

2 posters
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

Ah, charity events - not exactly Ruìsāng's natural habitat. The occasion? Who knew? Animal shelter, education, it all blurred together in a sea of polite smiles and fancy hors d’oeuvres. But hey, why was he here? Simple. He was bored. And where else could a guy with his taste for fun find a collection of rich, handsome men with, well, limited conversation skills and enormous dicks?

Today, he had raided his closet for his finest attire. You wouldn't believe the treasures rich folks tossed aside - his all-black ensemble, from the fitted pants to the darker-than-midnight velvet blazer, was proof. It might sound like an overdose of black, but paired with his blonde hair and that sizzling red streak, he was practically a work of art, an irresistible lure for those with deep pockets and shallow personalities.

His mission? Dodge the man whose invitation he had so skillfully faked. So, when an organiser strolled past, Ruìsāng snagged two glasses of wine faster than you could say ‘exclusive event’. With a sly grin, he extended one glass to a nearby guest, oozing charm. “Hello there. You seem like you could use a sip of this,” he greeted, his attempt to blend into the conversation as smooth as the vintage he offered.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Vincze of Искра
Messages : 70
IC Posts : 43
Vincze of Искра

Being in Cerynia was not all fun and games. Vincze saw it as an opportunity t o learn more about the world and have a good time. But his parents had a hidden agenda. They wanted the world to see him and to get to know him better. They were a very small country, but that did not mean they were not relevant.

Vincze wore his best and most expensive dark blue suit. The whole evening he’d been talking to his guests, all carefully picked out by his parents. He was told to leave a good impression, so he kept smiling the whole evening, discussed all kinds of boring topics and laughed at the most boring jokes. It was very draining, but it seemed to be a success.

With a small nod he said goodbye to some man who went to talk to someone else. For once no one seemed to have their eyes on him. Vincze took a deep breath, reminding himself that it was not over yet. He should engage in some important conversation, but he needed just a few seconds to himself.

Which he apparently was not allowed to have. A glass appeared before him, handed to him by a young man. Much better than all those old people. “You read my mind, thank you,” he said with a polite smile, accepting the glass. “I don’t believe we’ve met before, I’m Vincze of Искра.” Vincze extended a slender hand. How he hated the formalities, but because this person was here, meant he was also someone important.


Character sheet
Nickname: Vin
Age: 24
Occupation: Student, Crownprince of Искра
Sexuality: Very gay
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

The blonde man caught Ruìsāng’s eye, and he couldn't deny that the guy was attractive. However, he wasn't exactly his usual type. There was something about him that exceeded bottom-energy, which wasn't a quality he typically sought out. Not that he minded a bit of submissiveness now and then, but it usually came with a side of playful defiance– a dynamic he enjoyed. This guy, though, appeared to be the type who'd readily spread his legs with a simple “yes, sir”. Despite this, Ruìsāng couldn't deny the man's charm.

Ruìsāng's attention finally shifted back to the conversation, though his thoughts still swirled in a chaotic mess. “Of what?” he blurted out, his words coming out before he could fully process the question. Inkstain? No. That’d be odd. His eyes widened as he realised his own response, feeling a pang of embarrassment. “I mean— I’m sorry. I was a little lost in thought,” he hastily apologised. Fuck. Well. Whatever.

He flashed a charming smile, attempting to lighten the awkward atmosphere. “I’m Ruìsāng, though most people just call me Sāng,” he said, his tone more relaxed now. He stole a quick glance over his shoulder, ensuring he was out of immediate trouble. He’d only have to stay with BubbleBottomBlonde for a moment. “I don’t think I’ve seen you at the university before. What do you study, if I may ask?” he inquired, his tone casual yet genuinely interested. Ruìsāng mentally patted himself on the back for the question, giving himself an internal high-five for his conversational prowess. Slay.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Vincze of Искра
Messages : 70
IC Posts : 43
Vincze of Искра

Was this person even listening to him? It did not look like it. Vincze kept the friendly smile on his lips but an awkward laugh escaped. He wanted to say that this was a new one for him, but sadly enough no. It was fine, maybe he had a lot on his mind. Well, this was a bit awkward for the both of them.

