
screaming without the s

2 posters
Kavya Lång
Messages : 210
IC Posts : 122
Kavya Lång
even the people who already have enough of it.
Of course, that's what everybody
wants; just a little
more money

Kavta carefully navigated through the dingy backrooms at the underground arena, slipping into the particular office that belonged to her favorite champion, Darcy. The match was quite tough, but, as he always did, Darcy emerged victorious. As per usual, the pugilist was successful in bringing in a substantial sum of money for her. It was this reliability which secured her appreciation for him, as there was nothing more attractive than a business partner who never failed to bring results.

The woman prowled with stealth, moving towards the wounded fighter from behind, until she draped her limbs over his frame and pressed a kiss to his cheek, leaving a smear on his skin. Then, while massaging his chest, she spoke in a whisper, "Have I ever voiced that it is exhilarating to observe you engaging in combat? It truly is." As her hands slid over the exposed surface of his skin and in tandem, she teased, "Witnessing you in the dim light, your muscles glistening with sweat, simply awakens something primal in me." She chuckled playfully, then nudged him.

As she moved to the front, she took the roll of bandages, intending to act as his nurse. With gentleness, she wrapped his injured arm with the material, stating, "Allow me to care for your injuries; a man should cherish his goods well." Inquiring about the outcome of the fight, she mentioned, "You deserve to be rewarded for your efforts here." She mentioned the financial earnings as another enticement.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kav
Age: 28
Occupation: Bookkeeper (Syndicate)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Darcy O'Dwyer
Messages : 44
IC Posts : 34
Darcy O'Dwyer
He wiped the blood of his lip, damn, that will be swollen in a couple of hours. Feeling with his tongue around his teeth, but they all seemed to be intact still. Sweat was dripping from his face and back, but he kept his opponent within his sight. If he would lose this match he was out of the competition and that was not on his agenda today. Still, his body hurt and this would most definitely be a trip to Lamar again. He spit out the blood, taunting his opponent, only to duck under the swing, hitting him in his liver and working him to the ground. The bell rang before he could start hitting the man square in the face. Darcy looked up, eyes bewildered, wanting to give the man some payback for the injuries he had sustained. But the match was done, he had won and the money was his. With a growl he got up, spat blood in the face of the man on the ground and walked away, only to be greeted by a known face.
Her lips were the first thing he felt on his cheek, making him grin, before turning around. "The rang the bell before I could do some real damage. Fuckers are getting afraid of losing their competitors." He shrugged, sending a jolt of pain through his shoulders. Fuck, he was hit hard. Her hands over his upper body, whispers in his ear. "I know what you like." He purred right back at her, the adrenaline from the fight slowly disappearing from his body.
His clear blue eyes followed her movements, while she wrapped the bandages over his injuries, telling him that he has to take care of his goods. He chuckled softly, knowing that Lamar would have a stroke if he noticed that someone else wrapped him in. But who cared. He cupped her face in his hand, forcing her to look at him. With a wolf like grin he asked. "What kind of reward did you have in mind?"
@Kavya Lång

Character sheet
Nickname: Darcy
Age: 28 y/o
Birthday: 23-11-'95
Occupation: Private Detective / Illegal Cage Boxer
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kavya Lång
Messages : 210
IC Posts : 122
Kavya Lång
even the people who already have enough of it.
Of course, that's what everybody
wants; just a little
more money

"Now don't you worry, my dear," Kavya said compassionately, placing her hand gently on his shoulder. She noticed a pained reaction from him and softened her touch in an attempt to soothe the discomfort. "I shall make sure that next time... they won't get saved by the bell." She could pull some strings and make it happen. She wasn't concerned about the potential losses; that was part of the game after all. The audience came to see a show, a true one; if they wanted to watch two men dance around each other, they could go to the opera.

As Kavya's fingertips graced the man's chest and her voice whispered sweet nothings into his ear, he returned the sentiments in a purring fashion, sending vibrations throughout her entire body. Her breaths hitched as her heart raced, and the words repeated in her mind like a playful melody. "I know what you like. I know what you like." Kavya felt a flush rise to her cheeks, the connection between them palpable, the atmosphere charged with electric tension.

"That you do..."

