
[journey] call of the abyss

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In the quiet of the night, you find yourself standing alone on the desolate shore, the moon casting an eerie, blood-red glow on the tumultuous waves that crash against the jagged rocks. The air is heavy with an unnatural stillness, and the horizon stretches infinitely into an abyss of darkness. An oppressive chill hangs in the air, seeping into your bones, and a haunting silence muffles even the sound of the waves.

And as you stand there, an unsettling realization creeps over you—a realization that transcends the eerie ambiance surrounding you. Your eyes, accustomed to perpetual darkness, now perceive the world with an otherworldly clarity. The moon, bathed in its crimson hue, reveals every unsettling detail of the desolate shore, casting shadows that dance with malevolent intent.

As you peer into the abyss, the once-mysterious ocean takes on a more sinister visage. Its waves, once a symphony of nature's beauty, now crash with a discordant melody that grates against your heightened senses. The ocean exudes a malevolent energy, and the whispers that slither through the air weave tales of forgotten horrors that claw at the recesses of your mind.

Amidst the chilling silence, a disembodied whisper materializes, its ethereal tendrils wrapping around your newfound sight. "Come," it beckons, a seductive murmur that echoes in your mind. You instinctively turn, your enhanced vision scanning the desolate shore, but there's no one to be found.

As you resist the lure, the whisper transforms into an almost persuasive plea, as if the abyss itself is calling you to witness its secrets with your newfound sight. The waves crash louder, each collision resonating with an invisible force that compels you to take a step closer to the water's edge.

How did you get here?

Character sheet
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Before him lay the vast open sea, its waves crashing against the rocks, but the sound never managed to break through the suffocating air. Míngzé crossed his arms, hugging himself thightly.  The beach has never felt this wrong. Why did he even come here?

No, that was not right. He never did. Then why could he see the sea? A sea that was reflecting the blood-red glow of the moon in an otherwise vast darkness. His hands slid down his arms as realization set in.

This couldn’t be…

His hands shot to his eyes, casting shadows over his vision, but not in the way he’s used to. Slowly he lowered his hands without ever looking away from them. He could see them, really see them. Every small detail about them, even the way they were slightly trembling. Míngzé did not know if he wanted to cry or laugh and he did neither as the initial shock lessened and he became aware once more of where he was.

Frantically he looked around. At the unnatural red moon, the waves breaking against the shore. Everything looked too clear. Whatever moment of happiness he’d felt just moments ago, completely crumbled away. A nightmare. This had to be a nightmare. What else could it be?

Something resembling a whisper broke through the haunting silence. Come. At the same time, Minzge turned around, but there was no one there. All color drained from his face. “No,” he muttered, shaking his head. Wrong, all of this was wrong. Míngzé wanted to run and leave this place behind him, but there was no other path to take. One he really did not want to walk on. Yet, with every wave crashing, it became more difficult to resist.

He found himself lifting his foot, taking a step, giving in to whatever was beckoning him to come closer.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468
a new

The whispers guide you relentlessly, and with each step, the blood-red moon's glow intensifies, casting an eerie radiance on the shadows that writhe and contort around you. The ground beneath your feet continues to pulsate, as if it's alive, resonating with an eerie energy.

As you walk, the whispers grow more insistent, their chorus now a cacophony that drowns out even the crashing waves. "Come," they urge, the word reverberating through your mind like a haunting refrain. The air is heavy with an oppressive malevolence, and the sickly glow of the moon casts elongated shadows that seem to reach out like fingers, clawing at the edges of your perception.

The shoreline ahead seems to blur, the distinction between sand and water fading into a murky abyss. Against your will, your steps lead you closer to the water's edge, the whispers compelling you to unravel the mysteries hidden beneath the surface.

As you reach the water, the waves take on a malevolent life of their own, rising and falling with unnatural rhythm. The sea's surface seems to undulate like a living entity, responding to the sinister energy that permeates the air. The whispers now echo from the depths, the voices of unseen entities that beckon you further.

Suddenly, red eyes gleam beneath the surface, piercing through the dark water. They fixate on you, unblinking and filled with an unsettling intelligence. More eyes emerge, forming a ghastly procession that draws closer with each passing moment. The whispers now emanate directly from the eyes, their words forming a disconcerting symphony that resonates within your very soul.

