
Pacify Her

3 posters
Isabella d'Alessi
Messages : 11
IC Posts : 11

Isabella d'Alessi

No matter what happens, someone always has to take the fall. And boy, did people enjoy pointing their accusatory fingers at the perfect scapegoat. It was almost comical. At this point, Yveltal - the god of destruction - could resurrect, and a random conspiracy theorist would put the blame on her, gathering an angry squad against her. If she was capable enough to do x, who is to say she wouldn't be able to do y too, oh and z was definitely her fault!

Abso-fucking-lutely amazing.

Her phone continued buzzing. Chatter messages, texts, gossip blogs reaching out, even her mother had the audacity to call. Whatever. If she ignored the atrocious things she was being blamed for today for long enough, it would just wash over like all other things the moment the angry mob of gossipers would find a juicier story to sink their teeth in. She had stopped caring about her reputation a long while ago. Obviously.

With a huff, she placed her phone screen-down on the bar, after which she sat upon one of the barstools. Waiting for her friend to notice her, she dragged her hand along her tie, wishing she could yank the damn thing off and toss it. Gee, was it just her or was it stifling in here? The low hum of chatter and clinking glasses surrounded her, but it felt like an isolated bubble, shielding her momentarily from the relentless onslaught of messages and calls. The tie around her neck felt awfully close to a noose tightening with every single buzz her phone made. Not that she cared about her reputation!

It would be a lie if she said she wasn’t glad he was working today - relief washing over her inner chaos when he noticed her. And although her exterior hardly showed any sign of the internal turmoil, she found herself softly breathing out. ”Hi S-” Eyebrows shot up as golden eyes lowered themselves to the bartender’s hand. Her lips twitched up as if she found the way he collected injuries as if they were trophies comical (after all, who wanted to be sad and sulk about their problems if you could also act as if they didn't really affect you?) ”Really, dude, do you need me to hire you a bodyguard at this point?” She remarked, her tone a blend of concern and wry humour. Or he could just call her and she'd punch his demons for him.

@ Ruisang

Character sheet
Nickname: Isa
Age: 24
Birthday: 01 July, 1999
Occupation: Treasure Hunter, Actress
Sexuality: “Straight”
Aliyah Sarmadi
Messages : 3
IC Posts : 1

Aliyah Sarmadi
Aliyah’s rage had always simmered beneath her skin, a tempest brewing in the marrow of her bones. She had been its master, shoving it down into the darkest corners of her being, forcing it to wither in the shadows of neglect. To the world, she presented a facade of serenity, a porcelain mask of a perfect actress, flawlessly playing her part both in the limelight and in the shadows. She’d mastered the art of deceit, painting lies with the ease of a seasoned artist, her words a symphony of falsehoods that concealed her true self.

But today, the beast of her fury broke free, its chains shattered by the whispers of betrayal that echoed through the tabloids.

Her boyfriend, the man she had given her heart to for four years, was splashed across the pages in a scandal of infidelity. Aliyah had been blind in love, her eyes for him alone, dismissing the calls of others who yearned for her attention. He had been her rock, her anchor in the rise to fame. His proposal had painted visions of a shared future – a cosy home, the laughter of a child, a life interwoven.

But those dreams lay in ruins now, trampled under the boots of betrayal for a fiery-haired seductress.

A tidal wave of anger crashed over her, and upon reading messages about the scarlet interloper flaunting her conquest at a nearby bar, Aliyah’s resolve hardened. She grabbed her keys and stormed from her penthouse, her steps a drumbeat of wrath as she navigated the city’s veins to her destination.

The Lunar Lounge – a name that now tasted like poison.

With a fury that could split the heavens, she thrust the doors open, the crash echoing like thunder, silencing the murmurs of the patrons. Undeterred by their stares, her gaze locked onto a red-haired vixen, casually talking to a blonde bartender. A venomous thought struck her – was the woman’s siren call a web, ensnaring more than one?

In a few strides, Aliyah bridged the gap between them.

Her eyes met the bartender’s.

Then, her fist met with the redhead’s cheek.

