

2 posters
luca d'alessi
Messages : 32
IC Posts : 12
luca d'alessi

It had been his own idea. Now he walked over the streets dressed in a light coat that was not made for this weather. It hung open, revealing the simple white shirt underneath. Taking large strides he went straight for his destination. Even on Christmas she did not bother to show up and because Luca knew where she could be, he offered to go look for her.

Luca opened the door to the Lunar Lounge and he looked around, searching for a certain someone. If he was not here, she would be neither. There he was. His breath got caught in his throat the moment he laid eyes on him. It was like this everytime. Brought forth by his hate for the man. Luca cleared his throat and rolled his shoulders back in order to straighten his back. He went straight for the bar and leaned on it with one arm, not even acknowledging the chairs. This would soon be over, so there was no reason for him to take a seat.

“Ruìsāng,” he called for the man behind the bar, giving him a look of disinterest. “Where is my sister?” His icy blue eyes were directed at him, seeing every move he made.

[ Voor Sang ]


Character sheet
Nickname: Luca
Age: 22
Occupation: Model
Sexuality: Lost in Narnia
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
If there was one thing Ruìsāng despised, it was working through Christmases. He only subjected himself to this ritual to evade the inevitable inquisition about why he no longer graced Alastor’s doorstep during the festive season. He held a deep affection for the boy’s mother, a stark contrast to his own, and yearned for even a modicum of her warmth. Yet, with Dae-ri’s looming presence, Ruìsāng knew better than to venture close. His life, already a tangled mess, didn’t need another painful reminder.

Adorned in his all-black attire, hair neatly tied back in a ponytail, Ruìsāng found himself leaning casually against the counter. His posture was a study in nonchalance, elbow propped up, face cradled in his hand. His gaze lifted, landing on the figure before him — undeniably alluring, if not for the perpetual scowl etched on his face.

Why? Perhaps sprawled across a stranger’s couch, who knows,” he murmured, his voice a low drawl, betraying nothing of the fact that the girl was sprawled out in a karaoke-room upstairs.

Or is it that you can’t bear the thought of a solitary Christmas? Imagine how exquisite you’d look, draped across my couch,” he continued, his red eyes leisurely trailing over the man’s form, appraising him as if he were savouring the very notion of it.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
luca d'alessi
Messages : 32
IC Posts : 12
luca d'alessi

Each time he came here he hoped Ruìsāng would for once behave. That was all he wanted. Yet at this point he knew better. That man had a filthy mouth and he was unable to take anything serious. Luce could not understand why Isabella even wanted to spend time with someone like him.

Disgust painted his face at the mental image it brought forth. “Unlike you, she has standards. So, where is she?” Luca looked around the place as he talked, knowing she might be trying to blend in somewhere. It would not be the first time. Nothing.

Out of the corners of his eyes he glared at Ruìsāng when he once more spoke up. “No we—” Luca started but Ruìsāng cut him off as he was not done talking. His eyes widened instantly and he tore his gaze away from the other by turning around. Now he was leaning with his back against the bar and he crossed his arms tightly over his chest. His nails dug deep into his coat. “How dare— no, get those disgusting thoughts out of your mind immediately.” Luca’s whole face had turned red by one single comment, which he tried to hide by simply not looking in Ruìsāng’s direction. He hated him so much.

Luca pushed himself away from the bar and walked further inside, his icy blue eyes going everywhere but in Ruìsāng’s direction. “Our parents expect her to be there during dinner,” he said, trying to direct the conversation back in the direction of why he was here. Yet his whole face was still flushed. That shameless bastard.


Character sheet
Nickname: Luca
Age: 22
Occupation: Model
Sexuality: Lost in Narnia
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
In stark contrast to Ruìsāng, Isabella was perceived as having higher standards, or so the young man before him implied. A smirk curled at the corner of Ruìsāng’s lips. “Oh, sweetheart, I have standards too. They just extend beyond mere wealth and social standing,” he retorted smoothly, his tone laced with a hint of amusement. He had little patience for those like this boy, so engrossed in their narrow worldviews and trivial pursuits. It was repellant, yet undeniably entertaining to toy with.

As the conversation unfolded, the boy spun around, an attempt to shield himself from Ruìsāng’s gaze. His words were a plea to banish the unsavoury thoughts Ruìsāng evoked, but Ruìsāng only hummed in response, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Oh, don’t fret. Such thoughts are bound to haunt your mind far longer,” he replied, his smile widening slyly.

When the topic shifted to the expectations surrounding Isabella’s attendance, Ruìsāng adopted an expression of feigned innocence. “Well, they do advise to anticipate the unexpected. It would be a pity if their disappointment mars your festivities, my dear. Is there anything else you need?” he inquired.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
luca d'alessi
Messages : 32
IC Posts : 12
luca d'alessi

While this was not one of Luca’s regular places to hang out, he was here from time to time. Each time it had something to do with Isabella, as there was nothing else here that he needed. Which is exactly why he was now talking to this man. “Stupid me, I keep forgetting, low standards are also standards,” Luca countered just as easily with a swift shrug. They were so low even an ant wouldn't notice them if they were right in front of them.

Ruìsāng managed in less than five minutes to remind him why Luca preferred to avoid this place. It was him. All because of him and his shameless behavior. Luca shot him a quick glance, his eyes narrowed angrily. The glint in the other’s eyes, combined with the easy smile and words coming out of his mouth made everything ten times worse. Immediately he averted his eyes again and crossed his arms tightly over his chest. “You wish,” he forced through gritted teeth. By now his face was on fire and he hated every moment of it.

Luca bit his cheek, trying to get control over his body again. They were just words, nothing to get worked up over. For a moment he wondered if his parents would even care if their daughter was not there. It was not like her presence would add much. If anything it was bound to end in disaster if she was there, Yet, she was family and had to be there. Finally he turned around again, walked towards the bar and sat down. “I’ll just wait here then.” There was still time left and she might show up eventually. “Perhaps you should start making yourself useful and get me something.” This was not the first time he did this, but maybe this time he would get what he wanted.


Character sheet
Nickname: Luca
Age: 22
Occupation: Model
Sexuality: Lost in Narnia
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
When Luca casually remarked that even low standards were still standards, Ruìsāng's response was a hollow smile, devoid of genuine amusement. “Yeah. You keep telling yourself that,” he shot back, his tone laced with a hint of sarcasm. In Ruìsāng's eyes, their perspectives on life couldn't be more different. Unlike Luca, who seemed to measure people by their economic worth, Ruìsāng prided himself on understanding the true meaning of the word 'personality'.

The banter continued with Ruìsāng teasing that the image of Luca naked on his couch would haunt Luca longer than he’d admit. Luca disagreed. Ruìsāng let out a soft chuckle, amused yet unswayed by the retort. “Don’t worry, darling. I won’t be spending these nights alone,” he quipped, a smooth reminder that Luca wouldn't be occupying his thoughts either.

As Luca settled himself at the bar, he demanded Ruìsāng make himself useful and fetch him a drink. Ruìsāng's eyebrow arched at the audacity of the request, a part of him itching to snap back with a sharp retort. Yet, he refrained, opting instead for a more playful approach. Leaning in, he invaded Luca’s personal space, the proximity intentional and charged. “Making myself useful how?” he asked, his voice a low murmur, eyes deliberately drifting to Luca’s lips. His expression was a mix of feigned innocence and underlying challenge.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
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