
(Journey) Demon's are a girl's best friend

2 posters
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
journey card

This is my first attempt at trying to find a dragon affinity. Alternatively, I'm looking for a traited Jolteon. One that matches her aesthetic.

About the Jolteon: It's going to be an absolute demon of a pokémon, the spiritual successor of Yashu's Yamper he had on ToS. One that loves to maul ankles and will not like Kaye, but tolerate her for the time being until she can win over his trust. Perhaps a stray she can take in.

It’s a peaceful morning. Wind rustles through the trees, shaking the branches up and down, the noise breaking through the silence of Kaye’s bedroom. By some small miracle she wakes up calmly, heart at a steady pace and mind foggy. She swallows hard, noting the sandy dryness in her mouth. The final remains of her alcohol infused bender from the night before. When she turns her head to locate the source of the noise, she notices the branches tickling past the outside of the window. With a sigh she rises, noticing her mind is horribly sluggish. She brings her hand to her forehead with a groan, clarity slowly returning to her. She had taken something .. something besides the alcohol- no, with the alcohol. A tiny pill guaranteed to give her sleepless nights. Well, she certainly had not dreamed- no nightmares.

In fact, there wasn’t a single recollection from anything that had happened between her closing her eyes five hours ago and her opening her eyes just now. Kaye let out a sigh, rubbing her temples at the uneasy feeling settling in her stomach. Perhaps a walk would do her good .. fresh air usually did wonders for her. After a quick shower and a coffee, she left her apartment with a huff when the cold air hit her in the face. The headache was present, her mind still feeling a little slow- but, she would do.

Kaye eventually ended up at the edge of town, feeling herself drawn to the nature that rested there. Work phone in her pocket alongside her private phone.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468

You find yourself in a peculiar state this morning, Kaye. The remnants of last night still linger in your system, making your head throb. With a decision to clear your mind, you opt for a walk outside, hoping the fresh air will help.

As you step out of your apartment, the cool air greets you, bringing a momentary relief to your senses. The urban landscape of the town is familiar yet feels somewhat distant today, as if you're seeing it through a different lens. Your feet lead you instinctively towards the edge of town, where the concrete jungle gives way to actual nature.

The border where the town ends and the forest begins marks a subtle shift in the atmosphere. The sounds of the city fade into a serene quietness, punctuated only by the rustling of leaves and distant bird calls. Here, the air feels fresher, almost charged with a latent energy.

You take a moment to absorb the tranquility, feeling the weight of your headache lessen. It's in this peaceful environment that something catches your eye. A glimmer in the underbrush, unusual and out of place in the natural setting. Curiosity piqued, you find yourself drawn towards it. The decision is yours: do you investigate this anomaly, or do you continue on your path, leaving the mystery of the glimmer untouched?

Character sheet
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer

As the minutes passed by, air caressing her face, Kaye fell into a comfortable rhythm. Walking alongside the path past the undergrowth as her mind became peacefully blank. Did I take too much yesterday? was her immediate thought, followed by: Perhaps I should not have mixed it with booze. That was usually a good rule of thumb, one she so often liked to ignore. Rules did not apply to Kaye. The wind rustling and the quiet did the trick. The headache was still present but more bearable.

Suddenly her blue eyes were drawn to something. Something .. shimmering in the underbrush a few meters ahead of her. Kaye’s eyes focus on the foreign object, trying to discern with piqued interest what it might be. The cap of a beer bottle perhaps, a piece of metal? She made her way towards it with easy strides, crouching down next to the bush to take a closer look.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468

Crouching down beside the shimmering object, nestled among the city's less-traveled paths where urban life meets nature, you study it more closely. The object, small and yellow, possesses a mesmerizing quality. It's nestled between branches that have reclaimed a bit of the city for itself, a pocket of nature amidst concrete and steel.

As you lean in, the object's shimmer becomes more pronounced. It's not just a trick of the light – it's real, and tangible. The air around it feels charged, tingling with a hint of something magical or perhaps, something alive.

Your mind races with possibilities. Could this be a rare artifact? A lost item of significance? Or is it a natural wonder, a gem formed by the unique conditions of this urban wilderness? The city has its mysteries, some hidden in plain sight, others tucked away in these quiet, green corners.

Now, you face a choice. Will you try to grab it?

Character sheet
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
Upon closer inspection it’s becoming clear that it is something more than just a piece of junk someone carelessly threw in the bushes. Leaning forward, blue eyes settling on the object, Kaye feels the surrounding air pulsing. It’s faint, barely noticeable, but it’s there. It makes the hairs on her arms stand on end. Her mind jumps to the first thing that comes to mind, magic. A thing Kaye thoroughly dislikes. It makes her scrunch her nose in rejection, hesitating to touch the object on the ground.

