
In times of need

3 posters
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????


After last night Míngzé had felt it would be better for Lucina if she had someone on her side that could do more. Knew more. She’d told him he’d helped her a lot, but he felt he was at his limits. Not only that, but he felt like he needed some peace and quiet for the moment.

While they waited, Míngzé had decided to turn on the tv and watch some House together with Lucina. It helped her in a way as she would learn more about life that way. If she had a question, he would answer her. That was the least he could do.

There was the sound of the doorbell and immediately he stood up. “That should be her. Remember, she can be a lot, but don’t let that scare you.” With those words Míngzé went to the door, before remembering something crucial. He hadn’t exactly explained why she needed to come over. Not that he could. Like she would believe him if a girl with elf-like ears and claws was sitting on his couch.

Míngzé decided to keep that to himself, although it added a layer of nervousness when he opened the door. “Glad you could make it,” he said to his cousin with a tired smile. The events of last night had taken a toll on him and one night of sleep was not nearly enough. He took a step aside so that she could enter his apartment.

Lucina & Xīyuàn

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Xīyuàn Liǔ
Messages : 94
IC Posts : 66

Xīyuàn Liǔ
Xīyuàn's life was a whirlwind of deadlines and late nights, making her an elusive figure. Her work often spilled into the wee hours, leaving her to snatch sleep in the hazy mornings or, on some occasions, the lazy afternoons. But today was different; it had been a day of paperwork, her apartment transformed into a chaotic office. Her bedroom wall was plastered with various documents, forming a tapestry of text that she contemplated while sprawled upside down on her bed. She'd oscillate between bursts of inspiration, leaping up to furiously type on her laptop, and moments of contemplation, perched on the kitchen counter with her laptop balanced precariously on her knees.

As evening approached, Xīyuàn reluctantly tore herself away from her work. She had promised to visit Míngzé, and she was determined to keep her word. With a resigned sigh, she packed a bag with clothes — an odd request from him, but she shrugged it off — and drove over to his place.

Upon reaching his apartment, she climbed the stairs with a sense of anticipation. The door swung open, and she stepped inside. “You might want to be more specific next time,” she sighed, her fingers running through her long, black hair in a gesture of tired exasperation.

Her surprise was palpable when her eyes landed on a girl, casually lounging on Míngzé's couch, adorned in his clothes. Xīyuàn's eyebrows shot up, and without missing a beat, she spun towards her cousin. “This is how you introduce us?” she exclaimed, her voice tinged with disbelief.

Character sheet
Nickname: yuan
Age: 25
Occupation: crime reporter, influencer
Sexuality: pansexual
Lucina Roth
Messages : 642
IC Posts : 617

Lucina RothEnhanced Affinity
She couldn't deny the fact that she was nervous, even if Ming told her that he trusted this person, it didn't mean that they wouldn't try anything the moment they saw her. She doubted that this person would be blind too, it wasn't that common for as far as she knew.

They had been watching something called House on what she now knew was a tv when the doorbell rang. She looked over to the door while Ming opened it and saw a woman come inside with long black hair. She caught the words the woman said and frowned a little. She stood up from the couch and looked towards Ming. "Didn't you tell her about me?" She had expected him to at least have explained something to the one who might need to help her, but it seemed like she had been clueless.

She watched the woman cautiously, even if Ming had said that he trusted her, that didn't mean she would immediately do the same. She hadn't had the best of experiences with people up to this point and if it wasn't for what Ming had said, she might not even have agreed to this. Though if Ming hadn't told her anything, it would be best to start with her name most likely. "I'm Lucina." She told the woman, still frowning after the words she had just heard.
Xīyuàn & Míngzé

Character sheet
Nickname: Luci
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Still figuring it out
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????


The thought had crossed his mind when he initially texted Xīyuàn to come over. Coming into this situation blindly was perhaps not the best scenario, but at the same time it was not that he had another choice. She would think her cousin had totally lost it and sending her a picture also felt weird. It did not matter anymore, as it was already too late for what if scenario’s.

Míngzé looked over from Xīyuàn to Lucina, only to end up sighing deeply. “I did not tell you more because you would not believe me,” he explained to both of them but he pointed at his cousin. He made his way back to the couch where he sat down immediately. All he hoped for was that everything would go well. Right now he was anything but in the mood for problems.

He raised an eyebrow at the next comment. Did she really— of course she did. Míngzé rolled his eyes and shook his head. “Yes, and in nine months we're expecting a baby,” he added sarcastically. It wasn’t anything like that. Hopefully this would make it clear to her that there was nothing going on between them.

