
Every specimen

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Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
Work, work, work. Kaye was up to her neck buried in work. The final touches to the sibling's joined plan. Though as a workaholic she knew that she would fucking rot away like a withering flower if her life was any less intensive. Though she had found another nice moment of, well she would not call it free time, but certainly something that could clear her head. A tip from one of her guys had come in about a promising potential recruit. Recruiting was a thing Kaye had done a lot before she had rose in the ranks. A task she, regrettably, had to leave up to others to do. This one, however, she had taken up personally. She needed this right now. A little moment to unwind.

Kaye stepped into the bar and an obnoxiously loud bell rang above her head, signaling her entry. She threw her cigarette back on the street before closing the door behind her with a soft thud. Her pale eyes settled on the red-head behind the counter. She matched the description given to her, good. She cast a gaze on her phone to check the time and knew she had to wrap this one quick, after more than an hour she had to head to the east end of town for a meeting.

Calmly, she settled herself on the stool at the counter and eyed the woman. “One espresso, please.”

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????

Fuck, she was hungover. And it was showing, too. The dark half moons were settled deeply under her piercing amber eyes, and they did nothing to improve her foul mood. Thank Arceus her managers wasn't working today, he'd have given her so much shit for it. Perhaps rightfully so, but Mindo was not particularly in the mood to come to terms with her own flaws. Still, she knew she was on thin ice. The fuck ups she'd made over the past month had certainly not earned her any favors, and she knew it. So she did show up (so what if she was a little late), and was struggling through her shift as best as she could, like the good little barista she was. The job was important, she needed the money. For rent, for herself, for Soot... Yeah, important, though not important enough to give up drinking heavily when she knew she had an opening shift te next day.

With a breathless groan, she rubbed her eyes and straightened her back. The gentle chime of doorbell had certainly pavlov'ed her. Tucking a loose strand of red hair behind her ears, she turned towards the customer. "You want that to-go or-"

The appearance of the tall, somber looking figure caught her off-guard. Something tensed in her stomach when she had to look up just to meet the stranger's gaze. From her height alone, Mindo had assumed her to be a man. However, there were two undoubtedly feminine eyes that stared back at her. Something within them seemed awfully familiair, though she could not decipher why.  Mindo swallowed hard and pulled herself together, frowning, she blamed her strange reaction on the hangover. Clearing her throat, she continued. "for here?"

Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
Fiery, bright amber colored eyes stared back at her as Mindo turned around to inspect her new customer. From the way how her eyes widened slightly Kaye could tell she took her off guard, something that delighted her immensely. She took off her leather coat, draping it on the empty barstool next to her, faced the other again. “Why yes, I do not want to go out in the pouring rain and get wet.” Kaye stated, chin leaning on her hand as she regarded the other. “I’ll have it here. It’ll give me a change to warm up.” Expectantly, she looked Mindo in the eyes, subtly taking in her appearance. Dark rings under her eyes, skin paler than normal. The girl looked like she had slept seven hours combined over 4 straight days. She looked exactly like the type she saw hanging out around on the street corners on the east end of Avenue Park. Amongst the junkies you could spot them, the low life thas spat back out and not even wanted by the local homeless. Yes, very much like Kaye had once been, except this chick at least had a paying job.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????

With a smooth movement she discarded her leather jacket, revealing a muscled body not even her black clothes could hide. Fucking hell, she could snap her like a twig. Something about her reminded Mindo of a snake, though it certainly was a beautiful one. Wet raindrops dripped from her coat to the ground, creating a puddle she would have to clean later - before some idiot fell and broke his neck on her watch. Normally, it would've pissed her off, but there was something in the stranger's eyes that was mesmerizing. Distracted, she initially didn't reply to her remark. The sense of familiarity once again tugged at the edge of her conscience, and still, she could not put her finger on it. She realized she was staring, and grounded herself. The fuck had come over her? Normally shit wasn't this bad when she was hungover. Arceus, she really needed to get more sleep.

"Yeah, the weather is dog shit outside," she muttered in agreement, once again disregarding their new 'no cursing' policy. Turning her back towards the stranger, she went to work. The wrist injury had gotten worse again, and she had to grit her teeth to get through the pain. The burning sensation of being watched by the stranger's intense blue eyes did not make things any easier. Honestly, it was a miracle she managed to settle down the saucer in front of the woman without spilling the steaming hot coffee all over the both of them."Enjoy," Letting out a soundless hiss, she rubbed her finger over her wrist, the heat easing the pain. "Have I seen you here before..?" she heard herself saying to the strangers, her attempt at small talk rather uncharacteristic. Well, her manager had said to 'make a connection' with the customers.

Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
As Kaye waited for her order to arrive, she did a quick once over of the room when Mindo had her back turned. Aside from a guy in the far corner, headphones in, engrossed in whatever he was writing on his dinky MacBook, they were alone. Which would make their conversation so much easier. Kaye gave an offhanded nod when the espresso was handed to her, bringing the rim of her cup to her nose and sniffling the scent of freshly grinded beanwater.

Blue eyes looked up from her cup, meeting darker amber ones that looked at her with a mixture of curiosity and something else. “No, it’s my first time here.” She hummed smoothly, gloved fingers absentmindedly stroking at the cheap looking cup her steaming hot espresso had been served in. Now, she knew she only had an hour to spare for her sales pitch, but rather than getting straight to the point, she decided to do an inventory first. Get a grasp of the situation. Perhaps come back if she showed promise and an hour wouldn’t be enough to seal the deal.

Oh, what was she thinking. Of course could she seal the deal within an hour. “You look like you could also use some coffee, if you do not mind me saying.” Kaye remarked with a quick smile, taking a sip of the espresso. It tasted god awful. Kaye took another sip.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????
Her mind was racing, the familiarity like an itch she could not scratch. Mindo opened her mouth to inquire further, but shut it again when their eyes met. Streaks of cold blue and violet laced them, reminding her the frozen lakes she had used to play games on as a child. Shit, she was staring. With a soft shake of her head, she averted her eyes, turning her back towards the woman to rearrange some of the pastries in the display. An utterly unnecessary task.

A stab at her appearance came as a surprise. "I'm fine," she bit back, instinctively defensive. A flash of her reflection in the glass of the display told her that the stranger was right, of course. She looked like shit, and she knew it. Still, the last thing she was could use right now was some attractive woman insulting her hungover appearance. "Just one of those days," she brushed her off with a wave of her hand, conveniently ignoring the fact that she had definitely needed the several espresso's she had already thrown down.

Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
With careless negligence was Kaye’s comment brushed off. The redhead no doubt fully realizing what she looked like. It didn’t take a stranger to point that out to her when she no doubt felt like houndour shit as well. She placed her chin on the back of her hand, returning to the position she had taken before to create a casual sort of atmosphere. "Days and jobs like this, where you find yourself enduring customers with inflated egos who treat you like scum day in and day out," Kaye uttered with a heavy sigh, her voice carrying a weight of deep remorse for the constant struggles faced by those in the service industry. She continued, "And still, they expect you to maintain a facade of politeness, uttering 'please and thank you,' even after they've chewed you out and spat you back onto the sticky, dirt-covered floor that you're responsible for cleaning at the end of the day." She decided with another sip from her coffee. The taste too bitter for her liking and drap like it had been sitting in the pot for too long. The other woman clearly had no idea- or not care in the world to make the coffee taste anything decent. Could she blame her? No, and thus Kaye showed her another tiny smile when she put the cup down. Deep purpilish lipstick still stuck on the rim.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????
Absentmindedly she tucked a loose strand of her messy ponytail behind her ear, wishing she hadn't looked such a mess. Especially next to the composed stranger, she felt like a stray animal. Suck it up, buttercup. It's just a customer she reprimanded herself harshly, unsure where that uncalled for vulnerability came from.

"You don't look like someone who's worked in the service industry before," she said with a hint of sharpness in her voice, careful not to straight out agree with her. The stranger seemed genuine, her words carrying a certain weight that didn't come across as fake to her, even when they made eye contact - which Mindo quickly broke off. Still, something about all this seemed off, but what exactly? She was on edge because of it. Either that,  or it was the hangxiety. Ugh, why today of all days? Mindo bit her lip in contemplation, as her gaze lingered on the smudge of purple lipstick she had left. Kissing her must be a pain, she thought, platonically. "It pays," was all she uttered in the end. For a split second she considered the option that perhaps her manager had sent the stranger to test her, but poor old Barry would not be clever or sly enough to come up with such a plan. "Why so concerned about your local barista?" she poked casually, leaning over the counter. It was then that her eyes drifted to the perfectly good saucer sitting in front of her on her part of the counter. Shit. She'd given the women the horribly strong coffee she'd made for herself, instead of the perfectly fine espresso she'd made. Arceus, she did a good job at hiding her expression.

Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
Rain was still pouring when Kaye cast a stray glance to the side to gaze out the window. Kaye's eyes briefly flickered from the droplets sliding down the glass to the mysterious stranger engrossed in his laptop, seemingly still oblivious to the world around him. He paid no mind to both of them. Satisfied with the relative privacy,  she turned her attention back to the barista.

Leaning in slightly, she began with a contemplative hum, "It's not so much my local barista I have concerns about." Kaye's hand slipped into the pocket of her long coat, retrieving a cigarette that she placed between her lips, a subtle move intended to test the waters and gauge the other woman's reaction. “In fact, I am more concerned about your other line of work.” Her words hung in the air, leaving the unspoken implication for the redhead to decipher herself. The cigarette between her lips was not yet lit, instead she retrieved the golden lighter from her pocket and placed it upright on the counter next to her cup of espresso. Her pale blue eyes regarding the other like a cat would look at it's prey.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????

The backward glance the woman gave to the only other customer present did nothing to soothe her unease. On edge, she fiddles with the handle of her own mug, her fiercely amber eyes watching her every movement intently. As her hand so deliberately slipped into the pocket of her dark, still wet, coat, Mindo didn't know what to expect. She visibly tensed, her mind racing. Who was this woman? An enemy from the past she had forgotten about? Her eyes reduced to slits as she fished out a cigarette, gingerly placing it between her lips. Her words made all of her hairs stand up right.

Like hell this breathtaking lady was going to walk into this place and vaguely threaten her. Mindo refused to let the nervousness the other planted in her take root. With a fell swoop, she attempted to pluck the cigarette from her lips. "Smoke outside, I'm not letting you get me fired," she hissed, meeting the eyes of the woman looming over her. Fuck, she ws breathtaking. Mindo swallowed."Who exactly are you and what do you want?" hostility was starting to leak into her tone, as she was now clearly on edge. The girl had done her best to tie off the ends she still had with the underworld, but something always seemed to find her in the end.

Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
A subtle tension crackled in the air as Kaye casually placed the lighter on the counter. The redhead's eyes, a vivid shade of amber, narrowed in response, fixating on the golden object as if it held some unspoken significance. Mindo's gaze shifted from the lighter back to the cigarette dangling between Kaye's dark purple lips, the annoyance etched clearly on her expressive face.

In that charged moment, a fiery look ignited in Mindo's eyes, mirroring the intensity of her vibrant red locks. With a deft movement of her hand, the cigarette was snatched from in between Kaye’s lips.. The gesture so lightning fast and precise, a confirmation that she was indeed skilled in the art of pickpocketing as her source had already told her. Kaye made no movement to retrieve it from her. “Would it be so bad to get fired from this?” Kaye asked with clear disapprovement in her voice, gesturing vaguely around them, face scrunched slightly in disgust. Surely the redhead had more ambition than that? ”I'm the best chance you got, girl.” was her answer to the first question. She had to admit that getting this theatrical was unnecessary, but the fiery attitude of the redhead had put her in a mood. “ I want to know about your other endeavors, the ones that happen beyond the espresso machine and the aroma of freshly ground coffee.” she admitted, her fingers absentmindedly tracing the rim of her coffee cup.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????

Mindo scoffed at her question. Spoiled prick. "Unless you're offering to pay my rent, yes," she answered. Judging from the golden shimmer of her lighter, Mindo had no doubt that the stranger could. She wouldn't, though, so whether she liked it or not, she was shackled to these mind numbing mundane jobs. It was that or falling back into the hole that was the underground. Uncertainty, violence, addiction - she'd seen enough of it. Not to say that there was a temptation there. Arceus, Mindo knew all about that. Many days she longed to go back, her mind filtering out all the bad and only leaving the ecstatic feeling of freedom. Freedom she so desperately craved in the rat race she was running. "A chance at what, exactly?" her words were deeply suspicion. Mindo was cynical and a pessimist, but her general distrust towards the world had saved her life more than once. For all she knew this tower of a woman was a fucking cop.

Still, curiosity about her offer gnawed at her. Fuck, get a grip, dipshit. She scolded herself. Whatever the stranger was offering, she wasn't interested. She knew better. She should know better. "Whatever you're hinting at, fucking drop it. I got out, yeah? Nearly cost me my life, but I escaped that life. My only 'endeavor'-" she raised her hands and used her fingers to make airquotes as she said the word "-is here, in this shitty shop behind this shitty counter, as a shitty barista," was this truly better, though? nagged a voice in the back of her head, but Mindo silenced it violently.