Magic. Many would like her to believe that the whole magic business is as normal as pokémon and their powers. A force that is as natural as the air people breathe and the wind caressing their skin. From it came affinities, a business Kaye would like nothing to do with. She prefers to stay normal, her own self, controlled by herself and herself alone. Not some freak force that makes her see ghosts, see hallucinations, walk on water or whatever the hell those affinity maniacs could conjure.

No. She is having none of it. Let some other poor fool touch that and end up with lord knows what type of disease or horrible affliction. Kaye rises back to her feet, and continues on. Headache pounding unpleasantly.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468

By leaving the shimmering object behind, Kaye, you've closed a chapter of potential reward and mystery. This decision, while keeping you rooted in the familiar and tangible world, also means that the secrets and opportunities that the object might have held will remain undiscovered.

As you wander, the lively sounds of a street festival begin to reach your ears. You discover a vibrant scene. The festival, nestled between old buildings and new, celebrates the city's rich cultural tapestry. Stalls adorned with colorful decorations offer an array of foods, crafts, and games, each representing different facets of the city's diverse community.

Music fills the air, a harmonious blend of traditional melodies and contemporary beats, creating an inviting and energetic atmosphere. People of all ages and backgrounds are gathered, their faces alight with joy and excitement, sharing in the communal spirit of the event.

The lively environment offers a stark contrast to your earlier encounter with the mysterious object. Here, in the midst of this celebration of culture and community, you have an opportunity to immerse yourself in the festivities. Will you join in, perhaps finding a momentary escape from your thoughts ? Or will you continue your walk? The choice is yours, and it could lead to new connections, experiences, and insights about the city and its people.

Character sheet
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
For a few long moments Kaye is left alone with her thoughts once more. The only sound being that of her boots hitting the dusty road. Slowly the characteristic noises of a large crowd of people congregating begins to enter her thoughts and not much later she looks up to see lights, stands and by the looks of it an entire festival nestled between old buildings. Kaye’s blue eyes focus on the scene, curiosity sparking her interest. How long had it been since she had immersed herself in such lively revelry? The demands of her role as lieutenant for The Syndicate had become an ever-present force, leaving little room for personal indulgence. Even now, a faint trace of doubt lingered at the edges of her mind, a reminder of responsibilities left momentarily behind. She stole a glance at her watch, the ticking seconds urging her to return.

Yet, the allure of the festivities proved irresistible. Headache still present, but slowly becoming a backdrop as her senses are invaded by music, sights and smells of all kinds. She navigated the currents of the burgeoning crowd. Each step carried her deeper into the heart of the celebration. The smell of foods she does not recognize trickling her nose and beckoning her. Perhaps she could just get a quick breakfast and call it a day, nothing wrong with that, right?

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468
enjoying the

As you, Kaye, weave your way through the bustling festival, the vibrant atmosphere slowly eases the weight of your responsibilities, allowing you a moment of respite. The array of unfamiliar yet tantalizing aromas guides you to a food stall, its offerings a vivid display of the city's culinary diversity.

Here, you find an array of dishes, each more inviting than the last, their scents mingling in the air. The stall owner, a cheerful individual with a warm smile, introduces you to a selection of delicacies that seem to capture the essence of the festival's spirit. You're tempted by an exotic dish, one that promises a fusion of flavors you've never experienced before.

As you contemplate your choice, a sudden commotion nearby catches your attention. A group of people has gathered around a nearby stall, their expressions a mix of excitement and concern. You overhear snippets of conversation about a rare Pokémon sighting – a momentary glimpse of something unusual that quickly vanished into the crowd.

This unexpected development piques your interest. A rare Pokémon in the midst of the city's celebration could mean an extraordinary encounter, something that doesn't happen every day. Do you investigate this rare sighting, potentially encountering a unique Pokémon that could add an intriguing element to your life? Or do you focus on enjoying your well-deserved break, indulging in the festival's culinary delights and leaving the Pokémon to its own devices? The decision lies before you, offering paths of adventure or relaxation.

Character sheet
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
After a second longer of contemplation, she decides and Kaye weaves herself with long strides between the festival attendees. Her mind set on reaching the wonderful smell that wafts from the stand still hidden behind a crowd. Plumes of smoke bellow upwards. After a few minutes of waiting in line, Kaye steps forward to take a good look at the options presented to her. Rice dishes, curries, spicy broths with spiced vegetables so hot that she can smell it on the air that rises from it and dances around her head. Kaye feels her mouth water. Spicy food is her favorite ..