Lucina took the lead by introducing herself. Míngzé’s gaze shifted between the two, curious how both of them would react. “The situation is a bit more complicated than a secret relationship,” he added as an explanation to Lucina’s unique appearance. How he hoped he had made the right decision by introducing them.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Xīyuàn Liǔ
Messages : 94
IC Posts : 66

Xīyuàn Liǔ
Míngzé said that he hadn't explained more to Xīyuàn because he believed she wouldn't have trusted his words. She crossed her arms, her posture reflecting her growing suspicion as she pieced together the fragmented information. Her eyes darted back and forth between Míngzé and the mysterious girl, a metaphorical red thread weaving through the scattered facts in her mind, linking them into a coherent picture.

The girl's apparent surprise at being a topic unknown to Xīyuàn only deepened the mystery. When Míngzé hinted at the involvement of a child in the matter, Xīyuàn's eyes narrowed even further. From someone else, she might have accepted such a revelation without question. But knowing Míngzé and his lack of knowledge of the female physique, the claim seemed far-fetched.

Míngzé's comment about the situation being more complex than a mere secret relationship elicited a heavy sigh from Xīyuàn. “Well, since you've dragged me into this, you two had better start explaining,” she declared, her tone a mix of irritation and curiosity. She dropped her bag onto the table with a thud and approached the girl.

Hey there. I'm not sure if my clueless cousin has mentioned me, but I'm Xīyuàn. Most just call me Yuàn. By the way—” Her sentence trailed off as something caught her eye, sparking immediate intrigue. “Are those ears... real?” she blurted out, her gaze fixating on the peculiar feature of the girl's appearance.

Character sheet
Nickname: yuan
Age: 25
Occupation: crime reporter, influencer
Sexuality: pansexual
Lucina Roth
Messages : 642
IC Posts : 617

Lucina RothEnhanced Affinity
It was true that someone would most likely not believe him if he had told them everything. However, there was always the option of giving more details, since it seemed like this woman didn't even know what to expect in the least, guessing from her reaction. With Ming's following words she looked at him strangely for a bit, not really understanding that he was joking, but also knowing that there was no way that could be true. Yes, they had spend one night in the same bed, but that should not lead to a pregnancy. Unless it worked different than she had been explained before.

Ming explained that the situation was a bit more complicated than a secret relationship and she nodded in agreement. It was more complicated than that, though it was mostly because of the fact that she couldn't remember much. The woman asked for an explanation, which was more than understandable, though she was a bit reluctant to speak about everything she had told Ming up to then.

The woman introduced herself as Xīyuàn, but most called her Yuan. She would keep that in mind, since she didn't call Ming by his full first name either. She noticed the change in the other when she clearly noticed something, as if she hadn't taken her in up to that point. The question that followed wasn't an unexpected one, since there had been more who had asked about them, though most asked not whether they were real. That fact wouldn't even come to mind for most people. "Ehm, yes." She said a bit unsure. "They're real. Is that a problem?" She wouldn't be surprised if that was the case. She kept telling herself that Ming had told her things would be fine, but that didn't mean she wasn't cautious.
Xīyuàn & Míngzé

Character sheet
Nickname: Luci
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Still figuring it out
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????


Perhaps he should’ve waited a day longer. A day to recuperate before he had to explain whatever this situation exactly was. It was not like Míngzé knew what this was exactly, only that something had to be done. From everyone he knew, he assumed Xīyuàn would be his best bet in helping Lucina. If they wanted to figure out where she came from, who she was exactly and what had happened to her, she was the right person. Finding information and solving cases was part of her job.

Míngzé did not interrupt both of them when they were introducing themselves. Instead he leaned back on the couch and crossed his arms and legs as he waited and listened. He wondered what it must be like to look at her and see the clear differences. “Easy with her, unlike some she’s not used to the Yuan-treatment.” His cousin was very outspoken,

“A few days ago Lucina came knocking on my door asking for help because, well— she has nowhere else to go.” He was careful with what he said, not wanting to reveal too much at once. It was mostly Lucina’s choice what she revealed and what not. “I thought that, maybe, you could help.” Míngzé released a silent sigh.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Xīyuàn Liǔ
Messages : 94
IC Posts : 66

Xīyuàn Liǔ
Upon the girl's inquiry about the reality of her unique features, Xīyuàn's eyes narrowed ever so slightly, a flicker of what could be calculation passing through them. “They're real,” she echoed softly, more to herself than to the girl. Her voice held a trace of something unspoken, a secret tucked away beneath the surface. “Not a problem,” she added, her tone shifting to one of detached professionalism as she reclined slightly, her expression turning serious. Her gaze, sharp and calculating, lingered on the girl, yet she angled her head subtly towards Míngzé.

