
[journey] not so brave, not so smart

2 posters
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
journey card

Listen, at this point I'm just glad if he lives. Like I'd like a dark (or ghost/poison) affinity but, yeah.

In the cold embrace of the night, Ruìsāng perched atop the cold rooftop, legs swinging idly over the edge. His Mawile leaned against him. A little further off, the Vulpix lay, maintaining a cautious distance. His right hand, still swathed in bandages. He favoured keeping it concealed; the bandages served as a mask to hide the truth from prying eyes. “Oh, it’s nothing,” he’d say, his voice a well-rehearsed calm, “Just a minor mishap with some glass at work. It’ll mend.”

The piercing cold nipped at Ruìsāng’s skin, a stark contrast to the atmosphere he’d left behind in his home.

People had often told him his mother wasn’t his burden to bear. He had found himself flirting with the thought of severing those ties, yearning for the freedom it promised. Yet, the thought of leaving her alone had gnawed at him, left him wondering. And then she died. And he had no idea if he should be mourning her loss, or celebrating the end of it.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 38
IC Posts : 38

Safety is a peculiar concept, a delicate illusion we often take for granted in the routine of our lives. Like a thin veil, it hangs over us, offering the comfort of predictability and the assurance that all will be well. Yet, its fragility is astounding, a fact we tend to overlook until the moment it’s shattered. In the blink of an eye, the mundane transforms into the extraordinary, and the seemingly secure reality crumbles. For most, the loss of safety is a life changing experience, but not for you.

Because you.. are not like the others, now, are you?

You, unlike many, have danced on the tightrope of uncertainty from the very beginning. The illusion of safety never draped itself around your shoulders like a comforting shroud. Instead, you grew accustomed to the adrenaline-fueled tango with danger. Your senses are finely tuned to the erratic heartbeat of unpredictability. In the face of turmoil, you don't flinch; rather, you confront it head-on, as if safety were a foreign concept that never graced your existence. It's not a twist of fate for you; it's a familiar companion, an old acquaintance met on the road less travelled.

Perhaps that’s what drew her to you in the first place. After all, the lost always find solace in the equally as lost. Yet, when you turned your very defiance towards her, instead of towards the world, she no longer sought solace in your presence. How dare you fight for the very thing she could not grasp herself?

Your Mawile notices the subtle shift in the air before you do. Her senses heightened as she shifts where she’s sitting. Such a loyal creature, ain’t it? Too bad even that disgusting Fairy can not fend away the curse at the core of your heart. She, just like you, can not stop the desire to go home tugging at your very core. Home? As if a stronger presence snapped their fingers and decided your time among this realm had reached its end, you vanish before the eyes of your Mawile.

As the world gradually materializes, the familiarity of the rooftop fades away, replaced by the sensation of ancient brown wooden floorboards groaning beneath your grasp.  Exhaling, your breath forms icy clouds that swirl before your vision, a testament to the frigid temperature enveloping the space. Even in the dim light, the contours of the room are unmistakable. How could you forget this place, after all?

Grandma’s home.

“Did you think you could evade me that easily?”

And there she stands, a weathered hand leans casually against the kitchen countertop, her form cloaked in the facade of the innocent grandma you once entrusted months before. Yet, the hatred that glints in her eyes betrays a sinister undertone. It's clear you're not here for another cup of tea.

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
The spectre of the grandmother’s inevitable return hung over Ruìsāng, a looming, inescapable fate. It wasn’t the ’if’ that haunted him, but the ‘when’. He pondered, heart heavy, what had drawn her malevolence toward him. Was it the hopelessness within him, or the persistent darkness that had nestled in the recesses of his heart since childhood? These questions, however, bore no fruit; they were but whispers in the void of a troubled mind.

Yet, he would wait. Patience had been his unwelcome companion, a skill honed in the bleak corridors of foster homes, amidst the echoes of departing footsteps of families that never chose him. It was a lesson learned bitterly at twelve, returning to a home steeped in the stench of alcohol, where he cloaked their despair in lies. Patience was his armour, shielding him as he watched his mother squander their lives, while he desperately clung to survival.

He’d be patient for her – the monster – too.

