
inception [charlie && míngzé]

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Charlie Price
Messages : 13
IC Posts : 11
Charlie Price
It was an odd feeling, knowing that for the first time, Charlie was entirely responsible for themselves. Sure, it wasn’t like they weren’t used to taking care of themselves. With the harsh clashes they endured throughout childhood, they’d given up their familial support system ages ago. But between graduating and starting an independent clinic, it left them without support systems to rely on.

And yet, it filled Charlie with a form of determination. They had a valuable job to do, and nobody would do it but them.

They took a deep breath to steel their nerves as they placed down a little stuffed Torchic on the beanbag in the corner of their room, a final touch to the cozy room they’d put together. It was a bit more… colorful, than the average clinic, but it complemented their slightly more hectic personality. They could always paint over the patterned walls if they received too many complaints about it.

Their phone buzzed twice in their pocket. 2 minutes before 11 AM. Here goes nothing. The sun-shaped hanger on the door to the waiting room rattled gently as Charlie opened the door, polite lop-sided grin on their face.

“Míngzé, welcome, come in!” they chirped his name to the best of their abilities, slight foreign accent still evident in their words.
&& Míngzé

Character sheet
Nickname: Charlie
Age: 23
Birthday: August 7th 2000
Occupation: Pokémon psychologist
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Over the span of five minutes, Míngzé had changed his mind from leaving to staying at least six times. Two times he actually stood up and walked to the door, only to sit down once more. How bad could it be? If he did not like it, he could simply decide to leave and never come back.

Qiān’s pokéball was tucked away in the pocket of his jacket. Like a lot of people Míngzé thought it was bad for a pokémon to be locked up, which was the only reason he was here. Ever since he’d returned Qiān in there after he came back from the beach, he had not let him out again.

While Míngzé waited, he was fidgeting with his cane, constantly opening and folding it again. It only made him more nervous and yet he kept doing it until the door opened and someone tried to say his name. Míngzé shot to his feet. The sooner they started, the sooner he could leave again.

“Just Ming is fine,” he told the other as he raised his shoulders. Using his cursed cane, he followed them inside and looked around. As far as he could see there were a lot of colors but to him it looked more like a rainbow than anything else. Now that he was inside this office, he really wished he’d left earlier.

“So— how do we do this,” Míngzé asked, clearly having no experience with any of this.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Charlie Price
Messages : 13
IC Posts : 11
Charlie Price
"Ming." Charlie tried his name on their tongue again with a short nod, closing the door behind the two of them as they guided the other inside. They quickly headed over to the desk to pull back a chair for Ming, and a second stool in case the man's Pokémon decided to join them later on. These chairs were probably the biggest investment in this room, electronics aside. Charlie shivered at the idea of making their clients sit in those awful uncomfortable chairs with metal framing and a sad deflated cushion to cover it.

As they took their seat across from Ming, Charlie opened up their notebook, pen in hand. "Well, first we are going to go over the problems you have been encountering with your Pokémon. Although it is true that I have received the long and short of it in your application, it is just to ensure I get all of the details. We can move on to more practical thins from there on out." they explained calmly, immediately appearing much more confident than they did in the doorway just a minute ago.

"I will ask you to call out your partner Pokémon later on, if you wish. For now, just start from the beginning."

Character sheet
Nickname: Charlie
Age: 23
Birthday: August 7th 2000
Occupation: Pokémon psychologist
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

When he was looking for professional help, he’d come across a lot of people. Most were too expensive, although they had good reviews. If he asked his parents, they would help, but also ask questions and he could— no he would not involve them. Then he found this person. They only just opened their business so it was still on the cheaper side. The only reason Míngzé sat here.

As Míngzé sat down, he folded his cane and placed it on his lap before crossing his arms over his chest. The other started talking and he tried to keep his eyes on them, but it was difficult. Some bright colored thing behind them kept catching his attention.

Just start from the beginning.

