
What a world

2 posters
Dahlia Costa
Messages : 26
IC Posts : 23
Dahlia Costa

Dahlia bound her purple hair together, finding it way more easier to handle if it was up, as she walked into the bar. The Lunar lounge wasn't her post usual spot, but the bar certainly had something that lured her in every once in a while.
The girl walked upto the counter, and as she made eye contact with one of the bartenders she smiled.
"Hi! Can I have - oh I forgot the name... That one cocktail that looks like it's the whole milky way in a glass!" Memory wasn't her best skill. Luckily she didn't need it much.
Dahlia climbed on one of the stools as she waited for the bartender to answer, hopefully he'd understand which drink she was after.

+ Sang!

Character sheet
Nickname: Daal
Age: 24 years
Occupation: Bakery
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Ruìsāng longed for the solace of his bed, yearning for solitude. Yet, there was a subtle relief in being here, amidst the buzz and clatter of the bar. The tales of strangers felt distant, but he found solace in the rhythm of his work. It wasn’t particularly fast-paced or glorious, but it was a welcome distraction from the haunting wails of his mother. Here, he could drown out the world, lost in the clink of glasses and the hum of hushed conversations.

His reverie was broken by a request from a girl, her face unfamiliar in the sea of regulars. She asked for a cocktail, one that mirrored the Milky Way. The bar, with its galaxy theme, had concocted a myriad of such drinks over time. Ruìsāng's eyes narrowed thoughtfully. “A Galaxy Mule?” he suggested. These drinks were interesting, shifting colours. With their swirl of glitter, they did somewhat resemble a star-strewn night sky trapped within a glass.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Dahlia Costa
Messages : 26
IC Posts : 23
Dahlia Costa

A man with blond hair and a red lock looked up at her as she asked for the 'milky way cocktail'. Dahlia watched him with a smile on her face as he seemed to be thinking.
As he suggested a Galaxy Mule, Dahlia tilted her head and nodded. "I guess so. It won't hurt to try anyway. I'll have that, please." It was probably the first cocktail Dahlia had drank here when she'd first set foot in the bar. Something about the drinks fascinated her, as she had never seen those colors, with that much precision, seen inside a glass. Not without it getting mixed up at once anyway. For that reason the girl couldn't help to watch the man's actions as he prepared the drink for her, for she had tried to make it at home, once. And failed miserably.

Character sheet
Nickname: Daal
Age: 24 years
Occupation: Bakery
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
The girl's eyes sparkled with anticipation, and Ruìsāng's lips curled into an amused chuckle. “You know, this drink,” he began, his hands skillfully assembling the ingredients, “was my test during the second round of my job interview here.” He cast a playful glance at her. “Boss-man said our customers feast with their eyes first. He already knew I was a sight to behold, but he wanted to see if my drink-making skills matched my looks,” he said with a playful wink.

He had a bit of a history with mixing drinks, having spent some time in a speakeasy, but this recipe had been a new challenge for him. “Now, I can’t spill all the secrets, but…” he teased, meticulously filling the mug with crushed ice, then gently layering magical ice on top. The mug now held a simple canvas of white ice with a captivating layer of blue.

As he poured the vodka, the blue hue cascaded gracefully through the drink. “This one is a visual treat,” he said, nodding towards the mesmerising mixture. With the addition of fresh lime and ginger beer, the concoction transformed before their eyes. Despite its transparent ingredients, the drink began to shift, taking on a magical purple hue, with glitters dancing through it like stars in a night sky.

He placed a straw in the mug and slid it towards her with a flourish. “Now, if you say I’m good at my job, you'll officially be my favourite guest,” he said with a playful, conspiratorial tone.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Dahlia Costa
Messages : 26
IC Posts : 23
Dahlia Costa

"Second round, huh?" Damn, did they have a though qualification for their bartenders. Costumers feast with their eyes. Dahlia smiled, knowing about that all too well. Using it as her income, even. Using that method of income to keep her mind off certain things, if she was completely honest. Good thing that she wasn't honest often.
Dahlia let her eyes follow the actions of the man, wachting with interest as he indeed, crafted a beautiful cocktail.

Dahlia gracefully took hold of the glass, flipped half of her hair back behind her shoulder as she listened to his words. She then looked at him with her big purple eyes, imitated a shocked look, her mouth open a bit.
"But sir that is bribary!" Djodie said with a bright smile. She then took a sip and her eyes widened a moment.
"I am afraid I can't deny it, that you are good at your job. This is great!"

Character sheet
Nickname: Daal
Age: 24 years
Occupation: Bakery
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
The girl echoed his words, intrigued by the second round. Ruìsāng's laughter sounded through the air as he admitted, “There were three,” his voice tinged with amusement. Typically, a single round would suffice for such jobs, but in their case, they had decided to cast a wider net due to their early days, resulting in a deluge of applicants. Over time, Ruìsāng had proven himself quite capable, often taking care of opening or closing shifts and stepping up when the boss was absent.

Although she jokingly referred to it as bribery, she couldn't deny the quality of the drink. Ruìsāng leaned back with a sense of pride, chuckling, and flashed her a triumphant grin. “Thank you, thank you. Much appreciated,” he quipped, delivering a mockingly serious bow.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
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