"Unless you're offering me a million bucks, I don't need your help," Even if her bankaccount was turning red and she was struggling severely to make ends meet, she'd never admit to being some charity case.

Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
Kaye's fingers, previously tracing the rim of her cup, halted in their delicate dance as the redhead's tone escalated into hostility. It was a familiar tone, one that Kaye had grown accustomed to from various individuals throughout her week. With an air of nonchalance, she shoved the cup aside, abandoning any pretense of politeness by not bothering to take another sip of the coffee. “A chance at a life with true meaning. A place where people with your skills are valued and encouraged.” Kaye simply stated as if that was the most natural thing of all.

Her own experiences had shaped a belief in the pursuit of control and autonomy, and she saw this as the most natural course of action. In a way it reminded her or herself. How she had stolen, bribed, exploited, blackmailed, threatened and hurt to get out. The battles she had fought to break free from the shackles of a life dictated by others. Kaye’s eyes narrowed dangerously at the redhead's tone at the turn of this conversation. Yet, she allowed her to say her piece.

The scraping of a chair behind her followed by the jingle of the bell above the door signaled the man’s departure, leaving Kaye alone in the company of the spitting vixen.

”Declining my offer without even hearing what you can gain?” Kaye muttered, a dangerous gleam intensifying in her eyes. "Bold of you, though I do advise you to at least hear my sales pitch. It’s fantastical." The scraping of a chair behind her followed by the jingle of the bell above the door signaled the man’s departure, leaving Kaye alone in the company of the spitting vixen. Alone, at last. She thought as she sat up straighter. “I can offer you a life, a true life. One where no one but you can control your own fate. Where you no longer need to deny that what you are. Riches .. power, all of it. It can be yours.” Her tone had become serious now, hanging in the air to tantalize the moment ahead.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????
The tension became almost tangible, pregnant with a certain feeling of heat. Like a lit fuse, the bomb just inches away. Though she wouldn't admit it, Mindo felt threatened. The woman remained calm, collected, and now that they were alone in the shop, something in the redhead feared that there might be some metal hidden in the pockets of her neat pantalon. There were still people out there that hated her guts, she might very be here to force her to pay her dues. So just as a caged animal would, she lashed out.

"You sound dangerously like a liar," she hissed once more through gritted teeth. Oh how she longed for her words to be true. Fuck the shackled that bound her to this rat race, to break free from this tyranny of routine that killed her so from the inside. Ha, if only that could actually be real.

The offer made her scoff. Yeah right. "And at what cost?" nothing in life came for free, and an offer as such certainly not. "My soul?" Oh sure, she was a smooth talker. Her purple lipstick was not just there for show, the entire picture did everything to appear smooth, trustworthy, alluring. Still, Mindo forced herself to focus, staring at the woman with a clear challenge in her gaze. Still, she bit her lip in contemplation. Fuck, she played into her weakness, whether she was aware of it or not. It was just like betting all over again. If she turned her away, nothing would be lost... But nothing would be gained. Would it truly be so bad to hear her pitch? "Fucking fine, give me your pitch,". The door jingled, and the shop was suddenly empty. As that realization dawned, Mindo visibly tensed.

Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
Kaye maintained her calm demeanor even in the face of Mindo's hostility. She watched the redhead's reactions with a careful, almost calculating gaze, as if gauging every word and movement. When Mindo finally relented and demanded to hear her pitch, Kaye's lips curled into a subtle, confident smile.

The door slamming shut signaled her moment and Kaye rose slowly to her feet. She now towered over the other woman but did not yet make an attempt to cross around the counter to get to her. Instead she let her hands slip in her pockets and assumed a confident, almost bored stance.

Kaye took a moment, as if savoring the impending revelation, before beginning her pitch. "You're shackled by the routine, by the expectations of this world. I offer you liberation, a chance to break free from the chains that bind you. Freedom, my dear, is a currency far more precious than gold. And yes, everything comes at a cost, but the payment I seek is not your soul. It's your willingness to embrace the unknown, to step outside the boundaries that confine you."

The air in the room seemed to thicken with each word, and Kaye's eyes bore into Mindo's with an intensity that was hard to ignore. Yet, as the pitch unfolded, a subtle shift in Kaye's expression betrayed a hint of amusement, as if she anticipated Mindo's internal struggle.

