
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????
With her back against one of the surrounding buildings she puffed her cigarette, keeping a watchful eye on the doors of the research center. Usually, she kept a very deliberate distance from the uni, this center and other such high esteemed instances. they clearly wanted nothing from her, and up until recently that feeling had been mutual. Now, though, after some.. Unfortunate incidents that had beaten her up quite badly, her interest was piqued.

When she was sure no-one was keeping an eye on her, she approached the building, sniffing around like a stray. With the cigarette in her mouth she nosed around, circling the building and inspecting its entrances. The dim light of twilight would hopefully hide her lean figure, as she looked quite shady lurking around the premises. She just hoped to find a weak spot: a broken window, a door that hung loosely on its hinges - just anything she could use later. What for, she wasn't entirely sure yet. She didn't really know what she wanted, just... Something. Something that could make her and her pokémon stronger. She knew they researched affinities here, surely some psycho scientist was also looking into enhancing abilities, right? Whatever was going on, maybe it held some answers for her. She'd just really like to burn off the face of the next person that tried to strangle her.


Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
Yèxīn Xuān
Messages : 89
IC Posts : 54
Yèxīn Xuān

Someone was poking around the facility, and Yèxīn sighed. It wasn't his concern. He cared little about the curiosity of some nobody towards the place. The powers that be had made it clear that there was nothing to discover. The main area, Level one, was entirely legal—routine check-ups on individuals with affinities, understanding their origins and the theory behind it. Nothing special.

Beneath the surface, however, much more was at play. Yèxīn occasionally pondered the consequences if this information leaked. Would it cease? He doubted it. He had long realised that those in charge here wielded more power than any cop. It didn't matter. Unleashing the truth would only sow chaos.

He monitored the security camera. Most had already left, but Yèxīn had a habit of arriving late and staying late, deliberately avoiding Numbers during the early hours. When the girl moved even closer, he sighed. It was time to see what she was after.

Yèxīn donned his long, dark coat, hands in pockets, and passed through the security doors. He swiftly exited through the back door, approaching the redhead from behind. Silently, he walked up to her and...

Are you supposed to be here?

Character sheet
Nickname: Xin
Age: 27 y/o
Birthday: May 15, 1996
Occupation: Scientist
Sexuality: Bisexual
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????
She wasn’t sure if it was the cold breeze that caused her to shiver, or if it was this place. The dusk lengthened the shadows, making the grey building look much less friendly than it had before. She’d only been her once before. As a creature of habit who praised herself for knowing the city like the back of her hand – Mindo was ill at ease in this strange place.

Reflecting her own discomfort was Soot, who stalked around just as on edge. He kept his distance, and Mindo reminded herself to trust his sharper senses. He’d warn her if anything was happening. For now, she just needed to focus. In all honesty, it’d been so long since she’d broken in somewhere. She’d figured it would be like riding a bike, but it was surprisingly easy to forget what to look for. Frustrated, she forced herself to focus and quietly shuffled around, trying to avoid the camera’s as much as she could. Occasionally, she tapped a window and stretched her neck to look for any hatches or weak spots; anything that could help.

A soft bark warned her, and immediately brought her focus back. Soot was now growling, and with a jerk Mindo turned around to see what had caused it. A muffled cry escaped as a tall shadow loomed over her, and her sudden movement almost made her bump into the stranger standing right behind her. Fucking Arceus, she had not heard him approach at all. How on earth did could such an imposing figure move so quietly? Instantly, she took a few steps backwards, creating some space between them. “The hell are you sneaking up on me for, asshole?” she huffed angrily at him before thinking twice, annoyed by the fact that he’d been able to creep up on her so easily. She really had become rusty, fuck. The redhead forced herself to calm down and look relaxed, biting her tongue before cussing him out even more. “I was just looking around, I’m allowed to do that,” she told him as kindly as she could muster, but the annoyance flashed in her vivid eyes. “I’ve never been to the research center, I was just curious,” she lied with a shrug. She was just a civilian. Doing, y’know, civilian things. Nothing suspicious there.

Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
Yèxīn Xuān
Messages : 89
IC Posts : 54
Yèxīn Xuān

The girl deftly shifted the blame onto him, as if he were the one trespassing. Rather than responding in kind, Yèxīn simply narrowed his gaze, staring her down as if she were an unruly pup in need of correction.

She insisted that she was merely exploring, asserting her right to do so. Yèxīn’s facial expression revealed little, save for a downward twitch at one corner of his mouth and a subtle raise of his eyebrow. Clearly, she wasn't allowed to be here.

So you strolled around our fences. Should we erect signs explicitly stating not to tap on our windows? I assumed even simpletons were smarter than that,” he stated with the calm demeanor of someone whose vitality had been drained away decades ago. “You're permitted on the pathway and within the research center during visiting hours, unless you have a valid reason to be elsewhere.

Character sheet
Nickname: Xin
Age: 27 y/o
Birthday: May 15, 1996
Occupation: Scientist
Sexuality: Bisexual
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????
It didn’t take long for her to hate his guts at all. In fact, it only took one glance. He dismissed her like a lillipup yapping at his heels, barely giving her his time of day. Fury nestled in her stomach and she had to do her very best lash out at him. Ordinary civilian she firmly reminded herself. Ordinary,-polite- civilian.

Shit, well, that didn’t do wonders for her cover. Her eye twitched, but she kept her expression remotely calm. How on earth would he have known? If he’d been outside, Soot would’ve warned her. He must have come from somew… Oh fuck, was this dude a fucking scientist? Or security guard? The only way he’d have known would be to stay very well hidden, or to lurk behind the camera’s that could see her. Shit, busted. Well, at least now she knew that this side was not safe. The redhead managed to remain calm, up until he called her a simpleton.

He called her fucking stupid.

She should apologize. Apologize and smile kindly at him, to maintain her veil of innocence. That, however, was outside of Mindo’s capabilities. Her self-control only went so far. Especially with scientists, students and all the fucking nerds with sticks so far up their ass they could choke on it. “Listen here you little shi-,” she stepped closer and pointed her finger at him, puffing her chest, but was immediately reminded of the last time she challenged a stranger. Pain painted a grimace on her face as her bruised ribs ached. Seeing her bruised wrist as well, she faltered a little. “I was just… Exploring,” she forced the words out painfully, biting down the other insults she planned on throwing at him. He towered over her, and Mindo was in no state to pick another fight. That was a thought she hated. She wasn’t fucking weak. A few bruises would not make her back down.  “Just back off, you’re not the cops. I’m not doing anything, so why don’t you just get your snubby little nose back in the research center,” she looked up and met his gaze defiantly. Ugh, it really wasn’t fair to make assholes handsome too.

Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
Yèxīn Xuān
Messages : 89
IC Posts : 54
Yèxīn Xuān

The young woman resembled some of the volatile liquids they handled in the facility—highly flammable and potentially explosive with mishandling. Yèxīn had no desire to add fuel to her fire, but it appeared she was eager to ignite. He maintained his stern gaze, silently hoping she would simmer down before he’d have to waste energy. While he refrained from resorting to violence against a woman, he wouldn't hesitate to enforce calmness on his terms.

An eyebrow arched gradually when she began cussing, her finger pointing at his chest, a gesture that would barely make a dent even with her full strength. Yèxīn remained stoic, unmoved, simply waiting and observing.

She reminded him of a Mankey.

I may not be the police, but it is my responsibility to keep unauthorised individuals away from the facility, especially those blatantly dishonest about their purpose here,” he declared, as though instructing a child not to climb onto the coffee table. “Unless, of course, you have a valid reason to be inspecting our windows?” he continued, arms folded, chin lifted slightly. If he had to lift her by the collar and escort her outside, he was prepared to do so.

Character sheet
Nickname: Xin
Age: 27 y/o
Birthday: May 15, 1996
Occupation: Scientist
Sexuality: Bisexual
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????
His demeaning tone made all her hairs stand up on edge. He was treating her like a child. An annoying, stupid child, at that. Her eyes flickered with ire, and she bit down hard on the inside of her cheek.