Monsters, he knew, bore grudges. She would return, compelled by a need to conclude their unfinished dance. Twice thwarted – a severed finger, a lost pet – she wouldn’t relent. His gaze, sharp as shattered glass, swept over Hēixié, the fox concealed in shadows. ’Black evil’, he had named her, initially puzzled by her presence. Yet, perhaps she sensed it too, the inevitable return of the beast. What better ally in this than a companion equally intent on tearing the monster asunder?

Lìeyàn’s sudden movement jolted him, her pink eyes wide with shock. Words formed on Ruìsāng’s lips, a question unasked, as reality itself seemed to warp and twist. With a steely resolve, he uttered a final command to her, “Stay.

His pulse thundered, a frenzied drumbeat, as the environment morphed – from rooftop to room, stone to wood. He didn’t need to survey his surroundings; his focus was laser-sharp, hunting for that familiar, loathsome presence.

She had slipped through his fingers once. This time, escape was not an option.

Did you think you could evade me that easily?” she taunted.

Her words were met with his cold laughter. “Evade?” he scoffed. She was the fool, not him. This confrontation, this final showdown, was the moment he had been waiting for, the moment he couldn’t find peace without.

Hēixié, Dàzìbào!” His command was a hiss. Fire Blast. He had trained Hēixié in the fighting pits for this very moment. Without pausing to confirm her presence, he advanced toward the fireplace, gripping the metal poker with a resolve as fiery as the blaze that awaited her.

This time, he was ready to face the monster head-on.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 38
IC Posts : 38

Oh, you defiant, foolish boy. Even when standing at the brink of your own doom, you find it in you to laugh, to find joy among the wicked. Grandma's gaze pierces through you, her lips contorting with a visceral disdain, as if she hungers to rip your vocal cords out, forever silencing that insipid laughter. And perhaps, just perhaps, she might—

Surprise fills her brown eyes as the fire reflects in them, right before they hit her. She expected you to fight, but she did not expect you to plan it out. She did not expect you to await the perfect moment, and she surely had not expected you to keep that wretched Vixen of Death closeby. While she had beckoned you to come home to her, pulled at the strings of your curse, she had inevitably called the one who had been a prisoner to her lands, for Yveltal-knows-how-long, back to her home as well.

”R-” Her lips barely manage to speak one consonant, before her voice tore into an awfully high-pitched screech. She stumbles back, desperation clinging at her very core as grasps at everything within her reach to shield her from the assault, but it proves futile. The heat gets to her, and this time, unlike the first time it had tried to burn her, the fire relentlessly burned at her skin. Her once weathered skin undergoes a grotesque metamorphosis, liquefying into an amorphous mass that oozes and drips along her body like molten wax. And it becomes awfully clear that perhaps a long time ago she had been human, a living being, but that time had long since passed. What remained was a gruesome monster clinging onto the bones of her own past.

With a guttural growl emanating from her now distorted throat, Grandma lunges towards the Vulpix. Her eyes, once filled with fear, now gleam with an unsettling hunger. With a lightning-fast strike, those demonic claws slash through the air, leaving trails of shadowy energy in their wake. The Vulpix stands no chance to dodge her claws, and she is mercilessly slammed against the kitchen wall, the force causing the room to tremble.

And then, slowly, deliberately, her eyes move up to meet yours.

”I’ll make you rip your own heart out.”

She growls, weakened, yet fueled by her own anger. How dare you side with that monster and use it against her?

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
For a fleeting moment, doubt flickered in Ruìsāng’s mind, the nagging worry that Hēixié might not be here after all. But he steeled himself to continue alone if necessary, his hand clasping the cold metal poker from the fireplace. Reliance on others had always been a thorn in his side, a vulnerability he loathed, made all the more bitter by Lìeyàn’s absence.

Yet, in a display of unexpected obedience, Hēixié surged forward, her jaws parting in compliance. It seemed their mutual desire for this monster’s end had aligned their intentions. Flames danced within her maw before erupting in a scorching blast, engulfing the monster in fire.

The monster’s skin contorted grotesquely, melting and dripping like wax from a candle burnt too long. Ruìsāng’s eyes narrowed; she was no more human than he was. Beneath any guise, a monster remained a monster, and he knew this truth all too well.

A harsh blow sent Hēixié crashing against the wall. Ruìsāng’s jaw tightened, a silent thank you whispered in his mind for her aid. Even if she couldn’t rise to continue the fight, he hoped she’d find the strength to flee should he fall. She deserved a fate far removed from this darkness.

“I’ll make you rip your own heart out.”

Such a threat would unnerve any sane man. But here was the thing about fear — it could only take root in a man who had things left to lose. He hadn’t expected to survive their last encounter; his chances now seemed just as slim. But if his end brought hers, he’d welcome it.

Then rip it out. I have no use for it anyway,” he retorted, brandishing the poker like a warrior’s blade, advancing toward his foe. His aim was clear - to drive the metal through her heart, regardless of the consequences.

Rage had once been a wild beast within him, occasionally breaking free. Now, he surrendered to it completely, a raging inferno blazing in his eyes. The metal poker scraped ominously against the wooden floor, echoing his resolve.

He was set on her destruction, cost be damned.

For his own life held no value to him, never had.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 38
IC Posts : 38
I dare

Ah, the solemn resolution of someone who thinks they have nothing to lose, of someone who has no fear to disregard their own life if it meant they could take an enemy down with them. The grandma looked up from where she was on the floor, an unfamiliar emotion shimmering through her dark eyes. Fear? Her lips twitched up into a wicked smile. No, not fear. Excitement. Excitement, because finally she met someone who dares oppose her, excitement, because she knows no matter how hard you try to oppose her.. you stand no chance against her.

It was almost a pity, how the two of you stood on opposing sides - can you imagine what that rage of yours could accomplish if you’d just listened to her? But noo, you had to take from her, take beyond repair, and now, she had to take from you too. She would take, and take, and take, until there was nothing left for her to take, until you had nothing left in this pitiful world of yours. She was done letting others take from her without consequences, it was her turn now. And you.. You were her perfect target. So similar…

And you have so much to lose.

You approach her, your weapon aimed at her with malicious intent. You wish for her death. Interesting. ”Foolish boy,” she muttered under her breath. ”Have you learned nothing from last time?” Do you not remember what happened when you dared pick up a hammer against her? As you press forward, the curse’s grip tightens around your chest with an unrelenting cruelty. The pain, initially a dull ache, escalates into a searing agony that courses through your body. As if an invisible vice constricts around your heart, each step becomes a surge of torment that leaves you breathless. The pain intensifies, radiating from your chest to every inch of your body - as if a thousand needles pierce through your skins at once, each movement met with more force.

The grandma cocks up her chin, a grin daring you to try anyways. ”I don't intend taking that which you do not care for.”  she declared, her eyes narrowing with a predatory focus. As her gaze shifted, an unsettling focus settled on the region where your heart beat defiantly. In that moment, it was as if she plunged her metaphysical hands into the depths of your soul, fingers probing through the tangled tapestry of your emotions. She sifted through the raw agony of your existence, each heartache and torment laid bare before her unseen scrutiny. But she did not stop there. Her spectral touch delved into the fragments of light woven into the fabric of your being—the moments of solace, the connections that breathed life into your spirit.

And then, with a chilling precision, she found them—the threads that connected you to those you held dear. The Pokémon whose companionship offered solace, the mentor who imparted the art of self-preservation, and your best friend, Alastor, who has never cast judgement upon your decisions.

But then a darker intent surfaced, as she grasped at something a little more recent. A conflict between your heart and your mind - a sweet, sweet boy who had only recently stumbled into your life. Poor boy. ”Perhaps I’ll start with him.”

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
The memory of the hammer, its weight heavy in his hands as he had once dared to strike her, flashed before his eyes. But this time was different; he was different. He would bring her down.

The curse, however, tightened its grip around him like a vice. Pain, sharp and relentless, clawed at his chest, turning each step into a battle against a rising tide of agony. Each movement was a symphony of torture. But he pressed on, fueled by a mix of rage and desperation. Her grin, a taunting challenge, only fueled this determination.

I don’t intend taking that which you do not care for.

The moment her spectral fingers delved into his soul, a tempest of emotions and memories whirled before him. She sifted through his pain, his scars, his sorrow, laying them bare like open wounds. But she didn’t halt at the darkness; she plundered further, into the rare beacons of light in his life — the few souls he dared to care for.

Perhaps I’ll start with him.

The vision of green hair, golden eyes, and a smile so disarmingly sweet flashed before him. Ruìsāng’s blood turned to ice, his eyes widening in horror. For a single beat of his cold, cursed heart, his resolve faltered.

But he couldn’t — wouldn’t — let her triumph.

With a fury that turned his grip to iron, Ruìsāng wielded the poker like a weapon forged from his very will. He pushed his body forward, defiance roaring louder than the pain that wracked his every fibre. His mind was a fortress, singular in its purpose — protect, fight, win.

He would not just strike; he would be relentless and unyielding. He cared not for what she might do to him, but he’d rather see the world burn than let her touch Vince, Alastor, Vik, or any others she dared to threaten.

If damnation awaited him for eternity, so be it.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 38
IC Posts : 38

At the thought of harm befalling upon those you care for, your rage bubbles to a level even the grandma has not witnessed before. She raises her molten eyebrows, observing you with a twisted fascination. Despite the agony that visibly contorts your face, there is a cold fire in your eyes that betrays a resolve beyond the reach of her influence. Fight. Win. Overcome. You are indeed.. So similar.

You go beyond her expectations, relentlessly approaching. Most would have cowered away, writhed in pain, cried their hearts out - but not you. You fight, relentless, unforgiving. Perhaps your life has prepared you for this very moment, all those troubles, all that pain. Look at you now. She watches, a cruel anticipation etched across her feature, as if she were eager to witness the culmination of your futile resistance. Perhaps, it should have crossed you as odd, that she did not try to move out of your way.

Against all odds, you reach her, your weapon probing through the fabrics of her clothing, drawing the first drop of blood. And that’s as far as you get. Time slows, and an unseen force retaliates against you. An indescribable surge of pain, a manifestation of the curse’s wrath, erupts within you. For a moment, the world itself seems to scream, and the grandma’s expression shifts from anticipation to a macabre delight. As you recoil, the agony leaving you gasping for air, her wicked grin widens.

”I always wondered what would happen if someone got this far.”

Screams, guttural and menacing, fill your mind, each shriek adding to a chorus of tormented souls. Yet, the most unsettling part was the unnerving laughter of those damned before you. A chorus of those who had fallen prey to her curse, a symphony of madness that resonates through your very being. Join us. The voices cackle. One of us. They shriek. Yield to us. The whispers intertwine with the screams, until there is no way to make out what they are saying, the volume increasing with every beat of your heart. The room echoes with their distant cries, distorted and warped, a symphony of torment that threatens to shatter the fragile remnants of your sanity. Mad! You'll turn MAD!

You stumble backwards, your vision blurring, the lines between reality and nightmare becoming increasingly indistinct. Your legs give up from underneath you, all control slipping from your fingers. Don’t you realise, Ruisang? She has won, and you can’t do anything about it. You can’t save them, much like you have never been able to save yourself. You were always set up to fail. And you were going to fail them too.

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
In that moment, as the poker pierced the fabric of her clothing, drawing the merest drop of blood, Ruìsāng's fleeting triumph was eclipsed by a horrifying realisation.

It was too easy.

Her lack of defence, her stillness, it was a trap. He should have known, should have seen it coming.

Time warped around him, stretching each second into an agonising eternity. An excruciating burst of pain detonated within him. The air was torn by a scream, the world itself seeming to echo his torment. The grandmother’s face twisted into a grotesque mask of delight at his suffering, as the pain wracked his body, leaving him struggling for breath.

I always wondered what would happen if someone got this far.

The air was thick with screams, tortured souls that filled his mind, each voice a reminder of her victims. The laughter of the damned, chilling and mocking, intertwined with the shrieks, forming a maddening chorus that threatened to drown him.

Join us. One of us. Yield to us.

The voices, a tangled web of whispers and screams, grew louder, more insistent with every thunderous beat of his heart. The room echoed with their distant cries, warping reality into a nightmarish symphony that clawed at the edges of his sanity.

Mad! You'll turn MAD!

Ruìsāng stumbled backwards, his vision a blur of reality and nightmare melding into an indistinguishable horror. His legs buckled beneath him, his body betraying him as control slipped like sand through his fingers.

She has won, and you can’t do anything about it.

He couldn’t save them, just as he had never been able to save himself.

You were always destined to fail.

His breaths came in ragged gasps, each inhale a battle, each exhale a defiance of the curse that sought to claim him. His hands, trembling yet resolute, clung to the poker, an unwavering resolve to fight, to protect, to endure. Even as his vision swam, blurring the lines of the room, Ruìsāng's mind clung to the images of those he fought for – Alastor, Viktor, Isabella, and... Vince.

Fuck… you,” he hissed. He would fight until his last breath.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 38
IC Posts : 38

A sinister, wicked laugh resonates through the grandma’s small abode. Her molten skin still sizzles as she gets up from the ground, a reminder of your futile attempt at becoming her undoing. A black claw traces the skin where you’ve tried to pierce her, and failed to complete your task. Slowly, without saying a word, she steps back into the kitchen. From the counter, she picks up a long, rusty knife, it shimmers in the dim light as she turns it in her hand.

”I will make it slow and painful,” she speaks, her voice drowning out the whispers momentarily. When she turns back to you, a wicked smile lingers on her lips, looking down on you as you writhe in pain. She revels in the fact you can not do anything. You can not get back up, your body yielding to the pain, so much as your mind will soon yield to the whispers of insanity dragging you down. ”Don’t you worry, son, I’ll give them your regards when they meet their end.” You can’t save them. To be a hero was never written in your stars, you were meant for the pain, for the doom, and what was it all worth? You were meant to be nothing in the end. A failure who couldn't even protect those he loved.

Neither one of you notices the shift in the air, the presence of a third. You don’t notice, until you hear a voice amidst all the screams, the whispers, and the agony. A clarity amongst your chaos, beckoning you to listen to it, to pay attention no matter what. ”Such a pity.” The voice resonates through your mind, strong and powerful, each word clearly articulated, slow enough for you to apprehend it through the curse’s torment.

”I was starting to root for you, Ruìsāng.”

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
The sinister hiss of her molten skin, still seething from their clash, served as a grim reminder of failure. Her dark claw, tracing the superficial wound he had managed, mocked his feeble attempt at victory. She moved towards the kitchen, her steps laden with ominous intent, the rusty knife in her grasp shimmering with a foreboding promise of torment.

“I will make it slow and painful.”

Her eyes, alight with a twisted satisfaction, pinned him down. Her words, a morbid vow of destruction for those he held dear, weighed on him heavier than chains, crushing any flicker of hope. In his heart, a cold truth settled – he had failed.

But then, cutting through the maelstrom of screams and whispers, a voice sliced through the darkness.

“Such a pity.”

Ruìsāng’s red eyes frantically scanned the shadowed corners, seeking the source of this voice. Yet, the room offered no answers, only the suffocating embrace of despair.

“I was starting to root for you, Ruìsāng.”

In this abyss of hopelessness, where every shred of resistance seemed futile, the voice offered an enigma. Was it a glimmer of hope? Or the taunt of another foe?

His body rebelled against his every command, leaving him powerless. The overwhelming sense of defeat engulfed him like a tidal wave.

You… rooted for me?” Ruìsāng managed to scoff, his voice a strained whisper. “Didn’t hear it.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 38
IC Posts : 38

For a moment, the grandma’s eyes linger on you, taken aback by your sudden words. Her eyebrows shoot up as she looks down upon you, considering what your words were aiming at. The voice speaking to you clearly was not heard by her - yet, you have not imagined it either. ”Mhm. Fair.” It resonates through the air, flat and dry, as if it's not impressed by you biting back. It has seen worse from you.

The screams and whispers strengthen as you feel the voice fading away from your mind, driving you to the brink of madness. When the voice pushes back forth, the curse's whispers fade into the background. Whatever this person or thing is, it holds a power even the grandma can not fathom. ”So ready to fight, so eager to destroy everything which stands in your path.” They've seen it. ”Yet, your control always falters in those moments most important to you..” The voice continues.

Even though you don't feel them sifting through your memories, something tells you this being instantly knows what you've gone through. About how you helplessly hid away in a corner from your father, not old nor strong enough to save your mother and yourself from his onslaught. About how you ball your fist, wishing you could hurt whoever dares put a finger on your loved ones, and yet, you always seem to find yourself lacking to complete this wish. That must suck. Not to forget the grandma was doing to you what every demon in your life had done to you before: take away your ability to fight back.

”But you don't want help, do you?”

You wish to fight your demons of your own accord.

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
The voice in his mind sliced through the oppressive weight of the curse, offering Ruìsāng a fleeting respite. He drew a shuddering breath, a moment of clarity amidst the torment. His jaw set firm, his red eyes locked onto the monster, who seemed oblivious to this unexpected intervention. A spark of realisation ignited within him; the voice was likely not an ally. And, not-an-ally of his enemy could very well be not-an-enemy of his. In his current predicament, that possibility was as close to an ally as he could hope for.

