
Warmness on the Soul

Zander von Voss
Messages : 3
IC Posts : 1
Zander von Voss
Looking on his watch, he tapped with his foot on the soft underground. Flowers tried to wrap themselves around his ankle. If he could glare them away, he would've done it. Yet, the affinity of grass was not bestowed upon him. He had never any kind of mystical inspirations. He was just what he had always been, a humble servant of the lady Cordelia. As of now, he had been waiting for her to show up. A message had reached him this morning, that she had a task for him. Yet what this task was, she had withheld from him. So he had decided against picking her up from home, and just went towards the meeting point alone. His two pokémon were having fun without him. The Chandelure tried to just barely not set the whole flowery field ablaze, while the Honchkrow flew overhead laughing at the ghost and fire pokémon. With a sharp whistle from their trainer, the two pokémon halted their progress and jointed at his side. They had to look presentable for once lady Cordelia would arrive.
+ Lady Cordelia

Character sheet
Nickname: Zand
Age: 26 y/o
Birthday: 17-04-1997
Occupation: Lady Cordelia's Retrainer
Sexuality: Ace