
[bonfire] hold back the night

2 posters
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Through the apartment window, the warm glow of the bonfire outside cast dancing shadows across the room, its flames leaping skyward against the darkening evening. The distant sound of laughter and singing filtered in, a harmonic blend of joy and celebration from the gathering outside. Ruìsāng, while more accustomed to bars and clubs, found this festivity somewhat foreign. It was too intimate, too personal – a stark contrast to his usual haunts. Yet, inviting Vince to join him felt right, though terrifyingly domestic.

Their time together had taken some unexpected turns. From the plan of a simple shared meal, they had progressed to Vince being a constant presence in his home, and more significantly, in his bed. The decision to extend Vince's stay, especially after the attack, had been instinctive – a protective impulse. Despite the emotional ups and downs, he harboured no regrets about inviting Vince into his home. The companionship had been a welcome change, offering a sense of home to an otherwise empty place.

Tonight, Ruìsāng was determined to see Vince enjoy himself, to cast aside the shadows of recent events and bask in the moment. During dinner, he had crafted cocktails to set a light, celebratory mood, selecting bottles he’d brought from work. With the dishes tidied away, the evening was ripe for them to join the bonfire, not too long before the communal countdown to the New Year.

Approaching Vince from behind, Ruìsāng enveloped him in a gentle embrace. He pressed a soft kiss against the nape of Vince's neck, feeling a smirk play upon his lips. “Ready to head out, Bǎobèi?” he whispered against his skin.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406

Vince Newman
After the past events, going out with company had been the last thing on his mind. Still a bit shaky from his previous encounter with strangers, Vince had found the time to actually get his ingredients and be able to bake the signature cookies from his home region. Sadly, he couldn’t find a good enough cookie cutter, so they had to imagine the Eevee shape for now. Making it his personal goal to find a cookie cutter and remake the cookies, like they are supposed to look like. Now, time was short and while the wounds he had sustained from the attack were healing, the mark behind his ear had been itching a lot. It was a good sign, a sign that it was healing, but it was annoying him, reminded him what was back there and the fact that he couldn’t see it made it only worse.

It had never been his intention to stay this long, when he had basically invited himself to go to the Christmas market, a trip that never happened in the end, he hadn’t seen himself stay for the days after. Now, he wasn’t one to complain, being around Sang was wonderful, and he could most definitely get used to sharing the bed. Finding himself smile thinking about how he somehow ended up with such an adorable man. Countless people had warned him to be careful, that he trusted to easily, that people would take advantage of him. Some might have said that he was walking into a trap with Sang, but he was glad that he never listened to anyone. That he was making his own path, his own destiny.

Vince hummed when a kiss got pressed in the nape of his neck, a playful shiver down his spine. ”Almost.” He said, the tip of his tongue while he concentrated on what he was doing. The cookies had been ready for some time now, neatly stacked and ready to be delivered. But Vince wasn’t one for sitting still, so he had raided Sang’s kitchen and, while he only had to buy one different ingredient, found everything he needed for yet another cultural speciality from home. Knowing that right now, the topic of his home region was not a joyous one, he still wanted to have some of his culture with him today. ”There.” He said, placing the last of the buns on a plate, turning around with a smile. ”Baozi.” He showed the plate to Sang with a smile, his head slightly tilted to the right. ”Lotus seed paste buns.”
+ Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Ruìsāng found himself wrapped in a domesticity he had never envisioned for himself. Standing there, embracing Vince from behind while the latter busied himself with the final touches on his New Year’s preparations. This closeness was a concept Ruìsāng had long considered beyond his reach. He felt a stir of something — but he quickly shied away from these thoughts, unprepared to confront their implications.

Vince's announcement of his Lotus seed paste buns, pulled Ruìsāng's attention back to the present. He leaned in, curiosity piqued, to sneak a peek at the buns without loosening his embrace. “Oh. They look delicious,” Ruìsāng murmured appreciatively, his voice a soft hum against Vince's ear. He planted a gentle kiss on Vince's skin, a tender gesture that lingered briefly before he stepped back, albeit with some reluctance. He was keenly aware that if they lingered much longer, they might miss the celebration entirely — a repetition of a pattern they'd fallen into before.

