
Surviving the Game

Hayden Fòlais
Messages : 65
IC Posts : 32
Hayden Fòlais
He had been working for hours on end on his own experiments for once. He wasn't getting much farther yet, not without something to properly test it on. He knew the powers that his Alakazam, Banette and Mimikyu had, but without something or better said someone to test it on, it just didn't work yet. However his body was quite clear that it needed some rest and maybe a bit of food or fluids too.
He put down whatever he had been working on and walked out of his lab, closing the door behind him and made sure that no one would be able to get inside without the right authority. From there he went through the building, leaving the part where only people with quite the high clearance could come and going to the common parts of the building. Here there was a cafetaria, a place where he could get some food and hopefully some coffee, he could really use that. After getting some sandwiches and coffee, he sat down, hoping for a bit of peace and quiet.
Yèxīn Xuān

Character sheet
Nickname: Hay
Age: 28 years
Birthday: 16/12
Occupation: Mad scientist/Lead Researcher
Sexuality: Asexual
Yèxīn Xuān
Messages : 89
IC Posts : 54
Yèxīn Xuān

At least Yèxīn’s laptop emerged unscathed from the chaos caused by Numbers, who had managed to trigger the fire alarm during his lunch break. He yearned for the occasional day off from her incessant presence, but she always seemed to linger—ever ready to pester him when he least desired it. The mystery of why they were consistently paired on projects eluded him, and he wished there were a way to change it.

The only respite from Numbers was to distance himself from Level 2 and retreat to the public dining area, even if it meant enduring curious gazes from interns. He scrunched his nose in response to a girl's giggle as he walked by, releasing a sigh as his red eyes swept the surroundings, eventually landing on a familiar face.

Also avoiding someone?” he inquired, suspecting that the restricted space for having meals on Level 2 was being shunned because of Numbers. With that in mind, he unpacked his lunch, seeking a moment of peace.

Character sheet
Nickname: Xin
Age: 27 y/o
Birthday: May 15, 1996
Occupation: Scientist
Sexuality: Bisexual
Hayden Fòlais
Messages : 65
IC Posts : 32
Hayden Fòlais
it was a lot busier here than he had hoped and he could hear a few of the girls talking, even giggling a little. Was it really that interesting to see some of them here when they didn't come here that often? He just hoped none of them would approach him, he really couldn't deal with them and would probably get a complaint that he had gone too far.
It was better when someone he actually knew a little came and sat with him. Hopefully that would leave those girls far away. He took a bite from one of the sandwiches when the man asked him if he was avoiding someone. "Not really avoiding, more hoping to have a moment of peace and quiet and hopefully finding a way to break through with my experiment." He let his gaze travel to a group of girls who were watching them. It was probably not worth it to try and use them. "Are you here for that reason?" It wasn't surprising if that was the case, not from what he heard.
Yèxīn Xuān

Character sheet
Nickname: Hay
Age: 28 years
Birthday: 16/12
Occupation: Mad scientist/Lead Researcher
Sexuality: Asexual
Yèxīn Xuān
Messages : 89
IC Posts : 54
Yèxīn Xuān

The other explained his quest for a moment of peace and quiet to break through his experiment. Yèxīn hummed, only half-engaged in the details of Hayden's work. Yèxīn had found himself on the second level out of necessity, not preference. This man, however... Yèxīn often questioned if he even understood the concept of remorse.

Sadly, I often have to work together with a hurricane in human form. I will take anything for a break away from that,” he nodded with a solemn acknowledgement. Yèxīn couldn't fathom why he and Numbers were consistently paired for tasks, but he had resigned himself to the arrangement. What other choice did he have?

Yet, as he sat there, Yèxīn pondered whether he'd truly prefer collaborating with the man across from him. Despite spending weeks in the same workspace, he knew next to nothing about him. Sustaining a meaningful conversation seemed like an improbable feat.

Character sheet
Nickname: Xin
Age: 27 y/o
Birthday: May 15, 1996
Occupation: Scientist
Sexuality: Bisexual
Hayden Fòlais
Messages : 65
IC Posts : 32
Hayden Fòlais
He knew he wasn't open to others, he had never been like that except towards his brother. Yes, his obsessions were things he could talk about with others, but most didn't understand him. Even if this was a place where scientists gathered, most people had their own projects, their own obsessions so to say.
The other told him he often had to work with a hurricane in human form. He couldn't even imagine how that would be, wouldn't even want to if he was honest. He looked at the man in front of him, they had never really worked together, since Yexin wasn't one to participate in his own experiments and when he did the common experiments they didn't work together. "Sounds like we both need a bit of peace and quiet then." He commented. He just hoped he would have to work with people who did what he asked of them.
Yèxīn Xuān

Character sheet
Nickname: Hay
Age: 28 years
Birthday: 16/12
Occupation: Mad scientist/Lead Researcher
Sexuality: Asexual
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