
[HBM] Something wicked this way comes

4 posters
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????


The fresh air did him wonders. He’d been inside too long and could almost feel the walls closing in on him. which was why he’d chosen to go on a wlk. Míngzé had no destination in mind and was simply walking, usining his phone for navigation to some unknown location. He’d even decided to keep his pokémon home for some real peace and quiet.

Míngzé came to a halt when he could hear panicked voices around him. He looked around himself, trying to discern what was happening, but it did not help him at all. Their loud voices were enough to fuel his own panic as he had no idea what was going on and why people were panicking. It made it even worse for him. Míngzé took a step back, but even that was a stupid idea. For all he knew he was stepping right into danger. “What is—” he started asking no one in particular. Before he could finish his sentence there was a loud bang, as if something heavy fell to the ground. Instinctively he had raised his arms to shield his face if necessary. More screams, but it did not seem like anyone was running away.

Vaguely he saw someone standing next to him. “What happened?” he asked panicked, his breathing shaking and fast. In situations like this, his body always told him to run form the unknown, but how could he if he did not know where to run or what had happened? Míngzé clung to his cane like it would keep him out of danger. There was a clear hint of fear gleaming in his eyes as he looked around him even while it did not help him at all.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????

Soot darted in front of her, padding along just as he'd always done. It was still a bit... Unsettling, to see him strutting his new coloration. Guilt had nearly consumed her when he'd suddenly changes color after touching the strange ore she'd pickpocketed. Her pokémon, however, did not share her concern at all. Apart from his sudden darker hue, nothing about her houndour had changed. He acted like nothing had happened, and nothing was bothering him. Mindo still struggled with believing that fully.

Lost in thought, she made her way along the busy street, aiming to go home after a long shift. The sudden tumult caught her by susprise. "Soot, here," she hissed in an immediate reaction, before analyzing the situation. People were panicking, making strange noises over something she could not yet see. With her pokémon at her heels, Mindo skillfully navigated through the crowd, making her way to the source of the noise. Her wariness immediately wore off. Fucking Arceus, was this what people were losing their minds over, some fucking bears? Mindo cursed under her breath and was about to leave and continue on her way home, when the bears started to move.

The redhead froze in her place, disbelief evident in her eyes. The bears were clearly inanimate. Lifeless plushies. Stuffies, that kids should snuggle with. So why on earth were they moving? Struck by unease she stayed in her place, her dilated pupils focused on the abominations and the crowd surrounding them. For a while she was unsure about whether to hurry home, or inspect whatever the fuck was going on. Surely there was a rational explanation for this. There had to be, right? A familiair voice rang through, offering her another option.

"Míngzé!" she replied, scanning the crowd from left to right until she found her neighbor. She made her way towards him, rudely pushing aside an assortment of strangers. Up close, she could see the fear in his yellow eyes. Shit, of course. He had no way of knowing what was going on. Reluctantly, she extended her arm to him and gently put her hand on his shoulder in an attempt to reassure him. "Hey, it's me, Mindo," her eyes drifted towards the strange phenomenon that was unfolding. "I don't fucking know dude. There is like a truck that toppled over and now there are fucking... What are they called? Harmony bears? You know those plushies, they're everywhere and eh..." she frowned. "They're moving. On their own."

Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
Kaye stood on the crowded city sidewalk, lost in thought as people hurriedly passed by. Tora padded next to her. His bright eyes sharp as he shot looks at every passerby. The usual hum of urban life surrounded her, but her attention was suddenly drawn to a distant commotion. A loud crash echoed through the air, accompanied by the screeching of tires and the wailing of sirens. Instinctively, she turned her gaze toward the source of the disturbance.

A delivery truck, painted in bright colors and adorned with playful images, teetered dangerously on its side just ahead. The doors burst open upon impact, and a cascade of stuffed teddy bears spilled out onto the pavement, bouncing and tumbling in every direction. The once-harmless toys now lay scattered, their beady eyes staring up at the sky.

Chaos ensued as startled bystanders screamed and scrambled to avoid the unexpected spectacle. The sight of teddy bears raining down from a toppled truck seemed surreal, and the atmosphere crackled with confusion. But then something even more peculiar unfolded.

The plush creatures, seemingly imbued with a life of their own, started to twitch and move.

At first Kaye dismissed it as the result of the impact, a mere jostling of the toys. However, to the amazement—and horror—of onlookers, and thorough intrigue of Kaye- the teddy bears began to stir with a life force that defied explanation.

With growing amazement she witnessed the scene, one eyebrow raised as Tora let out an equal surprised mewl. Kaye felt a weight drop on the back of her shoulder as Tora with agile precision jumped onto her shoulder, following the spectacle with focused eyes. No doubt wanting to pounce and chase after the things. She noticed the teddy bears twitching, then slowly, they started to wobble to their feet. Tiny paws moved, and fluffy bodies straightened as if animated by some unseen force.