Do you need me to carry anything?” Ruìsāng offered, his posture relaxing into an easy stance, his smile genuine and light. He was thankful for Lìeyàn's earlier assistance with transporting the bottles, her strength a unique advantage in preparing for the evening.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406

Vince Newman
He could get used to this, most certainly. He had always been a family man, being used to having his family all around him all the time and providing for them when he had the possibility. The moment he had been separated from his family back home, he had done the same with his foster family. If you could even call them that. He just wanted to have people around him, someone he could take care of, even with something as simple as baking cookies and making steam buns.

Leaning into he embrace he got from Sang, he hummed cheerfully. Granted yet another kiss made him smile. He wanted to turn around, return the favour, but there was a plate in the way. So he had to steal a kiss on a later moment, something he was certain would happen. He carefully placed everything on two plates, wondering how he was getting everything to the bonfire. He might have gone overboard a bit with the sweets. Oops. ”Remind me to write down the recipe for you, it’s surprisingly easy to make. Family recipe.” He chuckled softly. He wasn’t afraid of sharing Taeyang family secrets, not with Sang at least. His family already brought a sour taste to both of them, so sharing more information could only be useful. And Vince couldn’t care less, his father had brought this upon himself.

”If you’re careful, you can carry the cookies. I’ll take the buns.” His golden eyes lingering on the bandages that were still wrapped around Sang’s body. Now, both of them were wounded, although his were less substantial than whatever it was that the man was still hiding underneath the white cloths. ”Let’s go.” He said with a smile, placing a quick kiss on Sang’s lips, before walking to the front door.
+ Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Vince's mention of recipes brought a warm smile to Ruìsāng's face. He nodded in agreement, fully intent on honouring that request. “Sure. We’ll explore some of your recipes,” he promised. The idea of delving into Vince's culinary heritage, recreating the flavours of his home, was appealing. With his culinary skills, he was more than prepared to bring those dishes to life. He looked forward to a time after the New Year’s celebrations when they could unwind and start working on that.

Accustomed to taking care of himself, Ruìsāng was momentarily taken aback by Vince's gentle concern. A soft chuckle escaped him as Vince’s gaze lingered on his bandages. “I am fine. It’s mostly healed,” he reassured Vince. The bandages were as much a concealment as they were a protection – a way to shield the deeper scars from concern or scrutiny. Ruìsāng preferred to bear these marks privately, sparing Vince any unnecessary worry.

The brief, affectionate kiss Vince placed on his lips elicited a contented hum from Ruìsāng, who playfully pouted as Vince pulled away too soon. He watched Vince head towards the front door, then followed, picking up the plate with ease.

Stepping out the door, the vibrant cacophony of the celebration immediately enveloped them. The sharp, distinct scent of the bonfire filled the air, mingling with the sounds of laughter, music, and chatter.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406

Vince Newman
”Keeping you to that.” He laughed. While he loved the cooking that Sang did the past few days, he was glad that he was just a little bit better in the baking aspect. So that he finally had something that he could surprise Sang with, if he was leaving for whatever reason again. Coming back to a house filled with amazing smells from cakes or cookies was the best, in his opinion at least.

”I know that, still wont stop me from worrying about you.” He said with a playful, yet worried, smile on his face. These days they had been worried about each other, Sang probably a bit more about him than vice versa. He had stopped asking about the bandages, he knew the general thing about them, but Sang still wouldn’t show him what that hag had done to him. And he respected that, even if it made him feel icky every time he saw it. As if something evil was forming there and it was responding to him, in one way or another.

He stuck his tongue out to Sang when he pulled away from the kiss, loving the pouting face. It had been so much easier being this… this together lately. As if every last doubt had disappeared after that night. He looked over his shoulder, to see Sang catching up to him rather quickly.

