
Hit & run

2 posters
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

If he went through with this, he would only create more problems for himself. Yet, at the same time Míngzé did not want to keep working there any longer. His head was throbbing ever since he left the building. If there was one thing he could not lose right now, it was his job which placed him in quite the predicament.

Míngzé kept a steady pace as he walked over the streets on his way home, his cane in hand. By using rather rough motions he made sure people moved aside. Right now he simply wanted to be at home. Nothing more. He’d think things through once he was there.

Without realizing, his pace slowed down until he came to a standstill. There was something. A soft pull of some sorts. For a moment it almost felt as if the whole world slowed down around him as he tried to make sense of it. Míngzé did not know what it was, but when someone walked past him, he grabbed the man by his shoulder. “Wait.” His grip was hopefully strong enough to force him to a stop and maybe pull him back a little.

Not a moment later someone on an electrical bike drove past, missing the man by a hair. Míngzé did not let go immediately as his mind was racing to make sense of it.

[ Voor Kayn ]


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Christopher Kayn
Messages : 56
IC Posts : 34
Christopher Kayn

There was at least one thing he still could find some comfort in. The gym would not dump his ass. The gym would not slam the door in his face. The gym would not bury his name 6 feet in the ground, with a freaking fanbase army that was aiming to cancel him. Well think again suckers! Kayn is uncancellable! If that was even a word...
For now, he just needed to blow off some steam in his trusted gym, down town. Without too much recognition, preferably. So the musician was dressed a little less flashy for once. Hiding his brightly colored hair underneath a black beanie, and wearing dark shaded sunglasses to conceal his corrupted eye. With his gym bag tossed over his shoulder he walked down the street, with music blasting in his ears through a couple of wireless earbuds, completely in his own world. Letting the loud rock music drown out most of his torturing thoughts about the past couple weeks of his life.
He was softly humming and tapping his fingers with the music, about to cross the street when someone suddenly decided it was okay to grab him by the shoulder and stop him in his tracks. He growled in annoyance, as the force of the grab pulled him back a little. Turning towards the rude asshole who still held on to him. Totally missing the fact that he had just saved him from a tasty snack of asphalt. He pulled out an earbud, as he shook the hand of his shoulder. "Ever heard of personal space asshole? If you want an autograph so bad, how about using your words, huh?"  
+míngzé xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Kayn, THP
Age: 24
Birthday: 12-07-1999
Occupation: Famous musician (guitarist)
Sexuality: Bi
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Míngzé didn’t immediately let go of the man’s shoulder. Confused, he looked in the direction that bike had just sped off. Even he could feel the slight wind ruffling through his hair as it passed, a clear indication of how close it had gotten. He was too occupied with what actually happened, to notice that the man he’d hold back was not happy with him.

His hand dropped off his shoulder when the other turned around and Míngzé turned his gaze towards him. Before he had the time to explain himself — not that he had an explanation — the other started talking and his words clouded Míngzé’s face.

“Even if I wanted one before, I definitely don’t want one now, asshole.” Míngzé rolled his eyes and shook his head. “It was just your shoulder,” Míngzé started as he held his hands in the air for a moment, the cane dangling from his left arm. “So how about you take a deep breath and relax a bit?” He cocked an eyebrow while taking a step back with his hands still up.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Christopher Kayn
Messages : 56
IC Posts : 34

Christopher Kayn

Kayn always had a bit of a short fuse. Nobody was really surprised when his affinity appeared. But nowadays, that fuse seemed to have completely vanished all together. And Kayn was wholly unaware that his ex actually helped him with his anger for the two years he had with her. Now, his firey rage seemed to have come back with a vengeance and even the slightest nuisance, like someone stopping him on his way to the gym, could make him explode. Now add the fact that he hadn't been to the gym today to blow of said hot hot hot steam in his body, and you had a recipe for disaster. This poor guy didn't even know what he had run into.

