
A surprise visit

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Lucina Roth
Messages : 642
IC Posts : 617

Lucina RothEnhanced Affinity
As she placed it in Ming's hand, he wondered what it was, but even she didn't know the name for it, only that she should give it to him and that he would know what to do with it. "It should help you relax." Was the only thing she told him. She was quite sure that most things that Yuan had given her helped with this and the wine had been proof of that already. At least it had had a relaxing effect on her, she just didn't realise what kind of effect it really had.

As Ming pushed her away from him she felt very confused. His words didn't make it any better for her, nor his red face. Why was he reacting like this? "What?" Her brain wasn't working properly. She tried to find the reason why Ming was acting like this, but she just couldn't understand it. She frowned, trying to form a question, one that would make this all clear to her. "What shouldn't we do?" Was what she ended up with. She had just thought about relaxing a little, making him more comfortable, nothing more than that. Did he just not like what she had given him? Maybe she should try something else, she had other stuff with her after all.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Luci
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Still figuring it out
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Míngzé held the small item in his hands, not sure what to do with it now that she had given it to him. This was wrong on so many levels. Even if this was what she wanted, they shouldn’t be doing this. He brought a hand through his hair once there was more distance between them. He could clearly hear the confusion in her voice, which did not make this any easier.

“This, all of this.” Míngzé gestured to her and then back to himself as he shook his head. How could he explain it to her in a way that made sense and would not hurt her feelings? It was difficult, especially since his head was a mess right now. “You should only do this with someone you like, you really really like,” he tried to explain, putting an emphasis on really. While they were definitely friends, it was not the same. He could also not blame her for any of this. As far as he was aware he was the first person she met that was friendly towards her. It was not strange if she developed feelings in any way, but it was his job to prevent it from escalating.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lucina Roth
Messages : 642
IC Posts : 617

Lucina RothEnhanced Affinity
She really didn't understand what he meant, especially not when he was talking about all she had done up to that point. She had just wanted them both to be comfortable and he hadn't pushed her away when she had grabbed his arm, so she didn't understand what had been wrong about that. Or had this all been wrong from the start and had she done something she shouldn't have? But people mostly celebrated their birthdays right? She would have liked the same for her own birthday if she had known when it was. "I don't get it," She told him honestly, she had no idea what she had done wrong.

He told her that she should only do this with someone that she really really liked, but who said that that wasn't the case? She did like him and the realisation brought some heat to her cheeks. "So is there nothing wrong with all this if I do really really like you?" She asked carefully, fully aware of the words she had just spoken, just not aware of what kind of impact they would have. The alcohol made her tongue looser than normal. She would have never said this if she was sober. Her throat was getting a bit dry, maybe she shouldn't leave the last bit of the wine for when the food would arrive. But for now she didn't do anything, just sat there quietly, waiting for his answer.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Luci
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Still figuring it out
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Whatever he was trying, it was not working. Míngzé tried to explain to her that this was wrong, trying to do so without hurting her in any way, but was that even possible? All she told him was that she did not understand and he clenched his jaw for a moment. To think this was all because Xīyuàn sent her over, probably telling her this was a good idea while it really wasn’t.

It also only got worse. Míngzé stared at her in silence as he felt uncertain about his next move. “Not exactly,” he decided to say. It felt like he was walking on thin ice, where he had to be careful about every step he took. Of all the days, why did she choose to do this today? Míngzé shook his head before rubbing his eyes. “I do like you, Lucina, but not in that way.” After the words were out, a sigh slipped from his lips, his expression troubled. It was best to be honest about that now, before this would escalate even further.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lucina Roth
Messages : 642
IC Posts : 617

Lucina RothEnhanced Affinity
She just didn't understand, not what exactly he meant with all this, why what she was doing was wrong. How this could have gone very wrong for her if it had been anyone else but Ming. His answer wasn't clear either, not at first. What did he mean with 'not exactly'? What part wasn't right? Or was still nothing about all of this right?

And then those words came, words that hurt more than she thought they would have. She was very much aware of what he meant with them and that meant she was a bother, wasn't she? She opened her mouth, tried to form words, but there was a lump in her throat preventing her from answering right away. Instead she grabbed the bottle of wine, emptying the last bit of it, hoping that it would help her. It would give her time, prevent her from saying things she wouldn't be able to take back.

She swallowed hard, placing the empty bottle back on the table and facing Ming. Which was a lot harder than it had been up to this point. "Sorry for bothering you then." She spoke barely audible. She grabbed the bag from the ground and stood up. She needed to get out of here before she started crying. It wouldn't be fair to Ming if she did it here. "Thanks for everything," And with those words she started to make her way to the door. As she opened the door, she came face to face with two pizza boxes. The guy attached to them looked down at her. "Your pizza's." She took them without saying anything and closed the door in his face. She kept standing there not knowing what to do now, she was afraid that if she tried to move or say anything that the tears would spill over, that the tiny bit of control she had over them would be gone.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Luci
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Still figuring it out
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

It was with a heavy heart that Míngzé said those words. He’d thought about letting it rest and pretend none of this ever happened, but that would not be fair. That was not something he could do to her so he told her the truth, even if that was not what she wanted to hear.

However, her next words caught him by surprise. His eyes widened as he looked towards her, his back straightening a little. “You weren’t bothering me,” he told her instantly. There was a hint of a lie, because that day he wanted to be alone, yet there she was. His words were futile as he noticed how she got up and grabbed her bag. Míngzé did the same, rising to his feet as she did but she was already walking away. “I appreciate everything you’ve planned for today, I really do.” Lucina had already opened the door once those words were out, only to come face to face with the delivery man.