Míngzé looked towards the other, repeating the question a few times in his head. The beginning. That was relatively easy. “I guess it started with Qiān disobeying me, which for the record is not what he’s supposed to be doing. He should help me, that's what he’s trained for. He’s my eyes, basically. But he simply wouldn’t listen to me.” Míngzé explained calmly. While that did bother him, he could live with it and thought it only a phase. It was after— a deep sigh left his nose. No, he was told to start at the beginning so that is what he would do.

“It started, I think, a month ago?”


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Charlie Price
Messages : 13
IC Posts : 11
Charlie Price
Grabbing a thin set of reading glasses off the desk and pushing them up on their nose, Charlie began to scribble down a slew of notes in sloppy handwriting. Occasionally, they let out a hum of acknowledgement as Míngzé spoke, nodding slightly to listen more actively. All shit they had to learn to do mindlessly during their training, of course.

”Right. So Qiān is a service Pokémon.” Charlie almost seemed to conclude, placing their pen back down to look at Míngzé. ”Has he completed all his service Pokémon training?” Annoying question perhaps, but according to some checklist they had to ask. It wasn’t exactly like Charlie was an expert in that particular field, but they were vaguely familiar of some of the training exercises those Pokémon received. Intelligent disobedience was one of them. Whether that was something the Inteleon would have learned, they couldn’t say. Perhaps it was better to figure out the root of all this before they started guessing at what part of his training could be failing him.

”Right.” they continued, clearing their throat. ”So before last month, this wasn’t an issue?” They tilted their head. ”Is there anything that happened that could have sparked this disobedient behavior?”

Character sheet
Nickname: Charlie
Age: 23
Birthday: August 7th 2000
Occupation: Pokémon psychologist
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

No matter that this was his own decision, Míngzé really wanted to leave already. What had he been thinking coming here with these problems. People like this Charlie had to know the whole story in order to help, but he did not even know the whole story himself.

Like he’d done so many times already, he decided to ignore that ray of thought and focussed on the person before him. “Yes and he has. I think he has been with me for almost seven years, and until now there have been no problems.” Qiān had been anything but cheap, which is why he had been a birthday present from the whole family. He was trained to perfection, and then all of the sudden he started not listening anymore.

Míngzé had his arms crossed and was tapping his own arm with his finger. “For that problem, not that I know,” he sighed. “The real problem now is— he won’t leave me alone, is too clingy.” This is where he should stop, but he knew the other would need more. “We got separated on the beach for a while, after which the clinginess started.” That’s right. It was just a stupid accident and they lost each other for an hour or two. That was the only logical explanation.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Charlie Price
Messages : 13
IC Posts : 11
Charlie Price
Charlie just let Míngzé finish his story as they absent-mindedly scribbled down the keywords. Service Pokémon received extensive training to ensure a high-level quality of guidance and care. Harness training, ignoring overwhelming stimuli, focus- they knew the examiners left very little room for error. To have one suddenly start acting out after seven years with a spotless record, and seemingly after such a minor incident? That seemed... odd.

"Not knowing the cause does complicate things a bit. Most behavioral training involves some form of desensitization to the relevant stimuli." Charlie explained. They just hoped they wouldn't have too many clients who were under the impression they could just "fix" their Pokémon's behavior.

"That doesn't mean it's hopeless, however. From what you're telling me your Inteleon is suffering from separation anxiety. Mild, from what I can gather, but I would have to see it in action to give a more accurate assessment." Lightly tapping the pen against the edge of the table, Charlie leaned back in their chair, cogs turning rapidly behind their eyes. "At least for the first session today, I want to first see a demonstration. See how he reacts to you trying to leave him, the exact behaviors he displays. From there on out, we can try some small desensitization exercises, and then I will give you some homework. Habits are built gradually, sadly I'm no miracle worker. Does that sound good?"

