
a shard of light

2 posters
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
For Ruìsāng, the saying about blood sticking to one's hands felt simplistic. In his experience, the stain of blood extended far beyond the hands. It seemed to seep into his very being, leaving invisible traces on his arms, its metallic taste lingering on his tongue. He hadn't ended that man's life, and the monster he had faced might not have even been alive in the true sense when he struck it down. Yet, the memories clung to him, vivid and unrelenting.

These weren't nightmares that haunted him in his sleep; they were stark, wakeful recollections that surged to the forefront when he was alone, or when he looked at Vince. Sometimes, he found himself wishing Vince would just run away. It would be easier, safer. But the boy stayed, and Ruìsāng grappled with why.

Today, the weight of his thoughts proved too much, driving Ruìsāng to seek solace in Viktor's company. There, he could lose himself in conversation and alcohol, avoiding the labyrinth of his own mind. Viktor's presence was a balm, especially now that Ruìsāng's mother was gone. He could finally admit, with less guilt, that Viktor had been more of a parent to him than his own mother ever was. This realisation brought an unexpected clarity about his lack of grief for her.

Upon entering the store, Ruìsāng found himself face-to-face with his witchy, almost-sister – a relationship he had neglected in recent weeks. Confronting this, he acknowledged internally that perhaps she deserved more than his avoidance. So, breaking the pattern, he met her gaze. Then, he smiled, and said, “Hi.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Simura von Sylverstern
Messages : 491
IC Posts : 399
Simura von Sylverstern
Soft rays of sunlight illuminated the shop, casting it in a gentle light. Though it was already past her 'usual' opening hours, Simmy found herself to be enjoying this time of day the most. Especially now that the colder season had made its entrance, she found comfort in the warm, orange hued rays that would enter her shop, and turn it into this wonderful dreamy paradise.

The young shopkeeper was seated in the huge, leather arm chair she had popped up into the shop window, bathing in said sunlight. It turned her hair a whimsical orange. Currently, her nose was buried deep within some book about ancient hisuian culture. She nudged the Zorua snoring soundly on her lap, hoping to show her the regional variant she apparently had in the ancient past. Rune, however, was vast asleep. Simmy chuckled and found herself wishing she could doze off too, gently swayed by the rhythmic breathing of her pokémon and the gentle warmth of the winter sun on her skin. Unfortunately, sleep didn't come as easy anymore lately. Besides, she had some serious catching up to do if she wanted to pass this course.

The familiar sound of her door unlocking made her prick her ears. Immediately, Rune jolted awake and jumped off her lap, rushing towards the front door. Rune's excited yipping told her it was someone familiar and eased some of her tension, as it wasn't one of Vik's clients.  Slightly confused, Simmy strained her neck to see who came in. She knew it wasn't Viky, and logically, she should have figured it was Sang. After all, he was one of the few people with an actual key to this place. Still, his appearance took her by susprise. Their eyes met and Simmy froze, blinking at him in surprise. A short silence lingered between them, before she threw her book down and stood up.

Wordlessly, she hurried over, wrapped her arms around him tightly, and didn't let go.

Character sheet
Nickname: Simmy, Sim
Age: 24
Birthday: 24-11
Occupation: Student (Cultural Anthropology) & Witch
Sexuality: fuck around and find out :)
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
For Ruìsāng, the art of becoming invisible had been a necessity, a survival skill honed during his years in foster care and honed further when evading the ever-watchful eyes of child protective services. Since awakening to his dark affinity, this ability had only amplified. He could glide through a room, his presence as unnoticed as a shadow slipping beneath the door.

But in this moment, as he stood before the girl, he allowed himself a rare deviation. A faint smile touched his lips. He braced himself for any reaction – a rebuke, perhaps, or a storm of questions. Instead, her response was unexpected and disarming. She closed the distance between them in swift strides, before enveloping him in an embrace.

Ruìsāng's breath hitched in his chest, his body rigid with surprise. “Sims,” he managed to murmur, his voice barely a whisper. As the initial shock ebbed away, he tentatively returned the embrace, his arms encircling her with a cautious gentleness. His jaw clenched tightly, a silent battle against the tears threatening to break through his stoic facade. Ruìsāng realised that perhaps, he too had been needing this.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Simura von Sylverstern
Messages : 491
IC Posts : 399
Simura von Sylverstern
She felt tears fighting to break free behind her eyelids, and she shut them even tighter. She knew how strange this must be for him, and knew she would not be able to explain it in any way that made sense. Still, she kept her hands wrapped around him, allowing herself that comfort. His chest against her did everything to soothe her heart, but nothing to easy her mind. His embrace, his familiair smell, his presence in itself - it should have been a comfort. At it was, it really was. But suddenly, something about him felt different, as if his very touch made dark tendrils crawl along her spine. It was only there for an instant, before disappearing, but left her feeling weird. Something had happened to him. She was sure about that now. Something bad, and she had been nowhere near.