Panic escalated as bystanders, caught between the terror of a truck accident and the surreal sight of animated teddy bears, scattered in all directions. Some stared in disbelief, while others frantically tried to avoid the seemingly alive toys. Amongst them, Kaye spotted a faintly familiar red hair. Standing out of the crowd like a bonafide firetower in the night.

She just about caught the tail end of her conversation with the stranger. A slender man with a cane who looked like he witnessed water being put on fire. “What’s the matter? Never seen stuffed plushies come to life before?” she asked the duo as if this was the most natural event to ever grace the earth. Approaching them with her hands in the pockets of her leather coat and a relaxed expression on her face. Tora cocked his head as he turned his headlights towards Mindo and the stranger, momentarily distracted from the bouncing stuffies- before his head shot back as one particular cute specimen seemed to trip over one of his still motionless companions.  

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????


It was impossible to know what had just happened. People were way too loud and all of them talked through each other. Míngzé was panicking and for all the good reasons. What if they had to run away from something? Perhaps a pokémon attack. He would never be fast enough and if people started pushing and pulling on each other he would never make it. Fear gripped at his chest and it only got worse.

His name sounded from somewhere between the cacophony of voices and Míngzé turned his head in that direction. A shadow came closer and he could only assume that they had called for him. His suspicions were confirmed when a hand was placed on his shoulder. With a tiny smile he looked at her when she mentioned her name. Mindo. Her presence here took an edge of the building fear. Just the idea that there was someone here with him now that he knew and trusted helped tremendously.

“God, you have no idea how happy I am you are here,” he sighed deeply. Given the fact that she was standing here with him and not pulling him along, he assumed there was nothing t o run away from. Not that her explanation made it any better. “Moving Harmony Bears?” Míngzé replied, followed by a scoff.

Next to him another voice sounded and he turned around immediately. “Right, very funny.” Míngzé rolled his eyes before looking in the direction of the scene before them. The large shadow told him nothing, only that a truck did indeed fall over. “I’m blind, not stupid. What really happened? Do we need to run? Is anyone in danger?” Was the scene too gruesome? Was that why they tried to— to do what exactly? Protect him against the vision of a horrible accident? Having some random stranger join continuing the joke made it even worse.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468

Míngzé, a Harmony Bear near your foot springs to life. A Mimette emerges, mimicking a karate move playfully towards you before hopping back into its plushy home.


Mindo, you look at a cluster of overturned bears, one of them unexpectedly twitches. You stop to observe, and a Mimette pops out, locking eyes with you momentarily before performing a comical pirouette and disappearing behind a trash can, its ghostly laughter lingering in the air.


Kaye, you're startled as a nearby Harmony Bear's eyes suddenly glow. A Shiny Mimette peeks out, sporting a bear's ear as a hat, and then swiftly slides back inside, leaving the ear comically askew and you in mild amusement.

Character sheet
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????
Anger flashed in her eyes. "Do you think now's the time I'd decide to fuck with you?" she hissed and pulled her hand back, clearly a little offended. Wasn't he the one who came knocking at her door with the world's craziest story about his burns? Sure, dreams that burned you were logical, but walking bears, that's where he drew the line. "There are-" her jaw snapped shut when she recognized the other voice in an instant. With a poisonous glare she turned towards the imposing woman, looking down at the both of them. Her piercing blue eyes were fixated on the both of them, and Mindo found herself struggling to tear her eyes away.

"Oh great, and now the saleswoman is here too," she said with a roll of her eyes, a hint of hostility evident in her voice. Noticing the woman's pokémon, Soot emerged hackles raised and all as he positioned himself defensively in front of her. He didn't care much for cats. Mindo silenced him with a snap of her fingers, but the houndour kept his eyes fixated on the glameow. Mindo opened her mouth to make another snarky remark, but was silenced when the bears jolted up once more. Her eyes wide with confusion she overlooked the scene once more, a realization settling. "Oh fuck, they're pokémon,"

Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
The man turned at the sound of her voice. Kaye noticed his gaze was directed not at her, but to her, guessing he was visually impaired. She could only guess how this spectacle would look to him. That would explain his immediate panic about the situation. His next words confirmed it. He was indeed blind, ah.

Kaye met Mindo’s eyes with a smirk of her own. Even now, without any sort of provocation, it looked like Mindo was ready to skew her alive just for breathing too close to her. Mindo’s Houndour took a threatening stance and glared at her with equal venom as its trainer did. She felt Tora’s weight push down on her shoulder as the cat moved a little closer, eyeing the Houndour with wide eyes like he was inspecting some sort of rare creature.

