
[m] Overheat

2 posters
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
Gosh what a fucking day .. Her head was pounding with a newly announced headache forming, and she had to admit her mind was still at Neyan’s Avenue even as she was nearing the office. Tension in her shoulders and a scowl on her face. That stupid fool Camper, busted while handling a simple business transaction. It had taken a grand total of twenty phone calls, but she got there in the end. His bail paid and his ass demoted to work the most menial tasks for the foreseeable future.

She stepped into Kavya’s office without knocking, slamming the door behind her and tossing her coat over the back of the grand, leather chair across from the desk. “I swear, if I have to deal with one more incompetent waste if oxygen before this day is done, I am going to break something.” Kaye hissed, turning her eyes finally to Kavya and at that moment she realized she had forgotten the one thing why she had called in the first place. Oh well, guess the old-fashioned way had to do. She let herself fall into the chair, leaning back with a sigh, letting her gloved fingers run over her temples.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Kavya Lång
Messages : 210
IC Posts : 122
Kavya Lång
even the people who already have enough of it.
Of course, that's what everybody
wants; just a little
more money

A popular phrase used to describe Kavya was that of a reed, bending in the wind, but never breaking. Throughout her life and career, she had consistently been known for her adaptable and compliant demeanor, simply going with the flow of her ever-changing circumstances, without allowing any outside factors to impede her progress. In her mind, it would be nice for Kaye to join her, but if she did not, it was no cause for worry or dismay. Kavya wasn't

Kavya's attention briefly turned toward her cellphone as a message from Kaye appeared on its screen. The message informed Kavya of the occurrence of a specific incident at Neyan's avenue, but Kavya refrained from inquiring further. She had to stay focused on the financial matters at hand. Whatever sort of "situations" the members got themselves into, it wasn't her department. Though, as a minor form of pettiness, she chose not to respond to the message - instead, she merely chortled in amusement, turning back to her work on the paper.

The tranquil ambiance of Kavya's office was abruptly disrupted when a disgruntled Syndicate lieutenant stormed into the room earlier than expected. As the lieutenant moved around, Kavya couldn't help but tug at the corner of her lips as she laid down her pen. Her attention was fixed on the woman's movements. Her chilly threats filled the room, eventually subsiding as she simmered down slightly. It was only then that Kavya broke her statuesque silence and exited her seat, opting to walk over to a tiny cabinet which stood not far from her desk.

With a smooth motion, Kavya opened a tiny door, revealing it to be part of a miniature refrigeration unit. She retrieved two small wine bottles from within. One was intended for Kavya, and the other for her guest. The woman gracefully advanced toward the lieutenant, passing the wine over to her. Hoping alcohol would ease the tension, Kavya offered her counterpart the bottle, commenting, "There, there dear." Her free hand then slid over the woman's shoulder, attempting to soothe her. "You can forget about all that unpleasantness now."

Character sheet
Nickname: Kav
Age: 28
Occupation: Bookkeeper (Syndicate)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
Tension pulled at her like a coiled spring. In her mind she was still going over the events of the day, thinking of the consequences, the follow-up she had to do to ensure their cover remained intact, looking into whom more might have known about this. That means she had to contact-

Her train of thought was abruptly interupted as she felt a skillful hand stroking her shoulders. A groan escaped her lips as she shifted in her seat, reveling in the touch. She accepted the glass of wine and took a sip, thankful for the substance. The rich taste of cherries trickling her nose. Kaye placed the glass down on the corner of Kavya’s desk and let her head fall back to gaze up at the other woman. This was all it was about, after all. Their work relationship, only thinly separated from their combined dating relationship and friendship. What would you even call this arrangement of them? Kaye’s thoughts began to wander again, the mood she had been in when she had sent that text faded slightly. The quiet of Kavya’s office, her perfume and her presence .. she welcomed it.