He answered her embrace with one of his own. The strain in his body did not go unnoticed. In any other moment she would've wished to stay in that moment forever, but whatever it was that had washed over her, she simply couldn't shake it. It made her feel like running. Simmy let go, putting her hands behind her back to hide their slight shaking. "Sorry, sorry, too much, I know," she muttered, a bit flustered. "I'm- I-..." her eyes found his, and she felt guilty to be relieved they were still the same. Maybe she was making things up. She must be. It was just Sang, the boy she'd grown to like so much in her time here. "I haven't seen you in a while. I-, I missed you," she blurted out the truth. "Are you alright?"

Character sheet
Nickname: Simmy, Sim
Age: 24
Birthday: 24-11
Occupation: Student (Cultural Anthropology) & Witch
Sexuality: fuck around and find out :)
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Ruìsāng studied Simura with a contemplative gaze, noting a peculiar shift in her demeanour that piqued his curiosity. It was as if something unspoken lingered behind her reactions, puzzling him. He considered the possibility that she might have been informed by Viktor, perhaps under the impression that the recent loss had taken a significant toll on him. It was a reasonable assumption, given that Simura had never crossed paths with his mother and was likely projecting a depth of grief she assumed he'd be experiencing.

I appreciate your concern, Sims,” he offered. “But really, I've braced myself for this for quite some time. I’m managing,” he confided, attempting to dispel her worries with a semblance of resilience. The reality, that his mother had been beyond saving, lingered unsaid.

Shifting the focus away from his own feelings, he inquired about her well-being, “How have you been?” His question, simple yet laden with genuine interest, aimed to steer their conversation towards her.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Simura von Sylverstern
Messages : 491
IC Posts : 399
Simura von Sylverstern
Nervously, she fidgeted with the seam of her dress, her hands still folded neatly behind her back. To her relief, that strange, dark sense of dread seemed to fade a little now that there was more distance between them. If she tried hard enough, she could write it off as a figment of her imagination. Or at least, she tried to.

Her confusion only grew with his reply, as was evident by the frown it put on her face. "Braced for... What, exactly?" she asked hesitantly, hoping not to overstep his boundaries. Viktor hadn't told her much at all, only to leave him alone. She'd gathered that it had been something personal or private, and truly, she did want to respect that. But still, often she felt that Sang and Viktor shared secrets they wouldn't let her in on, and that did sting a little bit.

Simmy tried to shrug it off. They cared for her. She knew that. It was evident in his genuine interest. "Oh well, I've been alright! The shop has been doing quite well actually, so I got some more plants! There's a really big one I think you'll like, I'll show you in a bit. Oh and yeah, I think I did okay on my exams, or at least, I really hope so? Oh! And! I've gone on a date, and it was-" she shut her mouth, cutting of her endless rambling as she realized what he was doing. He'd always been awfully clever. "No, wait, I want to know about you. What's been going on in your life?" even if she was careful not to press his buttons, she wouldn't let it rest so easily. Something was wrong, or had been wrong - she knew it.

Character sheet
Nickname: Simmy, Sim
Age: 24
Birthday: 24-11
Occupation: Student (Cultural Anthropology) & Witch
Sexuality: fuck around and find out :)
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Ruìsāng observed Simura with a tilt of his head—Viktor hadn't told her, then. His brow furrowed, the puzzle gnawing at him. Words failed to find their way to his lips, yet Simura filled the silence with her vibrant recounting of recent events. Her mention of a date brushed a tender smile across his face, but he didn’t get a chance to respond to it.

It’s—” but hesitated, realising that any words he spoke might eclipse her opportunity to share more of her own stories. Yet, the weight of it all felt suffocating.

My mother passed away. I thought Viktor had told you,” Ruìsāng admitted, his voice carrying a twinge of confusion. “But it is alright. I am okay,” he continued, though his words tasted of deceit. Deep down, he questioned whether he could remember the last time he’d been ‘okay’.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Simura von Sylverstern
Messages : 491
IC Posts : 399
Simura von Sylverstern
Simura was simply just prone to rambling. There were always plenty of stories to tell, plenty of information to share. Right now, though, she managed to shut herself up. And for good reason. As her pensive eyes found his, she felt a little tear form in the many walls he always put up. It was only for a split second, before he immediately felt the need to reassure her he was fine.

Shocked, she stared at him, a deep sadness in her eyes as she shook her head. "Of course you're not okay!" She retorted. "Gods I'm so sorry Sang, that is horrible," No person on earth would be fine after losing their mother, regardless of how awful she was to them. Her eyes drifted to his hands, but she hesitated. Gods, what was wrong with her? It was just Sang. Just Sang. Sim steadied her hands and reached for his, taking them into her own. "I know she wasn't... The best but still, I'm sorry," she held his hands for a moment, hoping it would offer him some comfort. "What about your house? Will you be okay still?" she knew his mom wasn't exactly... Well, taking care of him. But she wasn't sure if she had any income or not. Gods, the last thing he needed was to e kicked out, too.

