
Seeing a ghost

2 posters
Vincze of Искра
Messages : 70
IC Posts : 43
Vincze of Искра

Shattered glass echoed through the room. The wineglass in his hands now lay broken at his feet. At his side people were asking him if he was alright, what happened, but Vincze couldn’t move. They were having a conversation about the elections in Cerynia when he saw Katherine among the crowd. Why was she here? He’d thought—

”Please, excuse me for a moment,” Vincze said with a practiced smile.

More glass broke under his weight as he stepped right through it. He might be the host of the evening, but he needed a break. She was not supposed to be here. Not the charity event, and definitely not Cerynia. She was part of the troubles he ran away from by coming here.

Vincze disappeared into a hallway. He could still see the party, but waiters used it to get to the kitchens.  No one else had to be here so it was rather quiet. With his back against a wall, he stood there. It was fine. Everything that happened was far behind them, and yet it was fresh in his mind.

He shouldn’t have ran just now. The good and right thing to do was walk up to her and have a friendly conversation. But it was like he was glued to the wall.

What a mess.

[ Katherine ]


Character sheet
Nickname: Vin
Age: 24
Occupation: Student, Crownprince of Искра
Sexuality: Very gay
Katherine of Andorin
Messages : 84
IC Posts : 53
Katherine of Andorin
He was sunshine I was midnight rain. He wanted it comfortable I wanted that pain. He wanted a bride, I was making my own name. He stayed the same, all of me changed like midnight
See it as a chance to get away from the past, focus on your future. She could still hear her parents' voices ringing in her head as she stared at the Prince of Iskra. Her eyes darted from his face, to the shattered glass, only to briefly find his eyes again before he disappeared. She felt as if her entire world had turned upside down, again. While she knew of Nikólaos being present at the university, she hadn't expected anyone from Iskra to make an appearance.

The conversation she was having quickly continued. Perhaps her conversational partner did not want to put anymore emphasis on what had just happened. But Katherine couldn't not think about it. He had stared at her the same way he did when- After a few minutes, she found a way to politely excuse herself.

Her red eyes had followed the prince closely as he left and she now followed the same path. Quietly she opened the door to the hallway and found him as distressed as could be. She felt the room grow cold, yet only briefly, as she found her control. She was better at that now than she had once been. "Considering all that happened I thought I was supposed to be the one panicking." She said. It was far too sharp of a remark to make out there. But here.. She wondered why he was so afraid of seeing her, she recalled that she had been the locked up one.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kath, Princess
Age: 23 years
Birthday: October 1, 2000
Occupation: Crown Princess of Andorin / Student
Sexuality: Straight (jk)
Vincze of Искра
Messages : 70
IC Posts : 43
Vincze of Искра

The host of a party disappearing after seeing one of their guests was probably unheard of. If his dad was here he’d tell him to get out there again. They had an image to uphold. No, not even uphold but fix. Sooner rather than later he needed to go back. Staying back there would not change the situation.

Vincze had made up his mind and pushed himself off the wall. Surely it was not that difficult to pretend everything was normal and act like she was just another guest. The moment he turned around however, all the courage he’d build up left without leaving a trace behind.

“Princess Katherine,” he greeted her breathlessly. Why was she back here?

He fixed his posture, straightening his back, shoulders pushed back and chin slightly higher. Even a smile formed on his lips. A fake one, but mastered until perfection that most people would never doubt its genuinity. “I’m afraid I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said calmly although he could feel his heart beating in his chest.

She was just another guest. ”Although I must admit, I am surprised to see you here.” Vince kept tha calm smile on his face, giving him a friendly expression.


Character sheet
Nickname: Vin
Age: 24
Occupation: Student, Crownprince of Искра
Sexuality: Very gay
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