At this point it felt like a challenge to get any emotion out of him. Hell, if she couldn’t punch him, she’d find other ways to get under his skin. Was any of this a smart move if she was actually considering breaking and entering? No, but it was too late to back down now.

Mindo crossed her arms. “Actually, yeah, I do,” she said, challenging him. “I’m an official window inspector, I’ll have you know. A check-up was due,” she mocked him, walking over to the window closest to them and beating down on it hard with her good hand. She put her ear against the cold glass as if listening to it, before turning to the stranger. “They’re fucking shit,” very mature.

Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
Yèxīn Xuān
Messages : 89
IC Posts : 54
Yèxīn Xuān

 Yèxīn stared.

That was it. No response to her quip about being a window inspector, nor when she pressed her ear against the cold glass after pounding on it with force. If she had any knowledge of the facility's operations, she'd understand those windows were impervious to any pressure a human could exert. They were designed to keep people out... or in.

Well, it seems your expectations have reached their conclusion, and I'd gladly assist you in leaving the premises,”  he informed her, gesturing with a single hand toward the path leading back to the entrance. He refrained from commenting on any other aspect of her behaviour, feeling no inclination to do so. Individuals like her held no interest for him. If she aspired to a career in comedy, he wouldn't be purchasing tickets to her show.

Some people need to get back to their actual jobs,” he told her, urging her to speed it up.

Character sheet
Nickname: Xin
Age: 27 y/o
Birthday: May 15, 1996
Occupation: Scientist
Sexuality: Bisexual
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????
Well, so much for getting any kind of response out of him. The large man just stared, completely unimpressed by anything Mindo was doing. She twitched under his gaze. It was possibly the most aggravating thing he could have done. Unease and irritation gnawed at her, and she stared back in defiance. Clearly, this man was raised with no sense of humor at all. Fucking prick.

For a second, she considered making another attempt at aggravating him. If there was anything she excelled at, it was usually getting on someone's nerves. In fact, she was known to dance on them. There was no doubt in her mind that one way or another, she'd crack that stoic mask on his pretty face. Just a matter of time. Yet... Her body still ached, and she really was determined to find her way into the premises. Was it really worth kicking a closet of a man against the shins, just so she'd feel better? Grumbling, she put her hands deep in her pockets. "Don't need your help, I was already leaving," as she walked past him, she made sure to bump her shoulder against him. A move she immediately regretted, as her ribs ached and a sound somewhere between a groan and a squeak escaped. She bit down hard, hoping he hadn't heard.

She made her way towards the exit, making sure she was one step in front of him. If only to make sure he wouldn't think of himself as escorting her, she was leaving on her on behalf. His words, however, piqued her interest. "Tsk, so do I. Plenty of windows to check, " she grumbled, but glanced at him from over her shoulders. "What do you even do?" she probed. Did she actually give a shit about anything he did? Not really, but if he was a security guard or actual scientist, that info might actually help her.

Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
Yèxīn Xuān
Messages : 89
IC Posts : 54
Yèxīn Xuān

Apparently, the redhead didn’t require his assistance, as she was already making her way out. Yèxīn's response was a single, firm nod of approval, accompanied by a furrowed brow as she intentionally bumped into him while passing. Observing her groan in pain, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. He had often been likened to an immovable mountain, and a mountain did not yield, regardless of the force exerted upon it.

Yèxīn silently trailed her as she headed towards the exit, grateful for her departure. In his mind, she remained a metaphorical Mankey—obnoxious, loud, and lacking in intelligence. He resolved not to capture such a monkey; this encounter was sufficient in dealing with one.

When she inquired about his profession, he emitted a sigh. “I am a scientist. I shouldn't have to explain my specific field of expertise to you,” he stated calmly, his voice as flat as a can of Coke that's been left outside, devoid of any fizz. “Are you interested in affinities, or are you seeking information about your own?” he continued, displaying no semblance of enthusiasm. He presumed she must have had a reason for prying.