The other seemed to come back to reality. “Iskra,” he repeated himself. Vincze assumed everyone here knew who exactly he was as he set up this whole thing, but apparently he was mistaken. “That’s alright, it happens to the best of us.” Vincze wanted to grab one of his braids, but they were not there. For the occasion he’d bound his long hair together in a neat ponytail. “I’ve had it happen a few times too tonight,” he said with a wink. What he did was pretend he’d heard them and laugh when they were laughing. It worked perfectly.

The other introduced himself as Ruìsāng, but Sāng for short. “A rather unusual name,” he noticed. When the other looked over his shoulder, Vincze followed his gaze and slightly tilted his head when there was nothing to be seen. Now he was slightly starting to worry.

“I don’t think I have seen you either. I’m going for my master in business administration, although— not my first choice, like at all.” Vincze’s smile faltered for a second as he realized what he just said. It was but a minor slip up, but he should have said how much he liked the study and everything. Having conversed with numerous significant older individuals, he simply found joy in talking to someone of his own age. And someone pleasant to look at too. “How about you?” he said in an attempt to save this before taking a big sip of his wine.


Character sheet
Nickname: Vin
Age: 24
Occupation: Student, Crownprince of Искра
Sexuality: Very gay
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

Iskra. Ruìsāng wracked his brain, trying to recall where he had encountered that name before. A supermarket, perhaps? It sounded vaguely like a place where you'd find rows of yoghurt containers. Ruìsāng had ever been a fan of yoghurt.

Mister BBB appeared amiable, and Ruìsāng responded with a smile when the other empathized, mentioning that such mishaps were par for the course. “I bet. Too much going on in places like these anyway,” he remarked with a grin. The hustle and bustle of crowded spaces always seemed to attract individuals vying for attention.

The other said he had an unusual name, which caused Ruìsāng to look back at him with raised brows. “Here, yes. My parents are from Fènghuáng,” he smiled. Out there, names were very different and one like his own wouldn’t stand out.

As Mister BBB shared his major—business administration—Ruìsāng's internal monologue was succinct but fervent: Fuck.

It dawned on him that this was none other than Prince Twink-a-ton infiltrating their business class. For a split second, Ruìsāng's eyes widened, but he quickly masked his surprise with a congenial smile. “Me? Oh… nothing special,” he deflected. He couldn’t say that he did business administration here. He wasn’t supposed to be here. He wasn’t supposed to be talking to royalty.

Would you— hah— excuse me? I should probably go. Have a good evening.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Vincze of Искра
Messages : 70
IC Posts : 43
Vincze of Искра

If Vincze had a choice in this, he would also not be here. Being at home with a good movie, some company and snacks was a far better option, but everyone here had an important reason to be here. If he suddenly disappeared, it would only worsen his reputation even more. “You have no idea. The amount of times I’ve been forced to listen to some old man talking about— to be honest I don’t even know what they were talking about,” Vincze laughed. Even when he had not been paying much attention, he had managed to finish each and every conversation smoothly.

He twirled the wine in his glass around for a bit and tucked one hand in the pocket of his pants. “Really? I’ve heard a lot about that country. Sadly enough I never had the chance to visit it myself. “ Maybe one day he would.

It felt good to be able to talk to someone who felt a bit more normal among all these people of high status. Even when they were a bit odd. Vincze kept a smile on his face as he talked, even when the other did not want to tell him what he was studying. “Nothing special?” he asked amusedly, followed by a laugh. “Never heard about that one before, is it difficult?”

Sadly enough, the conversation was over before it had even begun. The smile finally faltered and he looked at Ruìsāng in confusion. “Uhm— yeah sure— of course. You too.” Vincze raised his glass for a moment before lifting it to his lips. Well, that was awkward.


Character sheet
Nickname: Vin
Age: 24
Occupation: Student, Crownprince of Искра
Sexuality: Very gay
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