
[M] A Monster Only You Can't See

2 posters
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406

Vince Newman
It had been some time, since he dared to get out on the streets on his own. Well, not entirely on his own, as he had two pokémon besides him. Still, the fear of getting attacked again still clung to him, making him jumpy around every corner and suspicious about every person they came across. Bulsin seemed to be content with getting some fresh air, shaking out his merle coloured fur coat, creating a small plume of fire when he yawned and stretched his body. The Mawile on his other side, however, was less thrilled with getting out. Keeping her eyes strictly on him, making sure that he was alright and not in yet another scenario of danger.

Vince himself, had his hands deep in his pockets and half his face hidden behind a scarf, as today was absolutely freezing. He had set his hope on snow, but the weather seemed to only wanting to freeze everything to death. Shivering a bit, he turned a corner, wondering where to he wanted to walk. Well, he had an idea. There had been something stuck in his mind for the past couple of days, especially now in the New Year. Something with the "New Year, New Me" vibes. And with a little help from the internet, he had found just the store he wanted to visit.

The moment he noticed the neon sign of the store, he breathed out, letting go of the breath that he had been holding subconsciously. He had made it, he would be safe here. The moment he was inside, nothing could hurt him. Reaching out to the door, Vince stopped. Bulsin hissed and Lìeyàn braced herself. Slowly, the green haired man turned around, to only see a glimpse of a pokémon before his world went tipsy turvy.

After a moment, which seemed like a full five minutes, his stomach stopped turning, just before his world seemed to stop spinning. Something around him had changed, as the world felt deafeningly silent. Pressing his hands against his ears, he looked around. Missing both his pokémon, which let panic surge through his body. Was it happening again? Had they found him this soon again? Grabbing his phone, ready to dial Sang's number, he noticed that he had no service. Everything was dead. Starting to hyperventilate, Vince looked around, panic getting the better of him, as he slowly sat down on the pavement.

A sound made him look up, his eyes grew bigger when he noticed the symbol hanging in the air. The same as that was carved behind his air. Tears burning behind his eyes, he placed is hands over his eyes. "절망적으로) 왜... 왜 이런 일을 하는 거야?" He spoke, in a broken voice, when he looked up to the symbol again. "왜 나를 그냥 내버려두지 않을 수 없어? 나는 영원히 당신 곁으로 돌아가지 않을 거야." Only now he noticed the three figures standing behind the burning symbol. Two of which he recognized from the last time, the third one was new. He could see another symbol, a gang tattoo, on the man's neck, yet he didn't recognize it from back home. "넌 누구야? 왜 나한테 이러는 거야?" Not getting an answer, the three men jumped forward.

Shadows enveloped him, the feeling of ropes around his wrists. He wanted to scream, but something blocked his mouth. Panic washes over him. He couldn't so anything, wiggling didn't make a damn difference here. The only thing he could do was wait, see where they would take him.

From the darkness a voice sounded, one eerily the same as that of his father. "넌 언제나 내게서 도망칠 수 없어, 난 항상 널 찾아내겠어." The voice boomed, forcing him to the ground. Even if he hadn't been tied down, he felt the compelling to bow before his elder. Fuck, he hated how much sway his father still had over him. Vince wanted to react, but the cloth in his mouth prevented him from doing anything. A searing pain behind his ear made him wince, on the other side from last time. Looking down, for as far as possible for him, he noticed the symbol gliding over his body, leaving imprints where ever it lingered for longer then a second.

In an instance, it was gone. Vince found himself on  the ground, his wrists hurt as if there had indeed been rope tied around them. Looking around, there had been nobody, but he could hear sounds of a battle? Or at least people screaming at each other from around the corner. Still, he didn't dare to take a look. He just sat his trembling body down on the pavement, breathing deep, trying not to cry once again while searching his arms, legs and torso for any trace of the symbol, besides the already existing one now hurting behind his ear.


So, this whole ordeal was an illusion. If Kaye is seeing this, or most of it, it starts with Vince just staring into empty space, not moving. Towards the end, he gets grabbed, gagged and tied up in rope. You can decide when she jumps in. As long as it is after the tying down. Also, if she notices the pokémon doing this to him, it's a Mismagius. There are three attackers, two from the last
time, one new guy.

