
Carol of the bells

3 posters
Prospero Utz
Messages : 79
IC Posts : 77
Prospero UtzEnhanced Affinity

There were so many people.

When Prospero had first heard all the commotion, he did not know what to expect. He’d heard it before, but those had been angry protesters. Now there was loud music that almost got muffled by the many voices of the people walking around. It was fair to say Prospero had no idea what was going on.

He had pulled his hoodie over his head again, not wanting to draw too much attention amidst such a large crowd. It was a lot. A few minutes ago he had tried to move in between all those people, but he had quickly given up and retreated back to the sideline.

With his eyes filled with the longing of joining them, he stood there watching. Maybe he should come back some other time, when it was less busy. He turned around, nearly colliding with someone else. “Oh— I’m so sorry— I didn’t see you,” Prospero apologized immediately, holding up his hands.

[ Voor Kieran ]

A shot in the dark,
A past, lost in space

Character sheet
Nickname: Perry
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Not straight
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
Back in Kieran’s hometown, Christmas was a heartfelt, cosy celebration. Nestled in their aunt’s spacious barn, transformed into a festive wonderland, the village gathered around a crackling bonfire. Amidst a forest of twinkling trees and glittering ornaments, everyone contributed homemade treats, creating a bustling, yet intimate atmosphere. It was a world away from the chaos Kieran now navigated.

Jostled roughly aside, Kieran staggered, barely catching his balance thanks to a quick assist from a kind elderly woman. “I’m sorry—” he stammered, his voice barely rising above the cacophony as he edged through the throng. Each jarring contact sent sharp pangs across his shoulders and back, amplifying his yearning for just an inch of breathing room.

His progress was halted abruptly as he nearly collided with yet another passerby. Kieran’s magenta eyes, brimming with unshed tears, met those of a stranger. “I’m sorry,” he murmured, his voice a fragile whisper, “this is all too much. Please, let me pass.” He longed for nothing more than escape.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Prospero Utz
Messages : 79
IC Posts : 77

Prospero UtzEnhanced Affinity

There was so much going on and Prospero would lie if he said he was not overwhelmed. This was like nothing he had experienced before and while he wanted to enjoy this, he preferred to do so from the sideline. From there he could watch with a smile, but that did not take long. There was nowhere he could stand where it was completely empty which caused him to bump into someone again.

He started apologizing, but the other did exactly the same. The only difference was the words that followed. This person had it even worse than him and Prospero did not know what to do about it.

Prospero was lost for words when he saw the tears burning in this person's eyes. His jaw dropped a bit as he tried to find the right words, but they were not coming. “S—sure, I—,” he forced the word over his lips as he took a step to the side, wanting to give him the space he needed. Apparently this was not to the liking of someone else, as he was forcefully pushed back with the mention that he was not alone here. Prospero moved his weight to his toes and spread his arms to make sure he would not collide with this person, who was nearly shedding tears, again.

A shot in the dark,
A past, lost in space

Character sheet
Nickname: Perry
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Not straight
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468
a sudden

Suddenly, as your eyes lock with the young boy's magenta gaze, a surge of unbidden memories crashes into you, Prospero. It's as if the world around you dissolves, plunging you into an intense flashback.

You find yourself in darkness, a small, dim light flickering somewhere above. Panic surges through you as you realize you're restrained, your limbs bound tightly, making you feel helpless. The air is heavy and damp, almost as if you're submerged in water. Sounds are muffled, distant, and distorted, creating an eerie sense of disorientation.

In the murky gloom, a figure emerges—a girl with striking magenta eyes. Her presence is both haunting and familiar. She approaches you with a needle in hand, its sharp point glinting ominously in the low light. Fear grips you, but you're unable to move or cry out.

As she gets closer, her eyes seem to penetrate through you, holding secrets you can't remember. The sensation of the cold metal against your skin is jarring, and you feel a sharp prick. Your mind screams, but your body remains eerily still. Is it the restraints, or are you submerged in water, your movements slowed, your senses dulled?

The girl's face is emotionless, clinical, as she administers whatever is in the needle. You try to understand, to remember, but the memory is like water slipping through your fingers. The scene fades as quickly as it came, leaving you back in the sanctuary, staring into the eyes of the boy with the hauntingly familiar magenta gaze.

Character sheet
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
To say Kieran was overwhelmed would be a vast understatement. The pulsing sea of people around him moved with urgency, as if the charming stalls would vanish into thin air if not reached posthaste.

In this swirling tide of haste, personal space was a forgotten concept. People brushed and bumped into each other with a brusque nonchalance, their only focus being their destination. If you happened to be in the way, you were nothing more than an obstacle to be sidestepped or shoved aside.

