
Heart of the heat

2 posters
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron

Maybe if she held the thought that this wouldn't be her year, it wouldn't be such a dissapointment when that actually became true. Because she wasn't doing too good to begin with.
She had no job, no income, and the end of her savings came in sight. She had enough for three, maybe four months, at most. As if that wasn't enough, her rent had gone up, and she simply didn't know where to look for that light at the end of the tunnel.

But, on the upperhand, she had Duster back. Kaye had surprised her at the Bonfire last night, where she had given him back to her. She had no idea the woman would be there. Duster however, seemed to have became a handfull - and it was painfully abvious that Djodie lacked the experience to properly guide him.

Djodie streched her body as she climbed out of her bed - the headache making itself known to her, as evidence she had a bit much to drink at the Bonfire last night.
She was intending to get a coffee in the city, with Duster, but one look at the dog and she knew it would be fine to keep him here.
So she showered, put her hair up and as she opened the door while swinging on her coat - she was stopped in her tracks.
There was a small box at her doorstep, her name written on a small note attached to it. Curiously, Djodie picked it up and turned back inside.

As she opened the note, her heart skipped a beat as she immediatly recognised that lipstick. Djodie let two fingers linger over it, before putting the note down, and opening the box.
There was a necklace, with a color in it that was exactly the same as her hair. A smile found its way to her face, already forgetting the disappointment she had felt last night, as Kaye had to leave at once.
The girl put the necklace around her neck, put on her coat and walked to the city heart.

Being fired, she had to find other places to get her coffee, as she didn't want to face her ex-colleagues. Luckily she knew a few places. Djodie entered one of the smaller cafe's, ordered a Chai Tea and walked over to the tables.
She smiled as she noticed a familiar face.
"Kieran, hi!"

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
The biting cold seeped into Kieran’s bones, each step a test of endurance as pain wound its way deep into his muscles. Leaning heavily on his cane, the rhythmic tap against the floor echoed his frustration, the longing for ease that seemed perpetually out of reach, even years after the partial mending of his spine.

Upon stepping into the cafe, a wave of warmth enveloped him, chasing away the chill. The rich aroma of coffee intertwined with sweet vanilla filled the air, a sensory embrace that coaxed a sigh of relief from his lips. He loosened his scarf, savouring the newfound freedom to breathe unencumbered. His cane’s tap against the tiled floor was softer here, less insistent, as he approached the counter. Despite the downward tug at the corner of his mouth, a testament to his discomfort, he persisted. He ordered a hot chocolate and a warm sandwich. Gratefully, he accepted the employee’s assistance to his table.

Settled with his breakfast, Kieran absently scrolled through messages from old friends, his mind adrift. The unexpected sound of a familiar voice cut through his reverie. His magenta eyes snapped up, widening in surprise. A brief furrow of confusion creased his brow before his expression softened into a warm, welcoming smile.

Djodie, hi. Come, sit,” he beckoned, gesturing to the seat across from him. His chuckle was light, tinged with genuine amusement. “I didn’t expect to run into you here,” he said, his smile broadening.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron

She had gotten a small bagel from one of the bakeries down the street. She often did this: get her drink in one place, and her food at the next. Why eat food you didn't really like? As Kieran invited her to come sit with him, she took a sip of her chai and sat down.
A soft chuckle came from her mouth a he explained he didn't expect to see her here. "No, I-" she started, quickly contemplating her words. "Sometimes I need some other surroundings, you know." it was a better explaination then 'I was fired' It would set the tone for a possible conversation so much thicker. They barely knew each other and Djodie didn't want to feel like a burden again.

She took a bite from her bagel and focussed on the boy. "How have you been doing?" She hadn't seen him at the bonfire. Or - it might have been possible that she hadn't noticed if he had been there because she had been... otherwise occupied.

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
The girl’s response struck Kieran as peculiar. His brows lifted in mild surprise, but he quickly transitioned into a warm, understanding smile. It seemed that while she was kind, she might have her thoughts drifting among the clouds.

I’ve been well,” Kieran replied, his smile genuine. While life in the city hadn't unfolded exactly as he had envisioned, his statement wasn't devoid of truth. The city, with all its intensity and challenges, hadn't dampened his spirit. He had no regrets about the move, despite the mix of experiences, some less favourable than others.

The city is… overwhelming at times, isn’t it? I’m a bit disappointed I missed the bonfire,” he shared candidly, pausing to take a sip of his drink. He had harboured hopes of witnessing the event.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron

She could see from the look in his eyes that he noticed her different choice of words. Lucky for her he didn't press on it. He smiled warmly and told her he'd been well. Djodie nodded as he started to talk again.

Overwhelming. Well yes, she knew all about that. Ah, so he indeed had not been to the bonfire. "That's too bad. I wasn't sure if I had just missed you, or if you hadn't come. It was a bit crowded." she chuckled. "A bit too crowded for my liking aswell." She had spend some time on her own in a much quieter corner. Sometimes she couldn't handle that much people around her.

"But don't beat yourself up over it! I'm sure there will be more events like that. Bonfires are more of a summer thing, right." Djodie smiled, wrapped her fingers around her mug and took a sip. Even if there weren't bonfire's planned, surely he could find something else.

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
As the girl remarked on the crowdedness of the event, Kieran offered a soft, contemplative hum. He had scrolled through images of it on Chatter, where the scenes didn't seem particularly overwhelming. Perhaps she was someone who preferred more intimate gatherings. “Really?” he echoed, a note of surprise in his tone. “I was with family, so I didn’t get to go,” he added.

When she suggested that bonfires were more typical of summer, Kieran let out a gentle chuckle, his smile widening. “Are they? I always thought the fire’s warmth was part of the winter charm,” he mused. In his mind, he pictured the ideal winter scene: cosy blankets, steaming cups of hot chocolate, the crackling fire, and the sky illuminated by fireworks, all celebrating the year's end. He shrugged lightly, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. “Maybe next year I’ll experience it. It sounds nice,” he said, allowing himself to envision enjoying such a moment in the future.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron
His surprised tone did not go unnoticed by Djodie. For a moment she felt a bit attacked by it, for she had the feeling she judged her for feeling overwhelmed that night. But, ofcourse, how could he know that it hadn't been the amount of people that had her overwhelmed.
"I hope you still had a good time?"

At his question about bonfires being more of a winter thing, Djodie smiled. "Maybe it depends on what you're used to. I grew up with lots of bonfires at summer nights. Roasting marshmallows, or breadsticks. I don't know, I always think of summer whenever I hear about a bonfire." she explained.
Maybe Kieran was simply more of a winter person. Djodie herself loved the summer, being born during one always caused her the best period of birthdays as a kid. Plus, she could handle heat more easily than cold.
[I want you, I need you, oh God]

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kieran Merlotte
Messages : 208
IC Posts : 171

Kieran Merlotte
Kieran's response was accompanied by a genuine nod, his eyes reflecting a mix of fondness and gratitude. “Yeah, my family is incredible. I'm really lucky to have them,” he said warmly. His tone carried an undertone of appreciation, despite the occasional overprotectiveness of his mother. In his heart, Kieran understood her fears. After all, she had faced the prospect of losing her son, only to grapple with the changes in his life afterward. The thought of being a burden to his family had crossed his mind more than once in the wake of his accident.

Djodie's remark about bonfires being a summer tradition drew a soft chuckle from Kieran. “Oh, we always had them around New Year's too. Imagine lots of people huddled together around a fire on a crisp winter night – it’s incredibly cozy,” he elaborated with a light laugh, his words painting a picture of communal warmth against the winter chill. “But a summer bonfire sounds wonderful. I hope I get to experience that someday,” he added, his expression brightening at the thought.

Shifting the focus of their conversation, Kieran inquired, “And how about you? How have you been lately? Any new year’s resolutions?

Character sheet
Nickname: Kier
Age: 21
Birthday: Sept 2
Occupation: tales & brews owner
Sexuality: Gay
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron
Kieran went on about the winter bonfire's and painted quite a clear image through his words. Djodie had to admit that the New Year's bonfire had it's charms for sure. It was simply something she wasn't used to. It usually took her a while to get used to new things.

Shifting the conversation towards her again, he asked how she had been. Djodie chuckled, took a sip from her chai again to quickly go over her answer. Maybe she could be a bit more honest. She hadn't really talked about her situation or what she wanted to do now. It could help getting some insights for another party.
"Well, I, uh." she started. "I have done better, really. I've lost my job just before the new year. I don't really know what to do know. What I want to do." Djodie sighed and took a few sips.
[I want you, I need you, oh God]

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
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