Míngzé's cautionary words about the girl's unfamiliarity with Xīyuàn's manner elicited a soft chuckleg. She listened intently as Míngzé recounted the girl's unexpected arrival at his doorstep, her eyes never leaving the girl, studying her with an analytical, almost forensic, scrutiny.

I see,” Xīyuàn murmured, her voice a blend of contemplation and intrigue. She took a deliberate step back, as if distancing herself physically would grant her a broader perspective on the figure before her.

So, Lucina, where is it that you come from?” she inquired, her brows arching with curiosity. “And how did you get here?” she continued.

Character sheet
Nickname: yuan
Age: 25
Occupation: crime reporter, influencer
Sexuality: pansexual
Lucina Roth
Messages : 642
IC Posts : 617

Lucina RothEnhanced Affinity
She was still trying to figure out what she could tell and what would be so unbelievable that she was better of not telling the person in front of her. She felt her eyes on her, as if she was almost seeing exactly what was inside her, but that wasn't possible. It shouldn't be possible. There was a part inside of her that she didn't want anyone to know, not with what had happened in that alley. She didn't even know what exactly it had been and why it resulted in her killing everyone there.

But that was not what they were talking about here. The questions were more like where she came from and how she came to be here. The second one wasn't that hard, the first one was one she couldn't answer. Ming had already told Yuan that she had nowhere else to go, which was the truth, it wasn't safe for people who would approach her with ill intent if she stayed outside. She had learned that the hard way.

She kept quiet for a bit, wondering where it would be best to start. "I don't know where I come from." She had tried the marshes as an answer and this city itself, but neither answers had been believed before and this was the only one she had left. "And as to how I got here: I walked." Not the answer the other was looking for, so she opted to explain a bit more. "A while back, I met Ming and he helped me. So when it became apparent it wouldn't be safe to live outside anymore, I came to him for help." It didn't reveal much yet, just the information that was needed to answer these questions for now.
Xīyuàn & Míngzé

Character sheet
Nickname: Luci
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Still figuring it out
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????


To his surprise Xīyuàn took it fairly well. Míngzé did not know how others might react to Lucina’s appearance but she barely reacted at all. It made him frown. Just what went on inside that head of hers right now? Was she really as calm as she appeared to be? In any case, this was probably the best reaction he could’ve hoped for.

Míngzé arched an eyebrow at the explanation given by Lucina, although there was a small but amused smile on his lips for a second. She walked. Right. There was so much she left out, mostly about the holes in her mind. It made sense for her not to trust her immediately, but he wondered if this was enough to satisfy Xīyuàn and make her understand help was needed.

However he stayed quiet and listened carefully. If needed, he might take her aside if needed. A soft blush appeared on his cheeks when Lucina mentioned their first meeting, but she left out the details. “I didn’t think it wise to send her to some shelter.” Not with her looks anyway. “There is only so much I can do and keeping her here, basically locked up, won’t help her,”  Míngzé explained. Xīyuàn knew about his job, so he assumed she understood it was part of the problem.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Xīyuàn Liǔ
Messages : 94
IC Posts : 66

Xīyuàn Liǔ
Xīyuàn's golden eyes narrowed as she scrutinised the girl standing before her. Lucina's claim of not knowing her origins, coupled with the assertion that she had simply walked here, elicited a soft, contemplative hum from Xīyuàn. Her gaze seemed to drift momentarily, her mind piecing together a puzzle hidden from everyone else's view. She remained silent as the girl recounted Míngzé's assistance.

Míngzé's argument against sending Lucina to a shelter and his hesitancy to keep her himself made Xīyuàn's gaze flicker thoughtfully between them. Her eyes narrowed further. “So, your solution is for me to take her in,” she stated, her voice laced with a blend of scepticism and realisation.

In Xīyuàn's mind, the pieces were aligning too neatly. Míngzé's recent departure from a lab known for its affinity research, a lab she had been quietly investigating, followed by his sudden return with a strange-looking girl, couldn’t be mere coincidence. Could these events be connected?