"I'm sorry, baby .." Kaye rasped, eyes opening. "My mind is awfully loud today." Annoyance evident in her voice, though only directed at herself. The stress was getting to her now that she was trying to finalize the deal with the church and get operations running at the west end of town. This little hicup from earlier was something she absolutely did not fucking need right now. If authorities got involved now and started digging .. fuck, that could shatter everything she had been building towards for the past nine months.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Kavya Lång
Messages : 210
IC Posts : 122
Kavya Lång
even the people who already have enough of it.
Of course, that's what everybody
wants; just a little
more money

Despite their merciless natures, the two maintained intimate moments, in which concerns and stress appeared to fade into the background. Kavya did not love Kaye, nor did Kaye love Kavya, yet it was apparent that a connection existed between them, one that perhaps transcended the shallow feeling of love. The lieutenant provided Kavya with a calming energy and kept her grounded, while the woman offered her companion stress relief and served as her protective muscle. They had operated in this manner for years, which was indicative that it was a beneficial and longstanding relationship.

Kaye rested her head back, gazing up at Kavya, who leaned downward slightly, causing their faces to be in close proximity to one another. Kavya smiled at Kaye's after she was done speaking, her hands running through the other woman's silver locks, the fingers tangling in them with ease. "Don't worry, darling," Kavya whispered with a soft smile. "I know the perfect way to clear one's head," she said softly, her voice sounding relaxed and sensual. Her intentions regarding the perfect distraction were clear. Kavya had taken a sip from her wine and placed it on her desk, alongside Kaye's glass. She would require both hands for her plan.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kav
Age: 28
Occupation: Bookkeeper (Syndicate)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
Spiraling thoughts or the promise of enjoying whatever the hell was about to happen, the decision was not a hard one to make for Kaye as she stared up at the other through half closed eyelids. Kavya’s words were as sweet as honey and Kaye let out a silent sigh while she let her eyelids fall close. This dance they were performing was one they were both familiar with. Neither one expected too much, misread the moments they spent together. One call, one text, a few hours spend in bliss, the other leaving before the sun was up.

It was why Kaye said nothing else, but decided to allow herself to indulge. To relish and savor the moment before she had to inevitably leave and face the music once more. Automatically, her hand went to the back pocket of her leather pants, finding the thin accessory she felt was absolutely missing right now. She lit the cigarette and placed it between her lips, staring up at the ceiling for a few moments before she looked up, blue eyes following Kavya’s movement and the unspoken words clear in her eyes.

I want to fuck you.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Kavya Lång
Messages : 210
IC Posts : 122
Kavya Lång
even the people who already have enough of it.
Of course, that's what everybody
wants; just a little
more money

Kaye laid back against the cushioned surface of the chair, seemingly surrendering herself to the expertise of Kavya. She lit a cigarette while doing so and looked up at her lover, her blue eyes conveying more than any spoken conversation could. One of Kavya's hands caressed the line of Kaye's jaw, while the other grasped the burning cigarette and took it into her own mouth. She could feel Kaye's presence lingering on the end of the stick as she inhaled the smoke, followed by gently exhaling it through her nostrils. Though Kavya was not an avid smoker, she could not resist during these cherished moments.

After yet another intake of smoke, Kavya gently returned the cigarette to Kaye's mouth. She then traced her digits along the woman's chin, down her neck and onto her collarbone as her hand performed small, circular motions. While her head shifted over, the woman whispered into her paramour's ear, uttering some curses. Kavya rested her head upon Kaye's shoulder, inhaling the scent of her partner. She took comfort in the familiar fragrance, finding the aroma to be both calming and arousing.

Kavya halted for a second and drew her hands away from Kaye's skin. Then, she wrapped her arms round the silver- haired woman's midsection, before raking her long nails upward until they gently scraped against the woman's torso. The gesture was accompanied by a light chuckle. "You must stand up for me now, my love," she claimed in a light tone, resembling a request more than a statement. In reality, however, the woman's words carried an air of authority. 