- Why... Why are you doing this?
- Why can't you just leave me alone, I will never return to your side
- Who are you? Why do you keep doing this to me?
- You can never run away from me, I'll always find you
+ Kaye Mercer

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
Kaye had just left to meet with one of her contact on the edge of town. She still had her phone in her pocket as she exited the building and made a turn to enter an alleyway, deciding to take a little time of her route by cutting through the buildings. It was quiet around her as this part of town wasn’t lively  at this hour. Her steps were even as she glanced at her phone to confirm the address she had received. She had just dialed the number and held her phone to her ear, when she saw it. Three men surrounding a boy. Restraining him. They just cut off the ropes when she had turned the corner, but her footfalls had alerted them as they all turned around and eyes her. Kaye shoved her phone casually in her pocket as she zeroed in on two of the three men. Familiar faces who still bore the almost healed up wounds her crew had inflicted them. Next to the boy, who leaned against the building and appeared to be in a dazed state, stood a Flareon- and  to Kaye’s surprise, Ruisang’s Mawile. She recognized the look on the boy’s face and felt bitter venom on her tongue when she faced the men who were now advancing on her. “Round two then? I suppose I should teach your new friend some manners, too.” Kaye began to move backwards, luring them closer into the alleyway so the boy was out of their reach and their view. Every hair on edge as she began to formulate a plan that did not involve her being overpowered by three enemies. She was at a grave disadvantage.

The three men sneered at her, unaware of the two pokémon that had moved behind them and advanced on them.

Kaye had faced Ruisang and his Mawile many times before in battle and knew how the creature operated. Which means by now she was intimately aware of her moveset. She made eye contact with Lìeyàn, gave a curt nod and screamed the first command that came to her. The fangs of her maw began to darken as swirls of dark energy radiated from them and spilled from in between her still closed teeth. It opened like Kaye had seen it do many times before and by the time it closed around the arm of the unprepared man, unaware of the pokémon behind him and taken off guard completely, a sickening crunch echoed through the dark night.

Kaye gave them no time to recover as the man’s shrieks broke through the night. Bishop his pokéball was taken out with practiced speed and soon enough the hisuian typhlosion materialized, the flames around his neck burning up with excitement as he engulfed himself in a fiery cloak. The intensity of the heat felt painful on her skin standing in this close proximity, but Kaye did not back away. “Get them.” was her only command. Since they had not learned their lesson last time, what else was there left to do but burn them until their skin would have turned into blackened leather.

Bishop, ever too excited to burn weak fools to a crisp (a command his master regrettably never gave), threw his head back and howled into the night. Kaye did step back this time as the flames around him danced, formed a wall and blew through the alleyway like a wave of fire. The man with the severed arm was the first to go. He had stumbled backwards and fallen to the ground when Lìeyàn had severed his arm. The flesh hung loose as blood spilled around him at a sickening pace. He simply wasn’t fast enough to act, his shrieks turned into a mix between a howl and a screech as the flames engulfed him. The smell of burning flesh, protruding and vile, reached Kaye’s nose. Perhaps worst of all .. it reminded her of barbecued beef.

The smell was so intense it almost made her retch, but she had to keep focus because the two other men were far from done. The Mismagius fired bursts of multicolored rays towards Bishop that made Kaye feel a bit nauseous if she stared at it too long. Once more she screamed a command, this time followed up by another two directed at the Flareon and Lìeyàn. The other man decided that his comrade was beyond help and let out his own pokémon to attempt to assist. Though Kaye knew that they would not want to keep on going for longer. They were foreigners. Here to do one thing and she had just completely ruined their plans. With their fellow member defeated it was time to bounce. ( Defeated, or dead, rather, as his skin was a screaming red blotchy mess, the texture reminiscent of pizza topping and quite literally peeling off. Pizza, yet another food item Kaye would not be consuming for the foreseeable future).

