
[VE] Another lesson yet to learn

2 posters
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????


Míngzé was aware of the presence of the fortune teller at the event, yet he hadn't intended to visit. Call it fear of the unknown, or maybe it was something else entirely. He was only entertaining the idea because Lucina wanted to give it a try. Which was fine. She went in first too and Míngzé simply waited for her return. If she wanted to discuss what she heard in there, she could tell him after both had gone in.

The moment he entered the place, he was greeted by a heavy aroma, one that tingled his nose but smelled at least good. Combined with the music in the background, it created the perfect dreamy atmosphere. The dim candlelight failed to illuminate anything clearly.

Míngzé found where he needed to sit down and did so reluctantly. He briefly thought about fleeing, but once he settled into the seat, escape was out of the question. He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. This might not even mean anything. Not long ago, he wouldn't have believed any of this being real, yet now he found himself anxious about what he might hear. “Let’s hear it,” he breathed. His nerves were probably for nothing.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468

[ valentine ] your fortune

As you step into the dimly lit chamber, the rich scent of incense fills the air, mingling with the soft, ambient music to create an atmosphere that feels both otherworldly and inviting. The fortune teller, sensing your presence, greets you not with words but with an understanding silence. She doesn't need to guide you to your seat; you find it with the same intuition that has become your way of seeing the world. As you settle in, the air around you seems to thrum with the energy of unseen presences, and you sense rather than see the fortune teller preparing for the reading.

With a gentle, almost imperceptible nod, the fortune teller understands your struggle, your desire to flee from the very essence that has come to define your existence. "The spirits whisper," she begins, her voice a melody that resonates within the very core of your being. "You seek understanding, perhaps a way to sever ties with the unseen," she whispers, her voice a soothing balm to your frayed nerves. "Let us see what the cards reveal about your journey."

With a deliberate and thoughtful motion, she draws forth a deck of tarot cards, their edges worn by time and use, each card adorned with intricate symbols and images. You feel the subtle shift in the air as she shuffles the deck, the cards whispering among themselves, eager to reveal their secrets.

She fans the cards out before you, their faces down, and gestures for you to choose three. Your hand moves, almost of its own accord and despite being unable to see the cards, drawn to the cards as if by an unseen hand.

The first card, Death, announces itself not with an image but with a feeling, a profound sense you have become so familiar with. "Death," the fortune teller's voice is gentle yet unwavering, "is not a literal end but a symbol of profound change. It is a representation of the transformation you are undergoing. The affinity that defines you is not a mark of what you've lost but a sign of what you are becoming. Embrace the change, for it is through this death of the old self that new paths are forged."

Next, the Moon's essence envelops you, a card of intuition, dreams, and the unconscious. "The Moon," she explains, "guides you to navigate by the light of your inner truths, through the shadows of uncertainty. It speaks to your ability to sense what cannot be seen, to hear what is not spoken. The path you walk is not on the physical plane but one that requires you to trust your instincts. The whispers of the spirits that you perceive, the secrets carried on the wind, are your allies in the darkness. Your affinity, though you view it as a curse, is a powerful guide through uncertainty."

Finally, as the presence of the Seven of Swords unfolds around you, its essence weaving a complex tapestry of caution and insight, the fortune teller's voice takes on a deeper, more serious tone. "The Seven of Swords," she begins, her words deliberate, "carries a warning of hidden dangers and indirect threats. It is a reminder that not all is as it seems. In the shadows of your journey, there are those who weave plots with threads of deceit, their intentions veiled behind masks of camaraderie and false goodwill." She pauses. "This card reveals the intricate dance of shadows you must navigate. The followers of darker paths, those who have blood on their hands, move silently around you. Their whispers are not of the spirits but of humans lost to darker desires. The spirits around you, attuned to truths that lie beyond the veil, will whisper warnings and guide your steps away from betrayal."

The fortune teller pauses, allowing the weight of her words to settle around you. "Your journey is one of profound transformation, guided by the unseen and the unheard. Embrace your affinity, for it is not only a bridge to the spirits but a lantern in the dark, revealing truths hidden from others. Trust in the journey, Míngzé, for the path you walk is yours alone, illuminated by the light of your own spirit."

As you leave the chamber, the readings linger with you, a beacon in the darkness. Perhaps, in embracing this part of yourself, you will find the completeness and peace you seek. With the spirits as your guides, you step out.

Character sheet
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????


It was the whole atmosphere that already sent a shiver down his spine. All of it felt too… real. People came in here expecting to hear the normal basic things. You will face some great difficulties but in overcoming those you will find inner strength. Lines of words that could be used for anyone. Yet once he sat down —and even before— there was this tingling, as if he already knew before she started that it was not a hoax. Then she talked, as if she already knew about the struggles he carried with him and he knew coming here was a mistake.

Cards were shuffled, Míngzé recognized the sound. But there was more than that. Almost as if the cards themselves were in a way speaking. He couldn’t help but stare at the woman’s hands while she was preparing for her reading. Already he was nearly holding his breath. He wanted out.

The cards were invisible to him, completely blending in with the darkness surrounding him. Yet, the first one ended up in his hand, guided by— something. That in and of itself was unsettling. The card was not any better.

Death. His breath got caught in his throat even before the fortune teller spoke. The affinity that was shaping his being, that was with him at every step. What he heard was not much better. —of what you are becoming. All color that remained on his face disappeared. The idea of change was terrifying. Especially since he knew it partially already happened. These feelings, these whispers, had changed, becoming clearer.

Míngzé felt how his hand slightly trembled as he reached for the second card, again that same pull guiding him straight to it. Moon. He had a faint understanding of what she said, of what her riddles meant. Words lay on the tip of his tongue, but he swallowed them immediately. Trust your instincts. Or rather. Trust your affinity. Listen to those things he more often than not ignores. Each day he tried to block them out to the best of his abilities, minus a minor slip up every now and then.

While Míngzé only needed to pull three, it felt like one to many. With a heavy heart, he reached for the final card, flipping them around. Seven of Swords. His eyes moved up towards the Fortune teller, waiting for what else she would confront him with. It was curious how he had a vague understanding of the card, each time he turned one over. Perhaps from all of them, this one had the most impact on him. Míngzé’s eyes widened as she continued. “What— what does that mean?” he heard himself say out loud, more to himself than to the Fortune teller herself. An unsettling dread had crawled deep into his bones.

He was in desperate need of fresh air, of being away from this place that felt too crowded. Once more his eyes shot up the moment she mentioned his name, almost as if she pulled him back from whatever place his mind was wandering off too.

Míngzé needed a moment before he could stand up and leave the place. Forgetting to even thank her for her time in his rush.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
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