The moment they stepped outside and the sounds of laughter, music and chatter surrounded him, he couldn’t help but smile. It had been so long since he had been to such a big gathering, that he had almost forgotten how it felt. He walked up to the place where he could place the buns and cookies, waiting for Sang to arrive after him. Looking around to see if he could find some familiar faces.
+ Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
In the kitchen, Ruìsāng’s expertise leaned more towards savoury rather than sweet. He had mastered the fundamental skills, yet baking was not his forte. This culinary divide created a perfect partnership between him and Vince. Vince's baking complemented Ruìsāng’s cooking beautifully, and Ruìsāng looked forward to sampling Vince’s baked goods. Conversely, he was eager to share his own passion for cooking with Vince, planning to teach him.

When Vince expressed his worries, a warmth unfurled in Ruìsāng’s chest, unexpected but not unwelcome. “I know,” he responded, his voice tender, a soft smile gracing his lips. “Thank you.” There was a comfort in Vince’s balanced approach to expressing concern – it was caring without being overbearing. It was a reassurance of care that didn't feel constricting or suffocating.

Exiting the apartment, they descended the staircase and soon found themselves amidst the lively atmosphere of the bonfire. The area was abuzz with groups of friends and couples gathered around the fire, their laughter and conversations mingling with the crackling flames. Blankets were strewn around, adding to the cosy ambiance. As they approached a table, Ruìsāng carefully set down the plate, his gaze scanning the crowd. Recognizing familiar faces, he contemplated how to navigate the evening with Vince. It was a crossroads of sorts – a choice between maintaining a platonic front or opening up to potential inquiries about their relationship, to which he had no answers yet.

In that moment, Ruìsāng decided to lean into the uncertainty of what lay ahead. He playfully snatched one of Vince’s cookies and a bottle of tequila, his grin teasing and impish. “Wanna sit by the fire?” he suggested, nodding towards an inviting, empty log near the warmth of the flames.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406

Vince Newman
Only smiling when Sang thanked him. He couldn't bare losing the man, nor see him hurt because was as stubborn as a Mudbray. But he let him carry the plate, as a token that he trusted his judgement.

Once they were outside, he took a deep breath. It felt good to be surrounded by people again, with all the events that happened in the past few weeks, this was welcomed change. And to be able to enjoy it with Sang, that was just the cherry on top. He walked after him, placing the plates in between the rest of the foods and drinks that other people had brought in. Wanting to try new things, other things, his curiosity let him to look around. He had seen some people that he recognized, but he didn't really want to mingle with them right now.

So, when Sang asked him to sit closer to the fire, he happily obliged. "Yes, please." He answered, hesitating to place a hand on his lower back. Vince bit his lip, decided against it and just followed the man towards the log. The fire tried to reach out to him, embers falling before his feet. He was never as fascinated with fire as that Kayn had been, which wasn't strange considering his affinity with the element. Still, he could feel some connection with it. Fire brough life, but it could as easily destroy it. Looking at the flames licking the air, he sat down, almost losing himself in the sight of the fire.
+ Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
The bonfire, with its lively, communal spirit, had never been Ruìsāng’s preferred setting. The joviality felt foreign to him, too steeped in a domestic happiness he had never known. Yet, as he settled onto one of the logs by the fire this time, Vince by his side, Ruìsāng found the atmosphere less alien than he had anticipated.

With the orange glow of the flames flickering in his peripheral vision, Ruìsāng bit into his cookie, holding it between his teeth while he expertly uncapped the bottle of tequila. After taking a satisfying bite, he lowered the bottle onto his lap, savouring the taste. “This is good,” he declared, a genuine grin breaking through. In a playful gesture, he held the cookie up to Vince’s lips, pressing it gently against them. “Try this,” he urged, his smirk softening into a smile. The cookies, while Vince had probably taste-tested them over and over, would taste better in the bonfire’s glow.

Turning his attention further towards Vince, Ruìsāng’s expression shifted to one of concern. “Are you alright?” he asked, his tone carrying a note of genuine worry. After taking a hearty swig of tequila, he offered the bottle to Vince, his eyebrows raised in a mix of curiosity and concern. “If it’s too much, we can head back any time. No pressure,” he reassured, ready to abandon the celebration for a quieter, more intimate setting indoors. Ruìsāng wanted Vince to feel comfortable, even if it meant going back.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406

Vince Newman
He didn't know why the fire had such an effect on him. Maybe it was the pull from something within him that kept him staring at it. He had made a vow to protect pokémons and humans alike. Fire could be a protective sort, but it was mostly use as a destructive force. It clashed with what he was standing for, yet is fascinated him beyond believe.

