
Spiders are friends

2 posters
Alastor Linden
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 109
Alastor LindenBlessed by ????
After doing his homework he had gotten ready for school. He had about two lectures. Afterwards he wanted to go to his studio to check out his new guitar and work on his new songs. He would have another producer come by later that evening for some extra insight as he had gotten stuck on a certain part of the song. He had the beat and lyrics, but missed a certain kick to it. So he had called in and asked the other if he could give his opinion. Luckily he did, together with the promise of something extra Alastor couldn't say no on.

After the lectures he had gone out for a coffee. With Buddy on his shoulder he stood waiting for his turn to make his order. As soon as it was up to him he ordered a macchiato and paid for it. He told them his name and stepped aside so the next one could make their order. Grabbing his phone and going more against the wall he waited for his coffee to be ready.

The small Pokémon on his shoulder, however, grew quite impatient. She looked around with her big purple eyes and quickly spotted someone that grabbed her attention. Making quick movements with her legs she quickly jumped of her owner's shoulder. Running over the floor and avoiding the many legs she climbed on top of the counter. Unfortunately, right at that time, a name was called as the coffee was placed down. Curiously, Buddy looked at it and jumped on top of the order, happily waving as she made herself comfortable. Finding the spot on top of the coffee quite pleasant as it was warm.

A girlish scream went through the café as a woman spotted the Joltik first, which was quickly followed by a second... Third Was that a man screaming? Panic rushed through the people waiting for their order and before Alastor could look up from his screen to see what was happening, a woman stepped back and knocked him over. Making him fall to the floor and lose all sense of what was happening.

Character sheet
Nickname: Alas
Age: 23
Birthday: 06/09/2000
Occupation: Second year music student - Music producer
Sexuality: Homosexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175
Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

All Míngzé wanted was a coffee with the slight hope that it would help him stay awake through the remainder of his lectures. His eyelids felt heavy and he wanted nothing more than to sleep. But he could not skip more lectures as he was already far behind on them.

However, when he entered the cafeteria it was chaotic. People were screaming and panicking. He quickly stepped aside when he saw a silhouette coming his way, followed by a lot more. “Excuse me what—” Míngzé tried, but everyone was too busy running away while others said there was no reason for panic.

The pup in his arms was also growing restless with everything going on and was struggling to get out of his arms. “No, stop it,” Míngzé said to the small houndour, but he only struggled harder against his grip. With no other choice left he bent forward and the small thing jumped out of his arms. If he had not done this, it would’ve fallen out of his arms and maybe hurt himself.

“Wait, stay here!” Of course the creature did not listen and instead hobbled away towards someone laying on the ground. A soft bark sounded, which was the only indication he had of where the pup had run off to. The pup pushed its wet nose against the other person’s hand before barking once more.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Alastor Linden
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 109

Alastor LindenBlessed by ????
The fall was quite hard and as people ran past him, they didn't seem to see him or well... Maybe they did, but they surely weren't really paying attention to him. They ran over him, some even falling over him. Their legs and shoes hitting his back, arms and head. He groaned for a moment as he let the rush of panic wash over him. Not really knowing what was happening. It really wasn't pleasant to fall in such a busy place. People didn't care if you did.

He blinked slowly as the people around him seemed to have calmed down, or well, the more panicked ones had just left the scene. He slowly pushed himself up a bit. His back and arms already feeling sore from the hits it had taken. He brushed his hand along his skin and sighed as he started to dust off his clothing. Remaining on his knees for now as it was the most comfortable position for him to be in.

A bark got his attention and he looked up. A small dog like creature standing before him. He frowned and looked the creature up and down... But before he knew it, it nuzzled its nose against his hand. Alastor slowly offered up the hand to it as a way to show it that he wasn't a threat. Waiting for a second as he let his hand hover there, before he dared to give it a slight pet.

He lifted his gaze and to his surprise, it wasn't a stranger that seemed to have lost this puppy. He frowned and tilted his head. "You're from the shooting stand," he said calmly. "He is yours?" he asked calmly, looking back at the dog Pokémon for a moment.

Buddy had hurried away from the scene as people had done all kinds of things, scaring the small critter into hiding.... And as soon as it seemed to have calmed down, she quickly hurried up her owner's back, hiding away in the hair with a soft noise. She clearly didn't like how people had responded to her.

Character sheet
Nickname: Alas
Age: 23
Birthday: 06/09/2000
Occupation: Second year music student - Music producer
Sexuality: Homosexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

With the pup running away Míngzé had no other choice but to follow him. Luckily for him the creature was barking so he could easily find him. “Stop it, there is no—” half way through his sentence he swallowed his words and a deep frown formed on his forehead. Was there someone sitting on the floor? A voice sounded, confirming his suspicions.

The shooting stand… “Do I know you?” he asked as he could not remember what the other was talking about. They had met, but too much had happened since that he had forgotten the smaller things that happened before. “He is,” he then answered the question.

