
netflix en chill maar dan gewoon normaal

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Viktoriya of Искра
Messages : 14
IC Posts : 11
Viktoriya of Искра
the vague “she” of all the poetry books.
She was the amoureuse of all the novels
the heroine of all the plays

As Viktorina was just settling into her dormitory at the University of Sanctum, having just arrived a couple days prior. With the busy nature of the situation, she had not had the time to spend with her brother to the extent that they had once been accustomed to. This fact pained her more than she would have probably liked to admit. Despite the way she treated him sometimes, Vincze was undoubtedly one of the most important figures in her life.

Among the many activities that Viktorina and her brother used to engage in was their tradition of hosting movie nights on a regular basis. They would stay up throughout the night, watching a diverse range of different films, consuming substantial amounts of snacks and engaging in the consumption of alcohol as well. Back at their homeland, they would often host these movie nights in Viktorina's room, but now, since it was in disarray,  they decided to hold the movie night within Vincent's room instead.

As the time to visit her twin drawing nearer, Viktorina made a short respite near the local market to procure some food for her beloved brother. Armed with a handful of snacks, Viktorina trekked towards her brother's university dormitory as the sun began to descend.

you better be ready for movie night vin cuz i'm almost there ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ
okay i'm here open up!✧ ˚.  ᵎᵎ

After being permitted entry into Vincze's room, Viktorina, who had never been there before, marveled at the size of the space. Hugging her bag of snacks tightly to her chest, she eagerly surveyed the surroundings while exclaiming, "Vin! Your room is much larger than mine!" Perhaps it was because he was the Crown Prince, and thus the funds were available to him. "You absolutely must trade with me," she all but demanded, believing that she could make better use of the expanded space.

Having lost interest in the movies, Viktorina was utterly occupied by the vast discrepancy between her room and that of her brother. Moreover, she desired what he had and she was willing to barter anything for it. "Vin, please come on? I'll never ask you for anything ever again, I swear," she uttered in hope, knowing how many times she had made such a declaration before.

Character sheet
Nickname: Vik
Age: 23
Occupation: Princess / Student
Sexuality: visexual
Vincze of Искра
Messages : 70
IC Posts : 43
Vincze of Искра

Vincze was truly exhausted after the past few days. All the preparations and the charity event itself had taken its toll. He felt beaten, like he could sleep for a whole week and still be tired once he woke up. But his twin had other ideas, which involved being lazy, doing nothing and eating a lot of snacks. That he could do.

Don’t forget to bring the snacks!  netflix en chill maar dan gewoon normaal  1f35a

While he waited for his sister to arrive, he took the opportunity to clean up a bit. Last night he did not have the strength to do so, but if he didn’t she might get lost in the mess. When she finally arrived, there was order in the chaos again.

Not one minute went by and it looked like he was already losing his small apartment. “Is it?” Vincze laughed a bit awkwardly while scratching the back of his head. If his was larger than the one Viktorina had, then what about the others? Was Nikólaos’s room even larger? After all, it was all about money and while they were not poor it was nothing like the royal family of Edessa, Aswan or even Andorin. “No, absolutely not, no way,” he declined immediately, waving his hands in front of him.

It was obvious the movie had to wait. Vincze let himself fall on the couch with a dramatic sigh. “You know I can’t. What will people say if I move to an even smaller room?” At this point he’d come to the conclusion that his room was smaller than those of the others. He spread his arms behind him over the couch. “They already don’t take me seriously, which will get worse if I agree to this.” If they were home in Iskra, he might have done it. But with all the royal houses living here, it was impossible.


Character sheet
Nickname: Vin
Age: 24
Occupation: Student, Crownprince of Искра
Sexuality: Very gay
Viktoriya of Искра
Messages : 14
IC Posts : 11
Viktoriya of Искра
the vague “she” of all the poetry books.
She was the amoureuse of all the novels
the heroine of all the plays

Viktoriya's face fell when her brother refused to give up his room for her, citing that people would think less of him if he downgraded to a smaller room. Viktoriya threw the snacks she had bought onto the ground, and crossed her arms. She wanted to say something hurtful, like, "people don't think of you at all, so this won't change if you have a smaller room." But she refrained because that was a bit too harsh. Instead, she huffed in annoyance and sat down beside him on the couch. "I need the extra space though," she counters.

It wasn't a lie! Viktoriya had brought so much stuff from home that her room was overflowing. On top of that, the views from his room were better than hers, where she could only see an ugly building. It was so unfair that she was being saddled with such a crappy room, maybe she wasn't a princess of a powerful or wealthy nation, but she was still a princess! And, as such, deserved better accommodations.

Viktoryia uncrossed her arms and turned to Vincze, giving him a pleading look with big, puppy dog eyes. She tried once again to plead her case by saying, "Vin, please? pleeeeaaaase, pleeeaaase, plleeeeaaasee? Just do this one favor for me! I'll do anything you want in return, just pleaseee trade with me!"

Character sheet
Nickname: Vik
Age: 23
Occupation: Princess / Student
Sexuality: visexual
Vincze of Искра
Messages : 70
IC Posts : 43

Vincze of Искра

Nothing could ever be simple with his twin. Vincze tried to laugh it away, but she almost looked genuinely sad when he told her no. “And when you have the extra space, you’ll need even more,” he countered as he softly bumped into her with his shoulder. There would always be more stuff to fill out the extra space she got. “What about my stuff? Where will I keep those?” Vincze asked as he lazily crossed his arms. He also had too much, but mostly too many clothes. Half of which he never wore.

But she would not give up that easily. Instead, Viktoriya was begging even more. “That’s what you always say and you never go through with it,” Vincze sighed deeply. This was not the first time she’d asked to trade something with him, but now he would not agree to it.

“If you really want a bigger room, go ask the Prince of Edessa. Surely his apartment is even bigger than mine.” Not that he’d seen the inside. Yet. Not that he would mind a little tour around the place. Seeing every— before his thoughts could sprawl out of control, Vincze cleared his throat. “I thought you wanted to watch a movie,” he said as he turned back to his sister.


Character sheet
Nickname: Vin
Age: 24
Occupation: Student, Crownprince of Искра
Sexuality: Very gay
Viktoriya of Искра
Messages : 14
IC Posts : 11
Viktoriya of Искра
the vague “she” of all the poetry books.
She was the amoureuse of all the novels
the heroine of all the plays

The words that came out of Vincze's mouth barely registered in her head, they were just lousy excuses! Viktoryia grabbed a hold of one of the many pillows he had lying on his couch. For a moment, she thought of hurling it at his head, perhaps force would make him change his mind. Though she quickly pushed that out of her mind, she didn't want to start a fight with her brother; especially not here. Papa and Mama weren't here to take her side after all. And well, it was a little unfair to Vincze all things considered. He had done so much work these past few weeks, setting up events and whatnot.

Though when he mentioned the prince of Edessa, she did briefly reconsider. Perhaps she should hit him over the head with a pillow after all. "Arghh! Don't bring up that man!" She said this as she fell back on the couch and held the pillow off her head. "I hate him!" She concluded that she hated his stupid ginger hair, that smug smile, and his arrogance. Just thinking about him got her all riled up. So much so that she almost forgot about the movie. Not until Vinscze brought it up. Viktoryia sighed and removed the pillow from her face. "I rented the princess bride," she said while turning to her brother. "It's a movie about a prince who falls in love with a prince from a rival kingdom. But of course they can't be together because of politics - So they run away to a far of land to be together." 

Character sheet
Nickname: Vik
Age: 23
Occupation: Princess / Student
Sexuality: visexual
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