

2 posters
Alastor Linden
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 109

Alastor LindenBlessed by ????
After the encounter he had tried to calm himself down. Putting the pokéball away and dailing the only person he wanted to hear and see right now. Even though he could have called his parents or even his brother, none of them could compared to his best friend. The only one that he could remain silent with and calm down properly with. After everything that had happened, he didn't know if he could get the events over his lips. It was all too much... And he needed a break.

He had dailed the number and a smile curled on his lips when he heard the familiar voice of his friend answering. They kept on talking, and as the conversation went on, even if it was complete nonsense at some point, he had been able to calm himself down. Just talking about whatever was better then remaining in silence.

He had started to walk a bit, as he didn't want to remain close to the mansion that would surely haunt his nightmares for many nights to come. His head relatively low he sometimes lifted his gaze. Now that the adrenaline was slowly getting out of his system, he was able to see the difference in the world around him. Even if everything was more greyed out here, it was still noteable how vibrant even those colours could be. He stared at some things for a while. Like a some moss that had found grip on a rock. The silent noise that he noted in his head made him frown as he kept on walking. For now he pushed it on the fact that he was in shock. Everything would be fine once he was back in Sanctum City.

Character sheet
Nickname: Alas
Age: 23
Birthday: 06/09/2000
Occupation: Second year music student - Music producer
Sexuality: Homosexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

Ruìsāng struggled to keep his focus on the road. Alastor was in the one place they’d been warned against since childhood. Shadowfell. Even Ruìsāng had steered clear of the place, for reasons glaringly obvious. The tales of Sanctum City paled in comparison to this place, yet here he was, drawn inexorably towards it, as if the cursed mark etched upon his chest resonated with Shadowfell’s own sinister heartbeat.

As Ruìsāng’s car sped over the silent highway, a peculiar sensation crept over him. It was as if an unseen force, a tether of sorts, was pulling him closer, tugging insistently at the very core of his being.

Leaving the highway’s relative familiarity, he navigated through the decaying streets of Shadowfell. Here, the sensation intensified. This time, it wasn’t pressure against his chest – it was as though the mark sought release, yearning to unfurl itself into the shroud of the night, almost… as if it was home.

Navigating became a game of intuition as the GPS lost its use between crumbled and debris-laden streets. Ruìsāng clung to Alastor’s voice on the other end of the line, knowing that as long as he kept talking, Alastor was safe. Finally – he saw Alastor, enshrouded in a faint, ethereal glow.

Without hesitation, Ruìsāng killed the engine mid-motion, his car halting abruptly before his friend. He bolted out and seized Alastor by the shoulders, demanding to know, “What happened?

His eyes flashed with a dangerous promise – someone, somewhere, was about to feel the full force of his wrath if anyone had been foolish enough to lay a single finger on this man.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Alastor Linden
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 109

Alastor LindenBlessed by ????
He really could keep going about whatever, as long as it involved music. So he did. His friend being relatively silent through the entire time, but ALastor didn't care. He liked talking about music, so this wasn't a punishment for him at all.

After what had felt like hours, a couple of lights appeared out of nowhere. He squinted his eyes and when he was sure it was Sang, he raised his hand and waved at the other to make it clear he was here. When the other came to a halt, he ended the call and put his phone away.

He calmly walked closer to the car, but was suddenly rushed by the other. His hands grabbed his shoulders and Alastor stared up at him with a slight shock on his face. Huh? A question followed, what had happened? He blinked a few times, seemingly confused and shaken by everything... Before he eased up.

"Oh you know... Just some door appeared and I ended up here," he explained calmly. "There was this girl in the mansion further up the road. She was nice, but then I figured she wasn't... And I ran and I got stuck in these underground tunnels- There was this big Pokémon too and uhm..." he fell silent, as he looked at the ground. He let his arms hang a bit, as if he was completely drained all of a sudden.

"Can we just go home...?" he whispered almost silently. Unsure of what to even say next. He was ashamed of what had happened within those walls. And he wasn't even sure if he would ever be able to bring himself to mention what had really happened.

Character sheet
Nickname: Alas
Age: 23
Birthday: 06/09/2000
Occupation: Second year music student - Music producer
Sexuality: Homosexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

The sight of Alastor shaken up, was something Ruìsāng had never wanted to see. A visceral protectiveness ignited within him, that familiar rage burning bright, desiring nothing more than to hurl the world into disarray, to confront and dismantle whoever dared touch his friend. In this cruel, unforgiving world, Alastor’s well-being was his anchor; without him, Ruìsāng would simply not exist. He’d never had a family, or friends, even. He simply had… Alastor.