Character sheet
Nickname: Simmy, Sim
Age: 24
Birthday: 24-11
Occupation: Student (Cultural Anthropology) & Witch
Sexuality: fuck around and find out :)
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
As Simura expressed concern for his well-being, Ruìsāng offered her a smile. The ease with which people assumed his heartbreak over his mother's passing left him questioning his own emotions. Was there something inherently wrong in feeling a burden lifted with her death? The fear of being judged for his relief had always loomed larger in his mind than the grief itself.

Ruìsāng responded with a soft squeeze of her hands, a silent thank you for her understanding. His right hand was still swatted in bandages, despite the wounds healing. Releasing her hands, he exhaled deeply, pondering over her subsequent inquiry.

She hasn’t worked in over a decade. It’ll be easier with one less mouth to feed,” he admitted. He left unspoken that this meant he worked nearly full time next to his study. “I’ll probably move into something smaller as I don’t need the space, but don’t worry. I’ll be okay,” he reassured her.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Simura von Sylverstern
Messages : 491
IC Posts : 399
Simura von Sylverstern
To lose one's mother, how awful. She knew very little about his home situation, but surely it left him feeling broken in one way or another. The girl simply couldn't imagine her life without her mom, even if they didn't always get along. All she had known was a loving family with riches in abundance, and on occasions that became apparent in her judgement.

As she held his hands, she was relieved to find that the bad had faded to a mere whisper, somewhere on the edge of a mind. As he squeezed hers in return, she felt the fabric of his bandages. A silent sigh escaped her lips. Every time she saw him, he seemed to be all bandaged up for one thing or another. God, what was this guy doing when she wasn't looking? Simmy opened her mouth to remark on it, but ultimately decided against it. She didn't want to know.

"Well, okay," she let go of his hands, and unconsciously wiped them on her skirt. "Just know that you always have a place here, okay? Lysa is staying here too now, but I can make an extra room in the shop or my house," she tried not to let it simmer through, but her excitement at the thought of living in the same space was evident. "You're always welcome here, is all,"

Character sheet
Nickname: Simmy, Sim
Age: 24
Birthday: 24-11
Occupation: Student (Cultural Anthropology) & Witch
Sexuality: fuck around and find out :)
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Ruìsāng's response to Sim's offer was a soft chuckle. The notion of taking refuge in her company, if only to escape the enveloping silence of his own home, held a certain appeal. For a fleeting moment, he entertained the thought of accepting her kindness, allowing himself the solace of companionship and a break from the solitude that awaited him.

However, reality quickly reasserted itself, reminding him of his current commitments. “I, uh—there’s been someone staying with me since Christmas,” he confessed. “He’ll probably be around for a bit longer, so I’m really okay,” he added, reinforcing his assurance.

The truth was, Ruìsāng couldn’t bear the thought of abandoning Vince, especially not when so much was happening. And even if he could, he… found that he didn’t want to.

But thank you. I appreciate it,” he expressed sincerely.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Simura von Sylverstern
Messages : 491
IC Posts : 399
Simura von Sylverstern
Her offer was hidden in polite kindness, but her attention was focused entirely on him while she awaited his response. Though hesitant to say it out loud, the idea of sharing a house and being in such proximity all the time, was one she found entirely wonderful. His dismissal, therefore, stung a little. She was about to backtrack when his words really settled in. Her eyes shot open, immediately interested

"Oh?" the smile on her face betrayed how she felt. "And who might this someone be?" she probed not so subtly. Though they knew each other quite well by now, she'd never heard him mention any partners. In all honesty, she had kind of assumed that Sang wasn't really the type for anything... Long term. And though she loved to be (perhaps a bit too) involved in his personal life, his flings was not something she had the real desire to know about. It felt weird with him, like knowing what her cousins were doing. But if the impression she'd gotten was correct, and he really had found someone that was his, she was dying to know more about him.  

Character sheet
Nickname: Simmy, Sim
Age: 24
Birthday: 24-11
Occupation: Student (Cultural Anthropology) & Witch
Sexuality: fuck around and find out :)
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Ruìsāng's expression fell at Simura's question, her curiosity piercing through his defences with unsettling accuracy. The urge to deflect, to assert the irrelevance of her inquiry, surged within him, yet the thought of vocalising such a dismissal felt jarringly… wrong. With a weary sigh, he ran a hand through his blonde locks, a gesture of resignation.