Character sheet
Nickname: Charlie
Age: 23
Birthday: August 7th 2000
Occupation: Pokémon psychologist
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

The other promised him that the situation was not hopeless, although difficult. Míngzé fidgeted with the cane in his hands. It was onlymild separation anxiety. Softly he hummed. “Alright.” For a moment, the thought crossed his mind to say more, explain the situation better. But he couldn’t. Míngzé kept his lips closed, unable to explain the whole situation to some stranger. They might be a professional, it changed nothing.    

Míngzé was not sure how he felt when the other suggested a demonstration. “I don’t think that’s a smart idea.” Silently he cursed himself for even bringing Qiān here. If he’d left the pokémon at home, he would have a good excuse not to do this. Now, his only excuse was that he did not want to let the pokémon out of his ball. Míngzé hated the fact that Qiān had been locked up all this time as he was against the use of pokéballs, but he couldn’t bring himself to release him.

“Don’t you have like— tips or something? That I could try at home? Then maybe next time I can let him out.” It was a long shot, but he could try. Not that he would try those things even if they gave him some assignments.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Charlie Price
Messages : 13
IC Posts : 11
Charlie Price
Charlie blinked for a moment as the man sitting across from them protested at the prospect of letting his Pokémon out. Somehow, they had not anticipated the client would just... not go along with what they said. Charlie sat there for a moment, staring, before shaking their head.

"Ah- No, that- that might not be a good idea, I'm afraid." they began, trying to collect their thoughts. Damn, why'd he have to go off-script? "Pokémon psychology is... fickle. That means a small mistake in the exercise could potentially end up reinforcing the undesired behavior or inspire new ones, rather than actually fixing it." Charlie tried to explain. Toeing the line between not entering into jargon territory and trying not to sound condescending was... surprisingly challenging.

"It's really best if I am here to oversee what exact behavioral exercises your Pokémon needs and then I can instruct you further. Is- Is there a reason it's not a good idea? Is he resource g- ah, overly and aggressively protective over you?" Charlie eyed Mingzé questioningly, half wondering if the man was just going to get up and leave. He seemed hesitant to even be here in the first place, he just got here and already wanted to take a list of homework to go. Then again, some people were just hesitant to put their Pokémon in the hands of a stranger. Either way, it would be pretty damn embarrassing for them if their first client walked after 3 minutes. Then again, pushing him was likely gonna send him out the door even quicker.

"Don't worry about it if he is. If you're really not comfortable letting him out yet, if you can describe a scenario that exemplifies his problematic behavior to me, maybe we can start from there. I will still have to take a look at him later, but that way we can go into it more prepared. Does that sound okay?"

&& míngzé xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Charlie
Age: 23
Birthday: August 7th 2000
Occupation: Pokémon psychologist
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Míngzé knew that he was contradicting himself here. While he wanted help with Qiān, he was not willing to let the pokémon out of his ball. Clearly the other did not expect him to not go through with it. At their stammering, Míngzé raised an eyebrow, waiting for them to continue. Soon they found their voice again and spoke about the dangers his idea might hold.

The question came if Qiān might act aggressively if he was let out of his ball. “I don’t know,” Míngzé answered honestly, followed by a sigh. The pokémon had been so on edge that day, almost as he himself had lost its mind during his search. It would not surprise him if he would behave unlike himself.  

For some reason Míngzé had expected all of this to be easy, but it was anything but easy. When he was asked about a scenario, he stayed quiet for a while. “Like I said, ever since he found me again, he’s been extremely clingy. Does not leave my side for even a second, I could do nothing without him looming over me. He barely let go of me as if he expected me to disappear at any given moment.” Sadly enough there was not much more that he could tell them.

“To be honest, I put him in his ball maybe an hour after we got home and haven’t taken him out ever since.” Which has been more than a week.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Charlie Price
Messages : 13
IC Posts : 11
Charlie Price
Charlie had to admit that after a confession like that, it was a bit difficult to remain stoic. They were slightly surprised with themselves due to how well they managed to keep their eyes from widening. ”You haven’t let him out at all? Not even when at home?” they asked, trying to reaffirm what they’d just heard. That could not be good, not at all. For both parties, for that matter.