As Alastor’s words spilled out – about a mansion, a girl who was nice, but then wasn’t – Ruìsāng's fury found focus. Every detail Alastor uttered, from tunnels to a mention of Pokémon, etched a deeper sense of foreboding into him. Whatever happened, it wasn’t good.

Ruìsāng’s hands moved up and cupped Alastor’s face, one hand wrapped in bandages, the other bare. His red eyes searched Alastor’s, seeking answers, seeking to understand the depth of what had transpired.

Did she touch you? Did she – or anyone else – hurt you? Because I swear to fucking Arceus, Alas,” his voice was a low growl. He was ready to be Alastor’s sanctuary, to stay by his side through the night.

And then, come morning, he would return. And if anyone had touched him, he’d make sure it would be their last time touching anyone.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Alastor Linden
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 109

Alastor LindenBlessed by ????
He tried to speak of things he was able to get over his lips. Yet, some parts were just too fresh and too gruesome to be recalled... So he simply didn't. It was his way of dealing with the situation and perhaps also how he was able to keep himself composed despite all of this.

Hands cupped his face and he blinked as he felt linnen on one hand, while the other was free of it. Had he gotten hurt again...? He raised his hand and hovered over the bandaged limb, before he gently touched it. Sang went on to ask a handful of questions... He was angry, he recognized this state out of a million.

"No-one touched me," he said calmly. "I didn't get hurt... See?" he slowly made a motion to his body. It was true. There wasn't even a scratch. "I was saved, even if I didn't deserve it..." he whispered between his lips, he had to look down as he couldn't face the other while speaking of it.

"Did you get hurt again?" Alastor said as he slowly looked up at the arm. "Another fight?" It happened... And with him it just happened a lot. He didn't like it, but at the end of the day there wasn't much he could do or say about it.

Character sheet
Nickname: Alas
Age: 23
Birthday: 06/09/2000
Occupation: Second year music student - Music producer
Sexuality: Homosexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Ruìsāng felt the weight of Alastor's hand atop his own, yet it was the fury within him that held his full attention. Anger was a familiar terrain, a landscape he could navigate with eyes closed. It was a shield against the world, but worry – worry was a different beast. It clung to him with a merciless grip, paralysing him with the need to find and confront whoever dared to threaten what was precious to him. Maybe he was monstrous in his vengeance, but for Alastor, he’d embrace that darkness without a second thought.

Alastor, in stark contrast, remained calm. He assured that no harm had come to him physically, but Ruìsāng’s eyes narrowed, his brow furrowed. He searched Alastor’s face for any sign of deceit, for any hidden wound. Then those words slipped from Alastor’s lips – Even if I didn’t deserve it.

You fool,” Ruìsāng's voice was a hiss as he gave Alastor a shake, demanding his full attention. “Don’t say that. Don’t ever say that,” he demanded, he begged. He needed Alastor to understand the importance he held, to realise that his survival was a necessity, regardless of the cost. To Ruìsāng, the world outside of this could crumble and burn.

At Alastor's attempt to shift the focus onto him, Ruìsāng scoffed and withdrew his hands, his demeanour firm. “Focus, Alas. It doesn’t matter,” he insisted. “I need to know what happened to you. Now, or in your studio, or even at my place, I do not care,” he stated. He was poised on the edge of action, ready to unleash his fury upon the world if it meant avenging his friend.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Alastor Linden
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 109

Alastor LindenBlessed by ????
He had felt the guilt the moment it had happened. No- Even before that. When he had realized what he was eating and then, when he came face to face with who that had been. The fact that he was thinking back to it made him sick once again. He took a shaky breath. The weight of the air around him was heavy... He simply didn't want to be here anymore.

The other wasn't pleased that he had brought up his wounds and he frowned slowly. He called him a fool and demanded never to say that again. For a moment he felt small when that was said. The presence of his friend had always been more overpowering than his own. But when he was fuelled by rage no place seemed to contain him. He had to focus, for it didn't matter. He had to know. If not here, someplace else.

A shaky sigh left his lips at those words. Unsure of what to do. He wanted to know, was urgent with it too. But Alastor could barely hold himself together. He felt like he would collapse if he did mention just a sliver of what had transpired within those walls. Pure horror. Absolute insanity.

"Can we leave this place... Please?" He whispered in a shaky matter. "Please..." he pleaded to him again. He would tell him, once they were safe... Away from it all. Once he knew that she couldn't catch him anymore.