Character sheet
Nickname: Kav
Age: 28
Occupation: Bookkeeper (Syndicate)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
As Kavya took the cigarette from between her lips, Kaye exhaled, plume circling around her and the smell of nicotine filling the tight space of the office. She took the cigarette between her lips again when Kavya was so gracious to return it to her, relaxing in her chair as she studied her face. Tensing up when she felt fingers running over her skin, breath ghosting over her ear, Kavya’s scent mixed with the cigarette smoke clouding her senses and making her dizzy. She raised a questioning eyebrow as Kavya continued her ministrations, arms wrapping around her midsection, and Kaye wondered just what she wanted.

Something stirred in her at Kavya’s “request”. The careful wording and tone of voice could be misunderstood as something casual, but Kaye knew her longer than today. “Feeling authoritative today, dear?” She remarked with a devious smile, chuckling but nevertheless heeding the command of the other, and rising with slow measured movement. With her 1.83 she was higher than Kavya, looking down on her with lust in her eyes as she took another drag from the cigarette still caught between her dark, purple lips. Hands sliding down towards Kavya’s ass ..

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Kavya Lång
Messages : 210
IC Posts : 122
Kavya Lång
even the people who already have enough of it.
Of course, that's what everybody
wants; just a little
more money

Kavya offered an amused murmur at Kaye's remark, but remained silent as the woman stood. As she watched her lover rise from her seat, tall and powerful, Kavya was reminded of the ancient tale of David and Goliath. However, as proved by the tale, smaller also implied faster, while larger implied slower movements. Kaye failed to close the distance between the two in time, as the smaller woman nimbly danced out of her reach. "Ah, ah, ah," Kavya teased, "Not yet." Her gaze was accompanied by a playful glint in her eyes.

Gently, Kavya pushed Kaye toward her desk, unfazed by any damage that could be incurred during the act. Her fingers brushed over the papers, yet she remained unbothered, as they could be reproduced. The woman reached into her jacket and retrieved a small box, which resembled a box for cigarettes. In an instant, Kavya popped open the lid and pulled out a tiny pill, a deep crimson hue. This was swiftly brought to Kaye's view, while the woman stated, "Why not try some experimentation with one another?" Kavya's slender digits traced along the other's skin, gently massaging the warm flesh. "You wouldn't decline to partake with me, would you dear?"

Kavya made no attempt to wait for an answer to her inquiry, instead promptly consuming the pill and pressing her lips against Kaye's. While her mouth was slightly parted, Kavya's tongue ventured inside, thereby allowing the tiny tablet to pass from her mouth onto Kaye's tongue. With the pill having been successfully transferred, she continued to kiss the woman, her tongue exploring her partner's mouth. Kavya appeared eager to enjoy the experience with her lover, with no patience for hesitation.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kav
Age: 28
Occupation: Bookkeeper (Syndicate)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
To Kaye’s immense disapointment, Kavya was quickly to dance away from her, elegant like a swan. She shot her a warning glance that held absolutely no weight behind it, and allowed the other to push her down in the desk. Hands gripping a hold of the rough surface of the desk, she already leaned back a little expectantly when Kavya also leaned towards her, reaching for something behind her-

Instead of draping herself over Kaye as she had been expected, Kavya pulled out something else. A tiny, bright red pill. Frowning she took in the small item. Expected? No. Unwanted? Also no. This would be the exact thing she needed right now to clear her mind for good. Go on some wild, hallucinatory trip while she could have Kavya on her tongue. Yes, that would absolutely clear her mind. She answered the kiss without hesitation, eagerly taking advantage of Kavya’s tongue to answer with her own, sucking on her tongue before swallowing the pill. A moan escaping her. “Working under the influence-” She breathed against Kavya’s lips, hands roaming over her body, nipping and kissing at skin and feeling heat rise to her skin at an alarming rate. "I should fucking fire you." Leaning in for another kiss. Deepening it.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Kavya Lång
Messages : 210
IC Posts : 122
Kavya Lång
even the people who already have enough of it.
Of course, that's what everybody
wants; just a little
more money

"Ah, Kaye, always so accommodating," Kavya whispered, as her fingertips trailed along the silver-haired woman's body. The duo's mouths came together, with their tongues intertwining in a rhythmic motion. Eventually, they parted and Kaye released a sweet groan, which drew a reaction from Kavya as well. She released a soft murmur of satisfaction, while the duo remained close to one another. "Working whilst under the influence?"  Kaye breathed when they parted. While Kavya groaned with pleasure in return. She continued to caress her partner's sensitive zones, while her own body experienced the effects of the aphrodisiac in a light dosis.