Bishop shook his head wildly, letting out a cry as he squeezed his eyes shut and pressed his claws against his head. The headache that seared through his brain feeling like someone was yamming an ice pick between his eyes. The Flareon took on the Jolteon the last member had send out. Kaye screamed command after command with no real knowledge if the Flareon even possessed an such attack power, let alone listen to her. The tricolored pokémon seemed most occupied with keeping an eye on his trainer while also trying to fight off the attackers. Lìeyàn followed her commands with ease however and managed to keep the Mismagius enough at bay that Bishop could intervene. It wasn’t easy and with each passing minute, Kaye thought it would be a minute too long as she still did not know the state of the boy around the corner. Together they eventually managed to push the men back enough that they decided to make a run for it. Leaving their fallen companion behind.
“Leave them.” she yelled after her typhlosion. The creature had spurted after them with a wild look in his eyes, no doubt intending to also burn them to a crisp. He turned around with bared teeth. His usual, lazy demeanor nowhere to be found. “Keep an eye out why I handle  this. No fucking funny business.” she snapped at her Typhlosion, the tension in her voice evidence that he’d better not fuck around while she was tending to the boy.

Kaye briskly walked towards the exit of the alleyway, passing the man who had stopped convulsing on the ground and now lay silent, save for the occasional moan that could be heard. She turned the corner and saw him. Her eyes had not betrayed her, as if the presence of the Mawile had not been enough of an indication. The green haired boy looked vaguely familiar to her now. She did not know his name, but knew who he belonged to. Ruisang. She had seen them together at the bonfire.

Kaye kneeled on one knee in front of him as she made a quiet assessment. ”Are you with me?” was her first question. Asked with aloofness in her voice, yet her eyes were focused sharply on him. She was glad the burned man was out of view, for she was not sure the boy could handle the sight of him, if his thousand yard stare was any indication to go by. Now that she could take a good look at him she could see that he was young. Barely twenty, she thought. She was unable to discern any evident physical harm at first glance. His mental trauma would more than make up for that though. “I’m gonna take you back home to Ruisang. Can you walk?” was the next question. Coddling could come later, and really, that would be Ruisang’s job.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406

Vince Newman
A thousand year stare, that was probably the best to describe what Vince had been doing. Not only did he get his mind scrambled, they also tied him up and actively tried to abduct the boy. He didn't even notice the fight that was going on around him. He felt the heat of the flames, but they didn't snap him out of whatever state he had been in since he heard his father scream in his head. The mixture of emotions swirling around inside him made him feel nauseous. Vince had always been a peace loving kid, the whole reason why his father was doing this. But now he felt fear, terror combined with shame. A shame because he was yet again not strong enough to fight back. There also lingered anger, anger at his father who was taking these drastic actions to get him back. No. Not to take him back. To wipe him out of existence. It was a weird mix of emotions and he wasn't dealing with it very well.

Vince hadn't even notice that he had started shaking, that there was someone kneeling before him. His golden eyes were dull and dark, as if he was in an entire different space. The question if he was there reached him, but didn't connect. He only nodded, slowly, weary. Within his muddled mind he recognized the woman before him, he had seen her at the bonfire. But that was all he knew, all that his mind allowed him to recollect.

Ruisang. The name made him look up, a spark of hope filling his golden eyes. Yes, please. He wanted to go home, he wanted to leave this place. But it also hurt him. If they attack him for being.. him. Then what would they do if they found out about Sang. He only nodded when asked if he could walk. His wrists hurt and he felt a massive headache creep up on him, but besides that he was fine. Physically, that is. Mentally he was everything but fine. Slowly, he stood up, his legs almost instantly giving out underneath him, but he caught himself in time. Without a word, he gestured his pokémon to come to him, hoping that the Mawile would listen. He just wanted to go home.
+ Kaye Mercer

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
A few moments of silence passed as the questions began to sink in. Kaye almost saw it happening in front of her eyes. The boy nodded and she was glad for that, for she did not feel like carrying his sorry ass all the way back to the vehicle Though, admittedly, if the need had to arise she would. For Ruisang. He managed to get back on his feet, stumbling a little and almost collapsing back on the floor. Kaye’s hands automatically reached out, but he seemed to manage it himself. She whistled for Bishop and signaled him with a shake of her head to go ahead, ready to blast whoever came too close. “Here, follow me.” Kaye instructed, turning him away towards the other alley so he did not see the scorched remains of one of his attackers.

