

2 posters
Iskander Asher
Messages : 22
IC Posts : 11
Iskander Asher
Sander loved the city; he has grown up with it. And no matter what happens in his life, he easily finds himself wandering the busy streets. The thing he loves the most about this place is that it is always busy. There is always something to do, something to see or someone to talk to. And being as social as he is, he can appreciate that. This day is no different than most, he’s simply walking around with no purpose in mind, only waiting for a purpose to find hím instead. When he finds it and when he feels satisfied with this desperate act for entertainment, he will go home. Their home, located in their family factory, isn’t far from it. It's just outside the city, but he can walk the distance without much trouble. It was one of his biggest motivations to actually get on his feet again after his accident; to be well enough to make such simple trips again. And look at him now!

Just as the young lad thinks that, his prosthetic freezes up. While his most expensive limb is a pretty piece of technology, it does have it’s flaws. And being easy to trip over it one of those flaws. He wasn’t paying attention to the road below and with the leg not being as mobile as one made by mother nature herself, he stumbles and trips, right up against someone’s back. Sucks for them, but great for him! It broke his fall and now he’s still upright, which is a huge win. Still, he did go at this poor bystander with his full bodyweight… "Ah, sorry for that, are you alright?"

+ First post reserved

Character sheet
Nickname: Arson | Sander
Age: 26 y/o
Birthday: 25 October
Occupation: Criminal
Sexuality: Graysexual Pansexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Time seemed to warp and twist for Ruìsāng, ever since he’d called in sick to work and school – a first for him. Mornings lost their urgency, yet sleep eluded him like a teasing shadow. He roamed under moonlit skies, jogging aimlessly, or found himself cooking dinner when the clock struck 2 PM. Everything was topsy-turvy, and he grappled with this new, nonsensical rhythm of life.

Seeking refuge in quieter corners of the world, Ruìsāng rarely needed to dodge the hustle of human traffic. So, it came as a jolt when a body collided into him, sending him teetering on the brink of a fall. As he steadied himself, a storm brewed within. His hand, wrapped in bandages, curled into a fist. There was an urge to unleash, to let the familiar fury erupt.

But, mastering the tempest inside, Ruìsāng quelled the urge to lash out.

His eyes, carrying a simmering ember of restrained irritation, locked onto the man. “You might want to give a heads-up before you bulldoze someone,” he mentioned.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Iskander Asher
Messages : 22
IC Posts : 11

Iskander Asher
Sander was incredibly social, and because of that he was very aware when his actions aren’t being appreciated. He quickly senses that the other is unhappy with him, and his keen eyes dart towards the fisted hands. Notably, even while very aware of this, he does not move away. The boy knows how to handle himself in a fight, even if he rather interacts in a more casual way. He has learned from his father to never back up, to always stand tall and see what the situation brings out. And his father has proven to be right once again, but instead of things escalating, the other in front of him settles down into irritation.

And irritation is something he could work with. He gives another apologetic smile, but one crossed with humor as well. After all, no one was hurt in the end and it did give him someone to talk to. “I will work on that. It wasn’t my intention to give you a bodyslam, but my leg froze up” Technology is great, but it does have its flaws. “Let me make it up to you, there is a pretty good bar around here. I’ll treat you to some lunch and a drink, my cost” In truth, he’s just curious to see if the other will take him up on this. He could just as well storm off instead, but it would be fun if he would be successful in turning this interaction around.

Character sheet
Nickname: Arson | Sander
Age: 26 y/o
Birthday: 25 October
Occupation: Criminal
Sexuality: Graysexual Pansexual
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