Alright. She can stay with me. I have resources and connections that might help,” Xīyuàn declared, her decision made but her suspicions far from allayed. As she agreed to take Lucina in, her mind was already racing, formulating plans to unravel the truth.

Character sheet
Nickname: yuan
Age: 25
Occupation: crime reporter, influencer
Sexuality: pansexual
Lucina Roth
Messages : 642
IC Posts : 617

Lucina RothEnhanced Affinity
She knew she needed to explain one more part, it would become apparent soon enough if they lived together. She barely knew anything of the world they lived in, didn't know how to use a lot of things. So the moment the other agreed with just the information they had given, she knew she could tell at least that much. Her deepest secrets were something she would take with her to the grave if possible.

She looked from Yuan to Ming for a moment and then decided that it was better if the other knew too, especially if she was going to be indebted to her by living with her. "There's just one more thing you need to know." She told her. It could change everything, it might even go as far as the other rejecting her. There were most likely enough people who would do that or try to take advantage of her. "I have no memory before the day I first met Ming." It would sound strange like this, she knew that much. But if she told anything before that the incident of her being naked and such might come up, so she was leaving it at that.
Xīyuàn & Míngzé

Character sheet
Nickname: Luci
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Still figuring it out
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????


Míngzé really wondered what both parties thought about the other. The tone of their voice did not reveal much, only that they were giving each other a chance. It was more than he could’ve hoped for.

While he currently despised his blindness, there were a few ups about it. One was that he did not need to look a person in the eye in a difficult situation. For a moment he clenched his teeth. “It is. You can help her in ways I can’t and you know just as well as I do that I can’t support two people. Not right now.” It had been different when Míngzé still had his job, but that was no longer the case. “Which is also why I asked you to bring clothes.” His were too big for her, but they had been better than nothing.

There it was. One of the reasons this whole case was extremely weird, her lack of memories. Míngzé nodded in agreement. “As far as I’m aware, she’s speaking the truth.” There was no point in lying about something like this anyway.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Xīyuàn Liǔ
Messages : 94
IC Posts : 66

Xīyuàn Liǔ

Upon hearing Míngzé's explanation about his financial constraints, Xīyuàn gave a nod, her expression unchanging. “So, the issue is you’re poor,” she remarked, her tone even and devoid of judgement. She wasn't one to tiptoe around the truth or spare someone's ego at the expense of clarity. “It's fine. I have a spare room available,” she stated matter-of-factly.

The revelation that the girl, Lucina, possessed no memories piqued Xīyuàn's curiosity. She pondered the possibilities – was this amnesia deliberately induced, or a natural defence against some unspeakable trauma? Xīyuàn had her suspicions about the origins of the girl, but she knew that time would eventually unravel the mystery. In her experience, the truth had a way of surfacing, given patience and observation.

Get ready, Lucina. We'll leave when you're ready,” Xīyuàn said with a slight sigh, gesturing towards the bag. “Míngzé knows where to find me. He can come by if you need him,” she added. It was clear to her that there was a bond of trust between Míngzé and Lucina.

Character sheet
Nickname: yuan
Age: 25
Occupation: crime reporter, influencer
Sexuality: pansexual
Lucina Roth
Messages : 642
IC Posts : 617

Lucina RothEnhanced Affinity
She had expected that there might be some sort of rejection once she revealed that she had no memories or that she wouldn't be believed, even if Ming had told Yuan that he believed her. However, neither was the case. The woman even told her to get ready while gesturing towards the bag, where the clothes were most likely.

"Okay," She told her and walked over to the back, opening it up and taking out the clothes. She headed to the bathroom, changing her clothes, before getting out again. "There's just one more thing I need to get." She told them and headed into the bedroom, grabbing the plushy, before heading back to the living room. Noir had watched quietly until now, but seeming to sense that Lucina was going to leave, it joined her. "Are you okay with pokemon?" Not that she herself knew much about them, but if Noir couldn't come with her, she might need to find another place for it. Though it would be hard to seperate now, even if Noir might be happy to be away from her after the things that had happened.
Xīyuàn & Míngzé

Character sheet
Nickname: Luci
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Still figuring it out
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????


At her remark he couldn’t help but roll his eyes. While she wasn't wrong, she could have worded it a bit better. “I’m working on it.” So far his search for a new job had not been very fruitful, but he was not giving up just yet. However, these were problems Xīyuàn did not have, making her the better candidate to look after Lucina.

