
Discover the end

Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Míngzé had called in sick for a few, and yet here he was. The soft beeping of his car being accepted sounded and the doors opened. If anyone asked him how he could be here and sick at the same time, he'd just have to show the bandages covering his arm. Surely they would understand. But it was exactly the reason why he was also here. It was proof of the dangers tied to affinities. If they could conflict things like burns seemingly out of nowhere, how could anyone be in favor of them.

With one arm folded over his chest he walked through the hallways. By now he knew them fairly well so he had tucked his cane away, the bright lights enough to guide him.

“Remember to stay quiet,” he muttered softly and it almost looked like he was talking to himself. People already had a low opinion of him here, so Míngzé did not care if it sank even lower. As a response however, he could hear a satisfied yawn. The pup refused to stay at home when he was about to leave so he left Míngzé with no other option than to take him with him. So far it was small enough that no one would notice immediately and it was sleeping anyway.

As he reached his destination in the lab, he saw the silhouette of the man he was looking for. He was easy to recognize even for him, with his tall posture and head of dark hair. “Yèxīn?” Míngzé asked just in case. If anyone was able to help him get answers, it was someone who worked here. Sadly enough, his options of who he could confide in were limited.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Yèxīn Xuān
Messages : 89
IC Posts : 54
Yèxīn Xuān

Yèxīn wasn't exactly known for his social skills. In fact, calling him unsociable was a massive understatement. His very presence emitted an aura that compelled people to maintain a considerable distance, affording him the luxury of working in solitude, particularly when he could avoid the nuisance that was Numbers. Fortunately, it seemed they were finally assigned to separate projects.

With UNOX emerging victorious, the status quo remained largely unchanged. Today's agenda involved extracting safe samples from willing volunteers, a process that didn't necessarily demand the privacy of secured facilities. There was much to learn from these samples, and even though first-level work wasn't his usual domain, Yèxīn found solace in the compliant hush that his reputation commanded. It was a welcomed reprieve.

As he wrapped up his tasks for the day, Yèxīn prepared to return to the second level when an assistant approached—a seemingly inconsequential presence in his eyes. Turning around, he raised a brow, arms folded in a characteristic display of impatience.


Character sheet
Nickname: Xin
Age: 27 y/o
Birthday: May 15, 1996
Occupation: Scientist
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

The heat from the pup against his chest was almost uncomfortable, even when it was not that warm. In this weather it should be a welcoming warmth, but Míngzé tried to ignore the warmth to the best of his capabilities. The creature had done nothing wrong, although its whole existence was a mystery to him.

It shifted against him when Míngzé stood still. He never went to work with the idea of making friends, because at this point he knew this was not the right place. All these scientists were— anything but not socially capable. Which makes sense if they like locking themselves up in a lab.

This Yèxīn was clearly the same as anyone else but Míngzé only heaved a breath and shook his head. Those other people had been worse. “Affinities, what can you tell me about them?” There was no reason for him to beat around the bush if the other spoke to him like that.

“I know you guys research them, so you must know a lot.” Míngzé could feel his heart start beating faster simply talking about this. While everything felt like one big nightmare, he no longer could convince himself that was all it was. “How do people awaken them for starters.”


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Yèxīn Xuān
Messages : 89
IC Posts : 54
Yèxīn Xuān

Yèxīn's time was a precious commodity, especially when it came to matters that held little importance to him. Unfortunately, it appeared that the young assistant before him had yet to grasp this reality. As the man posed a question that clearly wasn't meant for Yèxīn, the scientist lifted a brow in measured impatience.

The assistant proceeded to ask about affinities, under the assumption that since “them guys” researched them, they must “know a lot”. He pressed further, seeking information on how people awakened to their affinities.

I acknowledge your visual impairment, Xǔ, but this is not a classroom. If it is education you seek, pick up a book,” Yèxīn responded casually. “You’re here to assist us, not the other way around. I don’t have the luxury of time to educate an assistant on matters readily available on the internet,” he continued.

Is there anything else you require, or can I continue with my work?

Character sheet
Nickname: Xin
Age: 27 y/o
Birthday: May 15, 1996
Occupation: Scientist
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

For a moment Míngzé stared at the other in surprise, before that surprise was pushed aside by annoyance. That was it. All these scientists were exactly the same insufferable creatures. No wonder this was the only place they could work at. They truly deserved each other.

Doing their dirty work. Once again it became clear that was all he was good for, because of course these guys wouldn’t want to get their hands dirty. That was all beneath them. Even asking a simple question was too much to ask.

“You’d rather waste your time on doing my chores? Because trust me, you’d lose an awful lot of your precious time.” Why did he even work here when it seemed all he was allowed to do was keep his head low, doing his stupid chores and say ‘yes sir’ to everything. The creature inside his jacket noticed his rising irritation and also started moving some more.

“No, if I’d wanted to get educated I’d go to school instead of asking one of you.” Míngzé rolled his eyes in annoyance. This was out of necessity, not genuine interest. “But we all know how they glorify all of it.” Like they would ever discuss the matters he was interested in. “And I doubt they know if it is possible to get rid of one,” he added in his frustration. Because of course they wouldn’t. Why would you get rid of a blessing?


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Yèxīn Xuān
Messages : 89
IC Posts : 54
Yèxīn Xuān

The assistant persisted, questioning whether Yèxīn would prefer to waste his time on the other's chores. Yèxīn sighed, a subtle expression of disappointment crossing his face. Did this young man truly not comprehend the pragmatism of the situation? Despite being aware of his visual impairment, Yèxīn had expected a higher level of intelligence.

It would be a waste of resources,”  he stated, realizing the need to break it down for the other. “My salary is at least twice as high. It makes no sense to expend such funds on mundane tasks,” he explained, adopting a tone one might use with a child. Hopefully, the explanation would be clear now.

The assistant then contradicted himself, stating that if he desired education, he would go to school. Yèxīn sighed once more. Wasn’t that what he had asked for? He continued, saying the school glorified affinities and that they wouldn’t know how to get rid of one.

Whether it is possible or not, is not my concern. My focus is on understanding and studying affinities, not on eliminating them. If you’re looking for ways to rid yourself of one, that's a personal matter, and not my business,” he replied, maintaining his monotone delivery.

Consult a priest. Seek therapy. Visit a doctor,” he suggested. Because he was helpful like that.

Character sheet
Nickname: Xin
Age: 27 y/o
Birthday: May 15, 1996
Occupation: Scientist
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Ever since he started working here, he never had the feeling anyone appreciated what he did. He often felt more like a dog they could order around. The job itself was anything but fulfilling, but he’d at least hoped to have some nice colleagues. Jokes on him.

Míngzé kept his jaws locked as he gave the other an unamused look. It was not even the words he spoke, but how he said it that rubbed him the wrong way. All he wanted was to understand a bit more about affinities and given it was precisely what his colleagues specialized in, he thought they would want to help. Looks like he was wrong.

“I’m well aware,” he said through gritted teeth. Míngzé had never planned to bring that part up. As he folded his arms, a sharp pang of pain surged through it, causing him to catch his breath. Immediately lower his left arm as he tried to keep his expression neutral.

Míngzé raised his eyebrows as Yèxīn started talking again, shocked by the nerve this man had. “You’re right, I’ll definitely need all three of those if I stay here any longer.” Míngzé shook his head as he rubbed his eyes. Making rash decisions was never a good idea, but he’d toyed with the idea for a while now, even if he was not in a good position for this. “Goodluck with whatever the hell you guys are doing.” With those words he turned around and took his leave. Somewhere deep down he already knew he would not be returning here.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
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