”So ready to fight, so eager to destroy everything which stands in your path.”

Ruìsāng’s life had been a relentless battle, one where the only choices were to fight or be crushed. Raised under the shadow of an iron fist and venomous words, he had learned to fiercely guard anything he held dear. To him, the world was a brutal arena where weakness meant oblivion, and strength was the only currency of survival.

”Yet, your control always falters in those moments most important to you.”

This bitter truth stung. Despite his relentless struggle, he was always a step behind his own aspirations. He couldn’t shield his mother from her demons, couldn’t be the guardian Alastor needed, couldn’t protect Vince, couldn’t even safeguard himself. Each effort seemed to only hasten his inevitable downfall.

The voice, with its unnerving omniscience, laid bare his deepest failures. Being so thoroughly seen sparked an instinctual defiance within him, a fierce urge to shield himself from any gaze that threatened to pierce his armoured facade.

”But you don't want help, do you?”

Help never comes for free,” he spat back, his voice a venomous hiss. “I have nothing left for you to take. So stop narrating,” he snapped. In this, his darkest hour, the last thing he needed was a disembodied voice narrating his downfall as if he were a mere character in a tragic tale.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 38
IC Posts : 38
friend, foe,
or ally?

Help. You don’t ask for it, you don’t beg for it. You don’t whimper in pain and scream for the third force to help you out of this situation, and somehow, that draws the being in even more. You can hear a soft laugh, but it’s a strange sound, as if the being itself does not know what laughing truly is.

The being does not overthink its words, nor does it twist the truth, for they know the dire situation you find yourself in. ”You are right. Help always comes at a price.” There is no need to hide that truth, for the both of you know the full extent of it. Nothing’s ever free. ”But I am not here to help.” And with those words, they seem to loosen their grip on grandma's curse, the voices coming back tenfold, the agony returning.

The grandma, on the other hand, now stands before you, her mouth slightly agape as she looks at you with utter confusion. She is not narrating? Has she overestimated you? Were you turning mad already?

”Yet, I can be a worthwhile ally.”

The voice returns.

”I can give you that which you most desire, to destroy all that opposes you.”

They pause.

”I can make you strong.”

And isn’t that all you have ever wished for? To be able to fight back?

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Ruìsāng's life had taught him one inescapable truth: help always came with strings attached. Hidden costs lurked behind every offered hand, every extended favour. He had learned the hard way that owing someone a favour was akin to shackling oneself with invisible chains, chains that could be yanked tight at the most inopportune moments. This was why he had mastered the art of being the one to grant favours instead, wielding them like a weapon, ensuring others were indebted to him.

The mysterious entity, claiming not to be here to help, only tightened the knot of suspicion in Ruìsāng's gut. His jaw clenched. As the being proclaimed itself a ‘worthwhile ally’, Ruìsāng's response was a bitter scoff. His gaze drifted away from the monstrous figure before him, a hiss escaping his lips as pain wracked his body. The urge to fight, to stand and confront, clashed against the excruciating reality.

And then, the offer of strength — how conveniently timed it was. This entity appeared just when he was at his lowest, offering the very thing he desperately needed to turn the tide. Ruìsāng’s mind raced with suspicion. Trust was a luxury he could not afford, especially not in a moment like this. Power was the currency of survival, the tool he needed to rectify all his past failures.

So why now? Why would this entity choose to extend a hand at his nadir, when he was utterly powerless? In a world where every action had a price, Ruìsāng was not about to forget the cost of naïveté. In Ruìsāng’s eyes, everyone had an agenda, and he refused to be anyone's pawn.

These thoughts coalesced into a single, pointed question.


Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 38
IC Posts : 38
friend, foe,
or ally?

Why? The grandma looked over her shoulder, and then back at you. Suddenly, worry flashed through her dark eyes. Were you turning mad, or was something else going on? She pressed a dark incantation over her lips, and the curse around your heart tightened its grip, twisting and straining as if the agony she had caused you before wasn’t enough already. She then starts turning towards the door, revelling in the idea of taking what you love, just like you took from her. Vince, Alastor, Vik, even your mother. It would all be your fault.