Kaye's caresses caused Kavya to let out subtle whimpers, as she enjoyed the sensation of her partner's kisses and nibbles. Her hands roamed over the woman's body, exploring and stimulating her sensitive zones. In response, Kavya closed her eyes, allowing herself to relish the pleasure, which was soft, sweet, and oh so intoxicating. Her entire body began to feel warm, while her muscles tensed up. Sweat began to trickle down her skin

Kavya was about to respond, yet she was cut off by Kaye's kiss, which was deeper and more passionate than ever. The woman moaned seductively at the contact, smiling playfully at her lover. She said, "Now, now, threatening to fire me already?" This was accompanied by her hands, which proceeded to travel toward Kaye's torso. Their digits then hooked underneath the edge of her top, with an attempt to pull it up. "I think that's a new record," Kavya stated with a chuckle, while her lips remained pressed against Kaye's.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kav
Age: 28
Occupation: Bookkeeper (Syndicate)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
Kaye moaned against Kavya’s lips, pulling her closer against her, impossibly close, hands giving her ass a hard squeeze. There was no need to be coy here. Not with her. “You know what’s also a new record?” She murmured against her paramours lips, tongue briefly surging forward to stroke Kav’s bottom lip. Teasing. “You wanting to undress me within five minutes of stepping in this office. I know I am irresistible, of course, but damn baby ..” A deep chuckle resonated from within her. Claiming yet another kiss.

Between kisses and caresses, Kaye began to notice that the heat rising to her skin was absolutely no longer just from Kavya’s intoxicating presence or maddening touches. A lightheadedness was forming, senses becoming sharper, the touches feeling like her skin was being lit on fire with a thousand matches. Kaye felt like she was about to be driven mad, and they only had just started. She only briefly pulled away from Kav to put the cigarette between her lips, taking a shaky inhale before dropping it carelessly on Kavya’s ashtray. Frowning and closing her eyes briefly, which was a mistake. Kavya’s touches felt electrifying. Stimulating in all the right ways. “F-fuck, what is in these?” Kaye groaned, pulling herself completely on top of Kavya’s desk, holding herself steady with her arms behind her as her chest heaved.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Kavya Lång
Messages : 210
IC Posts : 122
Kavya Lång
even the people who already have enough of it.
Of course, that's what everybody
wants; just a little
more money

Kaye drew her closer until their bodies were pressed heavily against one another. As the other woman squeezed her bottom with a playful squeeze, Kavya let out a surprised noise. This did not interrupt her mission, however, and she was determined to remove Kaye's clothes.  “You wanting to undress me within five minutes of stepping in this office. I know I am irresistible, of course, but damn baby ..”  Kavya's lips broke out into a dark chuckle as she contemplated the boldness of her partners statement. She wondered if Kaye's confidence would remain unchecked as the drugs began to truly take effect.

The two continued to make out, pushing and pulling at each other's bodies. They touch, caress, claw, and scrape. Low whimpers escape from Kavya's mouth as their passion reaches a fever pitch Eventually, Kaye pulls away just long enough to take a drag from her cigarette. It is then that notices that Kaye appears absolutely flustered. Her pupils are expanded, and she moves carelessly. Finally, the moment Kavya had been waiting for had arrived.