You don’t care, do you?” she snarled, her voice a razor’s edge. “Feast on the wreckage of others’ lives, you worthless whore. Enjoy the ruins you’ve created. He’s yours now,” she spat with venom dripping from each word, before storming out.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ali
Age: 24
Occupation: Actress
Sexuality: totally straight
Isabella d'Alessi
Messages : 11
IC Posts : 11

Isabella d'Alessi

With one hand gracefully poised on the counter, Isabella leaned forward, her wry humour and a sheepish smile masking the genuine concern she harboured for her friend's well-being. Keen to learn more before Ruisang decided to bury his demons with him, she narrowed her eyes to inspect the bandages delicately wrapped around his hand. ”you really-”


Her body slammed against the unforgiving floor of the Lunar Lounge, knocking the very air out of her lungs. Desperately she sprawled onto the floor, her lungs burning as she sucked in a deep breath. Her head pounded, her vision turning blurry. Thud, thud, thud. A hand slowly rose towards her cheek, muscles jolting at the touch, her face contorting. She groaned, the sound cutting through the stunned silence.  What the-?

She blinked. Golden eyes raised up from the ground, half expected to witness Yveltal himself towering over her very body. She blinked again, her vision focussing on a shape, until it found focus on angry brown eyes and a face that would have knocked the very air out of her lungs, if that hadn't already been the case.


Who was she?

”Worthless whore.” Oh. Confusion turned to anger, and anger turned to rage as everything dawned upon her. This woman just had the audacity to PUNCH her! The context of the stranger's words slipped through her fingers like quicksand, overshadowed by the surge of adrenaline pumping through her body.

"You-!" A thunderous bang resonated through the bar as her hands slammed into the ground, before she jumped up like a feral cat ready to claw her way through anyone standing in the way of her goal. The stranger already disappeared out of the bar's doors, but that did not deter Isabella from rushing after her. "Get back-!" She roared, hot on the heels of the stranger who had been brave enough to punch her, but cowardly enough to storm out right after.

Character sheet
Nickname: Isa
Age: 24
Birthday: 01 July, 1999
Occupation: Treasure Hunter, Actress
Sexuality: “Straight”
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Ruìsāng cherished few as friends, yet Isabella was among the treasured. She pierced through him adeptly than others, and while she couldn’t match the solace Alastor offered, she came tantalisingly close. He harboured a unique fondness for her, a sentiment rare in his guarded world.

A playful smirk played upon Ruìsāng's lips, an eyebrow arching in characteristic flair as he caught Isabella’s gaze. He was about to offer the usual banter when she blindsided him with a peculiar question about hiring him a bodyguard. Dismissing the idea with a fluid wave of his hand, he sighed. “I’d probably end up brawling with a bodyguard,” he admitted. The thought of someone dogging his every step was nothing short of irksome.

Isabella opened her mouth to say something, but the moment was hijacked by the unforeseen. A girl with sun-kissed skin burst in, locking eyes with Ruìsāng. He barely had time to fashion a greeting before she unleashed a sudden blow, striking Isabella squarely in the cheek. Ruìsāng's mouth fell agape, his eyes widening at the jarring spectacle, utterly flabbergasted.

He blinked, disoriented.

Whore? Ruins? Whose demons had Isabella awakened? And then, the moral quandary - should he retaliate against a woman? In his workplace? That path led straight to unemployment. By the time Ruìsāng's shock thawed, the assailant had vanished, leaving behind a stunned Isabella who managed just three incredulous words.

Maybe you need a bodyguard. What in the world did you do, Isa?

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Isabella d'Alessi
Messages : 11
IC Posts : 11

Isabella d'Alessi

Wavy brown hair cascading under a not-so-impressively-tall posture disappeared behind the bar's door, the assailant vanishing as swiftly as she had stormed in. Isabella jumped up, fuelled by adrenaline, but her legs faltered, unwilling to carry her any further than one step ahead. Like a drunkard losing their balance, she slammed into the bar counter, one hand tightly gripping onto the edge of the bar to ensure she wouldn't take another unfortunate tumble to the floor. So much for seeking justice and going after that witch.

A resonant groan, like thunder through the silence, escaped her lips once more, oblivious to the curious gazes now fixated on her and the murmurs that inevitably started to spread through the lounge as people caught up to the gossips before she could even say Ah. There were not many things that spread like wildfire - but gossip sure was one of them.

What had she done?

She reached up to touch the red skin on her cheek, shaking her head as she sucked in a sharp breath. Her face contorted in a frown, her memory too fuzzy, too blurry as she tried to remember even a tiny detail about what she had done. What HAD she done? No matter how relentlessly she tried to dig her memory, all it did was spark up an even fiercer headache.

