
[bonfire] Bonfire nights

2 posters
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Míngzé had no idea why he was nervous, but he was. With a simple see through box on his lap he sat on his couch waiting. Already he could hear the loud noises coming from outside. Even though this was only a small thing, it was still very busy. For the occasion he wore his best Christmas sweater, even though Christmas had already passed. He was already wearing his black jacket, a scarf and had his cane in hand. Now all he had to do was wait for Xīyuàn. Meeting here was easier than downstairs at the bonfire itself.

Next to him he could hear a soft whimper, followed by a wet nose against his hand. “No, you can’t come with me. It’s best if you stay here.” Míngzé said to Dai who only whimpered louder. It was a good thing he was not able to see the sad puppy eyes he was given.

The doorbell rang and Míngzé stood up, holding the box with self baked brownies under his arm. “Now stay here, and behave. I won’t be gone long.” He went to the door and opened it. There was only one person he expected. “Hi, it’s been a while, hasn’t it, Xīyuàn?” he greeted her with a small smile.  He opened one arm for a hug.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Xīyuàn Liǔ
Messages : 94
IC Posts : 66

Xīyuàn Liǔ
On a night as bustling as this, Xīyuàn knew well the weight of her responsibilities. The world outside was teeming with stories that beckoned her, stories waiting to be chased down before the year bade its final farewell. Yet, here she was, defying the urgent call of her work. Because, in the end, family held a value that surpassed even the most compelling story.

Ascending the stairs, Xīyuàn’s fingers danced over her phone, a silent companion in her solitary journey. She had chosen her attire with careful deliberation for the occasion: a sleek, high-waisted black skirt that sculpted her form, coupled with stockings that offered both warmth and style. The ensemble was completed with her predictable yet elegant black shoes. A touch of opulence was evident in the black and gold belt cinching her waist, a motif that echoed in her black button-up adorned with golden buttons. The shirt, neatly tucked into her skirt, harmonised with the long, flowing black coat that draped over her shoulders. Golden earrings and a selection of rings lent a subtle but unmistakable air of festivity, while her black purse, embellished with fine golden details, was a nod to the New Year’s spirit. She had dressed to impress, perhaps to ward off her mother’s reprimand.

Her phone now safely tucked away, Xīyuàn rang the doorbell, a flutter of anticipation in her heart. The door swung open, revealing her cousin, his presence a comforting reminder of why she had set her work aside tonight. His smile was a warm welcome, and she stepped into his embrace.

Well, at least one of us knows how to keep a job,” she teased lightly.

Character sheet
Nickname: yuan
Age: 25
Occupation: crime reporter, influencer
Sexuality: pansexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

This was the season of joy and family. Or something. With everything that happened the past few weeks, that was just what he needed. Lányù had decided to spend her new year's eve with some friends, but he was glad that Xīyuàn decided to come. Due to her work they did not see each other often, but that changed nothing. It was always good to see her.

When he opened the door and greeted her, she accepted his embrace and did the same. Although her comment made him roll his eyes in amusement. “Don’t get me started,” he said with a dramatic sigh. It was a serious thing which could cause problems in the near future, but he was just happy to have it all behind him. “Trust me, if you worked there, you would’ve done the same.” Míngzé let go of her and readjusted his sweater. Next he went for both his coat and cane that hung against the wall next to his door. “It’s best to stay away from those scientists.” Even thinking about those people made his blood slightly boil.

Míngzé held the plastic box towards Xīyuàn. “Can you hold this for a sec?” It would make it a bit easier to put on his coat.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Xīyuàn Liǔ
Messages : 94
IC Posts : 66

Xīyuàn Liǔ
Míngzé's job, it seemed, was far from a source of joy. Xīyuàn's smile softened as she listened. “I think there’s some shady stuff happening there, but I don’t have the proof yet,” she mused, nodding thoughtfully. Her investigative instincts had already been piqued when Míngzé started that job. She remembered all too well being unceremoniously escorted out, a clear sign that something was amiss. The mystery lingered on her expansive list of things to uncover.