The man Kieran had inadvertently collided with seemed to understand, stepping aside to let him pass. However, the relentless crowd surged on, indifferent to Kieran’s struggle. He winced as the man nearly stumbled into him again amidst the jostle. “I’m sorry,” Kieran murmured, clutching his cane closer to prevent it from becoming another casualty in the chaos. “I just—” His voice faltered, lost in the tumult. All he wanted was to extricate himself from this overwhelming maze.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Prospero Utz
Messages : 79
IC Posts : 77

Prospero UtzEnhanced Affinity

Prospero did not want to bother this person any longer. Even to him it was clear that he wanted to get away from here for whatever reason. Nothing went as planned and he almost fell onto him once more. “Sorry—” he said at the same time as the other. Their eyes locked for only a second and for a moment the market seemed to disappear, making room for memories that were buried deep within.

Where the market had been bright and lively, he was now engulfed in darkness with only a small light that was not nearly enough. No matter how hard he tried, moving was impossible. There was someone else too, someone who brought instant distrust and discomfort. Prospero knew her, but at the same time he did not. Then came the needle and a wave of fear went through his whole body. Again he wanted to move, but it was made impossible. The sharp pain was unavoidable and soon after everything dulled.

And just as quick the memory had started, it ended and he was thrown back into the present.

Those same eyes now looked straight back at him. His own amber colored eyes widened in shock as he took a step back. Instantly he lost his balance as his body had not expected to be able to move and he tumbled to the ground. Prospero however did not even feel the pain as he fell backwards. “What did you do?” he asked the boy breathlessly. By placing his elbows on the ground he pushed himself slightly up. The fall had caused his hoodie to fall from his head, revealing his blue hair and the large ears poking through. It all went completely unnoticed by him. “What the fuck did you— no you’re not—” only then the realization hit him. This was someone else. A mixture of fear and now confusion was visible in his eyes as tears burned in the corners.

A shot in the dark,
A past, lost in space

Character sheet
Nickname: Perry
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Not straight
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
The events unfolded with dizzying rapidity, leaving Kieran struggling to keep pace. Abruptly, the figure before him lost their footing and crumpled to the ground. Kieran's eyes widened in shock, instinctively stepping back to put some space between them, especially after catching a fleeting, unsettling look in the other's eyes.

As he gazed down, Kieran was met with a sight that defied logic. Protruding from the fallen figure's head were elongated ears, distinctly non-human in appearance. Kieran's brow creased in a mix of curiosity and wariness.

Accusations flew from the figure, casting Kieran in a bewildering role he couldn't comprehend. “I— I don’t—” his voice faltered, barely more than a shaky breath. “I don’t understand— I didn’t do anything—” he stammered, his head shaking slightly, as if to dispel the surreal scene before him.

Was his mind playing tricks on him? Such things surely weren't possible. “You should stand up…” Kieran suggested gently, his voice laced with concern yet hesitant. He refrained from extending a hand, unsure and apprehensive about interacting with this… creature.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Prospero Utz
Messages : 79
IC Posts : 77

Prospero UtzEnhanced Affinity

The world around him was a disorientating mess when Prospero came back to reality. Only a second or two had gone by between almost walking into this stranger, remembering and then panicking. Their eyes had been so much alike. It was what seemed to bring the memory forward. So when he came back, he’d seen her for a moment.

As he lay there on the ground, his hand shot to the place where a needle had punctured him. Of course there was nothing left anymore. It had been a memory after all. Nothing truly had happened. Not at this moment anyway.

With a bewildered look Prospero stared at the stranger, his breathing heavy and uneven. He was saying something, but the words did not properly register because of all the stammering. There was a change in the other’s expression, but he did not even care what that meant.

Stand up— the other was right. He should get up. Then why did his limbs not listen. More people had turned their heads towards the two of them, curious as to what was happening. Like vultures circling a dying animal. “You—” Prospero started, his voice weak. His amber colored eyes were back on the stranger with the magenta eyes. The other was right. He moved his still shaking legs under him until he sat in a kneeling position. Then he tried to push himself up, but his knees were buckling under his weight and it made the whole affair a difficult process. Especially with no one helping him.

“Everything alright,” he mumbled to himself. He was fine. Whatever that was, he was no longer there. Nearly his legs turned on him again, but he did not fall down all the way to the ground again. His eyes were unblinking as he was drilling holes in the ground in front of him.

A shot in the dark,
A past, lost in space

Character sheet
Nickname: Perry
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Not straight
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
Under normal circumstances, Kieran prided himself on his open-mindedness, his ability to reserve judgement until it was warranted. However, the current situation was anything but ordinary. The stranger's piercing gaze, coupled with the claustrophobic press of the crowd, had already set him on edge. But the revelation of the stranger's inhuman traits was the tipping point. In that moment, Kieran felt a wave of unease wash over him, his instincts screaming for escape.

He stood frozen for a moment, one hand instinctively clutching at his chest, the other gripping his cane like a lifeline. His brow creased in a tangle of confusion and fear. As the other person began to rise, Kieran's initial impulse to assist was overshadowed by a compelling urge to distance himself. He took an involuntary step back, his movements hesitant and guarded.

The stranger's reassurance that everything was alright did little to quell Kieran's apprehension. He managed a shaky nod, his voice barely above a whisper, “Alright... Alright. Yes. Have a nice day.

Turning on his heel, Kieran hastened his departure, weaving through the crowd with a singular focus: to put as much distance as possible between himself and everyone here.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
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