As her lover asked what was in the pill she had given her, Kavya moved away and surveyed the scene before her. Her paramour was struggling and propped up on her desk, which was quite the sight to behold. "I'm not sure exactly what's in them," her sweet voice sounded. "But they're supposed to make one feel extreme levels of arousal." As if she was teasing her lover, Kavya took a few more steps back so that she would be out of reach for Kaye. This would ensure that if her partner wanted more of the physical contact her body was surely craving, she would have to beg Kavya to come closer. Or force herself to close the distance between them somehow. Either way, Kavya was enjoying having the upper hand and being able to toy with Kaye in this manner.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kav
Age: 28
Occupation: Bookkeeper (Syndicate)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
A groan escaped between Kaye’s lips when Kavya admitted she did not know what was in them per se, she did however confirm the suspicion that the tall woman had already figured out herself. It was some sort of aphrodisiac meant to enhance certain senses. Certain specific senses. “Fuck ..” She felt the moan on her lips, but pushed it down as her eyes settled back on her lover. Chest heaving vigorously up and down. Feeling the urge to take her clothes off to combat the awful heat coursing through her veins.

Kaye’s hand reached out to Kavya, but she was already out of reach with a devious expression on her face. For a few heartbeats she regarded the other, one eyebrow raising, then as she very deliberately and slowly pointed to the spot in front of her. “Come here.” Kaye growled, authority evident in her voice. She became, aware that she might not be able to hold composure forever if Kavya did not come here soon. The heat slowly licking under her skin, raising to degrees that drove her mad. She sat leaned on one arm and used her free hand to loosen the tie around her throat, fingers grabbing the cigarette and putting it back between her lips. Never breaking eye contact with her lover, eyes silently conveying the message. Come here, now.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Kavya Lång
Messages : 210
IC Posts : 122
Kavya Lång
even the people who already have enough of it.
Of course, that's what everybody
wants; just a little
more money

The pill worked on Kaye like a charm, with a quick and profound effect. It was as though such a small thing could have a tremendous impact on the strong and durable woman. Turning her into little more than a bitch in heat, Kavya couldn't help but be amazed by science's wonders. She would moan, and Kavya would shiver from the sound. How pretty the noises were. And to her, they were like music. "Oh come now," she teased in response. "Panting already?" She said in a coquettish voice, her tone dripping with amusement. "We haven't even started yet."

Even when Kaye tried to regain control of the situation, Kavya only continued her teasing. It was, in her opinion, too much fun to keep to herself. She was never serious during intercourse, so when Kaye commanded her to step back, the bookkeeper simply refused. She wanted Kaye to chase after her and work for what she wanted. Wasn't that so much sweeter in the end? To have a good chase before the feast? Kavya enjoyed it, and made sure to emphasize it every chance she had.

The woman with two-toned hair never broke eye contact, but continued to move further away with every passing second. Her distance grew and grew, leaving only space between her and her lover. Kavya's eyes sparkled with mischief, her tone a playful taunt that she hoped would get Kaye to come after her. "Make me," she said playfully, a smirk on her face.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kav
Age: 28
Occupation: Bookkeeper (Syndicate)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer

A sharp breath escaped through her nostrils as Kaye narrowed her eyes when Kavya made no attempt to close the distance, opting to move further away from her. Kaye shooting her a warning look, loosing her own tie a bit more before she decided to completely get rid of the excess accessory, throwing it over Kavya’s leather chair. Unbuttoning the two top buttons. It unfortunately did nothing to quench the heat. “You play a dangerous game, Kavya.” Kaye said, voice uncharacteristically hoarse, eyes closing as she took another drag and tried to gain a bit of composure. It took everything in her right now not to break down to the feeling that was slowly becoming overwhelming.

“Come here. Now.” It sounded deep and threatening and revealed perhaps more than Kaye would have liked. She nevertheless remained on the desk, eyes focusing back on her lover. Smoke rising from the cigarette still resting between her lips, barely able to contain the feeling forming between her legs. Opting to cross her legs, so she could squeeze her thighs together in an attempt to stop the rapid rising of her want. It did not help. She unbuttoned a third button, slowly, meticulous, revealing a little skin.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Kavya Lång
Messages : 210
IC Posts : 122
Kavya Lång
even the people who already have enough of it.
Of course, that's what everybody
wants; just a little
more money

It might have been wise for Kavya to heed Kaye's words, for fear that her drugged-up lover would snap and lose all control over the situation. The roles would switch, and Kavya would find herself at the mercy of the  lieutenant 
Or she could keep this dance up, twirl around Kaye, and avoid her touch. By playing the game a little longer, she might break Kaye and make her beg. Either way, Kavya would enjoy herself one way or another — she was versatile like that.