As Míngzé handed her a box, Xīyuàn's curiosity piqued. Peering inside, her eyes widened in disbelief at the sight – it appeared to be filled with actual shit. A wave of anger surged within her, breaking the dam of her usual composure. In an instinctual shift, she reverted to her mother tongue, her voice slicing through the air like a blade of ice. “Míngzé, Rúguǒ nǐ dì gěile wǒ yī hé shǐ, wǒ jiù shā nǐ,” she hissed, her threat as chilling as it was stern.

* 如果你递给了我一盒屎,我就殺你。
“If you handed me a box of shit, I will kill you.”

Character sheet
Nickname: yuan
Age: 25
Occupation: crime reporter, influencer
Sexuality: pansexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Xīyuàn’s job was definitely an odd one. It was certainly interesting to listen to all the stories she had to tell during a family gathering. Everyone was always quiet, him included. It would be a lie if he said he was not interested in all of it. It certainly sounded better than the shithole he ended up at. “Shady?” he repeated with a raised eyebrow. “During my few months there I’ve neither seen nor heard anything.” Which probably made sense. If anything was going on there, they would not tell him anything about it. They barely had the respect to give him a goodmorning or ask about his day. “Not that it would surprise me, those that work there are— unique individuals.” Horrible people to be fair.

Without the box in his hands it was earlier to get dressed. After he had his coat on, he reached for his scarf too. That is when an angry Xīyuàn started talking to him in Chinese. It was always much easier to understand it, than to speak it. However now he knitted his brows and looked at his cousin in utter confusion. “What?” He must have misremembered the meaning of those words. “I don’t— if you didn’t want to hold it you could’ve just said so. No reason to get angry.” A hint of irritation had slipped into his voice. Míngzé held out his hand, moving his fingers, ready to take the box back. He could understand how people grew tired of helping, but this reaction was totally uncalled for.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Xīyuàn Liǔ
Messages : 94
IC Posts : 66

Xīyuàn Liǔ
As Xīyuàn's fingers grazed the contents of the box, her face twisted in disgust. Her reaction was visceral, reverting instinctively to her native tongue. Words in Fènghuáng, sharp and rapid, spilled from her lips like a torrent. Only someone deeply familiar with the language could grasp the speed of her cursing. Her threat, laced with venom, was unmistakably serious. Despite the deep bond she shared with her cousin, this betrayal – this repulsive prank – pushed her to the brink.

Míngzé, in stark contrast, wore a mask of bewilderment. “You could have just said so, no reason to get angry,” he replied, only fanning the flames of her fury.

No reason?” Xīyuàn echoed, her voice a mix of disbelief and rising anger. “Wǒ shǒu lǐ názhe tā mā de shǐ. Nǐ fēngle ma?” Her words, sharp and biting, hovered in the air.

* 我手里拿着他妈的屎。你疯了吗 ?
“I am holding fucking shit. Are you crazy?”

Character sheet
Nickname: yuan
Age: 25
Occupation: crime reporter, influencer
Sexuality: pansexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

A horrible start of what should’ve been a good night. Míngzé knew her well, but even this reaction came as a surprise to him. The amount of anger in her voice was uncalled for. And for what? Because he asked her to hold the box? Because they did not look good? Míngzé narrowed his eyes, glaring at xīyuàn.

There was something about being called crazy that hit him wrong. It hurt him more than he would confess.  “Really?” Míngzé looked at her in disbelief and a hint of shared anger. The way she reacted was totally uncalled for. He reached for the box himself, wanting to snatch it out of her hands. “Glad you appreciate the effort I put into them,” he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. Out of everyone she should know it took him quite some time to make these things.