Kaye’s instincts told her that her breath was wasted on this girl, however, Though she could not deny she was having a far more enticing time than she had expected. Her pale eyes never left the girl's face as she stood there, looking down on her with a hint of a mocking smile.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????
She'd rather get her brains blown out than actually admit it, but her unwavering calm demeanor only fueled her sense of unease. Every move looked deliberate, every word though out. Mindo was never one to win a game of wits, let alone in the state she was in. She despised the sense of authority the woman demanded, and refusing to back down and shut up like a good puppy, Mindo turned the fear curled up in her stomach into anger.

She slammed her hands on the counter, ignoring the intense jab of pain it shot through her wrist, and stared up at the woman looming over her in defiance, not a hint of intimidation in her eyes. "Yeah yeah nice speech, you're still saying a whole lot of nothing," she spat back. It annoyed her to no end that the stranger had been able to hit the nail right on the head. Was that an estimated guess, or just how much did this woman know about her already? Mindo felt the hairs on her neck rise. Arceus she was a smooth talker, no wonder they send the most alluring, beautiful woman they could find to get recruits. But Mindo know better. At least, she should know better. But the fucker had managed to plant a seed right in her deepest desires. "What would you ask me to do?" she asked reluctantly.

Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
Kaye leaned back, her lips curling into a sly smile as she observed Mindo's defiant stance. She enjoyed a good challenge, and this fiery spirit intrigued her. Crossing her arms, Kaye maintained eye contact, her gaze unwavering.

"Well, darling, if you're so eager to cut through the niceties, let's get straight to the point," Kaye responded, her tone smooth and confident. "I'm not here to play games. I'm here because you have something unusual, a talent for the very work I offer you, Something the world needs, and I'm not leaving until I get your commitment."

She circled the counter, her movements deliberate and controlled, closing the distance between them. Kaye's gaze bore into Mindo's with a mix of curiosity and amusement. "I normally don’t waste my time on mediocrity, so how about you take the plunge and show me that I am indeed, not wrong about you."

Mindo's resistance only fueled Kaye's determination. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a sleek black folder, tossing it onto the counter. "This is your ticket to a life less ordinary, Mindo. Inside, you'll find the details of a task that requires someone of your unique skills. Should you decide to no longer waste my time, do look inside of it. I strongly suggest you do." the latter was said with a slight threat, hidden between the folds of her honeyed tone. Wanting to see if she would take the beat now, or disappoint her immensely and decline. Kaye figured it would be the latter. In that case, she would trust the girl to find the small note with an address on it that would lead her back to the Golden Eye. She hung out there most of her free time these days.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????
Silently, she stared at the flyer. A worthless peace of paper. It had taken her months, no, years even, to get to this place. To a place were she didn't have to sleep on the street anymore. Where she wasn't dependent of bad boyfriends, drugs and other shady business for food. Where she didn't need to wonder if she'd make it to the next sunrise again.

What she offered was a curse. Mindo knew it. It was the same slippery slope that had gotten her there in the first place. You start small, you figure out you have a talent, you take a hit once, because someone offered it to you for free - and then your stuck. Like a fly in a web, so inherently tangled up that all efforts to escape seem fruitless. No, this was a trap, and she wouldn't fall for it. She knew better. Yeah, she should crumble it up and set it ablaze. Rip it to pieces right here and now. Make the right choice for once.

Mindo reached for the flyer, folded it neatly, and tucked it in her pocket.

"Get out,"

Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
Kaye observed Mindo's internal struggle, her eyes sharp and calculating. The silent tension in the room did not escape Kaye’s notice. She had encountered countless individuals faced with the same dilemma, and she knew the delicate art of persuasion.

The flyer lay there, seemingly insignificant, but Kaye recognized its potential to alter the course of Mindo's life. She couldn't help but admire the resilience in those eyes, the echoes of a turbulent past. Kaye had seen it all before – the reluctance, the fear, the desire for a life untainted by shadows. A life that someone like Mindo could never escape from, no matter how hard she could try to run away.

As Mindo reached for the flyer, folded it, and tucked it away, Kaye's smirk widened. She understood the game being played, the internal conflict raging within the woman before her. She truly reminded her of herself.

"Staying true to your nature, I see," Kaye remarked, her voice a smooth purr. She maintained her composed demeanor, unfazed by Mindo's command. There was a pause as she kept her eyes focused on the redhead, allowing a silence to fall between them.

Kaye took a step back, a glint of amusement in her eyes. "Think it over. I'll be waiting." With that, she turned gracefully, her heels clicking against the floor as she sauntered towards the exit, leaving Mindo to grapple with the decision. On her way out she finally lit the cigarette as she let the door fall behind her with a thud.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
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