”Because I could use someone like you,” The voice resonates through your mind again, and in the corners of your eyes, you see a dark shape standing in the shadows. ”And you could use someone like me.” A silence washes over the two of you, and the only thing you can hear is the grandma’s footsteps as she starts making her way to the door. It’s now or never.

”I will lend you my strength in those moments you require it the most,” The being senses your mistrust. ”I will allow you to destroy those who stand in your way, and those who bring harm upon those you care for. And I promise I shall not pose a threat to them, either.” It allows you to think about it, before it adds one final thing:

”In return…” The being continues. ”I need you to pledge your allegiance to me, become one of my own. A harbinger of chaos and destruction. Take that which we need, and destroy that which stands in our way.” The being stops speaking, their attention focused on you. You feel time slipping from your fingers, the grandma slowly making her way towards the door, to take from those you love.

”No-one would ever be able to harm you like she does now..” The being adds, as if it were a final push towards this newfound allegiance. You would no longer have to standby and suffer this kind of loss, this lack of control. It was a reasonable offer, to ask for your loyalty in return, was it not?

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
As the hag revelled in her apparent victory, moving on to her next vile act, Ruìsāng's sense of desperation crescendoed into a cacophony of panic and fear. His red eyes, burning with a helpless rage, tracked her every step. His throat ached with the urge to scream, to call out, yet he knew such outcries would be futile. She would mercilessly extinguish the lives of those he had struggled so fiercely to protect.

The gnawing dilemma tormented him — should he accept this voice's help and risk damning himself, or refuse and ensure their doom?

The entity's offer dangled before him like a lifeline in a stormy sea — the strength to protect, to obliterate any threat looming over those he cherished. The temptation was almost unbearable, but trust was a commodity Ruìsāng had long since learned to ration with extreme caution.

“And I promise I shall not pose a threat to them, either.”

These words snagged his full attention, piercing through the fog of his anguish. Nothing else mattered beyond the safety of those few dear to him. His fist clenched tightly. Pledging allegiance was a concept alien to him; his loyalty was a guarded treasure, extended only to a select few — Alastor, Viktor, Isabella — and never to an unknown entity.

Yet, as the hag moved closer to the door, the final grains of time slipping through his fingers, his decision was forced. He lacked the strength to stop her. If she left this room, if he failed now, she would hunt down those he could not protect. Hēixié remained unresponsive, his own efforts to rouse his strength futile. He was defeated, broken.


The desperation in his voice was palpable as tears blurred his vision. The hag's looming figure neared the exit, each step a ticking countdown to catastrophe.

Let me kill her and I’ll do it. I’ll do it all,” his voice broke, a blend of anger and despair. “Let me kill her,” he whispered, a plea born from the deepest well of his soul. It was a beggar's request, the last resort of a man who had nothing left to offer but his own damned existence. In that moment, Ruìsāng was ready to trade everything, to descend into whatever abyss awaited him, if only to ensure the safety of those he could not bear to lose.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 38
IC Posts : 38
welcome to the
dark side

The words escape your lips, sealing a pact between you and the unseen force. An eerie silence settles over the room, and through your tear-filled vision you witness the grandma turning around to face you once more. Her gaze travels through the room, as if looking for someone, before it settles upon you. ”Who are you talking to?” She inquires, but her words fade into the background, the screams and whispers brought forth by the curse intensifying in your mind, the agony growing to the point you are sure your body can’t possibly take more of it. Desperately, the grandma clings to the curse she cast upon you.

But her attempt is to no use. The force working against her is stronger, much stronger. Dangerously strong. You can feel the dark tendrils gripping at your life force, you can feel the strength they possess, the power to take what they want, without as much as breaking a sweat. Whatever hell the grandma had brought upon you, it was nowhere close to what this being was capable of. And yet, it does not take from you, it does not wish to harm you, as promised. Instead, the darkness embraces you, accepting and tender, the shadows resonating with the beating of your own heart - as if you’ve finally found home. Perhaps the dark has always been yours to hold.

Within the blink of an eye, the voices and screams fade from your mind, bringing clarity and peace. The agony vanishes, the curse disappearing from your very core as if all the being had to do was snap their fingers. A surge of power overcomes you, wiping away all that tried to destroy you - giving you the strength to get up, to fight.

”Then kill her, my boy.”

You feel it, with every beat of your heart: the dark has accepted you as one of their own. An alliance, a primal force to be reckoned with - it was yours now too. So survive, fight, destroy.

