
Take a break

2 posters
Mio Amano
Messages : 11
IC Posts : 5

Mio Amano
It had been a few days since she had last been here, since for once she didn't have any battles planned in which she was participating. Still, she liked to watch from time to time too and today was just one the days where she had the time to do this. She only had her Serperior out of her ball, while the Lurantis was tucked away in its ball, but still in reach so that she could take the pokemon out if needed.
It was something she did so she felt just a little safer. The current battle wasn't anything really special, it was clear that the ones currently fighting didn't have that much experience, so it would probably be over soon. If she had been standing there she would have given the audience something to enjoy, it was the least she could do when she was standing there. Still she hoped the next one would be better, but that was just waiting till this one was done.
Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: M
Age: 27 years
Birthday: 12/07
Occupation: Syndicate member; Women's advocate
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

Ruìsāng’s gaze lingered with indifference on the fight unfolding before him, his interest waning to the brink of a yawn as the tedious spectacle dragged on. As the lacklustre battle drew to a close, the restless audience clamoured for something genuinely thrilling—a spectacle worthy of their time. Amidst this clamour, Ruìsāng’s scoff echoed subtly, flanked by the dark silhouette of a Vulpix, while his Mawile remained encased within her Poké Ball.

The man adjacent to him, catching the hint of disdain in Ruìsāng’s scoff, threw a challenging query his way. “You think you can do better?

Before he fully processed the situation, Ruìsāng found himself in the throes of battle. The combat that ensued was swift, starkly contrasting the previous one. A Rhyperior emerged first, challenging the arena. In response, Ruìsāng unleashed his Mawile, her diminutive form eliciting derisive laughter from the crowd. Yet, despite the size mismatch and mutual type vulnerabilities, it was Ruìsāng’s Mawile who swiftly seized the upper hand.

With a steely gaze, Ruìsāng observed his adversary struggling to maintain the battle’s momentum. “Give up, before your Pokémon gets seriously hurt,” he warned. He attempted to recall his Mawile, but the Rhyperior, in a surge of agitation, leapt to intercept, its trainer’s frustration mirroring its own. Undaunted by the colossal adversary, the Mawile's eyes blazed with a fierce, pink-hued determination.

Reluctantly engaged in the fight, Ruìsāng commanded the fight forward. The Rhyperior launched a ground-shaking Earthquake, to which he swiftly responded with a command for her to jump. “Focus Blast,” he instructed. Mawile, agile in her movements, spun mid-air. From her gaping maw, an orb of searing orange energy materialised, striking the Rhyperior squarely. The creature faltered, ultimately succumbing to the ground.

Worthless fool,” Ruìsāng muttered under his breath at his defeated opponent. He turned, navigating through the throng with a cold detachment, his Mawile trailing close behind. Yet, the Vulpix halted, her gaze fixated on a Serperior nearby. She stood her ground, baring her fangs in a low, menacing growl.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Mio Amano
Messages : 11
IC Posts : 5

Mio Amano
The next fight was better, but not there yet. Yes, she could clearly see that the Mawile and its trainer had a lot of experience, but that was also why they easily got the upperhand. The Rhyperior and its trainer were clearly struggling and it didn't come as a surprise when the Mawile won the fight. It had been a little more exciting compared to the fight before that, which was also something that the crowd had noticed. She could hear cheers when the winner came walking back into the group of people.

The Vulpix who was with the two decided to start growling at Ayame and the Serperior looked down at the pokemon with narrowed eyes. It was clear that she was keeping an eye on the other one. "This one's fiesty." She commented towards the man. Did this pokemon also want a chance to fight? Or was it something else. "Does this one want to fight too?" She asked him. Or was it something else? She knew the battle wouldn't be favorable for her, but she would at least give the audience what they wanted. Even better than the last one, she was sure of that.
Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: M
Age: 27 years
Birthday: 12/07
Occupation: Syndicate member; Women's advocate
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Hēixié came to an abrupt halt, her growl resonating with a challenge towards a towering Serperior. This unexpected standoff captured Ruìsāng’s attention. He paused and observed the scene, his gaze shifting from the Vulpix to the imposing Serperior, and finally resting on the blonde woman who had questioned Hēixié's intentions.

Ruìsāng crossed his arms, his posture exuding a casual confidence. He regarded the woman with a mix of amusement and challenge. “Why? Interested in proving your Pokémon against her?” he queried, his lips curving into a slight, teasing smile. “I wasn’t planning on another battle, but if you’re eager to try, I’m game,” he added, his hand gesturing nonchalantly towards the nearby battle arena.

The air around them began to buzz with excitement as onlookers tuned into their exchange. The growing crowd's energy was palpable. Cheering and murmurs of excitement rippled through the gathering, each person eager to witness a clash between the Pokémon.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
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