Character sheet
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

With every step he took, he could feel more fear rushing through his body. Everything around him felt somehow alive. A scene directly out of a horror movie. Only he was living in it. Come. Míngzé wanted to resist, but he was no longer able to.

There have been times Míngzé wished to be able to see again, perceive the world as everyone else did. But now he took those words back. He had no idea where to look. Things were moving all around him and coming towards him, but when he looked there was no one there. Every breath was a struggle, a fight to keep it together. But a fight he was quickly losing.

The sea was not at his feet. If he bent forward, he could touch it. There was something in there, urging him to go further. Goosebumps were all over his arms and it was impossible to keep his body from trembling. He hated how the whispers felt against his mind. No, he could not, he would not go further and he was fighting back.

His breath got caught the moment red eyes appeared. They were looking directly at him and like a deerling in headlights he looked back. More and more eyes joined and Míngzé had no idea where to look anymore. “No, no, no,” he softly whispered. He did not want this, any of this. In an instant, he clenched his eyes shut, not wanting to look at them again. “Just go away,” he yelled louder this time, pressing his hands against his ears in an attempt to shield himself from whatever they were saying.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468
a new

In your attempt to resist, the shadows around you tighten their grip. The once-icy breeze now feels like a suffocating embrace, and the whispers take on a mournful tone, as if lamenting the inevitability of your descent. The ground beneath your feet gives way, transforming into a treacherous abyss that pulls you inexorably forward.

As you are pushed (or pulled?) further into the water, the red eyes surround you, their gaze penetrating your very being. The whispers crescendo into a chilling chorus, and the water rises, enveloping you in its icy embrace. Panic sets in as the malevolent entities close in, and the world fades into a suffocating darkness.

The last sensation you feel is the crushing weight of the ocean's depths, the echoes of the whispers lingering as water fills your lungs and you're pulled into the abyss.

Character sheet
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

They would not let him go. The more he fought, the more they fought back. It only got worse and he could feel their presence weigh down upon him. Darkness seemed to consume the world around him, forming an abyss where ground was supposed to be. For a Moment Míngzé wondered if this was where he’d been all this time. Maybe whatever happened after that day never truly happened and had he never managed to leave. But those thoughts never managed to completely manifest.

The moment he was forced deeper into the water, his eyes shot open. He spread his arms and tried to put up some resistance by burying his feet deeper in whatever was beneath him. They were all around him. Silent plea’s lay on his tongue, begging this to stop. Afraid that something would try anything, he kept looking at all of them. What even were they?

Around him the water started to rise, the cold sending chills through his spine. Míngzé wanted nothing more than to run, but when he took one step, he came to an abrupt halt. There was nowhere he could go. A darkness he’d never experienced before settled in, making it impossible to see anything. His heart was beating fast enough that with every beat, he could feel it through his whole body. Tears settled in the corners of his eyes, but never got the time to fall.

An almost too familiar feeling pressed on him as the ocean’s water surrounded him. Water already made his way down to his lungs, a kind of pain that could not be compared to anything else. No matter how hard he struggled, whatever pulled him deeper in this endless void was stronger.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468
a new

The water tightens its grip around you, a suffocating embrace that constricts with merciless force. Panic claws at your chest as the icy depths swallow you whole. The pain is unbearable, a searing agony that emanates from your lungs as water infiltrates every gasping breath. Your limbs convulse in a futile attempt to break free, but the malevolent force pulling you deeper into the abyss is unrelenting.

The world around you dissolves into a disorienting darkness, the whispers now replaced by the deafening roar of the ocean. Your vision blurs, and the red eyes that once surrounded you become mere ethereal glows, fading into the black void. The pressure intensifies, and the pain reaches a crescendo as your body fights against the inevitable.

With each passing moment, the struggle weakens, and the darkness closes in. The water, now an oppressive weight, fills your ears, muffling the last vestiges of sound. The cold becomes an all-encompassing numbness, dulling the pain but also heralding the inevitable descent into unconsciousness.

And then, there's nothing. No pain, no struggle, just a void.


You awaken with a start.

The damp chill of wet clothes clings uncomfortably to your skin, and a shiver runs down your spine. The familiar absence of your sight becomes apparent. The world around you is a void, and the realization that you are once again robbed of your vision settles.

Character sheet
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

There was nothing Míngzé could do against the instant panic that took full control once he was submerged and water filled his lungs. He lost the ability to think as his body and mind were only wanting to get back to the surface. Desperately he grasped for air, only for more water to enter. It really was a lost battle.

