
A dead man walking

Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

Their skulls collided with a sickening thud, an agonising symphony of pain resonating through Ruìsāng's entire being. A guttural groan escaped his lips, the sharp sting of tears prickling at the corners of his eyes. The world blurred as if seen through a distorted lens, but the pain was vivid, real, coursing through every nerve.

As the creature recoiled, a cascade of black blood painted his face. The acrid scent of decay lingered in the air, and he could taste the metallic bitterness of the blood. Yet, despite the reprieve, the aftermath of their collision left him paralyzed, sprawled on the ground, unable to move.

As the world pieced itself back together, the pain refused to relinquish its hold on Ruìsāng. It coiled around his chest like a vise, a malevolent force that radiated down his arm in waves of excruciating torment. His tear-blurred gaze looked up at the sky, yet the pain lingered.

Summoning reserves of strength he didn't know he possessed, Ruìsāng pushed himself upright, the act a struggle against the protests of his aching chest. Fear clawed at him, whispering that perhaps escape had only led him to a lonelier, darker fate.


His gaze fell to his torso, a chilling mix of red and black. He resisted looking at it too much, in fear of accepting what had happened. Now was not the time. Fumbling with trembling hands, he reached for his pocket, only to be met with searing pain that shot through his arm. Panic ignited as he glimpsed at the torn flesh. He recoiled, as if in attempt to distance himself from the nightmare.

He wanted to— He needed to—

And then, there she was again. A sinister smile etched across her face as she casually waved.

Ruìsāng clenched his jaw. Red eyes scanned the surroundings, and he seized the finger, holding it up as a challenge. Despite the pain, despite the horror, a fire burned within him — he would tear her apart.

And in an instant, she vanished.

The fiery resolve that had been propping him up dissipated into thin air.

For the first time in years, he huddled in on himself, cradling his face against his knees, and cried.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay