
Apartment of dreams

2 posters
Sebastian Sallow
Messages : 201
IC Posts : 142
Sebastian Sallow

This should do, for now. Sebastian had lived here for a couple of weeks now, but still his rooms stood full of boxes that he still needed to sort through and give place. He simply didn't got the time yet. Or the motivation. Maybe a little bit of both. He simply had other priorities.

A bag with groceries stood on his kitchen table, and multiple papersheets with articles layed around it. The grocery bag containted cold goods - if he didn't quickly put them in the fridge, he could buy all that again tomorrow.
But Sabastian sat down on one of the chairs, his head leaning on one hand, as his eyes raced over the pages. There had to be something, right?

After some time the boy sighed, got up, quickly threw the groceries in the fridge and left his apartment, and nearly walked into someone. Wasn't that? He should introduce himself. Get to know some people.
"Hi - sorry. My name is Sebastian, I just moved here." He immeadiatly had planted a smile on his face, nothing about thay earlier worry showed anymore. No one would know, not untill he would break.


Character sheet
Nickname: Seb, Bas
Age: 23
Birthday: 31 oktober
Occupation: Student
Sexuality: Bisexual (closeted)
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

There was one thing he really missed about Qiān and that was how easy he had been. Not anymore, but he had been a very laid back pokémon. These two were totally different. Míngzé had broken his neck a few times already because the two smaller pokémon were running after one another. No matter how often he told them to watch out, they did not seem to listen.

“Yes, yes, easy now,” Míngzé said loudly to his pokémon. With some effort he managed to grab his coat and cane while Dai and Wěi ran around his feet. Míngzé missed the good old days, when he didn’t need to leave his apartment each day. But with these two monsters he had no other option.

Míngzé let out a sigh of relief when he was able to pull the door close behind him. All he had to do now was lock his door and— someone walked into him, causing him to nearly lose his footing but the doorknob saved him. Dai started barking instantly, mixed with some loud growls while Wěi found refuge behind the Houndour. These two were really giving him a headache.

“It’s fine,” Míngzé replied with a deep sigh as he finally managed to close his door. He raised an eyebrow when he turned towards the stranger who was apparently named Sebastian. “Míngzé, nice meeting you. You live on this floor too?” The apartment next to his had been empty, perhaps this guy moved in there. His voice however was barely audible over the heavy barking. “Dai, shut it,” Míngzé said, his voice irritated, but it did not help at all.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Sebastian Sallow
Messages : 201
IC Posts : 142
Sebastian Sallow

His colliding with the man, caused the other to nearly fall over. Sebastian's face tightened, but luckily the man regained his balance. Sebastian now faced the barking Pokémon - it had a color he had never seen before - and a shiny eevee that had tried to hide itself behind he Houndour.
The man, which Sebastian was glad he didn't cause to fall over - was holding a cane. Was he blind? Maybe he had a poor vision.

Just as Sebastian apologised and introduced himself, the man introduced himself as Míngzé. He asked Seb if he lived on this floor, but before he could answer, the Houndour started barking again. Míngzé told it to shut it, his voice growing irritated. As it went quiet, Sebastian focussed back on the man.
"Míngzé," he repeated. "Likewise. Yes, I actually - I moved in next to you a few days earlier." He couldn't help but have his attention drawn to the Pokémon again. He had Pokémon back at home, but he hadn't taken them with him when he moved to Cerynia.

"They're quite a handfull it seems?" Sebastian laughed genuinely, to show the other he meant no disrespect.

Character sheet
Nickname: Seb, Bas
Age: 23
Birthday: 31 oktober
Occupation: Student
Sexuality: Bisexual (closeted)
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

The man told him he moved into the apartment next to his. Mingze did not even know until now that the place was empty before, but only hummed silently.

No matter how often he said it, the houndour did not listen and kept growling at the man who was apperantly his new neighbour. "Yeah, he does not like strangers very much," Mingze sighed as he rubbed his eyes for a moment. He was not used to pokémon that did not listen to him and he has never even trained one himself. "If he´s ever being too loud, just knock on my door. Normally he behaves quite well when we´re inside." Last thing he wanted was to cause troubles with his new neighbour. As they were talking, Dai had finally fallen silent. For now.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
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