Míngzé could hear how she closed the door once more. He did not move and only stayed near the couch as he faced her. It felt as if nothing he said could make it any better, so he waited for her to say something.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lucina Roth
Messages : 642
IC Posts : 617

Lucina RothEnhanced Affinity
She had wanted to be out the door and gone before things would go even more wrong, but the delivery guy had made sure that that wasn't an option anymore and that she was now left with two pizza's in her hands. How much she just wanted to leave, but that was no longer an option, not after the words he just said. She couldn't help but let out a laugh that turned in a sob, her control finally slipping as the tears started to fall. "You're not fair." She started, her voice breaking. "Don't act all nice now, it only hurts more." The ache in her chest was her proof for that. It thought that it might be able to have some hope before she would realise that that was not the case and that realisation would only hurt more.

Why had she let it come this far? She knew the answer. She had wanted just one person that would be on her side and had clung to him without herself even realising. How nice would it be if she could just forget him like her past? That would make this so much easier. "It would be so much easier if I could just forget everything like my past. Forget you, forget that anything like this ever happened. Then it wouldn't hurt like this." It would be so much better, than she wouldn't feel hurt like this. Somewhere she knew that Ming wasn't to blame for this, but the alcohol did its work and with the tears her final bit of control was gone. "Do you enjoy this? Turning me down and then acting all nice again?" For the first time since she had walked away she looked up at him, wanting to see his reaction. To see if he even cared or that it had all been a lie.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Luci
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Still figuring it out
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Míngzé stood nailed to the floor, keeping one hand on the couch next to him. This was an unwinnable battle. It had been from the moment he decided to have this conversation. Perhaps there had been a way for him to avoid this, but he had fucked up at some point. No, he knew exactly when. He took a deep breath in through his nose and out through his mouth as he listened to her. If she really felt something, then of course his words had hit her like a knife.

She talked about forgetting all of this. Míngzé opened his mouth to say something, only to close it again when he decided against it. Forgetting did not solve everything, it might even make things even worse than they already were. His gaze was directed at her while she kept talking, however he could not keep the frown of his head. “What? No, of course not. There is not a part of me that enjoys doing this,” Míngzé countered immediately, confused why she would even say that. “I don’t want to hurt you. I only want what’s best for you,” he spoke honestly while taking a step towards her.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lucina Roth
Messages : 642
IC Posts : 617

Lucina RothEnhanced Affinity
She didn't know what she was trying to lure out of Ming with her words, but it wasn't this meek answer. Not the perfect answer that he gave at least. Why did he keep being nice? When that wasn't what she needed right now. It would give her just the tiniest bit of hope and that wasn't right. "You want what's best for me?" She repeated his last words. Why couldn't he see that that just wasn't possible right now? "Acting nice is not helping with that." She should really stop, just head out the door, it would be better than staying here right now.

The moment he stepped closer to her, she held the pizza's out to him. "Here, I should leave." The moment he took the pizza's from her she would leave, before she said anything more. It wasn't fair to either of them if she kept dragging this on. She would just head out, go to the apartment she shared with Yuan where she would go to her room. It was the only place where she might have a safe haven now.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Luci
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Still figuring it out
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

There was no reason for him to be angry at her. It was him who had hurt her, even when that was not what he was after. With this subject, it was nearly unavoidable. If anyone had a right of being angry, it was Lucina and she was definitely just that. A silent sigh rolled over his lips. Míngzé felt defeated. “Then what do you want of me?” Had it been better to lie to her? Pretend there was something there, while it was not? All he would be doing was lie to himself and her. Which was not fair.

As Lucina announced that she should leave, she pushed the two boxes of pizza in his hands. It was clear that she did no longer want to stay here and if that was the case, he would not force her. His shoulders hung low, but he nodded. “I understand, I won’t keep you here if you don’t want to.” Míngzé held the pizza boxes in his hands as he waited for the sound of the door opening and closing. This day should not have ended like this.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lucina Roth
Messages : 642
IC Posts : 617

Lucina RothEnhanced Affinity
What she wanted was clearly impossible at this point, so there was only one thing she could do here and that was leave. "I don't know." What she really wanted was impossible, but what he could do beside that was something she didn't know. It just felt like nothing he would do would help here.

She had given him the pizza's, tomorrow she might regret not having tasted the pizza, but there was just no way that it was a good idea to stay here now. Her hand found the door handle and turned it, opening the door. "I guess this is goodbye then." She told him, feeling at this point that it might be final and that just hurt even more. She quickly walked out, before she could change her mind and closed the door behind her. Tears were still falling as she made her way out of the building and headed home, this day had been a mistake.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Luci
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Still figuring it out
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Goodbye. That is what she called it. Míngzé could understand it would be difficult for her to visit him after this. He could not imagine the feelings that would go through her. When he’d told her that he liked her, he meant it. It was only in a different way than she did and that was the problem. Hearing this was goodbye, hurt because of it.

Míngzé could hear the door opening, see the silhouette move a little. She was really leaving. “You know my door is always open for you.” It was important that Lucina knew this. Knowing her story, he could only imagine that life must be difficult. If she needed, he would be there for her even after this. With a deep sigh he sat down once more, the boxes on his lap. From the coffee table he grabbed his glass and raised it as if he was toasting, before emptying the whole thing in one go.

This was yet another reason to put on hist list as to why he did not celebrate his birthday.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
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