
Sticks and stones

2 posters
Alastor Linden
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 109

Alastor LindenBlessed by ????
He had been silent the entire ride. From when he had started the engine, to him turning the car, to them leaving the area. His eyes focused on nothing in particular as he stared out of the window. A baren wasteland eventually made place for an old, broken road. And after even more driving, it would seem they had found their way back to actual civilization. As roads became more stable and the sense of dread lifted from his shoulder. Yet, he still couldn't share the sickening feeling within him.

Seeing the familiar sight of the city in the distance should have made him feel relieved, perhaps even happy, but he wasn't. His gaze remaining on the buildings as the weight of the ball in his pocket suddenly became oh so heavy. He shoved his hand in there, slowly wrapping his fingers around him. A silent apology crossed his mind. If only he had known. If only he could have done something. If only he had uphold his promise. He was a failure, perhaps even a monster.

Time seemed to go back in flashes and depending on his own mental state either extremely fast or extremely slow. But eventually they had arrived at Sang's place. The vehicle came to a halt, yet Alastor remained unchanged as he kept on staring out of the window. A minute or two and- "Oh- We're here," he said, as if he hadn't completely noticed until now. He blinked a few times, looked around with a rather confused look and- simply opened the door and left the car.

He put his hands in his pocket and remained near his friend as they went for the building. His focus seemingly to something in the distance. His mind wandered, until it slowed down. "Can we... Just get high and forget about this?" he asked the white haired man. His eyes slowly going towards him. A somber expression on his face. He clearly had no idea how to deal with this. And to be fair... Would anyone?

Character sheet
Nickname: Alas
Age: 23
Birthday: 06/09/2000
Occupation: Second year music student - Music producer
Sexuality: Homosexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Ruìsāng fought back the visceral urge to abandon everything and storm the mansion Alastor had mentioned. The thought of his best friend in such distress ignited a fury within him so intense, he felt it could rouse Yveltal from its slumber with its raw intensity.

Yet, he recognized this wasn’t the moment for reckoning. Alastor’s well-being had to be his priority. So, with a heart burdened by promises of retribution, Ruìsāng steered his car away from the fallen city. The oppressive hush in the vehicle was broken only by the rhythmic thudding of his heart and the faint creak of leather as his white-knuckled hands gripped the steering wheel, his jaw set in a tight line.

Upon arriving at his building, Ruìsāng inhaled deeply, the cool night air mingling with the faint city scents, steadying the storm within him. Anger clung to him with a suffocating embrace, nudging him towards rash action. But not today. Today, he would master it, locking it away for a time when its fire could be harnessed.

Walking beside Alastor, Ruìsāng’s silence was a protective veil, his words held back for fear they might cut too deeply. He sensed Alastor understood his rage was not meant for him – he always understood – yet that understanding was a fragile bridge he dared not strain. Above all, Ruìsāng sought to be what Alastor needed, desperate to hold his friend close.

When Alastor tentatively voiced a question, Ruìsāng responded with a shake of his head. Every fibre of his being urged him to demand answers, to shake the truth from Alastor, but he restrained himself as they ascended the stairs to his first-floor apartment.

We cannot,” he replied softly, yet with a firmness that left no room for avoidance. “If you don’t speak now, you may never. I can’t let that happen,” he added, his voice steady, tinged with a warmth meant to thaw the ice of fear.

Unlocking his apartment door, he gestured for Alastor to enter. Ruìsāng was resolute in his mission to shield Alastor. They would unravel the events of the day, no matter the time it took, ensuring that Alastor didn’t lose himself to the same darkness that Ruìsāng knew all too well.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Alastor Linden
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 109

Alastor LindenBlessed by ????
Trigger warning: throwing up

He remained close to his friend, but not yet daring enough to grab him. Not because he was scared of terrified of the blonde. No. Even if he was rough around the edges, Alastor knew that he was no threat. He only meant well and he had always been there for him no matter what. Through it all, Ruìsāng always remained. He didn't have many friends and even less people he could rely on. Well.. It was only really him.

When he asked if they could just get high, Sang shook his head. He averted his gaze a bit, before looking down at the ground. He didn't really want to be reminded of the horrors that have happened. The weight of the pokéball in his pocket a grim reminder of what kind of nightmares would haunt him from now on. He hoped that by numbing his mind with substances, he would eventually completely forget about it all. Erase it for good. It was the only way he saw fit in this scenario.

He followed his friend in silence, his gaze mostly averted to the ground as they went up the stairs. A familiar route he had taken plenty of times before. Yet, now it felt more like he was walking to his own execution. There was no promise of salvation in sight if the small gesture was to be believed.

He spoke and the smaller of the two looked at him for a moment. They couldn't. If he didn't speak now, he would never. He couldn't let that happen. Alastor's face turned pale at that statement. His pace hesitant as he came to a halt a few meters away from the apartment. The hallway in front of him spun and changed, and for a moment he could swear the walls were closing in on him.

He looked down at his hands, cold sweat breaking out as he shivered ever so slightly. The small man was clearly unwell. He didn't even notice that Ruìsāng was gesturing for him to come in. He felt like he could collapse in on himself at any second.

A wave of sickness washed over him, like it had done in the mansion. He lifted his hand and covered his mouth, black dots appearing in front of him as the air around him felt heavy. He didn't know how, but he moved. No, he ran, almost stumbling as he headed straight to the toilet. Opening the thing up and throwing up again. He fell to his knees almost instantly. His hands holding on for dear life as his body tried to force more out, but there was nothing to expel anymore.

After that he was heaving heavily. A trembling breath as nauseous feeling came in waves. He threw up a few times, nothing coming out, but forcing his body to collapse almost every time after. He wasn't doing well, that much was clear.

After a while he felt himself get steadier. He pushed back and sat on the ground, leaning back against the wall as he pulled up his legs. Feeling ashamed, disgusted and absolutely violated at the same time. He was tainted in a way that he could have never even imagined. He was a vile creature now, for sure.

Character sheet
Nickname: Alas
Age: 23
Birthday: 06/09/2000
Occupation: Second year music student - Music producer
Sexuality: Homosexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Urgency propelled the other forward. A fleeting moment of confusion crossed Ruìsāng's face, but the subsequent noise from the bathroom quickly explained the haste, prompting a resigned sigh from Ruìsāng. It was clear that whatever had transpired had been terrible, leaving its mark on his friend. Alastor had always been well composed, and witnessing him otherwise was not something Ruìsāng had anticipated or wished to see.

Shedding his coat and discarding his shoes, Ruìsāng moved to the kitchen with a sense of purpose, fetching a glass of water and preparing a bucket as a precautionary measure. With these in hand, he positioned the bucket near the couch, then approached Alastor with a mix of concern and determination. Gently kneeling beside him, Ruìsāng's expression softened.

Can you drink some water?” he offered, extending the glass towards Alastor with the hope of providing some relief. His instinct was to bombard him with inquiries, to dissect the events leading up to this moment, but he restrained himself. Now was not the time for an interrogation.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Alastor Linden
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 109

Alastor LindenBlessed by ????
To have been forced upon such an action, was one thing. But he hadn't even questioned it, had been the one to put it inside his body. He had been happily chatting with the girl, no second thought about mal intend or pain that could be inflected. His naivete the reason for such outcome. He didn't know if he could ever talk about this with anyone. If this was something he could even bring up at all. The world and the people in it, would hate him for it. Even if things like trickery were in place, he was the one to swallow it down in the end.

He looked up slowly when he heard Ruìsāng kneel down beside him. His eyes going to him with a gaze that seemed lost and confused, but most of all panicked by it all. He had held himself together pretty well, had managed to leave the mansion and the people inside it behind him. And yet, in his pocket he carried a heavy reminder of what had transpired within those walls. He could deny it all he wanted... The signs would still be there. Not yet realizing that it had even left a mark on his very soul, unaware of the shifting colours the world now held.

He nodded slowly, taking the glass from the blonde as he slowly sipped some of the water. The disgusting taste in his mouth was washed away because of it... And after a few careful sips, he was able to down the remains of the glass. The glass parted with his lips and he stared at the empty container for a moment. Seemingly lost in thought, but at the same time... One could tell there really was just one thing that remained in his mind.

"Thank you," he said softly to his friend, before looking at him again. He blinked a few times, unsure at what part of his face to look at. His eyes felt too judgemental, his lips too intense... The rest of his face too blank to hold his focus on. He swallowed, quickly looking down at his hands. What had he done?

"Sang I-" he stopped himself, feeling like he would be too loud if he continued. He closed his mouth, swallowing down the scream that was building up in the back of his throat. Cold sweat breaking out in the palm of his hands. He shivered. For a few seconds he remained like that, before finding the strength to let his lips part once more. "I don't know what to do," because really, he didn't. How did anyone respond to a matter like this?

Character sheet
Nickname: Alas
Age: 23
Birthday: 06/09/2000
Occupation: Second year music student - Music producer
Sexuality: Homosexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Ruìsāng's gaze lingered on the ground beneath them as Alastor sipped the water— a moment of silence. He fought the urge to lash out, to unleash the fury simmering within at anyone foolish enough to have crossed him. Yet, he restrained himself. This anger, he decided, would remain his own. The last thing he wanted was to instil further fear in Alastor.

When Alastor voiced his thanks, a gentle sigh escaped Ruìsāng's lips, his nod slow, heavy with unspoken thoughts. He remained silent, awaiting the next words, which when spoken, carved lines of concern across his brow. He felt ill-equipped for this role, the confidant. And yet, fate seemed adamant in casting him as such, repeatedly throwing him into the deep end of turmoil. Perhaps it was time to embrace this, to learn the art of being someone's anchor.

You've got to keep looking forward, make sure this never happens again,” he advised, his voice a mix of resignation and resolve, a soft shrug accompanying his words. Trauma was an old acquaintance, its shadow long and familiar. “Tell me what happened. Don't bury it,” he urged, his eyes narrowing, not in anger, but in a plea for honesty.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Alastor Linden
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 109

Alastor LindenBlessed by ????
It was nice to have someone with him, at least. He couldn't imagine facing the aftermath of this horror all by himself. He had done well by calling him... Of course he had... Who else would he have contacted. There was no one in his entire life he would have entrusted with... This. The fragility of his mind, his very being. There was only one that could be offered such trust.

He spoke, saying that he had to keep looking forward, make sure this never happened again. He shuddered at the mere thought of it occurring a second time. Or, even worse, it happening to someone else. He blinked rapidly as he gasped for air. He felt the room around him spin a bit at that idea. A shaky breath was taken. Imagine all the lives that had already gone... Imagine all the people she had already tricked in consuming such things. It terrified him even more then the reality of what had happened to him.

Tell him... He had been staring out in front of himself, but as he asked that... He slowly turned his head towards him. He looked at Ruìsāng with clear distress as the offer to bring up the trauma was made to him. Could he just... Do that...? He swallowed, hoping it would push away the feeling he had in his throat. It didn't. That tight feeling that was there, it remained.

"Please don't hate me," he pleaded the other as he lowered his head a bit. He felt a rush of emotions wash over him. He felt like crying, but no tears seemed to come. A slight pressing feeling, held up against him, and there was nothing that really came of it. "She didn't force me to... And yet I did I-" he shook his head, his mouth felt dry and the feeling he had pressing down on him, it only became worse. "I- I didn't know the food was- she was... That girl... She was the-" he couldn't get it fully over his lips as he kept looking at his friend. Trying to puzzle it together, or more or less put it as much together so that he could understand. But then again, could he, himself, fully understand what had transpired within those walls?

Character sheet
Nickname: Alas
Age: 23
Birthday: 06/09/2000
Occupation: Second year music student - Music producer
Sexuality: Homosexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Alastor's plea for Ruìsāng not to hate him halted the air between them. Ruìsāng's eyes widened, a flicker of disbelief shimmering through. “As if hating you was ever an option,” he countered, a gentle reminder. No matter the misstep, Ruìsāng's forgiveness was a given, a testament to Alastor's place in his heart.

Alastor's confession, however, tangled Ruìsāng in confusion. The story was fragmented — something about not being forced to yet doing it, food, and a girl's involvement. Alastor had partaken in something, that much Ruìsāng gathered, yet the problem eluded him. He sifted through Alastor's words, seeking clarity but finding none.

She was the…” Ruìsāng repeated softly, a prompt for Alastor to fill the gaps..

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Alastor Linden
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 109

Alastor LindenBlessed by ????
The feeling that had fallen upon him was a suffocating one. As if someone had grabbed him by the throat and pressed him down, forcing him to stop talking, stop breathing, even. And with every new breath of air it felt as if the next wouldn't follow. And yet, it did. His body moved, his lips parted and he spoke. Pleading and urging for some understanding, even if he had yet to give context to it all.

His friend assured him that the feelings he held inside of him, were just mere doom filled thoughts. Hating him... Sang couldn't hate him. Never before had it crossed his mind as well that the other could. So why now, out of all days, did he think that. He took a deep breath, a sharp pain spreading through his chest as he did, and he leaned back. He was fine now, wasn't he? There was nothing that could harm him here. He was safe...

His friend tried to weave the story together... And as Alastor slowly gathered himself through his breathing, he looked back up at him. Sorrow in his eyes. What a vile thing to even be talking about. And yet... He knew that if he had to speak of this, let it be with him. No-one else would lay down everything for him, would show an undying wish to understand what was happening.

"She was the meal," he said. His voice hoarse as he stared down at the floor. Pushing his legs more back as he laid his forehead against them. His lips felt dry... His throat burned and that choking feeling returned. What else was there to say...

Character sheet
Nickname: Alas
Age: 23
Birthday: 06/09/2000
Occupation: Second year music student - Music producer
Sexuality: Homosexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
As Ruìsāng processed Alastor's words, a familiar sense of confusion took hold, a sensation he was no stranger to, often finding himself pondering over phrases and their meanings. However, Alastor's casual mention of the girl being his ‘meal’ nudged Ruìsāng into a state of extreme confusion, his curiosity piqued as he leaned back, his gaze sharpening on his friend.

In his mind, Ruìsāng initially interpreted the comment through a metaphorical lens, suspecting Alastor was alluding to a regrettable sexual encounter, something not entirely unheard of. The notion of Alastor choosing Shadowfell of all places for such an intimate thing baffled Ruìsāng, especially considering his own advances had been denied in the past.

However, Alastor's previous choice of the word ‘food’ twisted the context into something much worse. His expression darkened, a mix of confusion and dawning horror.

She was the food? They—” he echoed, voice trailing off as he grappled with the implication. The leap from an expression of regret to the literal consumption was jarring. The idea that they were veering into the realm of actual cannibalism—a topic usually reserved for bad movies—was unthinkable. “Arceus, Alas…

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Alastor Linden
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 109

Alastor LindenBlessed by ????
It was a huge step for himself to even bring these words past his lips. Terrified of what could happen once the world actually knew what had happened and what he had done. He had committed one of the most unspeakable and disgusting acts a human could commit to. And even though he could hush his mind that he hadn't know, it still stirred within him that he had enjoyed the meal until he knew what it actually was. What did that tell about himself...?

It took a little while, but eventually Sang spoke. The first few words seemed one of confusion and the dark haired boy lifted his gaze to look at him. His mouth felt dry as the nerves were eating away at him. The pressure on his chest and throat didn't lift, not even with this devastating secret off his shoulders. He knew, in a way, that if he didn't get it he would have to justify what he had meant. He didn't know if he was capable to even do that.

But then he spoke once more as he realized what it was actually about. His dark eyes went to the ground as he wrapped his arms slowly around his legs in a way to comfort himself. What kind of response had he expected...? First off was horror and disgust for what had happened, but that didn't seem to be the case. Yet, the reality of the situation left him troubled, as he didn't know what to do now.

So, he gathered his strength. One deep breath as he looked back at Sang. Eyes that seemed laced with deep trouble and clear disorientation. What... Now? "I didn't know," he whispered as he stared up at the other. "I saw what she looked like... She was still alive... And... And I almost ended up like her too," he swallowed and closed his eyes for a second as he gathered himself. "Despite that... She... Because of her I made it out," He shivered as he felt tears well up in his eyes. Yet, he didn't want to cry... So he pushed them back. A sharp breath left his mouth. "She was so young... How... Why..." A shaking voice, trembling with clear concern and pain for the loss of life he knew had taken place. Even if he hadn't remained to see the finished product, he wasn't stupid... And he could put one and one together. She was dead... And he now had to live with that thought. Forever.

Character sheet
Nickname: Alas
Age: 23
Birthday: 06/09/2000
Occupation: Second year music student - Music producer
Sexuality: Homosexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Caught off guard by the magnitude of Alastor's ordeal, Ruìsāng was struck with a chilling realisation far beyond anything he could have anticipated. The absence of laughter, the grave tone in Alastor's voice as he recounted the events, laid a heavy weight upon Ruìsāng's heart. Hearing how Alastor had witnessed the fate of the girl he'd consumed, and how close he came to sharing a similar destiny, clenched Ruìsāng's jaw tight with tension.

She helped you,” Ruìsāng pieced together, finding a sliver of solace in the grim narrative. “Listen, Alas, you’ll pull through this. It’s not on you—you couldn’t have known,” he offered in reassurance, though the fragments of Alastor's story left a haunting echo. With a gentle sigh, Ruìsāng extended a hand, hesitating only momentarily, ready to withdraw should his touch be unwelcome on Alastor's shoulder.

I won’t let them harm anyone else, understood?” he vowed, his voice carrying a firm promise. In Ruìsāng's mind, he was already plotting retribution, determined to ensure that the perpetrators would confront a terror far surpassing their own misdeeds.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Alastor Linden
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 109

Alastor LindenBlessed by ????
He was able to bring himself to say it. To mention the horrors he had faced and the disgusting acts he had done without even knowing it. He had even brought up what could have become of him if it weren't for the real victim in this situation. He tried to swallow away the sickening nerves and tension, but there was seemingly nothing he could do to make himself feel better. Then again... What kind of person would be after such an encounter?

His friend started to put the puzzle together... And slowly, he raised his gaze so he could meet his eyes. Words were said to him to comfort him and affirmation that he had done no wrong, in a way, was also brought into the mix. He had his own thoughts about it, but as he looked at Sang he slowly started to nod. Perhaps he was right... But it would take time for him to move on from this.

A vow was made and Alastor stared at his friend in almost disbelief. After a few seconds his face shifted to a frown, his lips parting ever so slightly. "Okay..." he said softly, before letting the silence settle in between them. Any gesture the other did towards him wasn't denied and so also the hand that was placed on his shoulder.

He looked at the floor again, seemingly lost in thought, before he looked back up at him. "Just... Be careful if you do," He knew that once Sang had his mind set on something, it was nearly impossible to get him out of that mindset. "I don't want you to get hurt... Or worse," worry laced his voice as he looked at his friend, clear concern in his eyes. Although weak and not the smartest around, he still wanted to keep his best friend safe. He only wanted the best for him, he had already been through enough.

Character sheet
Nickname: Alas
Age: 23
Birthday: 06/09/2000
Occupation: Second year music student - Music producer
Sexuality: Homosexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
In response to Ruìsāng’s words, Alastor offered no resistance, his plea merely for Ruìsāng’s caution—to safeguard himself from harm, or something even graver. Ruìsāng harboured a response, an acknowledgment of having already encountered the depths of something worse, yet he chose silence over sharing this burden, sparing Alastor additional worry. He offered a simple, earnest vow in return. “I promise.” It was an agreement that he would not broach the subject of his actions further. Their mutual understanding was clear: such incidents would not be repeated.

What can I do to help?” Ruìsāng then inquired. Whether Alastor sought solitude, an escape from confrontation by staying here, resting, or even getting high, Ruìsāng was prepared to accommodate. Their conversation had reached its end, both acutely aware that no words or actions could alter their present circumstances.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
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