Pressure builds against his ears. A few moments earlier he would’ve been happy that the whispers had finally quieted down, but now he was only vaguely aware of it. Míngzé did not know for how long this had been going on before he could feel his limbs growing heavier. It became harder to struggle, almost impossible. In a last attempt he clawed at his chest, before his hands drifted off. Everything seemed to quiet down until it was almost peaceful.

Míngzé jolted awake, hands placed beside him to keep himself in a sitting position. The icy coldness is enough to immediately clear his mind. Instinctively he bent forward and started coughing. There was a spark of relief when he found that only air filled his lungs. Again he was reminded how cold it actually was. He grabbed a handful of his clothes and looked down at it. As expected, they were still wet, but that was not what kept him unmoving for a moment. A feeling of loss settled in. It reminded him of years ago, when the doctors informed him of his unfortunate condition. It was far from the same. Now it was more complicated.

There was a knot in his throat he could not swallow. In a desperate last attempt, he rubbed his eyes, yet everything  was the same when he lowered his hand. Slowly, he tried to move his limbs, but his body was protesting against the movement. He couldn’t simply stay here— wherever here was. A cold shiver ran through his body again.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468
a new

In the oppressive darkness that surrounds you, the first awareness comes as a distant crackling, a faint symphony of snapping and popping sounds. At first, it's a mere murmur in the quiet, and you strain your ears to grasp its origin. The subtle dance of flames creates an audible ballet, an unsettling serenade that begins to infiltrate your senses.

As you listen intently, the distant crackling transforms into an undeniable roar, the flames asserting their dominance over the silence. The heat, too, begins to seep through the frigid air, a stark contrast that sends a surge of discomfort through your body.

The realization intensifies when you feel the warmth on your skin, the gentle kiss of the flames that inches closer with each passing moment. Panic sets in, and your heart races as you understand that the building you're in is engulfed in fire. The warmth becomes an oppressive force, the air thick with the acrid scent of burning material.

The urgency to escape grips you, and the need to find a way out becomes paramount. The flames crackle louder, and you can almost feel their dance, an otherworldly ballet of destruction that threatens to consume everything in its path.

Despite the enveloping darkness, your instincts seem to sharpen, honing in on the subtle cues in the environment. With each step, guided by the faint crackling and heat, you navigate the fiery labyrinth with surprising precision. The roll of the die, a stroke of luck in the chaos, grants you a heightened awareness of your surroundings.

As the flames dance around you, your movements become more fluid, a calculated ballet through the treacherous space. The warmth on your skin guides you, and your palms, now slick with a mix of sweat and remnants of the nightmare's ocean, deftly trace along the surfaces. The crackling of the fire serves as a guiding melody, harmonizing with your every step.

The roll of 16 on the die feels like a fortunate ally in this dire situation. It's as though a guiding force leads you through the darkness, helping you avoid obstacles and find the path to safety. The oppressive heat remains, but your movements are purposeful and efficient, a testament to your unexpected aptitude in navigating the flames.

A distant whimper echoes through the crackling of the flames, a plaintive cry for help buried within the cacophony of destruction. It tugs at the edges of your consciousness, a haunting plea that resonates with empathy. But the outside, a breath of fresh air and potential safety, seems tantalizingly close.

Faced with this dilemma, you stand at a crossroads. Do you follow the anguished sound, potentially diverting from the path to safety, or do you prioritize your own escape from the engulfing inferno?

Character sheet
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

There was no denying that it had been real this time. His damp clothes sticking to his body were proof enough. None of it made any sense, especially not his eyes, but he could no longer go around pretending it was all nothing. Míngzé lay a hand against his chest, his finger brushing his throat. How could this be real?

One last shiver ran through his body before the realization hit him. His clothes were wet and damp, yes, the room around him was warming up. An unusual warmth that was starting to get uncomfortable. Míngzé looked up, brows tightly knitted together. There were lights around him and a certain crackling. It reminded him of the fireplace at his parents home. The sound was exactly the same. This could not be right..

His eyes shot wide open as the soft crackling got much louder. Despite the complaints of his body, he was on his feet instantly. Míngzé pressed his lower arm against his mouth. A flame licked his arm, causing him to jump out of its way. There was fire all around him. “What the fuck,” he muttered before the real panic set in. The building he was at, was on fire. A fire that seemed to be spreading rapidly, consuming everything.