Dai jumped back the moment something small, yellow and fast ran by. He pressed his ears against his head and a low growl vibrated from his throat. Whatever that thing was had only scared him, but the growl was not very impressive. “Dai,” Míngzé gave the pokémon a warning, which was enough for the small creature to turn around and place itself at his feet.  

Míngzé slowly shook his head. “Sorry, he’s young and still has a lot to learn.” While growling was not that bad, he did not want it to get any worse. For now he was still a pup, so this was the time to teach him how to behave well. But right now that was beside the point. “What are you doing on the ground anyway?” Míngzé asked, confused but he already held out a hand, wanting to help the other back onto his feet. There were enough chairs, no reason to sit here in the middle of the path.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Alastor Linden
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 109

Alastor LindenBlessed by ????
He had recognized the other, even knew from where he was. But he couldn't recall a name or really what he was about. Alastor was great at recognizing faces, but linking a name to them was where he completely messed up. He could have told him his name, or not at all, it wouldn't have made a difference because the guy hadn't left an impact. And he clearly hadn't either.

He smiled softly as he shook his head a bit. "During Halloween, luminaland. Your blue guy and I shot some things at the stand. It was fun," he said calmly, explaining himself. The other also made it clear this was his dog. And when the little guy made a low noise, he looked at it. Luckily for him, his owner corrected him quickly.

He looked back up at the guy, his body aching from the many hits it had received. He only nodded when the other apologized. He didn't really understand, as he wasn't familiar with Pokémon and how to raise them, but he also didn't feel like continuing to talk about it. Especially since he felt like this. Beaten down to the ground and all that. He didn't feel like shit, but he didn't feel great either. If anything, he wanted a warm shower after this to ease his pain.

A question came, followed by a hand that was reached out. "Oh... I was pushed down when someone got scared," he said calmly. "People must not have seen me as they ran all over me, so I'm just... Gathering my strength since my back... Hurts a little," he chuckled. Of course, this must happen to him.

After a few more seconds he reached out to the other. Grabbing his hand and slowly and shakily using it to stand up. He used his other hand to guide himself with the counter next to him. He sighed when he was up, nodding at the stranger. "Thank you," he said. "Are you a teacher here?" he asked, thinking the man was at least somewhere end his twenties or even maybe even his thirties. He looked old enough to be a teacher at least.

Character sheet
Nickname: Alas
Age: 23
Birthday: 06/09/2000
Occupation: Second year music student - Music producer
Sexuality: Homosexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Right. He remembered that day. Míngzé looked at him like he just received a slap in his face. That had been one of the first times Qiān had disobeyed him and it only got worse after. “How could I forget,” he muttered with a deep sigh. Perhaps this was his que to walk away and leave him behind. “Then it’s a good thing he’s not here right now.” While Míngzé did not blame this man for anything, it still left a sour taste in his mouth.

Maybe if the situation had been different, he would’ve turned around and left, but now he stayed. If the other needed help, he would offer it as everyone else had left for some reason. “What could possibly scare so many people at a school? Are exams going to be early this year?” he asked, confused. That did not make any sense. “Sounds like it must’ve hurt, you good?” Given the way the other was talking it sounded like he would live to fight another day, so he was not too worried.

Míngzé braced himself to pull the other back on his feet. Once that was over and done, he crossed his arms over his chest and simply watched him. Then the question came and Míngzé raised an eyebrow. “I’ll take that as a compliment and pretend you think I look smart,” he said, even though there was a hint that the other had offended him. “No, I’m a student, just like you.” Why he even had to clarify that was beyond him.

Meanwhile Dai was approaching the other again, back fully stretched as he tried to keep as much distance as possible while still being able to sniff him. He was not as confident as before now that this man was standing up.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Alastor Linden
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 109

Alastor LindenBlessed by ????
Where the other didn't look too pleased about what had happened that day, Alastor took barely any notice of it. Even the way he spoke went by him and he simply tilted his head slightly. "Yeah it's a shame, that blue dude is really cool. Say hi to him for me when you see him," oblivious as always to the way the stranger was talking to him. If he really hadn't like it, it was better to say so in his face. With him, you didn't get far with simple hints and gestures.

He then asked about what could have scared everyone and he honestly didn't know, so he shrugged. "I don't know, I wasn't paying attention... JUst waiting for my coffee to be done so I could get back to work," he sighed softly. "Still a few weeks for exams, but I guess people are already bracing themselves for that, because it was really crowded in here. Nearly everyone must have come by for that fix of caffeine," for him, it didn't do much. But perhaps it did for others? Maybe.

Was he good? He nodded slowly. "My back hurts, I'll probably be all stiff tomorrow... But it's nothing too bad," he said calmly. He wasn't used to be roughened up or get into situations where that happy. This truly had been a first for him.