Watching kaye like this—so riled up that she threw her jewelry off and unbuttoned her shirt—
made Kavya feel something deep inside her core. A slow-burning kind of arousal, like a fire starting to burn within her belly.
Her own clothes started to be discarded just like Kaye's, as her body felt too restricted. Her long coat was the first to go, followed by her tight, flowy skirt. They just felt suffocating to wear. They needed to go.

And soon, it slid off her body, revealing her slightly trembling legs. With only her black stockings and panties on, the underside of her body was much more visible. Even as she felt inclined to rid herself of her top as well, she was still being threatened. Kaye's threats held a hint of something else to them— something that Kavya struggled to place. Regardless, Kavya resisted for the moment. She remained far away from Kaye, her game continuing.

Kavya's half lidded eyes never left Kaye's form, watching her with a smirk. Kaye had found her way back to her cigarette, and her breath blew some of the fumes towards her lover. She could almost taste the tobacco all the way from where she stood.
It didn't seem like Kavya was the only one who felt some kind of increased wetness. In fact, Kaye was tightly crossing her legs, as more of her chest was exposed to the book keeper.

She may not typically be into breasts, but Kaye's were a whole different story.

It was a mutual tease, with Kavya knowing full well that she could be tempting as well. That was why she brushed her fingers along her thighs, scratching over the fishnet texture of her stockings. She tore the fabric close, the nails digging into her supple flesh and revealing her inner thigh to her lover's gaze.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kav
Age: 28
Occupation: Bookkeeper (Syndicate)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
Kav followed her example. The twin hair colored woman taking off her long coat first, allowing Kaye to see the curves of her body underneath the fabric. While her own mind was reeling with downright sinful thoughts, she noticed that the other woman wasn’t left unaffected either. She could tell by her expression, the way how her body tensed up. Kaye watched as if she was enthralled, blue eyes following Kavya’s hands as she removed her skirt.

Kaye’s eyes darkened as they settled on Kav’s long legs, taking in the sight longingly, very slowly devouring her with her eyes. The older woman letting out a groan as her eyes settled on the one thing she wanted, narrowly avoiding biting her lip. Struggling to hold composure. A form of urgency found her way to her hands that shook slightly, betraying how much this was reeling her up as she began to unbotton the remaining buttons and took off her blouse. Eyes not leaving Kavya. Both woman not being in opposing states of undress. Kavya without her skirt, Kaye without her blouse.

Her undergarnment, buckles and all, holding her breasts together and concealed from view. Chest puffed out as she leaned back on her arms, a smirk rowing over her face as in her mind she already saw herself bending the other woman over the desk, taking what she was owed.

As Kavya began to ran her fingernail over her stockings, Kaye took that moment to take another deep drag of the cigarette, trembling a little as she did and unable to look away. Watching through half lidded eyes as skin got revealed, skin that always felt so soft under Kaye’s touch.

“Gods, I want to ride you ‘till you see stars.” Kaye heard herself say in a husky voice, struggling to keep her breathing steady, brow furrowing in concentration to keep the rising feeling of pleasure building in her from reaching its limit.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Kavya Lång
Messages : 210
IC Posts : 122
Kavya Lång
even the people who already have enough of it.
Of course, that's what everybody
wants; just a little
more money

Even without her skirt, she still felt hot. The tempature in her body was ever building- just like something else; something that became icreasinly hard to ignore. In a way; she wanted to forgo this foreplay. And let- as Kaye would eloquently put it; ride her until she say stars. However Kavya restrained herself furhter, she wouldn't give up the chase that easily. No matter how tempting Kaye was in her bra- no matter how much she wanted to unbuckle the damn thing and move her hands over her chest freely. 