As Kavya took care of his injuries, she couldn't help but tease him a bit, her eyes fluttering playfully. She knew that he appreciated her jokes and wouldn't hesitate to take her up on her words. And she was right. His rough hands took a hold of her face and forced her to look up. She met his blue eyes with her own, not daring to look away for even a split second. What did she have in mind indeed.

Kavya gestured to a chair and waited for the man to sit, her hands wrapped in bandages. She pulled at the fabric, testing its strength. One tug, two tugs.... It wasn't rope, but with a few layers, it would be strong enough to bind a willing partner. "Sit," she commanded, and the man complied. "And don't struggle," she said, her voice sweet yet ominous. "I promise you'll love this." Her smile grew wider and she took a step closer, her eyes fixed onto his. She was confident that he would find this experience very enjoyable.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kav
Age: 28
Occupation: Bookkeeper (Syndicate)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Darcy O'Dwyer
Messages : 44
IC Posts : 34

Darcy O'Dwyer
A bolstering laugh was heard when she told him that next time she would make sure that they wouldn't ring the bell. "Deal," he laughed. He knew what kind of power she beheld, this wasn't the first encounter he had with the woman. If she wanted to change some things, it would happen with the snip of her fingers. The same fingers that were dragging over his chest now, leaving small trails from her nails on his heated skin. He was still breathing heavily, even with the rush of the fight slowly disappearing from his system.
His words resonated with her, making her blush slightly. Something that resulted in a chuckle from his side. "You're adorable with that colour on your cheeks." He said, nothing more of a whisper, while he caressed her cheek with his thumb. He had always enjoyed her company, one of the few that saw the beauty in the things that he did. For a moment to long his eyes lingered in her gaze, before they got ripped apart when she gestures him to sit on the chair. With a soft sound of disdain, he did as she asked, curious about what he had in mind for him. He slumped back in the chair, the wood cold against his skin. In his eyes a playful glimmer, yet a hint of curiosity. Waiting.
@Kavya Lång

Character sheet
Nickname: Darcy
Age: 28 y/o
Birthday: 23-11-'95
Occupation: Private Detective / Illegal Cage Boxer
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kavya Lång
Messages : 210
IC Posts : 122
Kavya Lång
even the people who already have enough of it.
Of course, that's what everybody
wants; just a little
more money

Darcy had more of an effect on her than most people - he affected her emotions with even small gestures or actions. His rumbling laughter following her promise made her heart skip a beat, and the words he spoke resonated deeply within her. He made her flush with color, her cheeks blushing as she couldn't help her reaction to him. Not many could do that to her. But Darcy could. He had the power to make her feel special, to make her heart leap every time he spoke. As she listened to his words, she was overwhelmed by a wave of strong feelings.

Though the same could be said for him as well, she was sure. As her fingers danced over his chest, which was heaving up and down, she could feel the effects of the fight on her lover. His skin was shot, and she could feel the adrenaline still pulsing through his system. But also partly because of her attentions, their mutual effects on one another were equal and reciprocated. 

"You're adorable with that colour on your cheeks." The words lingered in her mind and the tantalizing touch of his thumb across her cheek brought a flush to her cheeks and her breath caught. But she remained focused on the task at hand, commanding him to sit. Despite his grumbles and protests, he complied and slumped back in the wooden chair. He met her gaze, and his eyes sparkled with curiosity. 

Kavya stepped closer with the bandages she had used to wrap his injuries. She would now turn them into restraints, wrapping them around his limbs to bind him to the chair. Her movements were slow and steady, almost as if she was making a show out of it. She made sure not to make things too tight, knowing full well that the material was way too weak to tie him down properly. If he really wanted to, he could tear the fabric and escape. But she was sure he would indulge her and refrain from doing so. "Now, be good," she cooed, and her tone was gentle but firm. "And don't move or break the restraints."

