
Qī Liù
Messages : 41
IC Posts : 5
Qī Liù

I got chills, they're multiplying. And I'm losing control 'cause the power you're supplying - It's electrifying!

Bzzzzt... BANG!


Oh no.

Qi quickly threw something on top of the device. Orange light flickering in her widened eyes, as the cloth she threw on the fire only illuminated it more.

Oh no.

What to do, what to do? She blew towards the flames, but the fire merely crackled and grew. Her eyes darted to the left and to the right. there was no-one in the lab!

Oh no.

She grabbed the plate on which the device was standing, her little heels tapping on the floor as she ran through the lab, the flames illuminating her on her way towards the hall.

A bright light shined from one of the offices. Oh! Her hero in need! "LETTERS!!!" She slammed the door open with her feet, holding the burning device as far away from her face as she could. "Help!! There has been a !!! MINOR !! Inconvenience!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, walking into the office with no regard for how dangerous the flames were sprawling out.

"It's on FIIIIII-URRR!!!"

As if that wasn't already obvious.


Character sheet
Nickname: Seven, Six, Numbers
Age: 26 years
Birthday: 07 / 06 / 1997
Occupation: Scientist
Sexuality: HuH
Yèxīn Xuān
Messages : 89
IC Posts : 54
Yèxīn Xuān

There was a lot of noise, but Yèxīn had his break and he was determined not to waste his unpaid time with Numbers. He had endured eight hours of that girl’s company during his paid hours— he didn't need any more.  His sanity had its limits, and he intended to protect what was left of it. With a sandwich in hand, he slowly chewed away, drowning out the commotion by turning up the volume in his single earbud.

A distant shriek pierced the air, proclaiming some minor inconvenience, probably blown out of proportion. Considering the earlier noise, Yèxīn half-expected an actual fire, although the absence of blaring fire alarms suggested otherwise. He casually clicked to the next page on his computer, considering whether he should investigate or—

Too late.

She was already en route.

A deep sigh escaped him as Yèxīn reluctantly pushed aside his half-eaten sandwich, folding his arms across his chest and raising an eyebrow in anticipation. He stared at the office door, preparing himself for the intrusion of Ms. Name-Inch-Heels. All of this during his break.

It was on fire, she exclaimed dramatically, as the flames spread out.

And then, the fire alarm blared to life, and the sprinklers responded in kind, showering the room. Yèxīn blinked slowly, shutting his laptop and tucking it under the desk to shield it from the rain.

Are you stupid?” Yèxīn deadpanned, not bothering to move from his seat.

In that moment, he found himself reminiscing about his time in jail, thinking that even that had been preferable to this absurdity.

Character sheet
Nickname: Xin
Age: 27 y/o
Birthday: May 15, 1996
Occupation: Scientist
Sexuality: Bisexual
Qī Liù
Messages : 41
IC Posts : 5
Qī Liù

I got chills, they're multiplying. And I'm losing control 'cause the power you're supplying - It's electrifying!

The door to the canteen slammed against the wall, miserably creaking in its hinges. A whirlwind of a woman stormed in, her eyes wide as she stared at the fire, orange shadows casted over her face. The dangerous flames a stark contrast against the candyfloss backdrop of the petite girl. A short, unwelcome silence washed over the room, as the fires licked at everything they could find, daring to consume and destroy everything in their path (ok, in all seriousness, it wasn't that big).

Her lips parted, another comment on the tip of her tongue. Argh! Qi winced to the sound of the fire alarm, and not a second later the entire canteen looked nothing short of a water amusement park. She quickly dropped the burning danger on the table in front of her hero in need. Well - not that he'd actually doen anything but sit there - but it was the effort that counted.

Are you stupid?

"Huh?" Qi blinked slowly, before vigorously shaking her head. "No," she answered, "my IQ's above 140. They tested it." She frowned as she stared at her coworker. Why was he suddenly so interested in her intelligence? It was totally unrelated.

The corners of her lips dropped slightly as she stared down at the black-half burned device. "Aw, now it's wet." As if it wasn't the fire that bothered her.

Character sheet
Nickname: Seven, Six, Numbers
Age: 26 years
Birthday: 07 / 06 / 1997
Occupation: Scientist
Sexuality: HuH
Yèxīn Xuān
Messages : 89
IC Posts : 54
Yèxīn Xuān

For a fleeting moment, Yèxīn entertained the notion that perhaps Numbers had suffered a significant blow to the head in her infancy. It would certainly explain a lot. Logic seemed to elude her, and the subtleties of social interaction were as foreign to her as ancient hieroglyphics. Yet, this theory had a flaw: her brother was equally baffling in his lack of sense.