Leading him out with some urgency, though making sure the pace was doable for the boy’s shaky legs, Kaye kept her ears and eyes pricked. One hand settled on his back to ensure that she could reach out in time if his legs were to give out. Scanning every shadow, corner and movement with observant eyes. Bishop’s hairs were raised and his fire was still blazing, indicating he too was still on edge and burning with adrenaline from the fight. Jesus fucking christ what a mess. She thought. Utterly displeased with the entire ordeal. What if this all came back to her? Clearly she had been dealing with big shots who were out of her league. The kind of big shots she had dealt with in the past and she had worked so hard to stay away from. Fucking Ruisang. I am going to kill him. Kaye though through gritted teeth.

The SUV was parked around the bend. Bishop stopped at the corner of the street, eyes scanning the area. Kaye led the green haired boy towards the vehicle and opened the passenger door. She leaned past him to reach for the glove compartment and swiftly take out the firearm she had stored there. “Take a seat, kid. Deep breaths.” she murmured when she moved back and looked down at his pale face. She held the car door open for him, waiting patiently until he had gotten in, then opened the back door for Ruisang’s Mawile to enter.

Kaye's eyes never stopped scanning the empty streets.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406

Vince Newman
The words barely got through to him, but he managed to follow the woman to whatever. Only half registering that she might have saved him, but that didn't mean that he was actually safe. She could basically do with him whatever she wanted and he couldn't even comprehend what was going on. Not that he wanted to think about that, he didn't want to think about anything right now. There was just darkness all around him, only filling with the voice of his father screaming at him, over and over again.

He followed her, however, as she guided him through alleys and streets. He didn't know to where, but she had spoken the name of Sang and that was his one part of reality that he could cling to right now. Knowing that he somehow would end up home, where he would be save. So when she stopped in front of a cat and opened a door for him, he just let himself slide inside, not even registering what she had just taken out. The feeling of nausea was still there, but the world was spinning slower. His still noticed the marking burning wherever he looked, as if it was burned in his eyesight. Only disappearing if he looked around fast enough, something that didn't help with how sick he was feeling. A door opened behind him and he noticed the Mawile stepping into the car, with Bulsin following soon after. The Flareon sticking his nose to the front, letting out a soft bark, before retreating to the seat and taking place.

His eyes stared out of the front window, without seeing anything actually. He felt trapped in his mind still and he hoped that it would help once they were at home. He could use a good night's rest at this moment, and a sick bucket.  
+ Kaye Mercer

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
Kaye shut the door behind Vince with a determined thud, the sound muffled by the heavy rain that had started to fall. She quickly moved towards the opposite side of the car, her eyes scanning the dimly lit surroundings frantically. The air inside the vehicle was tense as she slid into the driver's seat, a subtle sense of urgency pushing her actions.

She placed the gun in the cup holders strategically, ensuring it was within easy reach if the need to draw it arose. The engine roared to life as Kaye started the car, the soft hum drowned out by the rain tapping rhythmically against the roof. Her gaze occasionally flickered towards the boy seated next to her, Vince, whose skin had taken on an alarming pallid green hue.

Better open the window a little so he could lean out if he needed. It wasn’t her car but she’d rather not drive it back to Marcus reeking like vomit.

Kaye contemplated giving Ruisang a call she was coming but decided against it. Streetlights passed them by, casting light over the car every few seconds as rain began to patter against the roof. What a fucking mess. She thought. “If you need to hurl, lean out, please. This aint my car,” Kaye said curtly, noting that the car that had trailed behind her for a while had taken a right turn. Good, she wasn’t being followed. Yet. “Am I going to have to use this?” she then asked Vince, finger tapping the gun pointedly. She had a good aim. But driving while shooting was never a good sight. Attracted too much attention.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
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