He blinked a few times before he noticed that San was pressing one of his own cookies against his lips. Slowly returning to reality, he took the cookie, taking a bite from it and winched. "Could've used a bit more seasoning." He mutters the critique to himself before focussing on the man sitting next to him. He noticed the worry flickering through his eyes, asking if he was alright and if he wanted to go if it was too much for him. He knew what he was talking about. Vince still hadn't recovered fully from the attack, his was still a bit jumpy and easily distracted, which as noticeable with the fire just now. He shook his head. "I'm alright, just daydreaming." He said with a smile, before taking the bottle Tequila from him and setting it to his lips. After taking a swig he gave the bottle back, wiping his mouth with the sleeve of his jacket. The innate want to cuddle up against Sang, but he pushed it back, keeping just a smidge of distance between the two. Wondering if this was the right time and place to show affection.
+ Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Ruìsāng's brow furrowed in concern as he noticed Vince wince after tasting his own cookie, followed by a quiet, self-critical mutter. Leaning back, Ruìsāng gently shook his head, a soft reassurance in his tone. “They’re good. Don’t be so hard on yourself,” he urged Vince. This wasn’t just about cookies – Ruìsāng had seen Vince unfairly blame himself for things beyond his control, and it pained him.

Noticing Vince’s distant look, Ruìsāng suggested they could head back if the other was uncomfortable. However, Vince quickly dispelled his concerns, attributing his distant demeanour to mere daydreaming. Though still slightly worried, Ruìsāng gave a nod of understanding. He reclaimed the tequila bottle after Vince’s sip, resolving internally to make this night a memorable one. He wanted Vince to end the year on a high note, to start the new one with positivity. It was a goal he was determined to achieve.

With a playful grin, Ruìsāng shifted closer to Vince, the warmth of the bonfire flickering across their faces. “Let’s play a little game, alright? An easy one, I promise,” he said. “Twenty-one questions. Anything goes. From cute to spicy,” he added with a wink. “You can skip any question – you’ll just have to take a drink as a penalty,” he explained, punctuating his words with another swig of tequila. He hoped the game would lighten the mood.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406

Vince Newman
Sang told him that they were good and Vince breath a sigh of relieve. He could not entirely agree with the other man's opinion, but he was glad that he at least liked them. However, he was too harsh on himself, he could beat himself up for the smallest of things that went wrong. He nodded with a smile, before grabbing some of snacks of his own, before following Sang to the fire.

Although he would blame it on his constant daydreaming, Vince couldn't shake of the feeling of the fire when he looked into it. He had seen enough paranormal things to not believe in it, yet he couldn't dispel his appeal to the element, which wasn't normally for him. Shaking himself out of the thoughts, he grabbed the bottle from Sang's hand and took a swig. Letting the alcohol go through his body and warm him up from the inside out. Muddling his senses might be better, before he would get overwhelmed again, it might also stop him from overthinking everything he was doing here.

So, when Sang moved closer to him, he hesitated before wrapping his arm around the man. Hoping that the glow of the fire would hide the blush on his face. Vince looked up when Sang proposed a game, twenty-one questions. He had heard of it, he had seen people play it. He never played it himself. Still, he nodded. "Sure, sounds fun." Knowing fully well that he was going to get objected to every spicy question in Sang's arsenal. "You start." He told him. Let's see what he had in mind for him.
+ Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Surprise flickered across Ruìsāng's face as an arm was wrapped around him, but it quickly morphed into an amused smirk. This was a dynamic he was familiar with, one he could navigate with ease. Physical touch had always been a more straightforward language for him than words – simple, instinctive, without the need for overthinking. He observed Vince taking a swig. With a soft chuckle, Ruìsāng mirrored the action, taking the bottle and drinking.

Alright,” Ruìsāng agreed, a note of playfulness in his voice as Vince indicated it was his turn first. He already had an idea tucked away for later – a plan for when the bustling atmosphere would, hopefully, become too much for Vince. But for now, he was content to engage in the lighter, more jovial part of the evening.

Let’s begin with something simple. What's your New Year's resolution?” he inquired.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406

Vince Newman
Half he expected the man to move away when he wrapped his arm around him. Uncertain about how he would feel about it, but maybe that was just his overthinking mind. The stigma about... all this was way less then he was used to. He didn't even dare to think about what his father would say if he saw them sitting like this. Closing his eyes for a moment to stop thinking about it, he smiled when Sang took the bottle from him.

He might have made a mistake to let Sang go first with this, he suspected any kind of filthy question to be thrown his way, getting him drunk before the hour was out. But the first question was ... surprisingly light. Vince hummed softly, thinking about it for a moment. Torn between two answers, he decided on one that was more focused on himself. "Breaking through," he chuckled. "Maybe releasing a single. At least accomplish something in the music world." He had the feeling that Sang wouldn't be happy with that answer, but he couldn't get himself to say that, yet. "Biggest fear?" His golden eyes focused on him. He saw Sang as a man with little fears, but there had to be something that rattled him, besides the obvious, the one that they wouldn't speak about. Even if there was no bedroom in sight.
+ Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

Ruìsāng listened intently as Vince shared his New Year’s resolution to make a mark in the music world. “I’ll keep you up to that,” he said. A smile then curved his lips. “If you’re ever in need of a gig, just say the word. I can set something up,” he offered. He knew all too well the opportunities that the Lunar Lounge could provide – where affluence met ambition, and where emerging talents often caught the eye of influential patrons.

With Vince inquiring about Ruìsāng's greatest fear, there was a contemplative hum from him. He could have offered a frivolous response – something about bugs, perhaps. But they were here to bridge the gap between them, to move beyond surface-level exchanges. Ruìsāng chose honesty. “Losing those I hold dear,” he admitted. Then, lightening the mood, he added, “And yes, bugs. Spiders, also,” he said with a solemn nod, a hint of humour in his eyes.

What was your first impression of me?” he inquired. He was aware of Vince's later perceptions, but he was intrigued to know what had gone through Vince's mind during their initial encounter.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406

Vince Newman
Vince hummed when Sang told him to give him a heads up if he wanted to play a gig. That actually wasn't even a bad idea. He just had to make that step, be less critical about his own work and just.. well, own it. He had some plans for the coming days, picking up an old hobby again, making use of that if he wanted to continue on in the music world. The past few weeks, months, had made it difficult for him to focus on that. So much had changed, mostly for the better, that he had to push it down a bit.

He could feel his heart leap when Sang told him that he was afraid of losing someone he held dear, but chuckled when a 'bugs' answer followed. "Ah yes, bugs are horrible." He laughed, he could agree on that. He wanted to say something, to return it, but he bit his tongue and kept quiet. Not yet.

His face was the representation of the  [bonfire] hold back the night 1f62f-emote when Sang asked  him what his first impression was of the man. He laughed behind his hand. "You posed as just the barman, so a bit intimidating, with your work attire and all. But cute, nonetheless. Might be the white and red hair." Vince stopped for a moment, thinking about what would be an appropriate question to ask. "What's one thing people struggle to understand about you?"
+ Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Bugs had always been an inexplicable source of fear for Ruìsāng. Their multitude of legs, their excessive eyes — it was all too much. He much preferred the company of normal Pokémon, like his Mawile, despite her formidable jaw and the strength to wreak havoc. Somehow, her presence was reassuring compared to Alastor’s minuscule yet terrifying spider.

Vince's comment about Ruìsāng in his work attire being intimidating caught him off guard, prompting a surprised blink. He touched his hair reflexively when Vince mentioned he was cute, a note of confusion in his gesture. Maybe it was the hair, the other added. “Intimidating, really?” he queried, feigning a pout.

When asked about what people struggled to understand about him, Ruìsāng found himself humming thoughtfully. With a knowing smile, he responded, “People often find most things about me hard to understand.” He added, “I’ve gotten pretty good at using humour to deflect and keep people from getting too close.” Left unspoken was the fact that Vince had managed to pierce through that veil, to understand more of him than most.

Now, your turn. What’s the boldest thing you’ve ever done?

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
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