
Róng Yù
Messages : 9
IC Posts : 7
Róng Yù
they were the first thing you saw when you looked at him
Bright, blue eyes. How remarkable
the colour of them

Rong was slated to cooperate with another individual today; This, in and of itself, was a somewhat distressing prospect. But, being teamed together with someone who had authority over him took the predicament to greater heights of discomfort. He was not just an assistant who could be ordered around. Nonetheless, Rong had no option but to accede to the collaboration, despite the displeasure of the situation.

Rong proceeded to the portion of the laboratory where Hayden was typically placed, not knowing much about the man; only that he was capable of becoming quite unhinged and that his manner of research was less than desirable. Hoping that no such eccentricities would be on display today, Rong waved in an attempt to seek the man's focus and attention.

Rong introduced himself to Hayden, "My name's Rong yu, I am shadowing you for today." he informed the fellow scientist, giving him a thorough scrutiny through his observant gaze. Upon closer inspection, Hayden appeared to be an individual of rather uncommon appearance. The blue hair and yellow eyes were rather odd, as was the fedora atop his head. Evidently, Hayden had been ignorant of the fact that such fashion sense had fallen out of vogue some period of time ago.

Character sheet
Age: 22
Birthday: June 28
Occupation: specialized scientist
Sexuality: Bisexual
Hayden Fòlais
Messages : 65
IC Posts : 32
Hayden Fòlais
Today was one of the days he would have to work together with someone. He knew it was a part of working here, but that didn't mean that he liked it. He knew that also meant that it was better if he didn't do one of his projects that most people found abominable. It wasn't easy to understand why he did the things he did, but that was why he mostly did those tests on his own.
So for today there would be no humans to test on and the things he was going to try weren't too manipulative or he hoped that was the case at least. He looked over to the person once they were introducing themselves. "Hayden Fòlais," He introduced himself shortly with just a nod. "How much experience do you have when it comes to psychic and ghost type pokemon?" It was good to know, so that he could decide what he could use the man for.
Róng Yù

Character sheet
Nickname: Hay
Age: 28 years
Birthday: 16/12
Occupation: Mad scientist/Lead Researcher
Sexuality: Asexual
Róng Yù
Messages : 9
IC Posts : 7
Róng Yù
they were the first thing you saw when you looked at him
Bright, blue eyes. How remarkable
the colour of them

Hayden introduced himself to Rong Yu, his name resonating within the man's mind with a distinctly odd feeling attached to it. Rong Yu attempted to shake off the sense of foreboding this name invoked, focusing instead on responding to the question posed. "I am more experienced with Psychic-Type Pokémon than Ghost-Type Pokémon," he stated, revealing his preference for the former over the latter. Psychic types were easier to regulate, monitor, and assess than Ghost types, which had a strange ability to influence and trick the sensory experiences of those around them.

In addition, it felt wrong to Rong Yu to work with creatures so close to the beyond. In his upbringing, the dead, spirits, and the supernatural were deeply respected and revered. He had made great strides to overcome these feelings despite them being actively instilled in him since his youth, but he was unable to completely free himself of them.

Character sheet
Age: 22
Birthday: June 28
Occupation: specialized scientist
Sexuality: Bisexual
Hayden Fòlais
Messages : 65
IC Posts : 32

Hayden Fòlais
He had a small hope that Rong had experience with both, but sadly it seemed like the man had a preference. For today that meant they would just be using psychic types he guessed. "Alright, psychic it is." He grabbed the pokeball for Mega 1 and let the Alakazam out. For ghost he could have taken out the Banette and Mimikyu, but for now he would keep it to Mega 1. "This here is my Alakazam, I have been using him and my other pokemon for the experiments." Today they wouldn't be doing too much though.
For today he decided that they would be working with illusions and testing them on some of the other pokemon in the lab. They would measure the effects that showing certain illusions would have. "For today we will be working with illusions and what kind of effect different illusions have on different types of pokemon." He would have liked to test it on people, but for now he would have to settle for pokemon. "Could you get some of the test pokemon, so we can start?" There were some in the cages in the room, but he would leave it up to Rong to decide which one to use first.
Róng Yù

Character sheet
Nickname: Hay
Age: 28 years
Birthday: 16/12
Occupation: Mad scientist/Lead Researcher
Sexuality: Asexual
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