
Up All Night

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Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406

Vince Newman
Hours had flown by without him actually noticing. He had been working on some of his lyrics, finally finding the time to write again. Spending a lot of time at home made him realise that he left most of his old hobbies gathering dust. And if he wanted to make his New Years resolution come true, as he had promised to Sang, he had to work hard on his music. Stretching his body over the back of the chair he was sitting on, his eye fell on the clock on his phone. It was getting late and he hadn't heard anything from Sang just yet. The man had left so suddenly, without even telling him what he was going to do. Not that Vince actually noticed him leaving, he had been too focused on his writing. Quickly typing a short message, he noticed that it was sending, yet not delivering. Vince hummed softly, maybe he was busy and turned off his phone for some kind of reason. Sang was free to do whatever he wanted, he was not his mother. He shook his head softly, maybe it was too soon for those comparisons.

With two more hours going by and still no word of Sang, something started to gnaw on him. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong, especially the fact that his phone was turned off, as he had noticed after calling it and getting an instant voicemail. Keeping an eye out on the clock, Vince couldn't find the focus to resume his work, instead making himself a light meal. Worry, however, made him quickly lose his appetite. Looking at the front door, he wondered if he could ask for some help. However, last time he had spoken that man, it didn't end all that well. Feeling a bit anxious, Vince decided to step outside for a moment, just to see if he was home at all.

With a balled fist just inches from the door, Vince hesitated. Ming had made pretty clear that he didn't like him and knocking on his door might not be the best option. However, he knew that he and Sang speak on a regular base, so maybe he knew where the man was at this moment. Taking a deep breath, he knocked twice on the door, before setting a step back and anxiously waiting for a response.
+ Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????


Cooking always took some time, especially without Qiān’s help, but he had become quite comfortable in doing so. Without a job on his hands, Míngzé had a whole day to prepare his dinner and all he had to do in the evening was heat it up. Which was exactly what he was doing. Carefully he was cutting his vegetables.

Dai was sleeping on the couch, with Wěi somewhere near him. The two had bonded a great deal, although the same thing could not be said for Míngzé and Wěi. But it was fine this way. He would not force the pokémon, maybe in time she would come to trust him.

A knock sounded, instantly followed by Dai’s loud barking and the scratching of Wěi’s claws over the ground as she ran for safety. There was a soft frown on Míngzé’s face as he gazed towards the door. He did not expect anyone, at least not that he was aware of. Maybe a surprise visit of his parents or even Lányù?

“Coming!” Míngzé safely put the knife away, making sure he would not cut him accidentally later on. Quickly he used a towel to clean his hands and then went towards the door. His hand rested on the doorknob, ready to open the door. “Who’s there?” It was out of safety as he could not look through the small hole in the door. Not that people could not lie, but he would not just open the door for anyone. Dai stood at his feet, a low growl rolling in his throat.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406

Vince Newman
In the moments that he was standing here, fiddling with the sleeves of his hoodie, he had thought about turning back and go home about a dozen time now. His heart hammering in his chest and a nauseating feeling in his stomach, while he waited for someone to open the door, or at least speak to him. He noticed something moving in his sleeve and when he looked into it, he found the Mimette looking at him as if he had disturbed the pokémon. "Sorry." He whispered and shivered when the sock-puppet pokémon crawled up his sleeve and settled in the hood of his hoodie, were normally Nazar would be sitting.

The moment he heard things move behind the door, panic set in fully and he wanted to just turn around and act like it was a mistake. However, that was a chance he didn't even get, as there was a voice on the other side of the door. When asked who it was, Vince swallowed hard. "Ming?" He answered, wait, not the best answer. "It's Vince. Sorry for disturbing you." Oh gods, oh gods, the door actually opened. Help.

Still fiddling with his sleeve, it was back allowed now that the Mimette had made itself comfortable in his hood, he looked to the ground. "Have you seen Sang? Or heard anything from him?" He asked, his voice a mare whisper. "He hasn't been home for the past few hours and his phone is turned off." Looking away, while still staring at the ground. "And I'm worried something happened."
+ Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????


