

2 posters
Iskander Asher
Messages : 22
IC Posts : 11

Iskander Asher

Sander finds himself slandering over the streets, late at night. He is tired, exhausted and not in the right mood. He wants to go home. He was out as a runner tonight with a few of his men, bringing the illegal wares to the buyers and collecting the money from them. Normally he wouldn’t join such quests, especially because running isn’t exactly his strong suit anymore. But even in general, such quests are considered too dangerous for a higher up in the company. Unfortunately, he found that he didn’t have much choice tonight. One of the runners fell out because of an injury, and the backup didn’t show. His father was in his office and he didn’t want to ask for help, even though the man would have gladly given it to him. He wants to prove himself! He wants to show that he is learning and that he can solve things on his own. But this solution wasn’t ideal.

They did succeed in what they set out to do. The items got delivered and he feels the weight of an envelope full of money resting on his chest. But the guy finds himself exhausted, tired and… humiliated. He didn’t like the type of responses he got, neither from his own men and the people they sold to. They probably didn’t recognize him, but still. He gives off a complaining sigh as he drops himself onto one of the benches in the city. He wants to go home, but home is a fair walk away still and he’s not feeling it. As he lays on the bench, his feet over the back and his head on the seating itself, he wonders if he should just go out tonight and make the best of it. Even if his appearance isn’t exactly party ready…  

+ First post reserved

Character sheet
Nickname: Arson | Sander
Age: 26 y/o
Birthday: 25 October
Occupation: Criminal
Sexuality: Graysexual Pansexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Faced by yet another sleepless night, Mingze had once again sought out the coldness of the night. Each time he clung to the idea that this would help, that he would fall asleep as soon as he returned to his bed. It had worked in the past, but not now, not anymore. He had left his pokémon home, safe for the one pokéball hidden in the inside pocket of his jacket. With him in arms reached he felt at least a bit safer.

In the distance he could hear cars as the city as still wide awake in some places, but it was mostly overshadowed by the rythmic tapping of his cane. During his nightly walks he always went for roads he was familiar with, which is how he knew a bench would arrive soon. It was not the first time he sat down at this exact spot.

His cane was the first to hit the bench, telling him were it was. Mingze went to sit down, placing his hand on the seat first before— that was not the hard surface of a bench underneat his hand. It was too soft. He moved his fingers a bit and quickly came to the realization that it was a face he was touching.

A loud cry escaped as Mingze quickly jumped up, turned around and backed away in one swift motion. "What the fuck," he cursed breathlessly as he stared in the general direction of the bench. This whole thing nearly made his heart jump out of his chest. Yet another few years of his life lost.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Iskander Asher
Messages : 22
IC Posts : 11

Iskander Asher

Sander was laying around, looking up at the sky as he pondered today and his problems. It was quite a true problem, wanting to go home but having absolutely no energy to walk all that way. Why did they have to live a walking distance away from the city? In a place without public transport? Though the idea of using a bus wasn’t calling to him either. Then again, who has even used one of those for the fun of it? He could try and text someone, to see if they were up for either going out tonight or perhaps allowing him to crash on their couch. That could be an option? In the worst scenario he could use Charm to try and find himself some poor bugger to drag along. Sure, he might attract the wrong type of people when you want to go out after only a few texts, but that would also make for an interesting experience. It could be worth the try, though his father would be disappointed if he found out.

Either way, it seems like the choice was made for him, as the weird people came to him instead. All of a sudden, he heard a little noise of the bench being hit, before he could properly look over to see what had done it, another type of moon blocks his view of the stars. And then he feels a hand on his face. A hand. On his face. His entire face. Thís was a new experience. He hears the other curse and as his face is released from this touch, he sits up right and bursts out laughing. Partly from actual amusement, but just as much from not knowing what else to do. “Wow. Alright, that was a first. Also a pleasure meeting you-” He chuckles a little further, but then he spots the cane, concluding the man to be blind. “I do normally want to get to know people a bit better before they sit down on me, I have to admit. Or for them to touch me like that. But I love your boldness” Sander is clearly teasing now as he pats on the bench next to him, as to let the other know by sound he made a spot free for him.

