
divided we fall

2 posters
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Protests. Ruìsāng released a weary sigh as he perched on a low half-wall, gazing out at the city's square now inundated with fervent demonstrators expressing their discontent over the election results. A sea of signs bobbed above the crowd, each bearing slogans such as  ‘populism isn’t progress’, ‘our affinities, our choice, UNOX, hear our voice’ and ‘no to populist policies, yes to common sense'. The whole spectacle wore on his nerves.

But, it got worse.

Because most of these people were against one thing in particular: bringing back Pokémon battles. Signs read ‘battles breed discord, not unity’, ‘choose peace over battles’,  ‘no to battles, yes to harmony’ and that kind of garbage. Their repetitive chant of “affinities unite, battles divide” threatened to induce a wave of nausea.

Nonetheless, he seated himself and observed the crowd, pondering whether these protesters comprehended the current state of affairs in the absence of Pokémon battles.

And then someone yelled: “Crush the Opposition! Pokémon Battles for Supremacy! Surrender to the Chaos!” The atmosphere intensified, voices rising, and to Ruìsāng's bewilderment, someone had apparently chained themselves to a tree.

What the fuck.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Caitlyn Kiramman
Messages : 7
IC Posts : 2
Caitlyn Kiramman

As she watched the chaos unfold on the square, Caitlyn couldn't help but sigh inwardly, though her expression remained unreadable. As a police officer, she was supposed to stay neutral. Make sure that these protest's stay peaceful. Even in her undercover status. That was her objective for today, but with the emotions heating up in the crowd surrounding her, she was glad that she wasn't the one wearing a uniform today.

She scanned the protest with a trained eye as she manoeuvred through the crowd, her instincts guiding her through the sea of emotions. Making mental notes of the key players, ready to report back to her supervisors.
The anti-battle sentiment was the focal point of the day, obviously, with things heating up quickly among the protesters when conflicting statements were tossed around. As the tension escalated, she knew intervention might be necessary. The undercover cop discreetly pulled out her phone to send a coded message to her team.

Situation heating up. Keep an eye on the chained protester and be ready for any escalation.
I'll try to maintain surveillance from within the crowd

She continued observing but removed herself a bit from the centre of the potential flashpoint once colleagues in uniform arrived. Caitlyn was well trained and prepared for these types of things but even the most hardened cop needed a breather. As she removed herself from the crowd, she noticed a young man sitting on a half-wall. He seemed somewhat familiar, but then again, she came across many people on a daily basis. "Mind if I join you? These protests can be overwhelming." Offering him a friendly smile as she leaned against the wall beside him, turning her blue eyes back to the commotion on the square.  "Quite a scene, huh? What's your take on all of this?" She gestured towards the bustling protest.


Character sheet
Nickname: Cait, cupcake
Age: 25
Birthday: 4-1-1998
Occupation: Cop
Sexuality: B(V)isexual