Without knowing where he went, he started moving. He had to get out of here. That was all that mattered. WIth one arm still against his mouth and the other outstretched in front of him, he started making his way somewhere. With surprising ease, he found a way through the burning building, but he had no time to even think about how that was even possible. The heat was uncomfortable against his skin and his eyes too were watering.

Almost he’d made it. Safety was close and all he had to do was push a bit further. Míngzé took another step towards his escape, only to come to a halt. It was quiet and yet there was no mistaking that there was a cry for help. He turned around in the general direction of the sound, squinting his eyes against the brightness caused by the flames.

No. Míngzé wanted to believe it was impossible for anyone else to be here too. But then again, where was here? His skin was uncomfortably hot, sweat dripping from his forehead already. Leaving was easy, but could he leave someone behind?

Everyone was always helping him, while there was so little he could help them with. Even though he desperately wanted to escape from this burning inferno, he turned around and took one step further inside again.

“Is someone there?” he called out, his throat hoarse. The heat was suffocating and irritated his throat. A part of him hoped no one would reply. If it stayed quiet, he could leave anyway.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468
a new

The air thickens with the acrid scent of burning, and the crackling flames dance with malicious glee as you take that step back into the heart of the inferno. The oppressive heat clings to your skin, and every breath feels like inhaling fire. Yet, driven by an instinct to aid, you call out into the consuming darkness.

"Is someone there?"

Your words echo through the building, a desperate plea that lingers in the fiery abyss. The temperature rises, and the structure groans under the relentless assault of the flames. The distant whimper grows more audible, shaping into a feeble cry for salvation. The decision to step further into the unknown may be one of altruism, but the consequences loom ominously.

Suddenly, the world around you trembles. The building, weakened by the voracious fire, begins to collapse. Debris rains down like fiery meteors, and the ground beneath your feet shakes with the impending cataclysm.

As the structure crumbles, time slows to a cruel crawl. The flames devour everything, leaving nothing but blistering heat and agonizing pain. You feel the searing touch of the inferno on your skin, the scorching tendrils of fire consuming you inch by inch.

In the midst of this infernal symphony, a haunting whisper emerges. It slithers through the crackling flames, an otherworldly voice that weaves through the chaos with an eerie serenity. The words are incomprehensible, yet the cadence sends shivers down your spine. The whisper inches closer, a spectral presence in the engulfing darkness.

And then, the world collapses. The flames consume you entirely, a fiery embrace that devours both flesh and spirit. The pain reaches its zenith, and as the burning sensation engulfs your very essence, the whispers intensify, merging with your final screams.

You succumb to the flames, lost in the dark abyss of a building that echoes with the sound of your demise.

Character sheet
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

There was a chance that whatever called out, was something from his own imagination. Or that it was something entirely different. Yet, what if it was someone and what if they really needed help. That drove him to not immediately go for safety, but he would also not run head first into danger.

As he called out, something responded and he looked up. Míngzé took another quick step, but halted at the groaning of the building. These flames were destroying the building and from what he could hear, time was not on his side. With the adrenaline that coursed through his veins, he dared take another step. The ground under his feet started to tremble and he reached for something, maybe it was a closet, for support. It was not only the ground, everything was trembling as it was succumbing to the inferno raging within.

It felt like flames reached even higher, the heat on his skin becoming unbearable. Whatever heroic feeling he had before, disappeared completely. Using the support he had, which already felt too hot under his hands, he turned around to where he came from. But it was all too late.

While he struggled to stay on his feet, he nearly forgot how to breathe, how to think. Again there was some whisper around him and Míngzé frantically looked around, trying to find it as he tried to go to safety. Not that it mattered. It was too late anyway.

Everything around him broke down and flames consumed him. Míngzé was not sure if it were his own broken, agonizing screams that he could hear, or if it belonged to someone else. But they were loud, raw with an unimaginable pain.

Until it was over.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468
a new

In the murky aftermath of the flames, you awaken in a cavernous abyss. The air is thick with a suffocating stillness, and the dim glow emanating from the phosphorescent rocks casts eerie shadows that dance with malevolent intent. The cave seems to breathe, and the whispering echoes from unseen corners, a chorus of voices that slither through the damp air.

"Welcome," the whispers murmur, an unsettling symphony that seems to emerge from the very walls of the cave. The voices are indistinct, their words an incomprehensible amalgamation that weaves a sinister tapestry in the cavernous darkness. It's as if the very stones are whispering secrets, secrets that gnaw at the edges of your consciousness.

As you attempt to make sense of your surroundings, the whispers intensify, converging into a haunting chant that reverberates through the cave. The shadows seem to writhe with a life of their own, dancing to the macabre melody of the unseen voices.

"Lost," the whispers hiss, the syllables lingering in the air like a venomous aftertaste. The phosphorescent rocks flicker in response, casting distorted shadows that seem to mimic the movements of unseen entities.

You stand in the heart of the cave, surrounded by an otherworldly presence. The whispers are no longer separate voices but a collective force that enfolds you in a cocoon of unsettling sound. Every step you take echoes in the cavern, the sound distorted by the unseen forces that inhabit this subterranean realm.

As you stand in the cavernous abyss, the whispers take on a more insidious tone, each syllable dripping with a malevolent intent. From the unseen corners of the cave, the voices weave a haunting narrative that cuts through the still air.

"Alone," the whispers murmur, the word echoing with a chilling finality. Shadows contort into grotesque shapes, mirroring the darkest recesses of your mind. The phosphorescent rocks flicker in response, casting distorted shadows that dance with the rhythm of your deepest fears.

"Useless," another voice hisses, its tone laden with a searing cruelty. The cave seems to tighten its grip, the walls closing in as if to amplify the weight of your perceived inadequacies. The echoes amplify, resonating with the haunting refrain of your darkest insecurities.

"Forsaken," a third voice intones, its resonance vibrating through the damp air.

Character sheet
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

For a second time Míngzé realizes he is somewhere entirely different when his eyes fly open. A reminiscent from the earlier screams still hang in his throat. At this point his body was visibly shaking. The very air he was breathing in felt wrong. It was too thick, but he was not sure if that is what caused his heavy breathing. His heart was beating fast enough that Míngzé wasn’t sure if it would ever calm dawn again.

From his place on the ground he looked around, but the tiredness that felt heavy on his body, also made his eyes feel heavier. Everything was so very dark. Where the fuck was he this time? There was no water, no insufferable heat licking his skin. Just dark.


Using his feet to kick the ground and his hands to dig in whatever was below him, he crawled away from that voice. If only he knew where exactly it came from. It was as if it was all around him. More whispers sounds, scratching at his very consciousness. Míngzé squeezes his eyes shut, trying to block it all out. “Who said—,” he started angrily while his voice was still hoarse.


Again he nearly jumped to his feet, trying to identify where it was coming from. Something seemed to move in the abyss. Forcing his body to move, Míngzé stands up, his legs feeling weak underneath his weight. Everything he heard weighed down upon him and he placed a hand against his ear as he took a few steps back, in a desperate attempt to escape. But even walking caused a noise that he could not shake off.


Míngzé’s head shot up looking at the things around him. They sent chills down his spine. It took everything he got to stay on his feet instead of letting himself fall down and curl in a ball. This combination of fear and panic caused him to feel sick, but he clenched his jaw against the feeling.


Again Míngzé nearly spins around, barely keeping his footing. “What did you say?” It was not— he was not useless. Not completely. This whole place started to feel more suffocating and a claustrophobic feeling overwhelmed as everything seemed to close in.


“What do you want from me?” he was almost screaming at that point. A desperate plea. Not a moment went by that he stood still, he kept looking around.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468
a new

The whispers in the cavern escalate, merging into a spectral symphony that resonates with the deepest recesses of your fears. Shadows dance with ethereal forms, each whisper carrying a chilling echo of your most profound anxieties.

"Confront," one voice urges, and in the shadows, the specter of water materializes—an unsettling reflection of the abyss where your life was momentarily extinguished. The phosphorescent rocks flicker, casting dim reflections that mirror the ebb and flow of water, each ripple echoing the haunting memories of drowning.

"Admit," the second voice insists, and wisps of shadow coil around the cavern, echoing the tendrils of the ghost affinity. Yet, within the shadows, a subtle undercurrent of submerged struggles surfaces—the sensation of water invading your lungs, the pressure of the ocean's depths, and the suffocating embrace of the void.

