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Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Míngzé held his cane with both hands as he stood there. Waiting. It was horrible. Normally he had Qiān at his side who would help him in these situations, but the pokémon was still stuck in his pokéball at home. For a moment he had considered bringing him along, but he couldn’t. That’s why he stood there, waiting near the door for someone to notice him and help. Míngzé was tapping a finger against the cane, already wanting to turn around and leave.

“Sorry for the wait, can I help you?”

A friendly sounding woman asked him right on time. A few seconds later and he would be gone. “Is there a table free near the window?” It was his normal spot at this bar, so after she told him it was free, he thanked her and went to sit down. Míngzé immediately folded the cane and laid it down on his lap.

Now all he had to do was wait. Míngzé looked through the window. Rain was pouring out of the sky, gently tapping the window with every drop. It was a good thing they decided to go for a drink instead of a walk somewhere.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Huálíng Fēng
Messages : 34
IC Posts : 10
Huálíng Fēng

To claim Huálíng was merely "busy" would be a prize-winning understatement. She was the perpetual whirlwind, sprinting from one project to the next like a girl on a mission. Currently, she was in charge of a community workshop that focussed on different folklores and myths, annual events celebrating different cultures, a youth mentorship program where young individuals could learn about their heritage, a superstition awareness campaign, a future leaders program, setting up an interactive cultural learning centre, starting up a fundraiser, taking care of the royal program and—

Right. She was in perpetual motion. It wasn't shocking that her social connections were few, except for Maeve, the girl who had planted herself firmly in Huálíng's heart and soul. She was Huálíng's best friend, her zhījǐ, for a lack of a better term in the common tongue.

And then there was Míngzé, the little brother she'd adopted after falling for the girl she could never quite shake off. It might have been foolish to stay connected with him, but some bonds were hard to sever. Huálíng had always sidestepped settling and avoided lasting ties, but family was supposed to be the exception, right?

With only a sliver of free time today, Huálíng should have been lounging on her couch at home. Instead, she made sure to show up for the promised meeting with the boy in question. Racing from her previous project, the future leaders program, she arrived a few minutes late at the agreed-upon spot.

Bursting through the doors, all eyes instantly fixated on her. Huálíng, in a knee-length green dress baring her shoulders, adorned with high white heels and her hair elegantly tied up with a white ribbon.

Míngzé! Wǒ de dìdì, wǒ lái wǎn le, duì bù qǐ! she rattled off the words in rapid-fire, almost blending them together, before dropping into the seat opposite him. Did you order? Are you alright? I missed you! Wait let me, and she sprang up again, pulling him into a tight hug. You’re so skinny! We should get something nice to eat.

* 我的弟弟,我来晚了,对不起!;
My little brother, i’m late, sorry!

Character sheet
Nickname: líng
Age: 28
Birthday: 03 / 01
Occupation: Cultural Researcher & Advocate
Sexuality: Lesbian
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Míngzé did not mind the wait. Someone once asked if he already wanted to order something, but he told them it was fine. He would wait for Huálíng and then they could order something together. As he waited, he let his head rest on his arm while looking outside. Even with the bad weather outside, he was still able to see something. That is why he chose this spot, it made things a little easier.

The doors opened— or more like flew open. Even Míngzé looked up at the sudden intrusion. Even without his sight he knew who just entered. He moved in his chair, changing his posture by straightening his back and pushing his shoulders back. Sleep did not come easy these days, and he hoped to mask it a bit.

“Huálíng, don’t worry, I’m happy you could make it,” he greeted her calmly but with a smile tugging at his lips. The contrast between the two could not be bigger. More questions were fired at him. “No not— I—” before he could even say anything she had his arms around him and with her standing and him sitting down it was a recipe for an awkward hug. Míngzé also embraced her.

“You say that every time, I’m fine,” he complained. Only this time it was probably true. He had lost his appetite, although it was slowly returning. It needed time, that’s all. “You’re breaking my back.”  


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Huálíng Fēng
Messages : 34
IC Posts : 10
Huálíng Fēng

Huálíng brushed off any sense of awkwardness, unabashed in her approach to physical contact. She enthusiastically wrapped her arms around the young man, drawing him into a tight embrace, playfully jostling him like an affectionate aunt would with her nephew. Despite the romantic chapter between Huálíng and Lányù being closed, Huálíng considered him a little brother, forever sweet in her eyes.

Her little dìdì complained that she was breaking his back, prompting a theatrical response from Huálíng, If you had a bit more padding, your back would’ve been just fine! It might not have made complete sense, but it didn't matter. She shook him again for good measure before releasing him, nonchalantly settling back into her seat. Unconcerned with the attention they drew, she continued.

It's because you're not eating well, my xiǎo dì. Are you taking care of yourself? University can be tough, right? Don't forget to sleep and eat. Oh! I have some fantastic advice if you need help maintaining a good study rhythm...

Character sheet
Nickname: líng
Age: 28
Birthday: 03 / 01
Occupation: Cultural Researcher & Advocate
Sexuality: Lesbian
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Of course she did not immediately release him and instead choose to torture him further. The shaking that followed was not to his back’s liking. “I doubt it works that way,” he murmurs against Huálíng’s shoulder. He patted her back in return, mostly hoping she would let him go again. Luckily for him, the torture was over and she let him go. While it was not that bad, he could feel his back slightly age from the rough treatment. “Thank you.” Next time he would stand up as soon as she arrived.

While a flood of words left Huálíng’s mouth, Míngzé couldn’t help both move his back from left to right in an attempt to crack it. “Yeah, yeah, I have all of that under control,” he lied. While he could sleep at night, it was often only for a few hours. He fell asleep late and woke up early. “It’s probably just the stress of moving and everything. I’m still getting used to the new apartment.” Which was not a lie. The first few days had been very draining on him. “I’ll be fine,” he told her with a smile that did not fully reach his eyes.

“Enough about me, how about you? I heard about this whole royalty thing. How is that going?”  


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
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