And for a moment he wouldn't find out just yet, because the musician was properly dumbfounded. How could someone not want his autograph?? Because he told him nicely to back the fuck off like a normal human? Those thoughts didn't held the focus in his boiling mind for long. How could it, when the man actually thought it was a wise idea to.. tell him.. to fucking.. relax??
Something snapped in Kayn, causing him to see nothing but red, like an angry bull. He slapped the hand, that the stranger was holding up, out of his way to grab him by his collar and pulled him close to his face. "Tell me to facking relax again and I'll turn those pretty gold eyes of yours into a midnight blue." His voice low and raspy, as if something else had a hold of him now, spit the words in the face of the stranger.
+míngzé xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Kayn, THP
Age: 24
Birthday: 12-07-1999
Occupation: Famous musician (guitarist)
Sexuality: Bi
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

It was still a mystery to him why he had done what he had. The strange feeling that had gone through him was unfamiliar. Sadly enough he was not capable of exploring it any further. Someone was in a mood and somehow this little affair had made it worse. Míngzé was not here looking for problems, he just wanted to continue his day.

The moment he felt the slap against his hand he blinked a few times both in surprise and confusion. Not that he was given the time to process what happened. Roughly he got pulled closer to this stranger by his collar. Míngzé moved all his weight back, wanting to take a step away but it was no use. With widened eyes he looked at the other in shock. His hands automatically grabbed the ones that were holding him. “Get off me,” he growled although a bit of panic slipped into his voice.

Míngzé used both his hands in an attempt to get this man off of him, by pushing against the other’s chest. It was pointless, it became instantly clear that this man was stronger than him. “What the fuck is your problem?” In a desperate attempt to have the other let him go he took a better hold of his cane, only to stab the other in his side with the back of the handle. Being this close to each other, it was easier to determine where to stab.  


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Christopher Kayn
Messages : 56
IC Posts : 34

Christopher Kayn

There was something off. No, there were a lot of things off, first and foremost Kayn's reaction to the man. It was so problematic on so many levels already. The short fused fucker had no chill and was on the fast lane to make it worse. He didn't seem to notice the people around getting curious, or worried, or both. Some pulling out there phones, just in case something juicy happened. Kayn was blind to it all, and the fact that he hadn't realized, or perhaps cared for the fact that the longhaired man was actually visually impaired was maybe the most degenerate thing of all.

He simply was unable to see anything clearly in this moment. The man growled at him, grabbing his hands in an attempt to pull away the dead grip Kayn had on his collar. There was no way he could escape his grasp. This unfortunate soul had simply released something in the pink purple haired hothead. Put oil on the fire so to speak. Kayn was that flashfire, right in his face. There was no controlling it. It either had to be doused or it just got worse. Unfortunately in this situation.

It just got worse.

Wasn't it clear what, or rather, who his problem was? Before Kayn could spit the answer in his face, however, he felt a blunt stab in his ribs pushing the air out of him in a guttural grunt. He looked down to what had stabbed him, leaving a sore spot on his ribcage. "Oh, is that what you want?" The way his voice sounded was almost more scary than his actions. So low, dark and growly. A smokey smell seemed to come off his hands and the collar he was still holding. "Be my guest, you son of bitch. But since you started." Kayn finally released on of his hands, revealing a burn mark in the fabric where his hand had been, and pulling his arm back with a closed fist, "It's my turn," And with those words he punched the asshole, in the same spot that he had been stabbed by his cane. An act that wasn't suppose to feel as good as it did to Kayn.
+míngzé xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Kayn, THP
Age: 24
Birthday: 12-07-1999
Occupation: Famous musician (guitarist)
Sexuality: Bi
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Míngzé absolutely despised situations like these because they — more than others — gave him a feeling of desperation. There was only so much he could do when someone was in his face. Although, this was the first time it got this much out of hand. All he wanted was to create distance between him and the stranger he had managed to anger, that was all. How he did it might not have been the smartest idea, but what else was he supposed to do? Thinking clearly with someone angrily breathing in your face was extremely difficult.

Around him Míngzé could hear the faint muttering of people, but that was it. They were watching instead of doing anything to prevent this from escalating further. His step had done nothing and he could feel all color drain from his face as the other started talking. Should he’ve hit harder? It was too late now. A burning smell reached his nose, one he could not place but awoke a fear that was buried within. “Wait I—” but the words got lost when the air got forcefully pushed out of his lungs. A piercing pain shot through his side and Míngzé doubled over.

He let go of the man’s hand, to place it over the spot where he was just hit. All while he’d placed his other hand unconsciously against the man as support, preventing him from hitting the ground. “Listen—” he started breathlessly. “I’m sorry, okay? You don’t— fuck.” The pain coming from his side made him grimace as he tried to straighten his back. This was not going too well.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
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