That’s it. If this was how she was going to behave tonight, he was already done. Míngzé already folded his cane back together, ready to head back inside. “Over fucking brownies,” Míngzé muttered to himself. He really expected better from his own cousin. His cane was already back on its hook.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Xīyuàn Liǔ
Messages : 94
IC Posts : 66

Xīyuàn Liǔ
The very moment Míngzé alluded to the labour he had invested in his turds, Xīyuàn felt a murderous rage ignite within her. Her mind raced with thoughts of using every bit of her crime-scene-coverup knowledge to ensure not a trace of him would ever be found. It was a cold, calculated plan that formed almost instantaneously in her mind. Surely, if he had dared to present her with a box of his turds, then he had crossed a line that merited such drastic measures.

However, Míngzé's next words caught her off guard, throwing her into a state of bewildered disbelief. “Brownies?!” she spat out the word, her voice sharp as a blade, a hiss of incredulity. “Míngzé, did you know your brownies look like lumps of human shit?” The question burst forth, laced with incredulity and revulsion. With a vigorous shake, she rattled the box, the brownie turds tumbling and rolling inside like a true shitfest.

Xīyuàn’s emotions churned tumultuously — from visceral disgust to a reluctant curiosity, her initial homicidal impulse now wrestling with the bizarre reality of brownies masquerading as lumps of shit.

Character sheet
Nickname: yuan
Age: 25
Occupation: crime reporter, influencer
Sexuality: pansexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

If this was how she was going to start their evening, then Míngzé wanted nothing to do with it. His cane was back on the hook, now he only had to remove his coat again and close the door. What did it matter? This was a yearly event, he would join them next year.

Míngzé was removing his coat again when Xīyuàn spoke once again. “Yes, brownies,” he replied sharply. With narrowed eyes he turned back to face her, his arms crossed tightly over his chest. “They don’t— wait what?” Instantly he reached for the box she was gracefully shaking like a cocktail. “You are exaggerating,” Míngzé said accusingly. Surely they did not look that bad. Then again, it was not like he had any idea what they did look like.

If what she said was true then— “Arceus Xīyuàn, did you really think that— me? For fuck sake. Really?” Good to know what she thought of him. As he would ever go so low as to collect shit and bring it to an communal event. To be fair he did not know if this made it better or worse. He was still highly irritated.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Xīyuàn Liǔ
Messages : 94
IC Posts : 66

Xīyuàn Liǔ
She was in the midst of an uproar over brownies, of all things. When he accused her of exaggerating, her eyebrow arched so dramatically, it seemed to defy gravity, as if it might just float off her forehead. He reached for the contentious box of baked goods, which she relinquished with an exaggerated huff, arms folding defiantly across her chest.

I am not,” she asserted with a sharp edge to her voice, her eyes flashing with indignation.

She threw her hands up in the air. “What else am I supposed to think, Míngzé? Just look at them! They're the spitting image of… well, turds. And not just vaguely - these are the epitome of turd-likeness. You hand me this box, no explanation, and expect me not to be horrified? What am I, a mind-reader? These are unlike any brownies I've ever encountered. They're a culinary catastrophe!” Her words tumbled out in a rapid, exasperated torrent.

Character sheet
Nickname: yuan
Age: 25
Occupation: crime reporter, influencer
Sexuality: pansexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

All of this could’ve been prevented, but instead it got out of control. Of course he did not know what those brownies looked like, all he knew was that their taste was good. It had never even come to mind that they had to look good too. Still, Xīyuàn was exaggerating and when she denied it he rolled his eyes.

“Yes, of course let me just— if I angle them in just the right direction— ah yes I see it—” Míngzé said as he held the box slightly above him and looked at it with one eye closed. Nothing changed, but that was exactly the point he was trying to make. “Fucking hell, Xīyuàn,” he breathed furiously when he lowered the box again in a rough motion.  

“Why, just why would I ever hand you a box of shit?” Any other moment he might have worried more about the brownies itself. He was going to bring them to the bonfire after all, but right now that was the least of his troubles. “Glad to know you think that highly of me.” Míngzé grabbed both his cane and coat again. He slammed the door shut with enough force that people up and down stairs could hear it. Perhaps maybe even feel it.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
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