
Come Alive

2 posters
Archibald of Aerithorn
Messages : 317
IC Posts : 256
Archibald of Aerithorn
He knew he should get used to the crowds in the city centre, especially when it was already the beginning of the evening. He knew he could find a place at the university to eat or he could order food to the appartment the university had prepared for him, but none of them were really the same as going to one of the high class restaurants here. He had always had enough money, so the fact that he might need to watch his funds now that he had ran away didn't really occur to him. Yes, his best friend had tried to teach it to him, but it had all been forgotten already. He had only dealt with money like a crown prince before and he it wasn't that easy to change now.
He had been wondering for a while if there were any good bars here, it was something he had not done yet and he was a bit curious about it. He could probably get some food there too, but the problem was that he didn't know any good places yet. He had left Mirage to take care of herself for now, but if something dangerous were to happen, he knew he could call for her. He just got weird looks whenever he was riding on her, something that had been more than normal in his home country, so he tried to do it only when needed now. Finally it seemed like he had found some kind of bar he had been looking for, now it was just a question whether they had some food too. He looked around whether there was some kind of menu hanging around.
Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Archie
Age: 25 years
Birthday: 3rd of december
Occupation: Crown prince of Aerithorn; Student of affinities
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

Amidst the soft hum of conversation and the occasional clink of glasses, Ruìsāng found himself behind the Lunar Lounge’s grand bar, skillfully crafting cocktails under the gentle glow of moon-themed lights. As he meticulously garnished a cocktail with a twist of lemon, Ruìsāng glanced up, catching the eye of an unfamiliar new patron.

Be with you in a second,” he smiled at the man, finishing up his cocktail and handing it to a blonde girl, who reciprocated with a warm smile before taking a sip of her drink. He threw her a playful wink, before heading over to their newest guest.

You look like you’re lost. Tell me, what’s the poison for today?” he grinned, grabbing one of the menus from the bar and gracefully presenting it to the newcomer, turning it around so he could look through.

Printed on deep blue paper with silver accents that glimmered like stars, the menu was a work of art in itself. Under the "Galactic Elixirs" section, an array of cocktails beckoned, promising a taste of the stars themselves. The appetiser menu, titled "Interstellar Bites," featured an assortment of tantalising small plates. The main courses, found under "Galaxy Grains," showcased a blend of international cuisines. And finally, desserts, listed as "Celestial Sweets," provided a sweet finale to the cosmic feast.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Archibald of Aerithorn
Messages : 317
IC Posts : 256
Archibald of Aerithorn
Once inside he went over to the bar, sitting down on one of the stools. He really wasn't used to this kind of place, but there was a first for everything right? They would probably have some food and drinks at least. And if he didn't like it he would just never come back here. The man behind the bar told him he would be with him soon and he looked around for a bit. It was busy enough here to know that it was probably at least a descent place or a cheap place, though he didn't hope that that was the case.
He lifted his brow when the man told him he looked lost. Was it that obvious? He really needed to learn how to blend in more, but it was harder than he had thought at first. He looked over the menu, where all kinds of cocktails were lined up. The rest of the menu consisted of different kinds of food, in all kinds of cosmic names. He frowned, not really knowing what to choose yet. It was a menu like he hadn't seen before at least. "What do you recommend?" He decided to ask. He could ask what he would normally drink, but that wasn't any of the cocktails here. So it was better to just ask.
Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Archie
Age: 25 years
Birthday: 3rd of december
Occupation: Crown prince of Aerithorn; Student of affinities
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

The man asked what he’d recommend and Ruìsāng looked him up and down with a smirk. “It depends on what you’re looking for,” he answered. He leaned over the bar a little, using his elbows to support his weight as he tapped on a specific part of the menu, drawing attention to the option: Bartender's Choice. The description encouraged patrons to pick a flavour profile—sweet, sour, fruity, bitter, and so forth—and let the bartender concoct something unique, not necessarily listed on the menu.

So tell me. Are you looking for something sweet? Something strong, perhaps?” Ruìsāng inquired, a glint of intrigue in his red eyes as he flashed a charming smile. He revelled in his role, relishing the opportunity to craft personalised drinks that perfectly suited the desires of his guests.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Archibald of Aerithorn
Messages : 317
IC Posts : 256
Archibald of Aerithorn
He looked to the section that the man pointed out and wondered for a moment what he should choose. He didn't drink sweet things that often, since most didn't suit his taste. Fruity or sour could work or even bitter, but definitely something strong. "Can it be something sour and strong?" He decided to ask. He had no clue what he was going to get, but he hoped it would surprise him.
He didn't even care how much it would cost, he would have the money for it after all. "Do you often make these requests instead of the usual cocktails?" He asked. Of course if people were well-known with the bar they would probably get the regular drinks if they knew how they tasted, but he really had no idea where to start besides requesting like this. Of course he could have asked which cocktail would be best if you wanted something strong, but it just hadn't occured to him up until that point.
Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Archie
Age: 25 years
Birthday: 3rd of december
Occupation: Crown prince of Aerithorn; Student of affinities
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

Sour and strong, the man requested. Ruìsāng hummed softly, half turning around to survey the bottles as he contemplated which concoction would suit the requested taste. Sour and strong. Many cocktails fell into the sour category, such as the daiquiri, margarita, and mojito. Then there were the whiskey sour, tequila sour, vodka sour, Tom Collins, gin fizz...