That was it. Both of them had agreed to this solution so Lucina would go with Xīyuàn. All that had to be done now was for her to grab her stuff and that was it. A sense of relief washed over Míngzé now that she would finally get the help she desperately needed, and the peace and quiet he used to love returned to his apartment. Then why did he also feel sad? Was it because she was going?

Míngzé hummed softly in response while he stood up. “Let me know if anything is wrong or if there is a problem.” Both hands he tucked away in his pockets as he joined the both of them.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Xīyuàn Liǔ
Messages : 94
IC Posts : 66

Xīyuàn Liǔ
Xīyuàn watched Lucina depart to get dressed, her eyebrow arching subtly as she turned her gaze towards Míngzé. She chose to remain silent for the moment, her expression betraying none of her thoughts. Once Lucina returned, inquiring about having a Pokémon, Xīyuàn's response was nonchalant yet firm. “Just make sure it’s well-trained and doesn’t cause a mess,” she said, her tone light. She was willing to accommodate, but not at the expense of her home.

Míngzé’s next words elicited a soft scoff from Xīyuàn. His tone, hovering somewhere between protective and affectionate, piqued her curiosity. “It’s hard to tell if you’re playing the part of a concerned sibling or something more, Míngzé,” she remarked with a wry smile, her comment half-teasing, half-probing. She then shifted her attention to Lucina, her demeanour becoming more business-like. “Let’s head out, Lucina. I’d like to have your room set up in time for you to settle in tonight,” she said, indicating it was time to depart.

Character sheet
Nickname: yuan
Age: 25
Occupation: crime reporter, influencer
Sexuality: pansexual
Lucina Roth
Messages : 642
IC Posts : 617

Lucina RothEnhanced Affinity
She nodded when Yuan answered that it was fine as long as the pokemon was well-trained. The pokemon had never caused trouble yet and she was fairly sure that the Umbreon wouldn't even dream of trying something after how scared it had been of her. Ming told her to let him know if anything was wrong and she smiled a small smile. "I will, thank you for everything." She wanted him to know that she was thankful to him. "And remember that you did help me." After their conversation last night, she wanted to reassure him of that fact once more. It was something he would have to accept himself, but she would say it as many times as needed, if it made him feel even a little better.

When Yuan told her that they should head out if they wanted to set up everything, her heart ached a little, like she was already missing him a little. Which was strange, since they had only lived together for a few days, nothing more. And she knew that if he ever found out what she had done, that he might not want anything to do with her anymore. "Is it far?" She hoped not, it would make it easier to visit Ming if she wanted to and the other way around.
Xīyuàn & Míngzé

Character sheet
Nickname: Luci
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Still figuring it out
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????


Míngzé shot his cousin an annoyed look before rolling his eyes. Of course her mind immediately went there, while there was nothing of the sort going on. “I did tell you we’re expecting a baby,” he retorted calmly. That did not change the fact that he liked her company. These days he spent a lot of his time inside, unless he had somewhere to be. With Lucina here he had someone to talk with, which had been a nice change.

A small smile broke through. “I'm glad I could help,” he said, although it did not sound very convincing. Míngzé had done for her what he could and now it was Xīyuàn’s turn. There was more he could have done, maybe should’ve done, but it was not possible. Now she had a better chance at everything.

Míngzé went to the door, opening it for the both of them. “Guess I’ll see you later,,” he said, slightly raising his hand, but even that felt like a lot of effort. The first thing he would do once they were gone, was head back to bed and sleep for a few days. Or that is what he wanted to do at least.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Xīyuàn Liǔ
Messages : 94
IC Posts : 66

Xīyuàn Liǔ
The question of distance brought a light chuckle from Xīyuàn, her tone laced with reassurance. “It's close. Living in the city centre does mean it's a stretch to walk, but by bus it’s a breeze. We'll go over it together, don't worry,” she promised.

Despite the whirlwind of uncertainties swirling around the situation, Xīyuàn's trust in her cousin remained unshaken. She understood the stakes of hidden truths and unspoken tensions all too well. Whether Míngzé or time itself would be the one to unveil the full picture, she was prepared. His reaching out to her was a silent acknowledgment that the truth would inevitably surface.

Time to head out,” Xīyuàn declared, her voice carrying a note of decisiveness as they made their exit. The journey from her doorstep to her car was swift, the bag she’d prepared earlier tossed casually into the backseat.

She has this car

Character sheet
Nickname: yuan
Age: 25
Occupation: crime reporter, influencer
Sexuality: pansexual
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