”I .. can't remember,” She answered in defeat, a crack in her voice betraying the confusion laced with anger.

Character sheet
Nickname: Isa
Age: 24
Birthday: 01 July, 1999
Occupation: Treasure Hunter, Actress
Sexuality: “Straight”
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Ruìsāng, historically, was a vessel of anger. This ire had ingrained itself into his very being, tainting his speech and rising at the slightest provocation. Yet, in this instance, he found himself unusually mute, his gaze fixed on the girl’s retreating figure through the entrance. With Alastor, the reaction would have been instinctive, a swift surge to seize the perpetrator, indifferent to the consequences. But Isabella was different, not one to shy away from confrontation; she would typically strike back first.

However, she remained uncharacteristically still. And so their responses were in line, delayed and inadequate.

Murmurs swelled around them, the bystanders forming an invisible barrier, as if fearing the contagion of conflict. Ruìsāng’s ears picked up the growing whispers, the word ’cheater’ echoing recurrently. He observed divided opinions among the onlookers – some siding with the aggressor, others speculating on the implications. The flash of cameras followed, eager to capture the drama, only to be met with Ruìsāng’s fiery glare, compelling them to lower their devices.

Alright. Are you— okay? Let’s get you out of here for a bit,” he uttered, aware of the need to safeguard Isabella’s image. His preference was to usher her away, to offer some ice for her bruised cheek, and allow her the space to process whatever had just transpired.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Isabella d'Alessi
Messages : 11
IC Posts : 11

Isabella d'Alessi

Gently, her fingers brushed over her cheek, the cold touch a stark contrast against the aching pain shooting through her head. There was no doubt that, when her golden eyes snapped towards the door, she was heavily considering running after her assailant. On the streets, she’d show the stranger what she was truly made of - a d’Alessi through-and-through, who cared if the world called her a disgrace to her family. She was a product of her parents nonetheless.

But was it really worth the trouble it would cause?

Her knuckles had long since turned white from the tense grip she held onto the bar counter. Cheater. She heard someone mutter under her breath. Suddenly, she became very aware of the eyes curiously burning in her back, of - beyond the obvious gossip - the silence that had been cast over the bar as everyone watched the drama unfold before them. Not that there was much to see anymore, except for the fiery haired woman leaning over the bar counter as if she were to either do one of two things: faint from the punch or punch the first person who dared to say something to her very person. Either way, they were all eagerly waiting to capture the moment it happened.

Bunch of vultures.

His question momentarily snapped her out of her thoughts. Are you okay? ”Yeah, yeah,” she answered, finally rolling her shoulders back and straightening herself. ”Forget the bodyguard,” she continued as she angrily adjusted her tie, loosening it in the process. ”I would be better off buying that Yveltal wench some anger management classes, might save the next poor fucker from enduring her utterly pathetic temper.” She could already hear her mother in the back of her mind - watch your mouth, Isabella. Well. Fuck. That. She hoped someone had heard it, filmed it, and put it on Chatter for all the world to see.

”After you,” she said, agreeing that it might be best for her to get out of these spotlights. Her fingers tugged at the edge of her tie, wanting to pull the thing off entirely.

Character sheet
Nickname: Isa
Age: 24
Birthday: 01 July, 1999
Occupation: Treasure Hunter, Actress
Sexuality: “Straight”
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Dismissing the idea of a bodyguard, Isabella quipped about enrolling the Yveltal fury in anger management classes, sparing the next poor soul her wrath. Ruìsāng's lips pressed into a thin line, recognizing her humour as a shield against discomfort. He remained silent, respecting her coping mechanism. After all, he would likely have done the same in her shoes.

He gave a solemn nod and led the way to the back door, Isabella trailing along the opposite side of the bar. They navigated the bustling atmosphere of the bar, reaching the employee-only entrance. Ruìsāng unlocked it with his keycard, holding the door ajar for Isabella before following her in.

I’ll grab some ice for that. You're really in the dark about why she did that?” Ruìsāng inquired as he gestured for the Vulpix to vacate her spot on the couch, making room for Isabella. The creature darted under a table, disappearing from view. He then rummaged through the freezer, retrieving some ice. “Have you got any clue who that was?

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
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