Character sheet
Nickname: Arson | Sander
Age: 26 y/o
Birthday: 25 October
Occupation: Criminal
Sexuality: Graysexual Pansexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Míngzé placed a hand on his chest, feeling his heart under his touch. His eyes were closed and his head slightly tilted back as he tried his best to calm down. This was definitely not what he expected would happen tonight. A red color had crept up his face caused by the shame that went through him. What if this was some homeless person who had nowhere else to go and he— Arcues. He hated this.  If only— no, he could not let his mind wander off to that place.

A laugh filled the silent nightly air. Which was a good reaction considering what almost happened. The other mentioned that this was a first and Míngzé let out an empty chuckle. “That makes two of us.” He’d made a lot of blunders in the past because he could not see that well, but this must be a highlight. Although, touching a boob of some naked girl was probably still a bit worse.

He heaved a deep breath and dropped his hand to finally face the other person. Even though he could not actually see him, he was almost ashamed to turn towards him. “Yeah I thought this would be a nice icebreaker, or something.” He forced one corner of his mouth into a smile. There was a sound and he knitted his brow together, but he did not accept the offer just yet as he did not want to make another blunder. “You know— I’m really sorry I did not know that— fuck. If I’d known this bench was occupied this wouldn’t have happened.” It reminded him back to that damned nightmare, where the only good part had been his working eyes.

Míngzé raised a hand to his face to rub through his eyes. An honest chuckle escaped. This was so stupid and clearly the other also recognized how ridiculous it was.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Iskander Asher
Messages : 22
IC Posts : 11

Iskander Asher

While he started this evening off feeling bad about the business interaction that had taken place, he now felt a whole lot of other emotions instead. He was just being dramatic, laying down on the bench and feeling sorry for himself. This whole situation wasn’t that bad of course, he has succeeded in what he had set out to do. But sometimes it helps to be theatrical about something to make you feel better about it. This stranger has made it so that he almost forgot about what had taken place earlier, and instead can only focus on the here and now. He still hears himself chuckle from both the situation and the response he is getting from the other. The poor man seems to be deeply embarrassed, flushing red and giving half hearted responses. And well, it makes it so Sander only finds it funnier. He is pretty easygoing and someone almost sitting down on his face is not going to upset him.

The supposed blind man finally faces him, and he can see his red cheek and awkward movements. But he does crack a joke! And so, Sander smiles, one that can be heard in his voice as he speaks. “Oh you sure broke the ice, you have my full attention now” He still teases the man, who has decided to keep standing instead of sitting down on the bench instead. All fine by him. “Hey, don’t be so hard on yourself. I bet it doesn’t happen very often that someone is laying down on a bench. And admit it, this did make the evening a whole lot more interesting than what you expected” That is how he sees it at least. But his smile grows bigger when the stranger finally shows some humor, and chuckles as well. He is sure to answer it with one of his own. “Well, it’s been a very surprising pleasure meeting you, even if by lapdance. I’m Sander. I think you deserve a name by the face” His tone gives away that he is still having a fun time with these comments. He’s an easy guy to amuse.

Character sheet
Nickname: Arson | Sander
Age: 26 y/o
Birthday: 25 October
Occupation: Criminal
Sexuality: Graysexual Pansexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

There was no way around this; it was awkward. In a day or two this would be something to look back at and laugh. Right now however he was all kinds of red as his whole face heated up. The poor person told him that it did not matter. “Yeah, can’t say this has ever happened before,” he agreed with a short smile. While blind person fails were not uncommon, this one definitely was one to remember and never tell a soul. An awkward laugh escaped. “Definitely, I went for a walk to clear my head, and, well, call my head cleared.” All troubles he had before had disappeared thanks to this little accident.

His head heated up even more when the other person called this a lap dance as a joke. Míngzé cleared his throat and for a moment looked the other way. “Some people shake hands when they first meet, others— well— yeah.” No matter how hard he tried to joke about it, he could not shake the shame that came with it.

A deep sigh rolled over his lips. “I’m Míngzé, Ming for short.” People often had trouble pronouncing his name right, that’s why he received that nickname at school a long long time ago. “So, what brings you here?” Míngzé asked as he decided to sit down next to the other person, this time with enough space between them. A casual conversation was all he needed to forget what just happened.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
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