Back on his feet he asked if he was a teacher and the other responded that he wasn't. Claiming that he would just take as a compliment that he looked smart. Alastor, who didn't have much of a filter, spoke up; "No, you just look like you are end twenties maybe start of your thirties so I thought you were old enough," blunt was perhaps even a bit too kind for this one.

He looked down at the little dog and tilted his head. "So is that like- A special Pikachu?" he asked calmly. He was being dead serious. He had no clue what the hell that was, especially since it was such a weird colour.

Character sheet
Nickname: Alas
Age: 23
Birthday: 06/09/2000
Occupation: Second year music student - Music producer
Sexuality: Homosexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

As he was standing still now, having a conversation, Míngzé held his cane closer to him by resting it against his shoulder. Without Qiān who had acted as a guide dog for him, it was something he needed to get around. He hummed softly. “I’m sure to let him know.” No, with the struggles they were already facing he was not going to say this to him.

Something had scared all those people, but even this man who had been here when it happened did not know what had done it. “Strange.” It was a rather unsettling idea that there was something here scary enough to scare all these people. “There must’ve been something, people don’t just react like this. You sure you don’t see anything out of the ordinary.” Maybe this was his cue to get out of here too. Luckily for the other he did not get hurt too much. “Perhaps you should sit down for a moment,” Míngzé offered.

Míngzé had tried, he really had, but this one was simply impossible. No one really liked getting called old. He knitted his eyebrows as the other continued talking. “Yeah, no, no idea how I can turn that one into a compliment,” he said with a sigh. At least now he knew he looked old apparently. A fun fact to know.

It only got stranger as something was called a special pikachu. “Is what a special pikachu?” As far as he was aware, there were no pikachu’s close. For a moment he looked around, hoping the light in here was powerful enough to help him, but sadly enough not.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Alastor Linden
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 109

Alastor LindenBlessed by ????
He smiled when the other told him he would let him know, not even seeing a hint of the sarcasm that would go with it or the way he worded it. For the ever oblivious Alastor just took it as it was handed to him; literally.

The other spoke once again after it all. What had spooked them? Alastor didn't know and he honestly didn't care all that much. Sometimes people just responded in a way that could only be pushed on herd mentality. He looked around again and shook his head. "Nothing," he said calmly, not even noticing that the other had asked him to look around instead of himself. He still didn't realize that the other was as good as blind, even with that cane.

The stranger told him to sit down and he nodded. "That's actually not a bad idea, yea-" he said calmly as he took a step back and grabbed a chair from a table. Sitting down slowly as he groaned for a moment. That wasn't a pleasant feeling at all. "Man... This is going to suck tomorrow," he complained softly.

He let his eyes go back to the dark haired man and tilted his head. "Oh no- It was just an observation... Does everything have to be a compliment?" he asked, genuinily a bit confused if it had to be. In his books honesty was way more important than whatever people tried to do these days.

He pointed to the dog and nodded. "That one, the one you have. I never seen one with like a skull to it's face and in those colours..." he hummed softly. "Or wait- No. That's an Eevee right? But what happened to it's tail?" he tilted his head and frowned. That's not how his brother's Pokémon looked like at all. Then again, traits were a thing, so what did he know.

Character sheet
Nickname: Alas
Age: 23
Birthday: 06/09/2000
Occupation: Second year music student - Music producer
Sexuality: Homosexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

People did not freak out over nothing, not like this anyway. There must be a reason why everyone ran, safe from a few people. Yet if he had to believe this man, nothing happened. “Nothing? Absolutely nothing at all made those people freak out?” Míngzé asked in surprise and it was clear he did not believe it. Was it something the other had done? He did end up on the ground after all. The other did listen to his advice to sit down. Míngzé followed the other towards where he sat down. He hummed in acknowledgment that yes, it would probably suck. “Do you need some ice or something?”

Míngzé raised an eyebrow as the other spoke and he could not help but roll his eyes. “I think everyone prefers compliments over getting called old.” At least now he knew. Which was not really what he wanted to learn that day. Another thing he could add to his lists of worries. Thinking about it, maybe he should start a list.

Apparently they were now talking about Dai, presumably because he would not know what other pokémon else. Dai also fits the description. The other’s conclusion made him blink a few times in surprise. “An Eevee?” Míngzé asked in surprise. Meanwhile Dai moved back to his side to hide behind his legs. “It’s a Houndour and definitely not an Eevee.” Míngzé gave him a stranger look. It was not weird for people to not know every pokémon species, but he assumed most knew what an eevee looked like.

The only thing that made Míngzé worry for a moment was the mention of Dai’s tale. At first he did not think much about it, but then he looked down at the pokémon at his feet. “What do you mean, what happened to his tail?” Carefully he lowered himself to a kneeling position and held out a hand until he felt Dai’s wet nose. Did something happen he was not aware of?  


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
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