised to win this year, inevitably causing a delay in our plans." The Nuremberg Code would not be revisited this year.

Character sheet
Nickname: Am
Age: 26
Birthday: 08 / 08
Occupation: politician
Sexuality: ??
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