Character sheet
Nickname: Xin
Age: 27 y/o
Birthday: May 15, 1996
Occupation: Scientist
Sexuality: Bisexual
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????
The silence was weighing heavy on her shoulders and she regretted stepping out in front of him. As they walked, his eyes seemed to pierce right through her back. Mindo clenched her teeth, grateful for the houndour that had approached and was now trailing her footsteps. Quite a mess she was in. Why was this fucker even checking the security camera's? And more importantly, why would a research facility be so heavily guarded? Apparently it was in higher esteem than she had initially thought, which did nothing for her already rapidly deteriorating mood. Mindo was a decent burglar, but that was about it. Her lean and agile body could get her in places just fine, but she did not posses the skills to deal with highly intelligent security systems. She knew people that did, but that would mean asking for some favors. And that was a very, very slippery slope.

Her question earned her a sigh. All she did was ask him a fucking question, and he acted as if she'd been a toddler keeping him up all night. Mindo bawled her fists, clenching her teeth at his flat tone. He made her feel like an insignificant fly, which was most likely exactly the way he saw her. Ugh, she'd do anything to make him eat his words, to fill those pale, devoid eyes with fear. Her anger made it hard to focus on what he was actually saying, and she'd already opened her mouth to hiss back at him when his second question caught her by surprise. She snapped her mouth shut. He'd actually been able to shut her up, as she weighed her options. If she answered truthfully, there was no way she'd be able to break in anymore. Most likely the security footage was recorded, and despite her skills in covering her tracks, he'd know her intentions and connect them to the break in instantly. Then again, considering the security, her chances of getting in on her own were dismal to start with. If he really was a scientist, most likely this was the best chance she was going to get at any information. But ugh, why'd it have to be this asshole?

Mindo halted, narrowing her eyes as she looked a him. "Both, mr snobby scientist," she relented. "I was just inspecting, figured maybe i could you help you fuckers out, but clearly not," she was lying, but it didn't really matter whether he noticed or not. Her hands reached for her pocket and she fished out a cigarette, lighting it with a flick of her finger. It would let him know she wasn't bluffing. She inhaled deeply and puffed out some smoke in the direction of his face.

Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
Yèxīn Xuān
Messages : 89
IC Posts : 54
Yèxīn Xuān

Yèxīn regarded the girl with the gaze of someone who had lived through many lifetimes and was ready for Nirvana. She turned around, and he silently wished she would continue walking until she faded into the bustling crowd of Sanctum City. Her presence was unnecessary; she didn't belong, and her intelligence fell below the norm. If he wanted to invest time on unintelligent forms of life, he'd visit the zoo.

The girl claimed she could assist them and demonstrated her affinity by lighting a cigarette with her finger. Yèxīn scrunched his nose in disgust. He couldn't decide which was worse: her delusion that she could help or her belief that a spark of fire would impress him. The fire even made the burned skin under his bandages itch, adding to his disdain.

Your presence holds no significance or value, marked by a glaring lack of intelligence. Your assistance is neither required nor desired. Should you insist on sharing your thoughts, kindly direct them to our email address at inquiries@sari.crn,” he declared.

Character sheet
Nickname: Xin
Age: 27 y/o
Birthday: May 15, 1996
Occupation: Scientist
Sexuality: Bisexual
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????
He looked like a fucking robot. Thoughtless yet meticulous, like a machine just doing what it was told. Beep boop, stranger, beep boop, must be a dick. God she wished she could break his nose right then and there. His complete disregard of her entire presence was infuriating to say the least. In the worst way possible, it made her think of her father, which was a memory she was not quite pleased to have invoked.

Annoyed, she lit her cigarette. Something in her hoped at least this different approach might get something useful out of the boring fuck, but once again her attempts proved fruitless. The most she managed to get out of him, was a scrunch of his nose as she filled her longs with smoke from her lit cigarette. It would've been at least somewhat satisfying, had he not just told her to go fuck herself in the worst, most corporate way imaginable. Fury overflowed her, as once again she felt dismissed like a little kid. "Oh go fuck yourself, you piece of shit," she spat at him. Her fist bawled, and without noticing her nails dug into the palm of her hand. "Must be real fucking uncomfortable with that stick so far up your ass," She took the half smoked cigarette between her fingers and flicked it into the direction of his face. Oh how punchable his face looked. For a second she considered it, but the low growl from Soot brought her to her sense. With a grunt she turned around, teeth clenched with anger as she made her way off of the property.

Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
Yèxīn Xuān
Messages : 89
IC Posts : 54
Yèxīn Xuān

There was little that could penetrate Yèxīn's notably thick skin. Insults, criticism of his work, or even physical attempts to provoke him—all were met with his unyielding indifference. He had mastered the art of navigating life by forging his own path, heedless of external disturbances.

However, fire was a vulnerability for the man. When the girl casually flicked a cigarette toward his face, Yèxīn felt the burns on his arm and chest tighten, haunted by the memory of fire licking his skin. Though the cigarette did no harm, it struck a chord. He had no patience left for this erratic Mankey.

Without warning, Yèxīn moved swiftly, aiming to seize her by the collar and yank her back forcefully enough to cause a backward fall. "Learn your place, girl, unless you want someone to put you in it," he hissed, the undertone of anger sharpening his voice.

Character sheet
Nickname: Xin
Age: 27 y/o
Birthday: May 15, 1996
Occupation: Scientist
Sexuality: Bisexual
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????
As she made her exit, she figured the building of man would be quite pleased with himself. After all, he'd manage to succeed in forcing her to do what he had so eloquently asked. The thought made her scoff in anger, but her assumption was proven incorrect.

Without warning, something snatched her from behind. Nothing in his previous responses had given her any warning for this, and as such it caught her completely by surprise. In a desperate attempt she tried to keep her balance, but failed miserably against his strength. Before she knew it, her body met the ground in a not so tender embrace. Mindo cried out in pain as her already beaten up body met the pavement. On instinct, she had tried to break her fall - catching herself with her messed up wrist. Huffing, she laid on the ground for a moment, overcome by surprise and pain. However, it didn't take long before embarrassment and ire washed over her. At least she had managed to illicit some kind or response from him, but the overwhelming ache in her ribs overshadowed any triumph she might've felt. "Oh you fucker, I'll fucking show you-" her voice shook with anger, but instead it was her pokemon to put the money where her mouth was. The pokemon sprung into action within seconds, launching itself at the stranger with a menacing growl. Spreading his jaws, it attempted to sink his teeth deep into the leg of her attacker.


Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
Yèxīn Xuān
Messages : 89
IC Posts : 54
Yèxīn Xuān

It wasn't easy to ruffle Yèxīn's composure, and even when pushed, his reactions were typically measured—swift actions designed to assert dominance. The pull wasn't intended to throw the girl to the ground; it was a controlled gesture that required little effort from the man. His anger, intense but fleeting, was expressed through stern words, expecting her to scurry away like any sensible person would.

Unfortunately, some individuals proved to be highly combustible. Cursing, the girl surprised Yèxīn. He braced for a potential punch, but instead, a Houndour lunged at him, sinking its teeth into his leg. “You—” he began, bending down to seize the Houndour by the scruff, attempting to lift it into the air with a decisive grip. In that moment, he yearned for Yuèyǐng's presence; she would have swiftly dealt with such a disobedient little dog.

Character sheet
Nickname: Xin
Age: 27 y/o
Birthday: May 15, 1996
Occupation: Scientist
Sexuality: Bisexual
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????
Within the blink of an eye, the entire encounter escalated. Before she could even react, white teeth blinked in the dim city lights, and Soot had sunk them into the stranger's leg. Mindo's eyes widened, unsure whether to feel pride or fear for his poor life. She was certainly not given enough time to sort out her feelings. Bending down, the man tried to lunge at her pokémon.  In an impulse, she attempted to throw herself between the two. It gave Soot enough time to narrowly avoid his hands, letting go and ducking away just in time. "Don't fucking touch him." she growled, a fierce anger in her eyes as she put her hands to his chest and tried to push him away. The pain ringing through her body from her bad wrist made her flinch, but she stood her ground. "I'll burn your face off, fucker," her heart was beating wildly, like a panicked bird in a cage. Could she actually see her threat through? Could she ever do anything against the man towering over her?


Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
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