Loud voices rise from the crowd, making Kaye turn her head and distract her momentarily from her decision making. The voices sound excited, stirring as she catches a few stray words. A rare pokémon has supposedly been sighted. Kaye ears perk up at this, though her immediate feeling is that of cautious disbelief. Nevertheless, she hastens her order, walking away with a spicy rice dish in a doggy bag as she makes her way towards the crowd. Her eyes fall on a man with a spiky red head and a cigarette in his mouth, the loudest of the bunch who seems keen to tell everyone who wants to listen about this supposedly rare pokémon that he claims to have seen. Sticking her wooden fork into her doggy bag Kaye scoops up some rice and takes some contemplating bites. Leaning against a buste of an Absol, listening and hoping to gain some more information as she feels her mouth catch on fire from the red peppers. For all she knows, he could just have seen any regular pokémon, or he could have seen nothing at all. Loud mouths tend to lie ..

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468

As you savour the fiery flavours of your spicy dish, leaning casually against the bust of an Absol, you listen intently to the man's animated recounting of the rare Pokémon sighting. His enthusiasm is infectious, but your instincts urge caution. The crowd's excitement grows, but amidst the noise and movement, details are hard to discern.

Your skepticism mixes with a hint of curiosity as you take in the man's story. He speaks of vibrant colors and unusual movements, but his embellishments seem to grow with each telling. You're not entirely convinced, but the possibility of a rare Pokémon sighting in the city is intriguing.

However, your chance to delve deeper into the mystery is abruptly cut short. In the midst of your contemplation and the growing crowd, the moment passes. By the time you finish your meal and decide to investigate further, the Pokémon – if it was ever there – has vanished. The crowd slowly disperses, the excitement fading into murmurs and speculation.

You're left with a sense of missed opportunity, a fleeting chance at an extraordinary encounter now gone. The festival continues around you, the energy and joy undiminished by the brief stir. You ponder your next move. Do you linger at the festival, enjoying the other attractions and the vibrant atmosphere? Or do you continue on with your day, perhaps exploring other parts of the city or returning to the responsibilities awaiting you? The decision is yours, shaping how you experience the rest of your day and the opportunities it may bring.

Character sheet
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
As expected the man tells a vivid tale. A grand tale. One that has as many holes in it as a block of swiss cheese and soon Kaye’s attention wavers. Her mouth heating up like the frontlines at the Somme and before a decision can be made .. the crowd disperses. Murmurs fill her ears. Whatever was sighted it was now gone. She lets out a scoff and abruptly turnes her back to the scene, the time on her watch not gone unnoticed. Fucking hell, look at the time. She really had to get back .. Annoyance fills her being as the somber woman begins to pry herself through the crowd. Her patience to deal with sticky fools has left her and all she wants to do is get back to her work and hopefully get the remnants of the headache away from her.

The food, however, is impeccable! With a reluctant bite she finishes the meal, wishing for more but noting that she has no more time to waste. Time to get back and get some work done. She had a Rockruff to locate after all and if her sources were correct, the poor fucker was hiding out somewhere at the edge of Northwood.

And so Kaye begins to make her way towards the exit, wanting to leave behind the festivities for things that are more her style.  

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468

You, Kaye, leave the festival behind with a satisfied palate and a renewed sense of purpose. The lively music and chatter of the crowd fade into the background as you make your way through the city streets. The transition from the festive atmosphere to the calmer, more routine environment of the city is gradual, yet noticeable.

As you navigate the urban landscape, your thoughts return to the task at hand – locating the elusive Rockruff. The information you have points towards Northwood, an area known for its quieter, more secluded spots, a stark contrast to the bustling city center.

Northwood, with its sprawling parks and less-traveled paths, offers a tranquil respite from the city's constant motion. The trees here are older, their leaves whispering stories of years gone by. The air is fresher, carrying the subtle scents of nature that seem almost out of place in the urban setting.

As you delve deeper into Northwood, following the clues and your own instincts, you feel a sense of calmness enveloping you. It's in this peaceful setting that something unusual catches your attention. A faint, almost imperceptible trail seems to beckon you, leading away from the main path. It's not something a casual observer would notice, but your keen senses pick up on it instantly.

This subtle trail, marked by occasional disturbances in the natural order of things, piques your curiosity. It's as if something or someone has recently passed through here, leaving behind a trail that only the observant would follow.

You stand at a crossroads of sorts: do you follow this intriguing yet mysterious trail, potentially leading you to an unexpected discovery? Or do you stick to your original plan, continuing your search for the Rockruff in the more familiar parts of Northwood?

Character sheet
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
The brisk walk towards Northwood served as a much-needed respite, gradually dissolving the lingering haze in her mind. As she stepped into the urban expanse, a newfound peace embraced her, a sensation she had been yearning for amidst the ceaseless demands of her thoughts.

The remnants of a persistent headache finally yielded, allowing the calm and serene streets to weave a tranquil tapestry around her. Kaye's mind, once a whirlwind of racing thoughts, found solace in the steady rhythm of her footsteps that never seemed to pause. The air carried the earthy fragrance of leaves and mud, remnants of a recent rain that had soaked the surroundings hours before. Nature seemed to persist, even within the confines of the concrete jungle, as if the very essence of the city were interwoven with the elements. It took the tall woman some time to notice the unfamiliarity of the streets enveloping her. The trees stood taller, their canopies reaching for the sky in a way distinct from other parts of the city.

A realization struck her like a sudden burst of noise, snapping her out of the contemplative cocoon she had been wrapped in. With a furrowed brow, Kaye halted her steps, surveying her surroundings. It was as if, in the blink of an eye, the familiar had transformed into the unknown. How lang had she been walking?

After a few moments of hesitation, she decides to continue in the same direction she had been heading before she had realized her daydreams had distracted her from her goal. Kaye had almost took a left turn and crossed the streets to head back to the parts of Northwood she was so familiar with. Her eyes were drawn to something else. Off the beaten dirt path, nestled amidst the blades of grass, she discerned a faint trail, a barely noticeable imprint on the ground. It was the kind of detail that might have eluded a less observant person, concealed by fallen leaves and hidden among the bushes. Yet, Kaye's keen demeanor picked up on the anomaly. It was a trail, partially obscured by nature's camouflage, suggesting recent passage—perhaps no more than an hour or two old.

Intrigued, Kaye scanned her surroundings once more, noting the hushed ambiance and the buildings in a state of quiet repose. This part of Northwood seemed devoid of the usual liveliness, a realization that added an extra layer of mystery to the subtle trail she had discovered. The city's usual hum had given way to an almost eerie stillness, prompting her to contemplate the significance of this seemingly forgotten corner.

An insistent urge began to crystallize within Kaye—an irresistible call to follow the subtle trail that beckoned to her. Without affording herself more time for contemplation, she moves decisively and set forth, abandoning the cocoon of safety offered by the remnants of familiarity the streets behind her had offered her. The allure of the unknown, woven into the fabric of nature, enveloped her as she ventured into unexplored territory. With every step, a sense of certainty accompanied her, the rhythm of her stride synchronized with the pulse of the enigmatic path ahead. The once-familiar surroundings gave way to an unfamiliar tapestry, each footfall resonating with the anticipation of discovery. Her eyes, scanning the surroundings with a cautious intensity, betrayed the vigilance that defined her demeanor.

Amidst the rustling leaves and the occasional chirp of hidden creatures, Kaye ventured forth, guided solely by the enigmatic trail. The city's buzz was replaced by a natural symphony, and she moved with a purpose that transcended the ordinary—a journey into the heart of the unknown, where every twist and turn held the promise of revelation. The guard she maintained, a reflection of her instinctual wariness.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468
found an

Guided by your keen perception, you, Kaye, delve deeper into the quiet enclave of Northwood, your senses heightened and alert. The subtle trail you're following weaves through the underbrush, leading you away from the well-trodden paths. With each step, the sounds of the city fade further into the background, replaced by the natural symphony of the secluded area.

Your eyes, sharp and attentive, catch a glimpse of something unusual nestled among the leaves. There, half-hidden in the dappled shade, lies a small, shimmering stone. It's unlike any ordinary rock; its surface seems to dance with an inner light, and its core pulses with a strange, elemental energy. The stone exudes a presence that is both captivating and mysterious.

As you reach out to pick it up, the stone feels warm to the touch, its energy almost resonating with your own. You sense that this is no ordinary find; it holds a significance that might yet reveal itself in time. The pulsating core of the stone seems to be in sync with the natural energy around you, suggesting a connection to the elements and the hidden forces of your world.

With the stone securely in your possession, you contemplate the possibilities it presents. Is it a key to unlocking new aspects of magic and affinity, despite your reservations about such forces? Could it be a beacon, leading you to undiscovered wonders or hidden truths? Or perhaps it's a remnant of a forgotten past, waiting to share its story with those who are willing to listen.

As you leave Northwood, the stone safely tucked away, you feel a sense of accomplishment mingled with curiosity. This journey has now ended.

You now possess an "Elemental Stone", an intriguing stone with a core that pulses with strange, elemental energy. Keep in mind that this stone is not just a regular part of your inventory; it holds potential powers and secrets yet to be revealed.

Here's the important part: If you find Kaye in danger or in a particularly sensitive situation during any future journey, remember you can use this stone once. Simply touch the stone and tag @wap in the ticket. This action can activate the stone's mysterious powers, potentially aiding Kaye in her time of need. So, keep it handy and use it wisely!

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