Before your imagination runs wild, let me clarify—there's no label on this,” he prefaced, his tone brimming with caution. Their connection, undefined yet undeniably profound, was nothing they’d delved into yet. Despite the depth of his involvement, the lengths he'd gone to safeguard the boy, and the readiness with which he'd stand in harm's way again, there was no clarity. This very uncertainty, the prospect of Vince confronting the truth of Ruìsāng's nature and running, haunted him.

He's caught in a lot right now, and— I don't know. His stay over the holidays just...extended naturally,” Ruìsāng attempted to explain, his explanation weaving through the complexities of their situation. “But it's complicated. There's a lot happening now.” Between his mother's passing mingled and the looming threat against Vince, ‘a lot’ was an understatement.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Simura von Sylverstern
Messages : 491
IC Posts : 399
Simura von Sylverstern
Oh? Her seemingly innocent inquiry apparently shook him a bit. It only confirmed her belief that this relationship, or whatever he preferred to call it, was something new to him. Something daunting. Or at least, he seemed to find it hard to admit it to her, and, she guessed, to himself.

Simmy kept quiet, allowing him the time to phrase his thoughts. Internally, though, her mind was racing. What would he be like? What kind of person could ensnare a soul like Sang's? Someone sweet and kind, she thought, but certainly someone with a bit of fire in them. She could wonder about it for hours, but knew better. She forced her thoughts back to the here and now, her green eyes betraying her excitement. "Yet," she mused as a follow-up to his statement.

"I'm so happy for you," she knew he wouldn't agree, but he deserved it. Someone to make him happy, and perhaps to talk some sense in that strange, dark little mind of his. It might be good for him, too. "Even if it's still early, I'm happy for you," If it was important enough for him to mention it to her, she suspected that it was not as brittle and early as he made it out to be. "But promise me you'll take it easy, or you'll end up bald like Viky," poor old man. "And! Please, please promise me you'll introduce him to me when things are better for you two,"

Character sheet
Nickname: Simmy, Sim
Age: 24
Birthday: 24-11
Occupation: Student (Cultural Anthropology) & Witch
Sexuality: fuck around and find out :)
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
Sim's well-wishing, followed by the risk of going bald, drove Ruìsāng's hand to his hair. His face contorted into a look of genuine concern as he envisioned himself sporting Viktor's hairstyle, a mental image that sent a shudder through him.

Please, let’s not say that. My hair is the better part of my charm,” Ruìsāng half-joked, his fingers entwined protectively in his blond locks. Beneath the humour lay a kernel of truth; the idea of losing his hair had haunted his dreams more than once.

If— and that's a big ‘if’— what we’re building survives all of what’s happening,” he prefaced, the conditional hanging heavily between them, “then you'll definitely meet him. That's a promise,” he assured her with a smile that bore the weight of sincerity.

I have a feeling the two of you— No... Let's save the details for when the time is right,” he trailed off, the initial smile blossoming into something more genuine, more hopeful.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Simura von Sylverstern
Messages : 491
IC Posts : 399
Simura von Sylverstern
She gave him a feigned worried look. "Gods, then I'll look into spells to do something against that hairline of yours," Was it a mean joke, absolutely. Wa sit funny though? Oh gods yes. Simmy giggled, breaking her facade. She'd never been that good of an actor.

As they spoke about his new 'roommate', Simmy grew increasingly excited. Sang did just about everything to managed her expectations, but it was absolutely futile. Sim's mind was already running wild. Gods, how she loved to be present at his wedding one day. "Ah! You're killing me," she exclaimed with a dramatic sigh. As their eyes met, her gaze softened. "You smile when you talk about him," she noted softly. "It's cute,"

A soft jingle signalled the arrival of a customer. She gave the boy an apologetic smile. "Please, please promise me to introduce us soon, okay?" she reached for his hand again, giving it a soft squeeze. She ignored the strange sensation that his touch still gave her. "I really did miss you,"

Character sheet
Nickname: Simmy, Sim
Age: 24
Birthday: 24-11
Occupation: Student (Cultural Anthropology) & Witch
Sexuality: fuck around and find out :)
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981

Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????
My what?” Ruìsāng couldn't hide his surprise. Even though he was pretty confident about his hairline, the comment struck a chord. He was proud of his hair, the wild blonde locks that marked a stark contrast to his parents' straight, dark hair. It was his defining feature, something that visibly set him apart from his family.

The moment Sim mentioned his smile whenever Vince came up in conversation, Ruìsāng felt a warmth spread across his cheeks. He bit his lip, trying to mask his embarrassment. It bothered him, this feeling of falling too easily for someone, especially when he had convinced himself he wasn't ready or deserving of such affection. Yet, the thought of Vince stirred a hopeful yearning within him.

I will. If things go as planned, you'll be the first to meet him. That's a promise,” he said with a playful wink, squeezing her hand in reassurance. His voice softened, “And I've missed you. Better leave now before I spill all my secrets,” he added with a light chuckle, letting go of her hand and stepping back.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
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