His red eyes shifted from the bottles back to his guest when questioned about the frequency of such requests.  “Quite. Especially groups, or when they’re a few drinks in,” he smiled. “Regulars like it as well. As do I. It’s an interesting game to see if I can guess what kind of drink would suit you,” he continued, finally deciding on a bottle of bourbon.

You didn’t ask for sweet, so I’m guessing most of the girl’s drinks won’t do well with you. So I was considering a classic, one of the sours,” he explained his choice as he grabbed a low glass. With deft movements, bourbon was poured into a cocktail shaker filled with ice, followed by lemon juice and simple syrup. After shaking, the cocktail was poured over fresh ice. As a finishing touch, Ruìsāng drizzled some red wine over the top, using the back of a bar spoon.

A Sanctum Sour for the gentleman,” he grinned, placing the glass in front of him. “Now we’ll find out whether your taste is any good.” Because his drink sure as hell was.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Archibald of Aerithorn
Messages : 317
IC Posts : 256
Archibald of Aerithorn
He watched the man while he was working, noticing that he was first surveying the bottles, probably thinking about what to choose. Archie could tell that there were quite a bit of bottles there and all kinds of drinks would be possible with this selection. He nodded when the other gave him an answer to his question. That seemed logical, groups were probably looking for something fun and if he had to admit, it was quite fun to wonder what kind of drink would be served to him.
The drink was put in front of him, a Sanctum Sour as the man called it. He looked at the drink and picked the glass up to put it to his lips. First taking a small sip to test it, then taking a bigger sip. The sourness of the cocktail was just right because of the lemon juice. It hit just right. "This is good," He told the man. "Have you been doing this for long?" It wasn't easy to mix drinks, he could tell that much. He was curious whether this was experience or that the man just knew what to mix.
Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Archie
Age: 25 years
Birthday: 3rd of december
Occupation: Crown prince of Aerithorn; Student of affinities
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
The manasked how long Ruìsāng had been doing this, prompting a brief hum from Ruìsāng. “Few years now,” he confessed. “Five, almost. Though most of it was in a speakeasy,” he continued, a faint smile gracing his lips. There existed a stark contrast between a speakeasy and this lounge, even though the essence of his work remained consistent. It was the clientele that set them apart—the speakeasy, with its restricted access, differed vastly from the bustling environment of this lounge.

Observing the man more closely, Ruìsāng noted, “You’re an unfamiliar face,” pointing out the newcomer's status. “Not from around here, I suppose?” he inquired, curious about the stranger's background. Experience had taught Ruìsāng that people generally enjoyed discussing themselves, provided they retained control over the chosen topic.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Archibald of Aerithorn
Messages : 317
IC Posts : 256

Archibald of Aerithorn
It was clear that this man had some experience and it showed once he told him that he had been doing this for almost five years. Even if it was somewhere else first, it was clear that he had experience. So, he nodded and drank the rest of his glass. "It shows, you seem experienced." There had been enough bad bartenders in his life to be able to say something like this. He was used to high class, so it wasn't easy to please him, but for now this was definitely a good start.
He wasn't surprised when the comment came that he wasn't from around here. However much he tried to hide it, about anyone seemed able to see it. "Can I have another?" He asked first, before contemplating what to say. Of course he had been learned from a young age not to say certain things, but the basics were fine. "You're right, I come from another country." He told the bartender, which wasn't that strange, there were more people like that, especially at the university.
Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Archie
Age: 25 years
Birthday: 3rd of december
Occupation: Crown prince of Aerithorn; Student of affinities
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
The man said that his experience showed, and Ruìsāng chuckled. “I sure hope it does,” he smiled. “I always pictured myself wielding a chef’s knife rather than a shaker, but this,” he gestured around the bar, “has its own charm.” His fondness for the culinary arts was no surprise; the joy of blending disparate ingredients to create something savoured by another had always been his interest.

As the man requested another drink, Ruìsāng’s response was a hum of agreement. “Do you want the same thing, or something else?” he inquired, setting the empty glass aside where the cleaning crew would later retrieve it. He paused, awaiting the man's preference, before reaching for the appropriate glass.

The man said he came from another country. “Seems we’re becoming quite the magnet for global souls, all wide-eyed at our affinities and the lack of battles.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
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