”That’s… Well.” they began, trying to find the right words. ”That could be majorly problematic down the line. If you say he was clingy to you before, confining him in a space for an elongated period of time could very well exacerbate the problem significantly.” Charlie fidgeted with the cap of their ball pen, trying to recall everything about ball confinement.

”What specific thing triggered the clinginess doesn’t even really matter in the grand scheme of things, for your Inteleon. All that matters to him is the reality he is experiencing that there is some… some threat. That you’re in danger, that you’ll leave him, I don’t know. So by leaving him there you might actually be confirming that reality to him, whether it’s true or not.”

For a moment, they let silence fall over the two of them, to give Ming some time to process what they’d just said. They eyed him, trying to see if they needed to clarify anything.

&& míngzé xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Charlie
Age: 23
Birthday: August 7th 2000
Occupation: Pokémon psychologist
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Míngzé narrowed his eyes when the other had to repeat the fact that he had not let the pokémon out of his ball. Like most people he hated the idea of locking pokémon up in a ball. This situation however was different. “I have not,” he said reluctantly.

Apparently that would only cause more problems. Bigger problems. “They say pokémon go in some sort of stasis, he might not even realize how long it has been,” Míngzé explained, or more like used it as an excuse. It was what most people said who kept their pokémon in their balls all day and Míngzé must admit that it was very reassuring.

Their next words made him draw in a breath and he let his eyes wander off towards the window. While there had been a threat or— something, that was now gone. “But I can't have him threatening me like everything around me is going to— hurt me. He was sticking to me like we were glued together.” Míngzé needed his space too.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Charlie Price
Messages : 13
IC Posts : 11
Charlie Price
Charlie looked at the other for a moment, as if to take a moment to process what he’d just confirmed, before nodding. This… Well, this might complicate things, depending on the Pokémon’s personality. There was no real way to tell right now. Still, this really meant they needed to get through to him and let them help him, for both his and his Pokémon’s sake.

”That may be true,” Charlie began, folding their hands together. ”But in any kind of statis, your perception of time does not disappear altogether. It is reduced, significantly even, but its not exactly like a dreamless sleep either. It’s difficult to explain, and experienced differently by everyone- but it’s not entirely without psychological risk, is what I am trying to say.” They really hoped it didn’t sound like they were chewing him out. It was just important to have all these terms defined before moving forward.

They listened to him, nodding slightly. ”And that’s something I can help you with.” they responded reassuringly. ”Together we can figure out a way to reassure your Inteleon that you won’t be hurt the moment you leave his side. But I can only help you if you let me.” Their tone wasn’t harsh or accusatory, but still carried an underlying tone of finality. It was true, either Ming let them help, or this wasn’t going to work out. Not that Charlie liked the idea of their first client dipping not even halfway through the first conversation- but there wasn’t much else they could do like this.

&& míngzé xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Charlie
Age: 23
Birthday: August 7th 2000
Occupation: Pokémon psychologist
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Over the years he'd countless conversations with doctors, all to discuss his his health but more importantly his eyesight. Some had been positive, others had been about some negative aspects. By now he would think it would be easy to talk about himself to a medical professional, but it was not. He came here to talk about Qian, not about himself. Although it seemed like it was intertwined.

Mingze stared at the person in front of him, his lips pressed into a thin line. He really thought it would not hurt Qian in any way if he locked him up in the ball. His thumb started tapping on the armrest. "I thought it would be better. That he would worry less and have more peace of mind that way." That was what he had told him to make himself feel less guilty at least.

So far the other had not managed to convince him that he would in fact be able to help, even when they told him he could. The biggest obstical right now was Mingze himself. "And all I have to do in order for you to help is let him out of his pokéball?" he asked as of that was the only thing he had to do.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
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