Make them suffer for ever trying to oppose you.

Character sheet
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
As the words left his lips, sealing the dark pact, Ruìsāng's world transformed. Through the blur of tears, he caught sight of the grandmother's puzzled gaze, sweeping the room, then locking onto him with a mix of confusion and malevolence. The curse's tendrils tightened, its chorus of screams, cries, and unbearable agony drowning out her inquiries. A wave of panic washed over him as he curled inward, a plea whispered to the unseen entity for the promised strength, for a chance to survive. The thought of leaving his friends to the mercy of this hag was a blade twisting in his soul.

But the grandmother's grip on the curse, once ironclad, now seemed like child's play against the overpowering force that invaded Ruìsāng's being. It was a force that stormed into his consciousness, seizing his chest, threading through his very soul. He gasped, a desperate, ragged breath, bracing for obliteration. Yet, instead of consuming him, this newfound power cradled him in an embrace of shadows. The darkness, a constant companion throughout his life, now pulsed in unison with his heart — a sinister yet strangely comforting symphony.

In an instant, the curse's voices faded, the agony lifting like a fog at dawn. The entity's will alone seemed to dissolve the curse, washing away the pain and leaving in its wake a surge of raw, untamed power. It coursed through him, infusing every fibre with the strength to rise, to face his tormentor head-on.

“Then kill her, my boy.”

The entity's words echoed not as an order, but as a dark benediction, affirming their alliance. Each heartbeat in Ruìsāng's chest was a drumbeat of acceptance from the shadows, a primal pact sealed in the depths of his soul.

He was to survive, to fight, to annihilate any who dared oppose him. A fierce determination ignited within him, a drive to make those who had sought to crush him rue their actions. He would no longer be the hunted; he was the hunter, empowered by the darkness that had chosen him as their champion.

Rising, his movements fueled by a newfound determination, Ruìsāng grasped the metal poker. Its weight felt right in his hands, a tangible extension of his will. His red eyes, now clear and focused, locked onto the grandmother. A low mutter escaped his lips. “Lǎo ér bù sǐ, lǎo ér bù sǐ. Die, old hag,” he declared, a vow of vengeance.

With newfound power, Ruìsāng lunged forward, his entire being focused on one goal — to drive the metal through her heart.

* 老而不死: when someone old refuses to die

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 38
IC Posts : 38

The dark lends you its strength, a helping hand among this agony. Fuelled by this newfound power, you surge forward, wielding your weapon as if it was always meant to end this way. The grandma turns towards you, unimpressed, waving her hand in the air, summoning the curse. It is only when her curse does not respond to her whims - your feet carrying you relentlessly, unaffected - that worry crosses her expression.

By the time she realised this cruel play of fate against her, it is already too late for her. The poker pierces through her skin, unforgiving, as if she had never been strong enough to resist its assault. A sharp gasp escapes her lips as she stumbles, her back hitting the wall behind her. Dark eyes widen, as clawed hands desperately curl themselves around the poker pierced through her very own heart.

”H-how..?” She stammers, gasping for air, her features turning more human as the ages she spent among this place, in this inbetween, passed by. And then, as she realises what is about to happen, you see an emotion shimmer through her dark gaze, one you did not expect to see. Relief.

Deep creases form wrinkles of old age, before a final gasp shudders over her lips, and her entire being crumbles into ashes. As she fades, so too does the place around you change, the illusion she cast upon this place finally falling. You stand among the ashes and remains of what once was a family home - a place of loving and caring, a place long gone and forgotten. Broken walls stand as a testimony of what once was, a fireplace dangerously clinging to the last solid bricks maintaining its structure. Black soot lingered on places where the fire failed to swallow everything whole.

You take a step, and underneath your weight, you hear something shatter. Looking down, you find your foot standing on the last remnants of a picture frame, having shattered the last pieces of glass still tethered to it. Although aged by time, you see the picture clearly for what it is: a mother cradling her child, a loving smile on her face. And even though the years had not been kind to her, you see the woman for who she is: the grandma who's heart you pierced. She looked so happy, so innocent, so kind. It makes you wonder, what happened to turn her into such a malevolent being.

Here’s the thing, Ruìsāng. Let me make it clear to you:

Villains are never born. They are forged.

But at least you won. Right?

A true victory.

Character sheet
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