"Surrender," the third voice commands, and the whispers paint vivid images of the otherworldly realm. Amidst the spectral scenes, a subtle motif emerges—a recurring theme of sinking, of being pulled into an abyss that mirrors the depths from which you emerged.

Character sheet
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

For weeks Míngzé had tried his best to deny what had happened exactly. Even when the evidence was clear as day, he still decided to turn a blind eye. Everytime he clung to the idea that it could not be real. That it was impossible. And where did that get him…

Míngzé clenched his jaw tighter when something resembling water appeared. Involuntarily he took a step back. He’d never been fond of water, but right now he did not even want to stand close to it. And for good reasons too.

It was fear that clawed at him. Fear of the unknown that came with all of this. He’d seen what it could do, which is why he thought that ignoring it would help. If he pretended long enough, then maybe he would start seeing it as a bad dream. But unconsciously he always knew.

When that all too familiar feeling once again pained his chest while some invisible force pressed down on him, he placed a hand against his chest. Tears burned in the corners of his eyes and they were not only caused by that sickening feeling. That day he’d accepted something in exchange for life. Something that would now forever belong to him. The Ghost affinity. All because he wanted a chance to live.

How much longer could he keep denying this, when all it did was make everything more difficult.

Míngzé only noticed he had dropped to his knees when he could feel a faint throbbing pain. His chest felt too tight with all the feelings that were erupting. Still, it felt like a weight was lifted from his shoulders. “That— It really happened, didn’t it?” Why even ask when he knew the answer already. Míngzé brought a hand through his eyes, getting rid of the rapidly forming tears. Every word he tried to form was done so with great effort. “I really died, didn’t I?” Or at least, a part of him had. Something irreplaceable was surely gone and no amount of pretending would ever make it return.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468

The oppressive stillness gives way to the subtle sounds of reality, and the dim glow of the phosphorescent rocks transforms into the more familiar illumination of your surroundings.

As your eyes flutter open, you find yourself lying on a cold, damp bed. The sensation of wet clothing clings to your skin, and a sharp throb emanates from your left arm. Gently, you run your fingers over the source of the discomfort, only to discover a fresh burn that spreads across your arm, reaching slightly over your hand. The memories of the nightmare linger, the vivid sensations of drowning and burning still vivid in your mind.

Attempting to sit up, you notice something nestled in your arms. A Houndour pup, small and trembling, gazes up at you with curious eyes. The warmth of its fur contrasts with the residual chill from the nightmare, and the gentle rise and fall of its breath against your chest assures you of its tangible reality.

Confusion clouds your thoughts as you try to make sense of the situation. The cavern, the whispers, the nightmares—they all felt so real. The dampness of your clothes, the burn on your arm, and the presence of the Houndour pup hint at... something. With a roll of 8 on perception, the lines between dream and reality blur. The details remain elusive, leaving you in a state of uncertainty. Was it all just a vivid dream, or did you truly tread the eerie depths of the supernatural?

As you grapple with the disorienting aftermath, the Houndour pup nuzzles against you, offering a comforting presence in the wake of the surreal experience. This nightmare has ended.

Character sheet
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

A feeling of relief flushed over him when the softness of his bed greeted him. A ray of sunlight shone through the curtains of his all too familiar room. For a moment he was happy to have awoken from the nightmare that had haunted him and for a few short seconds, he thought that was what it had all been. A nightmare.

That reality came crashing down fast. His face twitches at the sharp, burning pain coming from his left arm. Mingze raised it above his head, the movement only causing the pain to worsen. A lump formed in his throat. With a gentle touch he brushed over the uneven skin only to quickly lower his arms again. The pain and realization was enough to water his eyes.

"Fuck," Míngzé muttered to himself. Instead of feeling like he’d slept through the night, he felt like he was hit by a brick. Which came hardly as a surprise given— everything.

With his elbows placed next to him, he tried to pull himself up into a sitting position, but something stopped him. It was so tiny that Míngzé hadn’t noticed it before. He instantly moved away from whatever it was in fear that it might do something. Yet nothing happened. “What? Where did—” Míngzé did not need his eyes to know it was a pokémon laying there.

His hand trembled slightly as he reached for the small creature, carefully stroking it. The thing only nuzzled against him. Míngzé did not know what it was about the creature, but he knew the creature meant him no harm. That did not relieve him from the confusion that was once again clouding his mind.

[ DONE ]


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
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