The teddy bear closest to her feet began to jostle back and forth as one of it’s ears rose up- and a small, purple eyed pokémon peeked up from between the seams. A glow began to surround the teddy bear, emanating from the sock puppet’s body. It twisted it’s face into a wicked grin as he stared up at Kaye like she was Christ himself risen from the grave. Tora readied himself to pounce but Kaye told him off with a hiss- prompting the sock puppet to shoot back into the teddy bear but leaving the ear from which he had popped out askew.

Kaye reached down to pick it up, holding the toy in front of her. She noticed two other sock puppet pokémon emerging from their respective teddy bears alongside Mindo and the stranger. She also noted that those had a darker color than the one that was still hiding in her teddy bear. Kaye gave the teddy bear a gentle shake before she lifted up the loose ear and peeked inside. The Mimette looked up at her with round, purple eyes that were glowing like headlights. He made a purring kind of noise as he eyed Tora warily. Kaye cast a quick glance at the Houndour at her feet, decided Tora would have to help himself, and shook him off her shoulders. “Have fun down there.” She muttered, holding the teddy bear closer to her face to inspect the Mimette. She noticed that it sparkled slightly when he moved, a sparkle she could not write off to a trick of the light. No,  this was a special kind of Mimette. A Shiny Mimette. “Ohh, you poor thing. Look at you … inhabiting such filthy housing. You must be freezing out here.” She purred with fake compassion, her face melting into one of concern. The Mimette perked up slightly, purple eyes shining with hope. “Come on, why don’t you come out, little one?” The red glow that seemed to come from the teddy bear wavered for a moment as the Mimette squirmed around, yet he seemed a little hesitant still.

At her feet, Tora had all its hairs raised as he stared at the Houndour like he desperately wanted to pounce on him. Yet facing him without a sliver of fear. Kaye fished out a treat out of her pocket and held it out to the Mimette. “Look what I have for you, a tasty treat. Why don’t you come out and get it?” she said, voice laced with honey. “You can do it. There you go, brave little thing.” The Mimette began to emerge from it’s burrow, though he did so with incredible hesitation. His eyes kept flickering from Kaye’s face to the treat. When his body was halfway out, he held out his tiny arms and sent Kaye a pleading look. She noticed he had a lighter coat with purple patches here and there. ”Ah-ah, all the way out, now, little one.” The Mimette cocked it’s head, waited for a moment, and began to emerge fully from it’s hideout. The red glow around the teddy bear began to fade. The stuffed animal falling limply in her outstretched hand. The Mimette held on to Kaye’s hand as he began to nibble on the treat, his purple eyes closing as he let out a satisfied noise. The tall woman waited with bated breath, not daring to move lest she scared it away. When the treat was finished, he let out a happy noise, holding on to her hand like he was afraid he’d float away if he let go. ”Hey there, little one. See, that wasn’t so bad, huh? Oh, aren’t you gorgeous. Sparkling like a diamond!” The Mimette seemed to appreciate the praise as he made approving sounds, squeezing Kaye’s hand and floating up closer to her. Not losing contact with her arm at any point.

The teddy bear fell forgotten on the concrete as Kaye dropped it, stretching out her other hand to scratch the Mimette on it’s tiny, patchy head. The Mimette pushed its hand against her fingers as he began to glow with a purple light. Squeaking in delight at her touch. Kaye felt a small smile creep on her face as she looked at it with pure adoration. Admiring the way how it’s shiny, patchy skin shone in the rays of the faint sun. What an addition to my team. Another shiny! she thought, marveling at the rarity of it. “What do you think, isn’t he lovely?” she asked Mindo, eyes briefly flickering towards the other man. “Well, pardon me, of course. For I suppose you cannot see this pretty creature of mine.” she said with no real apology in her tone.  

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????


Walking stuffed plushies was something out of a movie, toy story for example. It was not real life. Of course Míngzé had trouble believing a word Mindo said. He clenched his teeth when she hissed at him. His breathing was still too deep and he could almost feel the panic burning on his face, no matter how hard he tried to stay calm. This was horrible. The not knowing. The uncertainty. “Guess I’ll just have to take your word for it,” he muttered through his teeth. It was still highly unbelievable.

Apparently they were pokémon, which made more sense and he could feel himself calm down a little. The woman he did not know but Mindo called a ‘saleswoman’ started talking to one of the pokémon. It was the tone of her voice, however, that made him raise an eyebrow. His gaze was turned towards her as she continued on. “Why is she talking to them like she’s trying to lure a child in a shady white van?” he asked Mindo quietly. It was clear he had no idea what was going on exactly.

Vaguely he saw how the woman turned to them again after she had successfully kidnapped one of those pokémon. Míngzé simply stared at her with a raised brow, unsure of what to make of the entire situation. Part of him simply wanted to go away, immediately as he did not like any of it. “Yeah, I guess I don’t,” Míngzé replied monotonously. What was going on with this woman?

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
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