So, Yèxīn formulated a different hypothesis to account for her profound lack of intellect. Clearly, her parents must have been closely related, resulting in both Numbers siblings being the unfortunate outcome of an ill-advised union, a testament to the perils of cousin relationships.

She boasted about her IQ being above 140, how they had tested it. “Good for you,” he deadpanned.

“Aw, now it’s wet,” she observed, eyeing the half-drenched device. Yèxīn let a pregnant silence stretch, hoping she might grasp the situation on her own. Alas, her social obliviousness was unmatched. He sighed inwardly, reigning in his impatience.

You know what else is wet, you absolute—” he began, his tone growing harsh, but he cut himself off. He refused to stoop to the level of berating someone with the cognitive capacity of a toddler.

Why did you bring it here, Numbers?” he asked pointedly, his voice laced with exasperation.

Character sheet
Nickname: Xin
Age: 27 y/o
Birthday: May 15, 1996
Occupation: Scientist
Sexuality: Bisexual
Qī Liù
Messages : 41
IC Posts : 5
Qī Liù

I got chills, they're multiplying. And I'm losing control 'cause the power you're supplying - It's electrifying!

Good for you.

Oh, how very kind of him to compliment her intellect! Qi's smile beamed from ear to ear, repeating the words in her mind over and over, putting it away in a very special place within her heart. She would remember that. ”Thanks!” She chirped, her voice reaching a new tone height. ”Besides, they wouldn’t hire imbeciles at a place like this.” She quickly followed. That’d be dumb, they were doing important work.

Her device was wet. Just like the floor. The furniture. Them. Soaking, through and through. Qi’s eyes squinted into thin slits, gazing up at the ceiling above. The water dripped down her face. How very cold. The woman did not snap out of her concentration until the harshness of Xin’s voice reached her ears.

Her smile never faltered, eyeing the man before her. He was drenched from head to toe, his hair miserably clinging to the sides of her face. A chuckle left her lips, one she could not witthold. ”You do look a teeny tiny bit alike a drowned delcatty,” She commented.

Qi shaked her head. ”What was I to do?” She continued, raising her hands innocently. ”They don’t have fire blankets and the sprinklers ain’t working in the lab!” Besides, she was no fire fighter, and she never would be. ”I could hardly let it explode in the proximity of the rest of our experiment.” What scientist would she be? She had done them all a favour.

Character sheet
Nickname: Seven, Six, Numbers
Age: 26 years
Birthday: 07 / 06 / 1997
Occupation: Scientist
Sexuality: HuH
Yèxīn Xuān
Messages : 89
IC Posts : 54
Yèxīn Xuān

Never in his life had Yèxīn encountered a pair of dimwits quite like the Numbers siblings. The one before him, if possible, outdid the other in sheer imbecility, though mercifully she was less clingy. She stood before him, utterly unhinged and dense as a brick, her lack of comprehension unrivalled. His remark, dripping with sarcasm so thick it was practically tangible, had been lost on her, and he couldn't help but inch one eyebrow skyward.

Yeah. That would be a disaster,” he deadpanned. Sadly, they did hire an imbecile, a mistake if you’d ask him.

You do look a teeny tiny bit like a drowned delcatty.

Without missing a beat, Yèxīn dug his nails into the damp bandages encasing the burns on his lower arm, pain lancing through him. His lips curled into a smile that could freeze blood, but the physical discomfort anchored him momentarily, allowing him to keep control. He took a deliberate breath, letting the comment slide past him.

Yeah. I wonder why,” he retorted, his tone laced with annoyance. Arceus, he needed a new job.

Standing abruptly, he gathered his laptop and moved toward the exit, assuming she would follow. He couldn't care less about the mess left behind; someone else could sort it out. He was no errand boy.

You did the best you could do,” he stated as he stepped past her, striding purposefully down the hallway toward his office. Once inside, he placed the laptop on his desk and began unwrapping the bandages from his arm.

And what are you going to do about the mess you made now? How did this happen?” he continued, fully aware she might not have followed him. If she hadn't, at least he could have some peace and quiet.

Character sheet
Nickname: Xin
Age: 27 y/o
Birthday: May 15, 1996
Occupation: Scientist
Sexuality: Bisexual
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