Character sheet
Nickname: Kav
Age: 28
Occupation: Bookkeeper (Syndicate)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Darcy O'Dwyer
Messages : 44
IC Posts : 34

Darcy O'Dwyer
Oh, what he could do with her. With just a simple smile, a few words and touch here and there, she would melt right underneath him. It gave him a sense of power, a power that he hold over her. Yet, she seemed to have different plans tonight. Somewhat happy that he had a private room here, others might not have been this happy to see what was going to unfold.
He enjoyed the flush on her face when he called her adorable, but her eyes remained focused. Taking the fun out of everything. He pout his lips for a moment, but it wasn't long before he got a command to sit down on the chair. Slumping down as he felt how his injuries prevented him from sitting comfortably. He hissed when he pressed his back against the hardwood. Lamar would not be happy if he showed up late, or with bindings from someone else. But his attention was quickly drawn to Kavya, who was not just binding his injuries, but binding him to the chair. He hummed softly while he watched her work, not trying to struggle too hard, afraid of breaking the wrappings, resulting in getting her anger over him.
He could, easily, break away. But he enjoyed this little game, wondering what it was that she wanted to do. Although, truth be told that he had an idea. So when she told him to be good and don't move or break the restrains, he relaxed and planted his wolf like grin back on his face. "Think you can hold me?" He asked, the same smug grin on his face.
@Kavya Lång

Character sheet
Nickname: Darcy
Age: 28 y/o
Birthday: 23-11-'95
Occupation: Private Detective / Illegal Cage Boxer
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kavya Lång
Messages : 210
IC Posts : 122
Kavya Lång
even the people who already have enough of it.
Of course, that's what everybody
wants; just a little
more money

Darcy often reminded her of a wolf and his large, intimidating physique. Sometimes, the way his grayish hair would spike could resemble ears, completing the look. He was a true alpha male as well, but this time the roles would be switched. And she was in charge. "Oh, I know I can." Kavya seemed confident as she spoke, almost as if she were daring him to challenge her. She mirrored his own smug grin in response, circling around him like a hawk.

She was careful with her moves, making sure the bindings were as secure as they could be, while also rilling him up. The caress would be soft and gentle, leaving almost an innocent feeling. But then, it would suddenly turn sharp, the claws of her nails raking over his skin, leaving streaks in its wake.

As she took her teasing this way for awhile, Kavya stopped. She moved her hands to her own body, drawing attention to herself now. Slowly and methodically, she traced her long, slender fingers over the buttons of her blouse. She traced up and down, circling and teasing. Her nails would hook around one and begin to unbutton them, revealing only her bra underneath.

Kavya did not care that there was some level of privacy within the room, she did not mind if anyone could see her. She had nothing to hide, infact... the thought of anyone being able to walk in on them made her quiver inside. But right now, she had Darcy all to herself, and as she straddled him, her hands went around the back of his neck and her lips began to press against his gently. She was very close to him, her body pressed against his, and a seductive energy exuded from the two of them.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kav
Age: 28
Occupation: Bookkeeper (Syndicate)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Darcy O'Dwyer
Messages : 44
IC Posts : 34

Darcy O'Dwyer
He chuckled when she told him that she would be able to hold him. Oh, he wanted to see her try. But he would be nice to her and sit still. For as long as that would go well, at least. Watching her movements around him, he couldn't help but admire her, how she looked, how she walked. So much more confidence than someone would think with a simple bookkeeper. He loved watching her, watching her work, watching her work him. As she was doing now, reminding him in what kind of position he was when her nails leave trails on his bare skin.

His attention got drawn to her when she stood in front of him, hands leaving his body and working their way on her own. His clear blue eyes focused on her hands, working their way with the buttons on her blouse. He flexed his arm, wanting to help her and removing the buttons in one fell swoop. But the restrains actually restrained him quite good, maybe because he was still tired from the fight, maybe because he wanted to let her have her way with him. An animalistic growl escaped his throat while he watched her unhooking the buttons, showing what he wanted to see.

His gaze flashed to the door, but his worry was only for a short term. When she wrapped her arms around his neck and he was forced to look up, meeting her eyes before her lips found his. Eager to answer her advances, he was indeed saddened that he had been restrained. He had to wait to see what she was going to do with him, meaning that he had to miss feeling her body underneath his fingers. "You're evil." He spoke softly, for the brief moment he broke apart from her to catch his breath.
@Kavya Lång

Character sheet
Nickname: Darcy
Age: 28 y/o
Birthday: 23-11-'95
Occupation: Private Detective / Illegal Cage Boxer
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kavya Lång
Messages : 210
IC Posts : 122
Kavya Lång
even the people who already have enough of it.
Of course, that's what everybody
wants; just a little
more money

The room they were in was not very well insulated, allowing the cold air to permeate through the walls with ease. The moment she removed her blouse, feeling the air pick up against her skin, but it did not bother her due to her own body temperature having risen enough that it was able to withstand the cold.

In fact, she felt more hot than cold, especially when she was sitting in Darcy's lap with their bodies pressed together. Their eyes locked, their lips meeting in a sensual and intoxicating dance, and she knew that he wanted nothing more than to touch her in this specific moment. To feel her delicate skin and her soft body. She could see the desire in his eyes. However, the restraints kept him at bay, as they had been designed to do.

His comment had drawn a chuckle from her, as she broke the kiss with a laugh. Her lips slid down to his jaw and neck, leaving behind soft butterfly kisses. With her half-lidded eyes she could see the traces of red lip gloss staining his skin. Her hands wrapped around his locks of greyish hair, tangling and pulling at them just enough to cause a bit of pain but not too much.

"Hush..." She brought her mouth closer to his ear, blowing hot breath against the skin before she spoke again. Her tone sounded playful and seductive as she muttered, "We both know you love this..." She whispered, the words coming out in a sensual manner.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kav
Age: 28
Occupation: Bookkeeper (Syndicate)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Darcy O'Dwyer
Messages : 44
IC Posts : 34

Darcy O'Dwyer
She knew, she knew exactly what she wanted and how she did it. She had him on a leash, a tight one for that. And he would be mad if he hadn't admit that he was enjoying it. Watching her, her body, her movements. Thinking about what he wanted to do to her, with her, if he hadn't been restrained to this chair. Their bodies not yet intertwined, but doing a dance that was trying to drive him insane. Her sitting on his lap was dangerous, as he wanted nothing more than break these restrains and show her that she couldn't tame him. But she wanted to play, so he took a deep breath and tried to calm himself, letting her play this dangerous game.

She broke away from the kiss, letting out a chuckle, before she went on to his jawline and neck. He growled lowly, shivering under her touch. Feeling her hands go through his hair, pulling and tugging softly. Actively trying to get him to break out of the restrains she had placed on him. When her hot breath reached his ear he let out a soft whimper. "You'll be the death of me." He spoke, his voice low, dripping with longing for the woman on his lap. It took him so much self-control, of which he normally had enough, but she was doing a pretty good job in breaking that control as he playfully flexes his muscles, feeling the restrains slightly give way. He could do it, break them and get her, but he would not. Not yet.
@Kavya Lång

Character sheet
Nickname: Darcy
Age: 28 y/o
Birthday: 23-11-'95
Occupation: Private Detective / Illegal Cage Boxer
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kavya Lång
Messages : 210
IC Posts : 122

Kavya Lång
even the people who already have enough of it.
Of course, that's what everybody
wants; just a little
more money

Kavya felt a surge of satisfaction as she maintained control, reveling in the palpable desire that emanated from him. The power she held over him was intoxicating, evident in the way he watched her every move with a mix of longing and frustration. As she broke away from the kiss, a chuckle escaped her lips, a testament to the pleasure she derived from this dangerous dance.

She continued her exploration, tracing a tantalizing path along his jawline and neck. The low growl that escaped him sent a shiver down her spine, and she relished in the feeling of his hair between her fingers, exerting a gentle pull. Kavya was well aware of the effect she had on him, pushing the boundaries to see how far she could go. His soft whimper only fueled her desire to unravel him completely.

When his voice, thick with longing, reached her ears, a triumphant smile played on her lips. "You'll be the death of me," he confessed, a testament to the magnetic pull between them. Despite his show of self-control, she could sense the subtle flexing of his muscles, the restrains giving way ever so slightly.

Kavya leaned in, her hot breath teasing his ear, reveling in the challenge she posed. "Oh, darling, the fun is just beginning," she whispered, fully aware of the effect she had on him. His struggle against the restraints only heightened the thrill of the game they played. She could break him, and he knew it. Yet, for now, they both relished in the tantalizing anticipation of what was yet to come.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kav
Age: 28
Occupation: Bookkeeper (Syndicate)
Sexuality: Bisexual
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