Character sheet
Nickname: Alas
Age: 23
Birthday: 06/09/2000
Occupation: Second year music student - Music producer
Sexuality: Homosexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
As Alastor said those words, claiming he didn't deserve salvation, Ruìsāng felt as though the very earth was crumbling beneath him. The notion that there could be a world, a life without Alastor was unfathomable. Alastor was interwoven into the very fabric of his existence; every thread of Ruìsāng’s being was inextricably linked with his friend’s. Alastor was not just a part of his life; he was the lifeblood of it. To imagine a reality devoid of him was akin to imagining his own undoing.

Alastor's plea to leave struck a chord deep within Ruìsāng’s heart. Without a moment's hesitation, he reached out and pulled the other into a protective embrace. As he buried his face in the crook of Alastor’s neck, a wave of relief washed over him. In his arms, Alastor was safe, tangible, real. Nothing, Ruìsāng vowed silently, would ever be allowed to take that away from him.

Yeah,” Ruìsāng finally whispered. Reluctantly, he loosened his hold, tapping Alastor’s arm gently. “Get in the car. Where do you want to go?” he asked, his gaze shifting to the vehicle. Inside, a black Vulpix peered out with curious eyes, quickly scampering to the back. Ruìsāng was ready to take Alastor anywhere, to the ends of the earth if need be.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Alastor Linden
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 109

Alastor LindenBlessed by ????
The first person that had been on his mind when danger had made itself known, had been him. He had thought about calling him, asking for help. Pleading for him to come fix what he couldn't undo. For when it came down to him, he could actually get things done. Alastor, although capable in his own right, could never be as great and fearless as his friend. His stone through so much. And after he had escaped the claws that head reached out from hell, he had actually done it. Reached out and asked.

And like always, he had answered.

In a world with so much wrong and so much messed up, he had been sheltered from so much. And perhaps it was all thanks to the man in front of him. If only he knew what kind of things he had endured and he barely knew about. If only.

He was pulled into a hug and he just let it happen. He didn't like hugs and other things related to it, but he did have to admit that he enjoyed the safety and security the arms of Sang brought to him. He was holding him up, in more way then one, and he couldn't be more thankful for this small gesture that seemed to pull him back down to this reality. This was real. And he was safe, because he was here. It was okay.

Yes. They could go. He sighed softly when that was asked and he nodded, although a bit absent mindely. Where did he want to go? His legs carried him over to the car as he got in as requested, his face blank with the backdrop of a gaze filled with uncertanty.

He hadn't even noticed the small Pokémon. He was just, completely spacing out. His mind still thinking about it all. The pokéball in his pocket a reminder of the horros he had faced and the memories he now had to live with. Where did he want to go...

"Not to my parents," he said softly, his voice sounded a tad bit hoarse. He cleared his throat and stared out the window. "Your place? Or the studio?" He didn't know what he would do if he would have to deal with seeing another person right now. He would probably lose it or perhaps completely shut down. He just... Didn't know.

Character sheet
Nickname: Alas
Age: 23
Birthday: 06/09/2000
Occupation: Second year music student - Music producer
Sexuality: Homosexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Facing each other, Ruìsāng and Alastor were a study in contrasts, shaped by vastly different pasts. Ruìsāng’s childhood was filled with trauma, devoid of genuine joy or carefree moments. His youth was marred by burdens too heavy for a child, burdens that only grew and threatened to crush him as he aged. Alastor, in stark contrast, had grown under the nurturing wings of loving parents, his life untouched by the kind of harrowing loss and guilt that had been Ruìsāng’s constant companions.

In the presence of anyone else, Ruìsāng might have felt a pang of envy, a gnawing guilt residing in the void where his heart should beat. But with Alastor, it was different. He believed Alastor deserved every bit of happiness and protection he had known. Ruìsāng never wished for that to change; the fact that Alastor was here, alive, and capable of smiling was a testament that something pure and good still thrived in this world.

Sliding into the driver’s seat, Ruìsāng didn’t need to start the car, never having turned it off. Alastor voiced he wanted to avoid his parents' place, so Ruìsāng nodded in understanding. Usually, his studio would be the go-to sanctuary, but with his mother away until January – as was her habit every December – his own home offered a rare refuge.

Then let’s go to my place,” Ruìsāng decided, his voice carrying a tone of finality. He would notify Alastor’s mother to ease any worries. Methodically, he marked their current location on his map and switched off the GPS, pressing down on the gas pedal.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
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