"I'm clenching at the thought, sweetheart," she murmured, her breath hot and heavy.
She tore away more and more of her stockings, the fabric being ripped apart filled the room. It was quite the waste of tights, but in that moment Kavya didn't care. She had plenty of them anyway. She only cared about putting on an erotic display for Kaye, one that would break her.

After ripping her stockings halfway, Kavya's hands moved from her thighs, allowing her to slide them up her body and through her hair. She could feel her hips swaying with a familiar tune as she hummed, and her dance was short and slow. She finished it with a half spin, her movements slow and sensual.

The side of Kavya's body was now facing Kaye, and she playfully held up her hand as if she was carrying a pistol. She pointed it towards Kaye's cigarette and pretended to fire, aiming for it. "Why don't you get rid of that thing." she teased. "I have something else you can put your lips around."

Character sheet
Nickname: Kav
Age: 28
Occupation: Bookkeeper (Syndicate)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
When this was all over, she would kill Kavya. There was no other way because right now Kaye felt like she was going out of her mind. Her skin hot, thrumming with an uncomfortable need that went beyond carnal pleasure, her heart racing like she was running a marathon- and then there was something else .. More and more of Kavya’s stocking became undone, ramping up the excitement with each piece of fabric that was being ripped away. Kaye did not notice she was beginning to shake, fingers gripping the edges of Kavya’s desk with a white knuckle grip.

She let out a groan and pushed herself off the desk, her face contorted with a mixture of emotions. Making it very clear how uncomfortable she was feeling. With a bit too much enthusiasm she took the cigarette and very deliberately began to push it out against Kavya’s ashtray, eyes never leaving her lover as she did. A shaky exhale left her as she began to close the distance, her pride preventing her from moving above a steady pace, not yet wanting to give Kavya the satisfaction.

With intent she moved forward, looking down on the shorter woman, hands very deliberately putting a tiny bit of pressure to maneuver her backwards. Further, and further, until she had Kavya pressed against the dark wooden bookcase containing massive volumes of some fiscal matter, or whatever. Kaye let out a shaky exhale once more, looking down on Kavya with a look that was downright starved. She began to kneel then, blue eyes never leaving those of her lover until she rested on one knee and she hooked one hand behind Kavya’s knee.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Kavya Lång
Messages : 210
IC Posts : 122

Kavya Lång
even the people who already have enough of it.
Of course, that's what everybody
wants; just a little
more money

Kavya's teasing had seemingly driven the other woman over the edge. She was no longer able to restrain herself and had lost all control over herself. Though she could have easily avoided the silver-haired woman's grasp, she chose not to do so. Instead, she stood still and allowed the other woman to push her up against the bookcase. She could feel the backs of the books pressing into her back, papers and covers digging in as the syndicate's lieutenant advanced towards her.

She took a moment to glance sideways, making sure none of the books were on the verge of spilling out or falling. Some of the books were quite old, and certainly would not survive such an impact. Despite the wooden structure being pushed back slightly, it was not enough for the contents to spill out.

Kavya was almost spellbound by Kaye's presence. The taller woman looked down upon her like some sort of predator who was ready to pounce and conquer. She felt her temperature rise even further, her heartbeat increasing. Time slowed down to a crawl, as she became entranced by the other woman's blue orbs. She did not know how long she continued to stare into Kaye's, but it felt like forever.

The spell that the redhead was under was broken when the silver-haired woman knelt down and hooked a hand around her leg. Kavya  letting out a small whisper of surprise when she realized that Kaye was taking her suggestion to put her lips around something other than her cigarette to heart. "Oh..." she whispers softly. Not expecting Kaye to go for such a direct action, but certainly was interested in what was to come next.

Kavya's hand cupped the other woman's face, which felt quite hot to the touch. The drugs were still having a good effect, and she was impressed by the result. She traced her fingers along Kaye's jawline with one of her hands, running them along her skin gently. A soft hum escaped her lips as she moved her fingers over the plump lips of the blonde, feeling them under her fingertips.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kav
Age: 28
Occupation: Bookkeeper (Syndicate)
Sexuality: Bisexual
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