Míngzé did not know who to expect, but this came as a surprise even to him. A few days ago he’d talked to Sāng about this person and it helped somewhat. Enough to give the other another chance, albeit a small one, but it was more than before.

However, things did not start too great. “I think I’d know if it was me,” he muttered as he opened the door, more to himself than to the one actually knocking. Even before Vince confirmed it, Míngzé had immediately recognized the voice and was already opening the door. He took a deep breath, reminding him again that he was going to be nice and give him a chance.

That one time had all been a misunderstanding. Or something. Míngzé was glad he did not need to ask the other what brought him here, Vince took the initiative himself, prompting him to raise an eyebrow at the first question. “Can you believe I have not?” Immediately after he cleared his throat. Right, be nice. Not that the other was making it easy. He might need to— no, nice. “Last time I saw him was a couple of days ago,” he finally answered honestly with a short shrug.

Sāng being gone for a few hours, his phone turned off. So far it all did not sound very concerning. “Maybe his phone died or he’s somewhere with a bad connection.” Míngzé knew the other would seek out places like the forest, and phone service was not that great over there. “I know you two are—” he started only to come to the realization that he had no idea what they were exactly. “Whatever. I’m sure you can survive a few hours without him. I don't see any reason for concern.” After their last talk, it would not surprise him if Sang just needed a few hours to himself, away from everything.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406

Vince Newman
Eh? Oh. Fuck. He already messed this up. Vince fiddled a bit more with his sleeve, now noticing that the material was starting to see through, he might need another one soon. A shame, he liked this one. When Ming said that he had, in fact, not seen Sang, the realisation came a bit late. "Oh, eh, right, sorry." He muttered, vigorously trying to find the courage to look up to the man. It was a friend of Sang, he might not have the best impression of him, but he was worth looking at. But he couldn't, something stopped him. Fear, most likely. He was afraid of doing it wrong again, of pushing Ming again.

What Ming told him made sense, yet it didn't. It just didn't sound like.. like something Sang would do. He slowly shook his head, hoping that his words wouldn't be taken the wrong away again. "No, this is different." He spoke, worry weaved in his voice. "Lately, Sang leave a pokémon at home, for me, after ehh. After there has been attempts for my life." He didn't really want this news to go public, but it was the best way of making sense to Ming, why he was worried for Sang's life. "Now, he's gone, with his pokémon, without his phone. Something is wrong, lately he.." He hadn't voiced this just yet, he didn't want Sang to get worried about it. "Lately I felt a coldness around him, as if something bad is going to happen or has happened. Ming please, if you know anything, anything. Please, tell me."
+ Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????


Vince managed to get him absolutely speechless. It was not everyday someone told him people had tried to take his life, and not once, but multiple times .His frown deepened, and he let go of the doorknob, crossing his arms loosely over his chest. “Right,” Míngzé said slowly. That Sāng would leave his pokémon at home, sure, but everything else sounded rather exaggerated. For a moment he felt like this was one big joke.

The other continued his explanation, trying to explain why he was worried. Again Míngzé was reminded of how young the other sounded. His tone resembled that of a lovesick teenager, fearful that his boyfriend might leave him. Míngzé had to hold back a deep sigh and let the other continue.

Then came the confession about the strange feeling Vince felt and a lump formed in his throat. Míngzé knew the other had an affinity of his own, although he had no idea which one. Perhaps one that could sense the change in Sāng, as he had also one now. One he acquired recently after a deal with some devil. Míngzé assumed that was what Vince was feeling.

A sigh eventually escaped and Míngzé rubbed his eyes. “If it's any consolation, although it's not great, I believe what you're feeling now is an improvement compared to before.” He knew very well that he was speaking in riddles and that it made no sense at all. “There was— fuck.” Was he really going to do this? And to Vince of all people. “For a while I— I sensed death around him. Constantly. That’s gone now. It might be replaced by something cold, but at least for now, that is better than the alternative.” Who was the crazy one now? Míngzé absolutely hated the words coming out of his mouth, the silent confession behind them.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
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