
the burn of bittersweet

Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
It was unsurprising, really, that he was in the midst of chaos.

Ruìsāng had decided to venture into the battlegrounds, granting Lìeyàn the opportunity to unleash her prowess after weeks of restraint. Eagerly, she leaped into the ring, effortlessly subduing a Vileplume in a display of undeniable power. The Vulpix, still unclaimed at his feet, observed the spectacle with a curious intensity.

Once Lìeyàn had concluded her victorious clash, Ruìsāng's attention shifted abruptly as the Vulpix bounded into the arena, flames flickering from her teeth. She bit at the air, embers dancing around her as she emitted a growl, challenging any contender to engage in a skirmish. Laughter rippled through the crowd, accompanied by presumptuous thoughts about a mere Vulpix—how weak she must be.

Leaning forward, Ruìsāng observed with narrowed eyes. The Vulpix lacked finesse, yet her strength was undeniable. Stronger than Lìeyàn, he thought. The black beast fought with an unrestrained fervour, as if each battle were her final one. However, victory did little to sway her from the arena. Ruìsāng rolled his eyes and raised his hand.

"Fine, then. Battle yourself to death. See if I care," he waved dismissively at the creature.

Unsurprisingly, the Vulpix immediately acquiesced, leaving the ring only to reappear at Ruìsāng's side within moments, glaring at Lìeyàn with evident irritation.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay