
Tour guide supreme

2 posters
Alastor Linden
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 109

Alastor LindenBlessed by ????
He had been approached by the school to guide a potential new student through the school. Why... It had been an odd request, as Alastor wasn't particularly known to be a social butterfly. But he was quite the strong student. He had pretty good grades, was always on time and did his work well. He also never really got in trouble or had a bad reputation, despite how he dressed. His teachers knew that he wouldn't shy away from conversation with a stranger and despite him being very much on his own most of the time, he didn't mind dragging someone along. In their eyes, he might be just the right choice, but he still couldn't see it.

He was dressed in mostly dark clothing. Wearing a loose, oversized shirt with some baggy pants. He had a few belts on with some light chains to spicy up his outfit and had chosen to put a sort of spiced up bomber jacket on top of it all. It was nice and cosy and kept him warm despite the cold temperatures. He had his headphones on and his little buddy was cosily snuggled away in between the wool of his jacket. He had finished up his look with a slight smokey eye and some eyeliner. Nothing too crazy, but it was how Alastor liked it. He had put in mostly silver piercings to match the rest of the outfit and all by all he was happy with his look.

As he was waiting by the assigned spot next to the entrance he was vibing away to a new album that had just dropped by one of his friends. Slightly bobbing his head to the rhythm as he hummed softly. Moving his hands a bit as the drums came in as he couldn't hold back the tendency to just jam a bit. He was vibing. It was a good day.

Character sheet
Nickname: Alas
Age: 23
Birthday: 06/09/2000
Occupation: Second year music student - Music producer
Sexuality: Homosexual
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
Kieran's anticipation had been building for this moment. Though his academic journey at the university wouldn’t officially commence until the next academic year, the opportunity for an early tour was too enticing to pass up. The university staff had been exceptionally accommodating thus far, a kindness Kieran deeply appreciated as he crossed the threshold of the university. Each step he took felt monumental, a tangible stride forward in a dream he once thought unattainable.

Despite his desire to make a bold first impression unaided by his cane, the day’s chill and the weight of the occasion nudged him to bring it along. He wore a sleek black turtleneck paired with a matching coat, and his signature black jeans. It was his hair, streaked with shades of pink, purple, and blonde that added colour. His style was further accentuated by an array of rings, strikingly long nails painted in jet black, and a touch of drama around his eyes with dark eyeliner and a hint of red eyeshadow. Clutching his pink phone, decorated with white stickers, Kieran surveyed his new environment with keen interest until his eyes landed on a figure at the location from the photo he’d received.

Hi! My name is Kieran. I— Are you— I think this is where I’m supposed to be?” he introduced himself a little awkwardly.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Alastor Linden
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 109

Alastor LindenBlessed by ????
As he was jamming away on his music, he had barely noticed the seemingly lost presence that had already arrived in the area. He was just in his own world, which usually happened when he was listening to music. It went by him at first, but when he saw someone actually approach him and he confirmed that the strangers eyes were focused on him, he blinked. Slowing down his movement and pulling down his headphones so that he could listen to what this person would say.

The boy greeted him. His name was Kieran and he went on to ask if this is where he was supposed to be. For a fraction of a second the purple haired man stared at him, as if he was lost in thought, until it hit him.

He looked surprised for a moment, his lips forming quite the expressive 'o' shape, before he started to nod. "Yes- Kieran! I'm Alastor, nice to meet you," he said calmly. "So- Welcome to Sanctum university. Uh- I guess I'm your guide," he went on. He hadn't thought about this yet. "I heard from the professors that I should avoid walking a lot. So I was thinking of showing you the main places first, then take a break at the cafeteria, we could grab a coffee, maybe even something to snack on, and then I could show you the first part of the classrooms. If you need a break in between let me know, okay?" He honestly didn't know how this all worked, but he tried, it was all he could do.

Character sheet
Nickname: Alas
Age: 23
Birthday: 06/09/2000
Occupation: Second year music student - Music producer
Sexuality: Homosexual
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
The other man looked at him, mouth agape, as Kieran tilted his head slightly to the side. The other’s expression of astonishment gradually morphed into recognition, and he quickly composed himself. Introducing himself as Alastor, he deduced his role as Kieran’s guide for the day. Kieran’s response was a blend of enthusiasm and amusement. “It seems that way,” he replied with a light chuckle, his curiosity piqued by this new acquaintance.

Alastor, having been briefed about Kieran's needs, had thoughtfully planned a tour that minimised walking. The itinerary sounded perfect to Kieran: a casual visit to the cafeteria for a quick bite and a coffee, followed by a leisurely exploration of the classrooms.

When Alastor inquired about Kieran's comfort with the walking involved, Kieran reassured him with another chuckle, “Don’t worry. As long as we can keep the pace slow, I will be fine.

In an attempt to forge a connection and gather insights about the university, Kieran ventured a question. “So… you go here? What do you study?” he asked, his tone one of genuine interest. As he waited for Alastor to lead the way, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement, despite still being undecided about his own field of study.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Alastor Linden
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 109

Alastor LindenBlessed by ????
It would seem the other was amused. He didn't blame him, as it probably seemed like he hadn't been prepared for this. Which, honestly, wasn't wrong. He had barely any idea what he was even going to do as a tour guide. He just thought about it on the spot really.

The boy told him that it was okay, as long as they walked slowly. Alastor didn't really know what a slow pace was for a cripple- Or whatever the hell the other had. He had to have patience for this one. And well, that was going to be a task and a half on it's own. But he could focus for just a little bit right? Right!

"Alright, perfect, just tell me when I'm speeding up too much, I'm not really used to going on a slow pace," He was the kind to speed walk everywhere, not because he was in hurry, but just because... Well, that was how he was. He smiled at the other, before he calmly started to walk. "The library is right here, so let's go take a look there first," it would be a nice thing to start of with as most people would only start to come by there later in the day for studying.

As they were walking, a question came. Well two, to be precise. Alastor nodded. "Yes, my second year. I'm studying music. So a music major... I used to be home schooled and actually tried fine arts first- But I didn't like it, so I took a year to really look into what I wanted and well... Since I'm already doing music as a job, it wasn't a hard choice to pick that," he smiled at him. "How about you? Already have some coursed in mind or...?" Perhaps he also had a hobby or passion he wanted to pursue more, like himself.

Character sheet
Nickname: Alas
Age: 23
Birthday: 06/09/2000
Occupation: Second year music student - Music producer
Sexuality: Homosexual
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
Kieran found himself pleasantly surprised by the kindness he encountered in his early days in Sanctum City. Despite the warnings from his friends about the supposed aloofness of city dwellers, he was met with unexpected kindness. The bustling pace of the city was undeniable, yet the people he crossed paths with seemed far from the indifferent stereotypes he’d been warned about. As he embarked on his journey, he was eager to dispel the prejudices and discover the city’s true character.

Kieran couldn't help but chuckle when the other admitted to not being accustomed to a slower pace. “Somehow, I’m unsurprised,” he commented wryly. Though their acquaintance was brief, Kieran could already sense the other’s high-paced nature, a stark contrast to his own more measured approach. He was used to moving at his own, slower, rhythm, understanding that not everyone shared his pace, and that was perfectly okay.

Kieran learned that his companion was immersed in music, having once tried fine arts before realising it wasn’t his calling. Kieran’s interest was piqued. “It sounds like you do like your current major. What’s your job? If you don’t mind telling,” he inquired with genuine curiosity.

When the query was returned, Kieran shared his own academic contemplations. “I first thought I should do something with psychology. Pay it forward and all, you know? But I think I’d really like to do creative writing,” he confessed. His childhood had been a canvas of creativity, dabbling in everything from piano to painting.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Alastor Linden
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 109

Alastor LindenBlessed by ????
Alastor was the type to always be honest and straight forward with people. So he just mentioned it to this person that he simply had to tell him if he was going too fast. He smiled for a moment when the other mentioned he was unsurprised. He was just happy it didn't come out of a left corner for him. No surprises for him so far, it would seem.

He told him about his time at the university and so the other went on to ask what his job was. Alastor nodded and smiled. "I don't mind at all," he said calmly. "I'm a music producer. I write, compose and all that good stuff... Even sing a bit myself. Can play quite a few instruments... Have my own little mini studio where I do most of my work. Started of in my bedroom but I'm blessed with parents who want to support me through it all," he shrugged as he smiled. "It was a hobby at first... But then it took off and I thought, why not embrace it?" It had been the right decision for him in the end.

He asked what the other wanted to do and he started by saying psychology. He nodded for a moment as the other mentioned his second interest, creative writing. "Oh... What does that mean? Is it like writing books?" he was genuinily curious about the matter as he had a hard time thinking about other examples where this could be used.

He came to a halt by a big door and pushed it open so that Kieran could go in before him. "Here we are at the library. It's quite empty right now but during finals this place is pretty packed," he said calmly as he followed him inside. "There's a system in place where you can automitcally take out books by scanning them here, so it's all self service in that regards," He walked over to the computer and nodded. "Between 9am and 4pm there's always someone present there," he pointed to the reception area of the library. "So yeah... That's it, any questions?"

Character sheet
Nickname: Alas
Age: 23
Birthday: 06/09/2000
Occupation: Second year music student - Music producer
Sexuality: Homosexual
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
Alastor’s response to Kieran's inquiries was as enlightening as it was enthusiastic. As a music producer who not only composed but also performed his creations, Alastor seemed to embody talent and passion. Kieran listened, visibly impressed byhis dedication. “Seems like you’ve found your place in the world,” Kieran remarked with a warm smile, his words echoing genuine admiration. “I’d love to hear some of your music sometime,” he added, his interest clearly piqued.

The conversation shifted as Kieran shared his own aspirations in creative writing. Alastor’s curiosity about this field prompted Kieran to elaborate. “Yeah. It’s a Bachelor of Arts, focusing entirely on professional writing. Whether it be poetry, fiction, or even non-fiction— like memoirs, nature and travel, anything on social media, really,” Kieran detailed, his eyes lighting up with enthusiasm. “Though I’d love to write a book. I’ve always liked stories and fairytales,” he added.

Upon entering the library, Kieran was momentarily awestruck. The vast collection of books unfolded before him like a literary treasure trove. “I’ve never seen so many books,” he whispered in awe. Alastor began to explain the library’s self-service system, but Kieran was still absorbing the sheer magnitude of resources at his disposal. “You can just… take these?” he asked, a mixture of wonder and disbelief in his voice. The idea of having access to such a wealth of knowledge and stories was mesmerising; it was a place where he could easily lose himself in the world of words for hours on end.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
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